Extreme Demon

Chapter 316 Smooth 1

When Lu Sheng returned to the Chunyang Sect, the news was only circulated among the higher-ups. Regarding his deeds of infiltrating the Lin family in the county alone, no one seemed to know, and it had not been spread.

He was wearing the clothes of an inner disciple and was led by Fei Kongzi, all the way towards the Elder's Hall.

It seems that some kind of welcoming ceremony is being held in the Chunyang Sect. Many beautiful female disciples have been singled out and put on more gorgeous green gauze skirts and long swords. From time to time, female disciples can be seen in the open space on the roadside in neat rows. rehearse.

When Lu Sheng passed by, he took a few more glances and found that the rules of the Chunyang School were much stricter than those of the Song Dynasty School.

In other words, they have much stricter control over their disciples. Mentally, he is obviously more restrained and restrained.

Is it because the sect controls the method and territory of absorbing essence? he guessed in his mind.

Following Fei Kongzi, he came to the Elder's Hall. People were coming and going in front of the White Jade Hall. Many instructors came in and out, but disciples like him were rarely seen. Many coaches who came in and out looked sideways at Lu Sheng from time to time.

In the elder's hall, there is a secret meeting room.

There are a total of five elders from the Chunyang Sect, and four of them have arrived.

The Great Elder Yun Hanzhu, also known as Diabolo, is wearing a green bamboo leaf patterned robe and sitting quietly in his seat.

Most of the other elders were wearing black masks, and their faces could not be seen clearly. Only their rickety bodies could not be concealed and were exposed.

Yun Hanzhu looked at a few old friends and coughed: The Lin family's matter in Suyue County has been settled. Originally, I planned to send someone to test it. Unexpectedly, a new disciple helped us solve the internal troubles. .Have you found out the details of this disciple named Lu Sheng?

Several elders were silent.

Yun Hanzhu frowned. Shui Se, tell me.

An elder sitting on the right was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

The situation is very simple. Lu Sheng has been an orphan since he was a child. He grew up in the mountains of Suyue. He just came out of the mountains and doesn't even know how to write or speak. It is said that he lived in the mountains with a hunter for many years and has no common sense.

It's like we didn't check it. What use is this information? Are those disguised demons not the same kind of information? Another elder said with disdain.

I checked along the way. He first appeared in the forest near Suyue Mountain. A woodcutter saw him. There were also hunters who taught him the spoken language here. Elder Shuise said calmly.

This doesn't mean anything. The disguised spies of the Demon Army can also easily forge this kind of information. The elder seemed to be unwilling to deal with Shui Se, tit for tat. I have already checked it out. Although the origin of this Lu Sheng is unknown, the blood in his body has a very subtle special aura.

Oh? Which house does it smell like?

It seems to be fire or yang element. I can't tell which one is specific. It can't be the yin element of the demon world.

As long as he's not a spy from the Demon Army, it's fine. Since he has the bloodline qualifications, it's settled. We haven't selected a decent disciple for five years. In any case, the most capable one will win. This time, it will be between him and my grandson. Let’s go to the node and give it a try first.” The great elder set the tone.

What about the six previous pre-selections? Shui Se asked.

There are only a few of the best disciples in this batch. Let the two weakest ones make way for them. Resources must be provided to the disciples with the best qualifications first. The Great Elder said calmly.


As it should be.

All the elders nodded.

It's just, that newbie Wang Yunlong...? Shui Se suddenly felt confused.

Tongmai physique. The great elder frowned, Let the true disciples make room for them. They can stay at any time during normal times. Giving up such a small amount of time during the special training will not have much impact.

Yeah, that's right.

Lu Sheng waited outside the Elder's Hall for a while, but no one let him in, but soon Fei Kongzi came out and came over with a happy face.

Congratulations, junior brother, for getting the node spot!

Node quota? What is it? Lu Sheng didn't understand.

Let's go, let's talk while eating. Fei Kongzi's attitude was obviously more enthusiastic than before.

The two of them soon arrived at a restaurant outside Chunyang Pavilion, opened a private room and sat down. After drinking for three times, Fei Kongzi slowly said what a node was.

Junior brother, what I don't know is that this node is the gathering point where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth supplies more spiritual energy. It is the place with the most spiritual energy in the entire Chunyang Sect. It can greatly increase the speed of ordinary people's practice.

Aren't we all practicing together? Lu Sheng asked strangely.

But Fei Kongzi shook his head, That's not cultivation, that's training. Of course, true cultivation is most efficient when you are alone. You compete with others for spiritual energy every day. Unless the strongest few, the rest of you can't practice?

Lu Sheng nodded in understanding. The concentrated practice before was indeed for exercise.

So, what are nodes?

Nodes are spiritual formations. A limited number of spiritual energy gathering places. You understand it right. The concentration of spiritual energy is much higher than other places outside. Feikongzi explained. Anyway, if you can get a node, you are very lucky! There was also a hint of envy on his face.

People who can be assigned nodes are different from ordinary people. He shook his head and said no more. You'll know later.

Lu Sheng vaguely felt that he seemed to be coming into contact with the key points of the Great Yin system.


Thousands of miles away from Suyue County, in Qiuyue County, there is a small square courtyard underground.

In the underground cavity.

Several members of the Qiuyue County branch of the Dayin Qingluo Division are carefully looking for possible clues and signs in the surrounding area on a large oval ball that is as tall as a person and more than two meters wide.

Occasionally, there are dots of silver light shining on the big black ball.

A middle-aged woman with a black veil, a black outfit, a long white token on her waist, and two fish-skin gold thread daggers on her thighs, was leaning down to carefully touch a silver spot on the big ball. Spots of light.

The reaction that seemed like demonic energy before has disappeared now, right? she asked in a low voice. The voice is very strict and restrained, making people feel depressed and nervous as soon as they hear it.

It has disappeared. The demonic aura is very strange. It is not like the pure aura of the demonic army. It is not released to the outside. It is extremely restrained and non-polluting, so we were not able to detect it in time. Even the earthly performance ball could not distinguish it in time. A man in black with a veil said respectfully.

Then don't worry about him. Maybe he was solved by some passing expert. The woman said casually, Is the Chen family's case settled now?

The people from the Onmyoji Division have already solved it. There is no declaration.

What about the Wujiazhen case?

Also solved.

Are you quite capable? Onmyoji. The woman straightened up and smiled, Maybe there won't be much we can do in Qiuyue County this year, so everyone can relax.

I'm really not sure about this. Several members on the side laughed.

They are Qingluosi, the shadow force that truly monitors the world. They also specialize in solving all problems that cannot be solved by the forces on the surface.

The Great Yin system is divided into two parts: the army and the mysterious department.

The Mysterious Department is mainly composed of the Yin-Yang Department and the Qingluo Department.

These two huge departments cover every land in the entire Great Yin. General ghosts, wandering spirits, monsters, and weirdness can all be solved by the Onmyoji.

Only when they have no choice but to encounter a more terrifying and difficult case will the Green Luo Division take action.

For the masters of Qingluo Division, not having a case is the greatest happiness.

Okay, okay, let's all disperse. Go back to your homes and have a good rest. The masked woman smiled and clapped her hands.

All the members also smiled and dispersed, leaving from different exits.

Soon, only the woman and another girl were left in the entire cave.

Sister, the girl said softly to the woman after making sure there was no one around, The Fei family's case has come to light again.

The masked woman paused and fell silent.

The girl continued: The missing person this time is the third son Fei Mingyu. I have sealed the situation. How do you think we should handle it?

There was a moment of silence in the cave.

The masked woman didn't speak, she just stood there quietly, clenching her fists.

The case of the Fei family was a major case she had closed before. It was a strange case in which more than ten people disappeared one after another. There was no Yin Qi, no demonic Qi, and she didn't even know what caused it. Then it stopped inexplicably.

The superiors thought it was her contribution that led to the closure of the case. She did not deny it, and therefore received awards and considerable benefits.

In fact, she took the credit at that time and did nothing, but she got the biggest credit. And because of greed, she compiled a perfect report and sent it.

Now the situation has arisen again. Once the problem is discovered by the above, all her previous actions will become lies and deception. Once the truth is discovered

Thinking of this, the middle-aged woman shuddered.

It's difficult to handle in the city. You block the news first, isolate and evacuate the people, and let the Fei family move out. Use our own people to do it secretly.

The girl nodded, understanding what the eldest sister meant.


Chunyang School.

Lu Sheng packed up his things and was about to walk out of the house with the disciple who came to lead the way, when he met Zhong Yuan and his two men who had just returned from the cafeteria.

Large and small bags of packed gifts have been placed in the yard. They are all the medicinal materials, clothing, weapons and other belongings that Lu Sheng accumulated during this period.

Zhong Yuan was stunned when he saw Lu Sheng's posture.

Brother Lu, are you leaving?

Yes. Lu Sheng nodded. You just came back from dinner?

Yes. Zhong Yuan looked at Lu Sheng and saluted with complicated eyes, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Zhang Zhangrong seemed to have thought of something, his eyes dimmed for a moment, and then returned to normal.

Brother Lu is getting rich now. Don't forget the friendship we had when we lived in the same courtyard in the future! He joked with a smile.

If you have any questions, you can come to me. I will help you if you can. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Brother Lu is better, unlike Wang Yunlong, who is always undercover and doesn't know who has offended him. Zhang Kairong said dissatisfied.

Lu Sheng casually chatted with the two of them for a few more words before leading them out of the courtyard.

After re-entering the Elder's Hall, someone immediately came out to receive him and gave Lu Sheng a list, which recorded his newly allocated address and the share of new supplies he could receive each month.

Lu Sheng successfully moved into the new villa.

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