Extreme Demon

Chapter 314 Purpose 1

Suyue County, Lin family compound.

Lin Qiya put his hands behind his back and quietly admired a picture of spring rain farming that he had hung on the wall. He was over fifty years old, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

Dad, the boy from the Wu family has been captured. How to deal with it? Lin Qu, the third young master of the Lin family, was still bandaged, but he was looking at his father with hatred on his face.

If it weren't for his family's connections this time, he would have really been arrested by the Chunyang Sect and suffered physical torture. Fortunately, the steward who arrested him was a man with a blind eye to money, and he was released in advance after receiving the money. Of course, being able to do this requires a lot of money.

The Wu family still has some energy. Isn't that what the new disciple of the Chunyang Sect is like? Let's take a look and see if anyone comes forward to intercede. If not, it's just a Wu family. You can handle it yourself. Lin Qiya said calmly. road.

Yes, I've checked it out. That Lu Sheng is just a newcomer, so there's nothing wrong with him. I'm sorry he doesn't dare to provoke my Lin family. Lin Qu, the third son of the Lin family, sneered. It won't be long before he will be eliminated. By then, there will be plenty of ways to deal with that person.

Don't miss the important business at home. Lin Qiya ordered.

Don't worry, dad, I won't make any mistakes. Unfortunately, if the second brother takes action, the guy hiding in Chunyang Sect can also be caught. Lin Qu was a little unwilling.

Your second brother has his own affairs to deal with, but he is on his way back. When he arrives, you can tell him yourself. Lin Qiya said casually.

Okay, let's find a chance. I heard that the fifth young lady of the Wu family was born well. Lin Qu licked his lips, his eyes showing an evil light.


Suddenly, the door to the side courtyard opened, and two tall, well-proportioned young men in well-dressed clothes slowly walked in.

Dad, third brother, come and meet my brother, Brother Zhuo Tianyi. The young man walking in front laughed loudly.

Lin Qiya and Lin Qu's eyes suddenly lit up and they looked towards the young people.

The young man in front is clearly Lin Hui, the second eldest son of the Lin family, and behind him is a gentle man in white.

This man has a handsome face, white and slender fingers, and a snow-white sword at his waist. He looks quite good-looking.

Second brother!


The two of them rushed to greet him.

Xiao Hui often mentioned you, brother Tianyi. Lin Qu smiled enthusiastically at the man in white.

Uncle, are you Xiaoqu? I heard Brother Hui mention you. Are you injured? The man in white nodded, looked at Lin Qu, slightly surprised, and then looked at Lin Hui inquiringly.

Lin Hui also noticed this at this time, and his face darkened when he saw the bandage on Lin Qu's body.

Dad, what's going on? Wasn't Xiaoqu fine a while ago?

This matter is just a minor matter. Xiaoqu can handle it by himself. A minor accident occurred. Lin Qiya shook his head and smiled, He just suffered the loss of lack of preparation.

It's okay, let's talk about it. I want to see if there are still people in this three-thirds of an acre who dare not give me the Lin family face? Lin Hui's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

In desperation, Lin Qu had to explain what he had encountered in detail.

After hearing this, several people laughed.

It took you a long time to fend off Uncle Ming by yourself, but you got beaten up? You should really learn a lesson this time. Lin Hui ruffled his brother's hair speechlessly.

I was just careless! Lin Qu's face turned red and he felt like he had lost all his dignity.

At this moment, there were bursts of hurried footsteps outside the yard, and several servants hurried in. Everyone was sweating profusely and their faces were pale.

Master, the young master is in trouble! That person from Chunyang sent that person to rush over!!

We have five good hands who can't stop us. One of us can confront him! The other person was also frightened and covered in blood.

Huh? Lin Qiya was stunned. Where's Uncle Ming?

Uncle Ming, the servant looked frightened, shook his head and knelt on the ground.

Lin Qiya frowned slightly and looked at her second son.

I came just in time. I just happened to be resting and wanted to stretch my muscles. Zhuo Tianyi, a man in white, smiled and patted the sword on his waist.

Then I'll trouble Brother Zhuo. Lin Hui said with a smile.

You're welcome, this little thing is nothing to worry about. The man in white turned and walked towards the door where the servant came.

One third of the clear dream returns behind the curtain, and ninety percent of the long smile turns into nothingness. Hahahaha, look at me like a dream. The sound of a sword. Boom! ! !

The side wall exploded with a bang, and a large pile of rubble and mud fell directly on Zhuo Tianyi.

In particular, there was a whole block of hundreds of kilograms of stone in the wall, which hit Zhuo Tianyi's waist like a cannonball. The stone was vaguely thick as it hit the ground, and the sound of broken bones could be heard.

Before Zhuo Tianyi could react, he was hit in the head by a large pile of rocks. He fainted on the spot and was buried on the ground.




Lin Hui and the others didn't know what expressions to make. Logically speaking, a master of Zhuo Tianyi's level shouldn't be knocked unconscious by such a small stone, but the fact is that he was knocked unconscious by accident. Now he is buried on the ground and his life and death are not known.

A large piece of gray-white gravel lay on the ground. At this moment, in the gap in the wall, a man in green clothes slowly walked in with a knife.

I just heard someone reciting poetry? The man's face was calm, and he looked no different from an ordinary young man, but his eyes were lifeless and profound, as if he looked at everything the same. There is also a sharp feeling that it is about to be pierced.

Is this the Lin family? The man's eyes swept around and soon settled on Lin Hui.

It's him!! One of the two servants who had returned before screamed in fright, stepped back and fell to the ground, pointing at Lu Sheng, who felt weak all over.

Not just him, there were many servants outside the broken wall pointing weapons at the man from a distance, but they didn't dare to get close.

Lin Hui licked his lips. He didn't expect Brother Zhuo to have such an accident. He would definitely laugh at him later.

A bunch of trash! Get away!! He kicked away the servant blocking the way, pulled out the big knife from his back, and strode towards the man.

As he stepped closer, his muscles all over his body tensed up, his true power began to rise, and the back of his hands gradually became covered with a layer of purple-black.

Moon Shadow Black Light, Unparalleled!!


He slashed out with his sword, and like a bright full moon, it instantly bloomed in front of the man, and the light of the sword struck towards the man's head.

The power of this knife can easily cut anything into two pieces even if it is separated by a wall. Lin Hui has tested this many times and it is considered one of his most commonly used starting moves.

On the surface, the full moon-like sword light seems to be the most dangerous, but in fact the real danger is the thin line-like black shadow below the sword light, which is the real murderous intention.

And there is a more critical point. No matter whether the opponent blocks the moonlight first or the shadow first, they must deal with both upper and lower fatal attacks at the same time.

Even being slightly slower will not work, they must be dealt with at the same time, otherwise once one side is slow, the faster side will instantly transfer all its strength and concentrate all its power on the other side to strengthen its offensive.

This is the insidious part of this move. It looks majestic on the surface, but in fact the hidden killing moves are interlocking, making it difficult for people to guard against.

Lin Qiya and Lin Qu, the father and son on the side, felt slightly relieved when they saw this scene. They had also seen the power of this sword. They once cut a war horse and the armored knight hiding behind it in two. It would be better if they avoided it. But once you can't escape

No name.

Suddenly a calm and low voice came from the sword light.

Then everyone saw a leg that rushed straight out of the sword light and kicked Lin Hui's chest hard from the front.

puff! !

His sternum made a cracking sound, his chest collapsed, his body arched, and flew upside down. The handle of the knife fell off and was thrown out, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

Everything seemed to be in slow motion. Lin Hui couldn't believe it. He actually lost? ?

In such a small rural place, he actually lost? ? ! !

His thoughts were fixed on the indifferent face of the man on the other side.

How did he avoid his own sword?

He didn't know, he only saw one leg, and that leg was very fast, stepping in through a gap he had never seen in his sword light, and then he was defeated, like a cloud and mist. An unimaginable force The terrifying power fell on his chest.

Bang! boom! !

Lin Hui flew backwards like a cannonball and crashed into the Lin family's main hall behind him. Soon there was a loud crashing sound of furniture being smashed.

Lin Qiya and his son opened their mouths wide, and when they were about to cheer, their voices were stuck in their throats, and nothing came out. I could only stare blankly at the man who walked in slowly.

I am Lu Sheng, who is the third son of the Lin family? Lu Sheng shook the knife in his hand.

You, you...!! Lin Qu's voice trembled for a while and he couldn't say a complete sentence. His face looked miserable, his legs were trembling, and he almost fell to the ground. If his father Lin Qiya hadn't supported him, he would have fallen down and urinated.

This, Mr. Lu, do you know who the two people you just injured are? What are their identities?? Lin Qiya was a person who had seen strong winds and waves after all. At this time, he forced himself to be calm and did not look around. Qin Qing had already escaped from the servants, but all his energy was focused on Lu Sheng.

I don't care who he is, but where is that boy from the Wu family? If he is handed over and each of you cuts off one of his hands, can we just forget about it? Lu Sheng said with a slight frown.

You!! Lin Qiya's eyes widened immediately, completely unexpected that a new disciple of Chunyang who had entered the inner sect with special talent would dare to speak so loudly.

Mr. Lu, my son is a disciple of the inner sect of the Moon Shadow Sect. It is true that you are an inner sect, but the former Young Master Zhuo is the only grandson of the fourth elder of the Moon Shadow Sect.

What the moon is in the shadow of the sun, I don't understand what you are talking about. Hurry up and get someone to cut off your hand. Don't let me do it myself, otherwise I will accidentally kill a few of them. Don't blame me for not reminding you. Lu Sheng was a little impatient. .

Lin Qiya was so angry that her whole body trembled, and her chest felt so tight that she almost vomited blood. Yueying Sect is the most recent martial arts sect that is as famous as Chunyang Sect, but this person in front of me actually...

Hehehehe! What a loud tone! Young man, even Li Chongyang wouldn't dare to speak like that in person.

Suddenly an old voice came from afar in the air.

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