Extreme Demon

Chapter 313 Guess 4

In the early morning, the morning sun slowly revealed its peak, and the originally gray sky suddenly turned red, and most of the sky was dyed light red.

According to the records of the exercise, Lu Sheng stood in the crowd and visualized the image of the rising sun, which vaguely overlapped with the scene in reality.

This is a very difficult process, because the process of visualization completely coincides with the rising speed of the rising sun in reality.

During this process, slowly adjust your breathing, keep visualizing, and absorb every trace of the so-called purple energy.

But Lu Sheng understood the mystery, so naturally he wouldn't be so rigid.

Following the order of the exercises, he separated out a trace of essence of the same quality as the others and blended it into the small lake of essence above his head.

Then a golden thread generated by visualization rises up, controls this golden thread, and unscrupulously plunders the essence of other people around him.

Compared with him, the others seemed to only follow the Shaogong method to visualize without knowing the key points. Even the golden thread that cleared the air could not catch up with Lu Sheng, and only absorbed a little bit of essence. The rest were all All the parts were sucked off by him.

The golden thread flew back to Lu Sheng's head and disappeared into it.


He took a long breath and immediately felt a pure and cool energy condense rapidly in his body and began to circulate slowly in his blood vessels.

Not meridians, but blood vessels.

Has Chaoyang Yi Qigong been mastered? Lu Sheng opened his eyes and felt a slight difference in his body.

When that zhenqi circulated, it gave him an inexplicable sense of mental coolness.

This true energy can actually have a nourishing effect on the spirit? Lu Sheng was quite surprised.

After the morning class, everyone went to have lunch again. Zhong Yuan was still chattering non-stop. Zhang Kairong always came over to talk to Zhong Yuan shamelessly. Chen Fengnan looked disappointed and seemed to be not going well.

Lu Sheng sat aside and ate the food silently. Now that he had absorbed most of the energy alone, his body actually felt an inexplicable feeling of satiety. He felt full after just a few bowls of food.

Brother Lu, what kind of food do you want? I'll get some food and call you over by the way? Zhong Yuan stood up and asked pretending to be nonchalant.

Lu Sheng put down the bowl and glanced at her.

No, I'm full.

Okay, what about you two? Whatever you want, I'll come with you. Zhong Yuan is from a wealthy family, has no airs, and is a friendly person. Even with this small amount of money, few people are polite to her.

The other two people also saw that she had a crush on Lu Sheng.

In fact, Lu Sheng's facial features can only be considered above average, mainly due to his cold and stern temperament, strong body, and his apprenticeship as an artist, so he has extraordinary skills, so it is natural that Zhong Yuan has some affection for him.

What only made the two of them a little bit jealous was that Zhong Yuan got up early every day and ran to wake Lu Sheng up. If anything happened, he would notify Lu Sheng as soon as possible. But after so long, more than a month, there was still no response from the other party.

After eating, when walking back from the cafeteria, several people happened to bump into Wang Yunlong who had just come out of his residence.

This gloomy man was whispering something to a steward in the party. Standing outside his wooden house, his expression changed, as if he was hesitating.

Disciple Tongmai. It is said that he is a pervert who can produce Qi in one day! Zhang Zhangrong said slightly jealously.

You can't compare people. The gap is huge. Zhong Yuan shook his head and said, Let's go back.

Several people went back to their residences, except Lu Sheng, who stood alone in front of the wooden house, looking up at the pale golden shield in the sky, thoughtfully.

He roughly understood the techniques, and the next step was to try more advanced techniques to see if there was anything special about them.

What attitude and method should be used to integrate into Da Yin is something he needs to consider.

The rules here are more cruel than those in the Song Dynasty. If you are not careful, you may be swallowed to the point where no bones are left. The reason why the sect here accepts ordinary people is obviously to gather enough energy. Going up such a level, the energy gained by those at the top is simply unimaginable!

But, since the true energy here is formed by absorbing other people's essence and can also be connected to the spirit, can this property be the same as the feminine inner energy, and can be used as a substitute for spiritual power to improve cultivation?

Lu Sheng tried to open the modifier, but he still had some spiritual power and not much true energy. According to the subtle feeling when he used the treasure bottle energy to replace the spiritual power, before the modifier took action, he mobilized all the true energy to replace it. A modifier that injects Bao Ping Qi into the chest.

As long as he moves quickly, with Lu Sheng's current control, he can inject the true energy into that mysterious chest cavity first.

What he modified was an ordinary external skill that he had memorized before. In just a few breaths, the box blurred for a moment and then became clear again.

Lu Sheng glanced at the displayed content.

It's done. It can indeed be done. It was not what he expected. True qi is indeed a feminine inner qi, and can completely replace the spiritual power to modify martial arts.

The zhenqi that had just been absorbed was completely consumed, with not a trace left, but Lu Sheng was not worried, he just felt strange.

If the nature of this true energy is really to nourish individuals with the power of everyone, then population should be the key to Da Yin. There is such a huge gap in national power between Da Yin and Da Song. Why didn't Da Yin send troops to invade Da Song?

There was nothing to do in the afternoon. Chaoyang Yiqigong needed to be practiced early in the morning, so he went to the library. Pull out the books that he has permission to read.

It didn't take long to find the answer.

Unlike the demonic disasters in the Song Dynasty, there were also demonic disasters in the Great Yin. And it's on a much larger scale.

Words like the Four Pillars of the Demon Realm and the Demon Emperor continue to appear in the classics, unabashedly announcing to everyone who wants to know the truth that the Great Yin is in the flames of war anytime and anywhere.

What Da Song faced was only the Demon Lord, but what Dayin faced was actually the Demon Emperor.

Lu Sheng was shocked in his heart and continued to read. It contained dense records of the continuous fierce battle with Demon Emperor Vera.

There are three battlefields where the Great Yin and the Demon Realm are fighting. These three places continuously consume the Great Yin's national power, and also restrain the power of the Demon Emperor Vera, preventing him from polluting the human world.

Under the suppression of the war master, Dayin and the demon emperor's army in the demon world have been at odds with each other for nearly a thousand years.

It seems that the Great Song Dynasty is a means for the demon world to invade the human world from the side. Lu Sheng understood slightly.

He continued to browse through the information, but found no other useful information. It was already evening when we left the library.

Lu Sheng was thinking about something in his mind and walked slowly along the way back.

The Taoist palace at night is like a black lantern with many holes, and tiny bits of yellow light shine through the gaps between the buildings.

The night breeze was blowing, and you could still vaguely hear the sound of someone practicing in the hidden mountains and forests. The aroma of some barbecue wafts from a distance.

Lu Sheng sniffed, feeling a little nostalgic for the barbecue on Earth. He quickened his pace, just like other disciples coming out of the Library Pavilion, with a slightly tired look on his face without any flaws.

Instead, they bumped into Wang Yunlong, who had just approached. This young man with a gloomy face also saw Lu Sheng, but neither of them expressed anything.

Wang Yunlong had always disliked Lu Sheng. The man in front of him seemed to have never taken him seriously. His eyes were clearly looking at him, but it was no different than looking at a stone.

It's just that they didn't mess with him, so he couldn't say anything, and he was still a neighbor.

The two of them passed each other without saying a word.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Lu Sheng successfully developed Qi sense and became an inner disciple. The disciples who came for the test were not surprised. The disciples in this area have such potential and qualifications.

During the move, several of the companions who were with us passed the Qi-sense test within three days. Only Chen Fengnan, who had not developed Qi-sense yet, felt a little disappointed as he watched the others move. Zhong Yuan wanted to comfort him, but didn't know what to say. Zhang Kairong went up to give her a shoulder like a mischief, and was opened by him. The two began to fight again.

Lu Sheng looked at the two of them quietly, expressionless.

In the past few days, he had observed carefully and found that the light golden shield on the top of his head seemed to have a different function. It’s not just about absorbing essence. It seems to contain extremely complex structural symbols.

Presumably, after successfully becoming an inner disciple, you will be able to see more permission information.

The three of them moved to a courtyard deeper in the Taoist Palace. There were many courtyards of the same size around, and all three of them lived together.

Then there was the morning class again, but the location was changed and the number of participants was smaller. There were only a few dozen people. There are several locations for morning classes, one of which is in a main hall similar to an alchemy room. A strong bonfire burned in the center of the hall, and a man named Fei Kongzi became their new guide.

This time, the dozens of people are all qualified people. They exude more energy, but the competition is also more fierce.

Golden threads kept rising into the sky, flying around and colliding with each other, some shattered and became smaller, and some swallowed and grew larger.

Zhong Yuan and Zhang Kairong persevered very hard. There were many people here who were better qualified than them. If you were not careful, you would get nothing from just one practice. On the contrary, some energy will be lost.

Lu Sheng didn't devour it randomly this time. He just pretended to be one of the strongest golden threads, stuck to himself, and occasionally swallowed some essence.

The second skill was also taught, and its name was Sifang Lian Yuan Gong.

Unlike Chaoyang Yi Qigong, this one can be practiced at any time, day or night. Then the Fighting Pavilion was opened, which taught how to fight with others. There are also classic books and photo walls for various skills.

Lu Sheng went there once and never went back. To him, the skills were all very similar.

After the morning class, as an inner disciple, you have an opportunity to choose the direction of practice. Lu Sheng has basically understood all the information and achieved his goal. I have no intention of continuing to hang out in the Chunyang Sect.

He packed up his belongings and prepared to leave here after a while. But what he didn't expect was that two strangers suddenly came to the door. They immediately contacted Lu Sheng, who was practicing real skills in the room through the disciples of the sect.

Did something happen to Wu Quansheng?

Lu Sheng was not surprised how the other party found him. He had become an inner sect disciple and the list was posted and hung in front of the doors of each branch of the Chunyang Sect. This was probably how the two people found him.

He frowned and looked at the two men in front of him. These two originally strong young men now had their right legs and feet broken and were limping.

The eldest young master, the eldest young master, was captured by the Lin family!! One of them roared in a tearful voice.

Mr. Lu, the eldest young master finally told us to look for you, but I was blocked one after another on the way here. The old lady is also seriously ill in bed. Another person also had red eyes.

Has Wu Quansheng reported my name? Lu Sheng said calmly without raising his eyelids.

Although he only had a casual acquaintance with Wu Quansheng, he also had a good impression of this young man who was eager for public service and righteousness, so it wouldn't hurt to help him as long as it didn't cause any serious problems.

Reported. The other party said they are waiting. A man paused and said harshly.

Lu Sheng nodded.

He was worried that he had no excuse to occupy his own territory, but now, the opportunity came to his door. It just so happened that I also reminded the Chunyang Sect’s senior management here of my ‘talent’.

He planned to show off his 'unparalleled talent' first and use his true skills to cultivate a massacre, and then after attracting the attention of the Chunyang Sect's senior officials, it would be best to select him as the first disciple and send him to the higher-level sect. In this way, you can also come into contact with more secrets of the martial arts system here.

I heard that the original popular candidate for the first disciple was the grandson of Grand Elder Chunyang, but there was no way he could block his way. I can't help but feel sorry.

He doesn't have time to slowly pass the qualifications at the bottom.

As for whether the Great Presbyterian Church would interfere with his own affairs, Lu Sheng was not worried. If he did, he would be killed.

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