Extreme Demon

Chapter 315 Purpose 2

Lin Qiya and the two men suddenly looked ecstatic.

Lin family Lin Qiya has met Elder Yueying Zhuo! Lin Qiya quickly bent down and bowed respectfully towards the sky.

Amidst the sound of clothes fluttering, a white shadow fell from the sky, landed lightly on the wall, and looked down.

This man was clearly a white-haired old man with a face somewhat similar to Zhuo Tianyi. He originally had a smile on his face, but after he stood still and looked down, he suddenly felt a little uneasy.

His grandson Zhuo Tianyi was pressed to the ground by a pile of gravel from the wall, and only a few clothes hangings could be vaguely seen from the side.

And a young man in green clothes was standing on top of his grandson. It seemed that he had no idea that there was someone buried under his feet.

Who is Li Chongyang? Lu Sheng raised his head and looked at the old man.

God's will!!?? When the old man saw Zhuo Tianyi's miserable state, his eye circles immediately turned red, Shu Zi!! I originally wanted to save your life, but now you die!!

The old man swooped down in the air like a big bird, and black shadows swirled in front of him, then hissed and condensed on his hands.

Moonlight·Shattered Dragon!!

In an instant, a bright moonlight that was more dazzling than before suddenly bloomed from between the old man's hands, pressing hard towards Lu Sheng.

As soon as the moonlight came out, Lin Qiya and his son standing in the distance immediately felt cold all over, and their clothes were covered with a thin layer of frost.


The full moon slammed into Lu Sheng's position.

No name Nishiki.

Lu Sheng kicked the stone in front of him.

boom! !

The rock the size of a washbasin suddenly flew out and hit the moonlight directly in front of him at a terrifying indescribable speed.

The moonlight resisted for half a breath, and then it broke into pieces. The rock rolled and rotated at high speed, and hit the elder's chest hard in the horrified eyes.

Bang! ! ! !

Elder Zhuo flew far away, and after about four breaths, he heard a faint loud noise coming from afar. I don’t know where it fell.

Everything was quiet again.

Is there anyone else? Lu Sheng walked into the yard and looked around. The area was empty. Except for Lin Qiya and his son, no one else dared to stay.

The two father and son were trembling and didn't know what to say.

Who is that? That was the fourth elder of the Moon Shadow Sect! A master who was ranked among the top twenty in the entire Moon Shadow Sect was actually knocked away by the newly promoted inner sect disciple in front of him.

I heard that Lu Sheng was born with supernatural powers. Lin Qu only then remembered the information he had obtained from previous investigations. He was born with supernatural powers, but wasn't this too amazing? Generally, there is at least two levels of difference between inner disciples and sect elders, but they can actually get over it with just one innate divine power? ?

Mr. Wu, we cut off our arms by the pond in the backyard and asked Mr. Lu to go around this time. Lin Qiya finally lowered his head. He has always been a person who can bend and stretch. Even if the other person is as young as his own son, but the situation is like this, he should bow his head when he should, and it is meaningless to hold on to his strength.

Anyway, the other party has offended the Yueying Sect, and life will never be easy in the future. Just get through this moment first.

Don't hurt my dad!! Suddenly a slim and beautiful figure rushed out of the back room. Standing in front of Lin Qiya and the others.

The person who came was a beautiful girl who was no more than twenty-eight years old.

Almond eyes, willow eyebrows, cherry mouth, creamy skin, and a slender waist. Except for her breasts, which are not yet mature and full, the girl's hips and legs are also very curved. She already has a somewhat alluring and pure appearance at a young age.

Especially the black horse outfit she was wearing was soaked with sweat from running over, and it even highlighted many sensitive parts of her body.

Lin Xuan! You have nothing to do here! What are you doing here? Get out of here!! Lin Qiya and Lin Qu became anxious when they saw the girl running over. Lin Qu didn't know where he got the courage, so he opened his mouth and yelled at his sister.

I won't leave! Dad, brother, don't worry, even if I die, I will die in front of you! Lin Xuan said resolutely.

The long black ponytail hair behind her swayed, and she turned to look at Lu Sheng.

If you want to kill my father and my brother, kill me first!

She puffed up her attractive little breasts and stared into Lu Sheng's eyes without fear.

Lu Sheng also didn't expect that a bully family like the Lin family could actually come out with a beautiful girl who was not afraid of life and death.

There was a stiff smile on his lips.

Your courage is commendable. When I see you, I think of my sister at home.

Back then, she was just like you, as cute and as courageous. There was a trace of nostalgia in Lu Sheng's eyes.

He reached out his hand and gently stroked Lin Xuan's long hair, but the latter did not dare to move.

Can you please let us go and we will make compensation and apologize!! Lin Xuan gritted his teeth and tried to keep his body from shaking violently.

Lu Sheng looked at the girl in front of him, a softness flashed in his eyes. He remembered Lu Qingqing back then, that guy was just like her, always like to make his own decisions and do whatever he wanted.



Bang! !

He whipped Lin Xuan's waist with his whip leg, sending him flying and slamming into the pond on the side, causing a large splash of water, and a touch of blood slowly spread in the water.

After Lu Sheng said the last two words, he looked at the Lin family father and son, whose faces were distorted by anger.

Any last words? he asked casually.

Xuanxuan, you will suffer retribution!! Lin Qiya burst into tears and gritted her teeth with hatred.

Many people said that, but it's a pity that they are all dead. Lu Sheng smiled, stretched out his hand, pinched the other person's neck, and bent it gently.

The hatred in Lin Qiya's eyes slowly dimmed, and she tilted her head and fell to the ground.

Ahhhhh!!! Lin Qu rushed towards him like crazy, punching and kicking him.

But Lu Sheng grabbed his hair and smashed it against the right column.


The sound of a broken spine was heard, and Lin Qu spurted out a mouthful of blood and became motionless on the spot.

After killing the Lin family father and son, Lu Sheng turned around and walked towards the buried Zhuo Tianyi.

That's enough, Lu Sheng.

In the blink of an eye, several figures walked quickly outside the courtyard door. The one at the head was Fei Kongzi, the leader of the Chunyang Sect, and the other two were the two stewards of the Discipline Hall in charge of punishment. They were two middle-aged men who looked very thin.

It turns out it's Teacher Fei Kongzi. Lu Sheng quickly raised his hand, I didn't do anything! I saw this as soon as I came over. The Lin family kidnapped my friend. I originally planned to come to negotiate and see how we could solve the problem. People were exchanged, I didn’t expect it.”

No need to explain. People die when they die. It's just that you killed too many people. If you violate government regulations, you may be fined a large sum of money. Be mentally prepared. Fei Kongzi said nonchalantly. Compared with these, he was more interested in how Lu Sheng killed so many people. He also roughly knew the background of the Lin family. The Yueying Sect was a sect of similar size to the Chunyang Sect. The Lin family relied on the Yueying Sect. It was almost a fantasy for an ordinary inner disciple to fight against him alone.

So as soon as he received the news, he immediately brought people over to check to see if there were any violations of the sect's criminal laws.

A fine? Lu Sheng thought that he might be imprisoned or something, but he never expected that Fei Kongzi would have such a calm expression, as if killing a few people was not a big deal.

Oh, you may not know yet. Fei Kongzi grinned at Lu Sheng, Outer disciples and inner disciples all have quotas for killing civilians. Your quota is three per year. If you exceed it, you will be fined.

Killing quota. Lu Sheng looked at Feikongzi's expression of turning a blind eye to the corpse, and then looked at the usual gloomy faces of the two people behind him.

He finally understood the biggest difference between here and the Song Dynasty.

I also understand why so many people are desperately trying to squeeze into the sect's influence. It turns out that the roots are here.

The Lin family is backed by the Moon Shadow Sect. We have wanted to take action for a long time, but due to some special reasons, we couldn't take action. It's okay if you solve it now. This is a personal grudge between you, and even the Moon Shadow Sect can't find any reason to involve it. Feikongzi smiled. Besides, if this person doesn't die, there will be room for change, he pointed at Zhuo Tianyi.

So, what do I need to do now? Lu Sheng asked with a wink.

Let's first review whether you have violated the sect rules. If not, then follow me to the Hall of Heroes. The elders may need to re-examine your previous evaluation. Feikongzi's attitude at this time was exactly the same as when he guided everyone before. different.

Although they knew that Lu Sheng was born with supernatural powers before, no one expected that his powers would reach this level.

Congratulations in advance. The Great Elder has shown obvious interest in you. From the beginning when you started to take action until we arrived, we actually conducted a detailed review and evaluation of your performance during this period.

It's just a formality now, don't worry. Feikongzi smiled.

Really? Lu Sheng's heart moved slightly, realizing that the other party had been monitoring the situation here from the very beginning.

A group of men in Tsing Yi rushed in from behind Fei Kongzi and began to clean up the mess of the Lin family.

The two stewards of the Discipline Hall began to pretend to check around.

Lu Sheng and Fei Kongzi walked out of the courtyard and walked slowly in the direction of Chunyang Sect on the empty street.

Don't worry, the Wu family man is fine. You're here before the Lin family can do anything to him. Feikongzi smiled and said, Speaking of which, I didn't realize you were so strong before?

I have been very strong since I was a child. Ever since I killed a cow with one punch when I was three years old, I have known that I am not an ordinary person. Lu Sheng began to make up nonsense. After that, I made a living everywhere, looking for famous people everywhere and wanted to learn from them. , but unfortunately I have never found the type I want to learn. Until I came here and saw a master of the Chunyang Sect.

Oh?? Who is the master? Can you tell me? Feikongzi suddenly became interested.

Lu Sheng smiled and said, There's nothing to hide. I saw it on Suyue Mountain. She was a woman. At that time, she was encircling and suppressing a magic master named Demon Hand Scholar.

Oh?? I know who you are talking about. It should be one of the true disciples, Miss Wen Qingsu Wen! Feikongzi laughed and patted Lu Sheng on the back, You are lucky, look. When Miss Wen takes action to surround and suppress the Demon Hand Scholar, it will be a special battle that many disciples in the sect want to watch.

Then I'm really lucky. Lu Sheng saw from a distance a carriage with the Chunyang Sect's mark approaching, waiting for the two of them. I knew that my trip had really attracted the attention of the superiors of the Chunyang Sect.

I originally planned to kill the young man hiding in the pile of rocks, but it doesn't matter now.

A little guy who couldn't even be considered a bug would not be able to threaten him for a thousand years.


Everyone, remember to follow it with your heart number~Search for the author and scroll away to follow. Today I posted a summary of the combat power system. You can take a look at it. There are also many character cards, information, votes, etc. If you have any original and interesting ones, you can also send them to me. I will selectively release them if I have the opportunity. Come to Gongzhonghao to meet everyone~ By the way, this session is free.

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