Extreme Demon

Chapter 312 Guess 3

Human pile.

Or human tree. As the name suggests, people are used as trees, planted one by one, allowed to grow and grow, and then bear fruit.

When Lu Sheng thought of this possibility, he vaguely felt a vague aura rising from the people around him.

This aura is like mist and smoke, ethereal and ethereal. If it weren't for his extremely strong sense of demonic energy and other energy, he wouldn't be able to feel it at all.

Lu Sheng raised his eyes and saw that everyone around him, even Cheng Kongzi on the edge of the cliff, was exuding some inexplicable aura.

All the breath condensed into a blurry lake above the head, rippling and flowing.

This is...!? Lu Sheng stared closely at the small lake.

The colorless and transparent aura lake covered the heads of everyone present, just like a real liquid lake, stirring up ripples from time to time.

Now, visualize the rising sun, absorbing thousands of rays of rays of light. Cheng Kongzi made a voice at this time.

After a while, as soon as the words fell, a golden thread rose up from the heads of some people below. Golden threads shot into the small lake above, sucking the mist everywhere like snakes.

Some people were indifferent. There was faint gold floating on the top of their heads, but it could not be condensed at all. After a few times, it was forcibly broken by other golden threads and sucked and digested.

Sure enough. Lu Sheng was secretly shocked. As he expected, the people and practitioners here were more cruel than those in the Song Dynasty.

In the Song Dynasty, people without qualifications and blood could only live an honest and stable life as ordinary people.

The Great Yin here plunders other people's essence and strengthens itself. The strong becomes stronger and the weak becomes weaker. The gap between classes is even greater.

He vaguely saw that Cheng Kongzi swallowed the most smoke. He swallowed almost half of the entire small lake, and the rest was eaten by qualified disciples.

The so-called qualified people are only one tenth.

The morning class ended quickly.

Zhong Yuan and others are all qualified. Although they haven't felt Qi yet, they can already feel something strange in their bodies, so everyone is looking forward to it and excited. They stood together in high spirits, discussing something anxiously in a low voice.

The rest of the people without the golden thread were mentally exhausted and looked like they had been tired for a long time.

Lu Sheng stood alone, looking up at the sky.

A layer of pale golden shield appeared faintly over the entire Chunyang Sect. Before, he thought it was a huge protective formation formed by the Chunyang Sect, but now when he looked at it again, he realized that it was an essence absorption formation. .

This formation will absorb all the essence of the living creatures below at all times.

It's such a cruel world. When he originally joined the faction, all he saw was a harmonious and peaceful scene. But now that I know the truth, I suddenly realize how vicious the Chunyang Sect is.

But then he thought about it, he was afraid that these practitioners themselves might not know what the essence of this technique was.

The strong sucks the weak, the weak sucks the weaker, and the weaker sucks the ordinary. Ordinary people will be weaker if they fail to practice martial arts.

Brother Lu, how are you? Do you have that numb and itchy feeling? Zhang Zhangrong came closer and asked softly.

Lu Sheng ignored him.

Brother Lu will naturally not have any problems. Isn't it unnecessary to ask this? Zhong Yuan spoke for Lu Sheng.

You can directly become an inner sect within three days if you feel strong. Chen Fengnan was a little nervous, but more confident and expectant. We, the inner disciples of the Chunyang Sect, have always had a fixed number of one hundred and thirty-two. We take assessments once a year to eliminate the weak and promote the strong. Just having a sense of Qi is not enough. Do you want to learn some martial arts for self-defense?

Several people were discussing random topics while rushing back. It was approaching noon and it was time to have lunch.

Lu Sheng, however, still recalled in his mind the scene of the light golden shield that filled the sky just now.

If his guess is correct, the actual situation in Da Yin is even more cruel than that in Da Song.

After lunch, he did not go back to take a nap. Instead, he pretended to be taking a walk and came to the Logistics Hall on the side of the Taoist Palace.

This is the area for cooking, doing chores, fetching water and other chores. New disciples with average qualifications will also be assigned here to do chores first.

If you can generate the sense of Qi, you are qualified to become a disciple. No matter whether you are an inner or outer disciple, at least you will not be a handyman. If you cannot generate the sense of Qi, then you can only be a handyman.

Lu Sheng passed by the kitchen area first. From outside the yard, he could see many people busy carrying water and cutting firewood. It was very lively.

He was dressed in a clean and tidy Tsing Yi outfit, which made him look a bit eye-catching in this smoke-heavy area.

Lu Sheng left before anyone came up to ask him what was going on. Then he passed through the Discipline Hall, the Supply Hall, the Alchemy Hall, and finally reached the Root-Seeking Hall at the end.

The front of Xungen Hall was deserted. Only occasionally could one see disciples who were looking lost and lost their minds walking out of it. These disciples walked out of the Dao Palace with their baggage on their backs under the watchful eyes of the guards.

No! No! I don't want to leave!! Someone could faintly hear screaming in the hall.

Then let's do the chores. Once you have mastered Qi Sense, you can enter the outer gate. A calm female voice came from it.

Lu Sheng stood at the door, and soon saw several lost disciples in gray clothes helping each other out. One of them was a girl, her eyes were swollen from crying, and her knees were full of blood. She was being supported by her companions, her face was pale. Biting her lower lip. It was obvious that the sound was most likely hers.

Several people also saw Lu Sheng standing outside and noticed the green clothes and logo on his body. Envy and awe flashed in their eyes, and then they quickly lowered their heads, fearing that others would see the complicated emotions in their eyes.

Lu Sheng squinted his eyes and saw these people passing by him and walking away into the distance.

He looked around, turned around and left slowly.

In the afternoon, it was supposed to be the time to continue practicing the true skills and strive to develop the sense of qi, but Lu Sheng didn't care. He had already mastered that kind of qi. It was a variant of the inner qi he usually practiced. Bi Nei Qi is purer and more powerful, but its essence is still inner Qi.

This kind of qi is called qi by people here, but its full name is true qi. To distinguish it from the inner qi cultivated by ordinary internal skills.

True qi is stronger than inner qi, but not as good as qi liquid, nor as good as demonic qi and demonic essence. It is considered an intermediate energy.

But what shocked Lu Sheng was that this way of cultivating Qi was actually the result of robbing other people's Qi.

He left the Logistics Hall and left the Dao Palace alone.

The Chunyang Party has never placed any restrictions on the freedom of its disciples. They can leave whenever they want and come back whenever they want. It is probably because they are sure that no one is willing to leave here, so they are so lenient.

Lu Sheng followed the address he knew before and went all the way to Suyue County. In a busy area, he found Wu Quansheng's Wu family mansion.

Along the way, he could feel that there was something wrong with the way the passers-by looked at him.

Envy, awe, fear, all kinds of complicated sights were mixed together, and Lu Sheng felt like a spotlight for the first time, with all the light shining on him from all directions.

It can be seen that this Chunyang sect's clothes have an influence on ordinary people.

In front of the Wu family's mansion, two doorkeepers were leaning lazily, yawning and chatting. As soon as they saw Lu Sheng approaching, they quickly stood up. Then they saw carefully that Lu Sheng had the Chinese characters Chun Yang embroidered on his body. , the two of them squeezed out two flattering smiles on their faces, and took the initiative to get closer.

It turns out that Mr. Chunyang has arrived. I wonder why he came here? He is looking for my master. He has gone far away today and has not come back yet. A servant said first to please.

The door opened behind him, and a faint figure trotted to inform the people in the mansion.

I'm looking for Wu Quansheng. Lu Sheng said calmly.

The eldest young master failed the exam again. How do you know him? A servant suddenly couldn't help but muttered, and was immediately interrupted by another person pushing him.

Right now, please wait a moment, we will notify the young master right away!

Lu Sheng was led into the mansion. Before he reached the main hall, he saw Wu Quansheng trotting over in a hurry, his face flushed. Before he arrived, he bent down and bowed to Lu Sheng.

Brother Lu! Thank you very much for your help before!

It's just a little effort. Lu Sheng said calmly. I came here because I want to ask you something.

If the younger brother knows anything about the elder brother, he will never hide it! Wu Quansheng said excitedly.

It can be seen that he is very happy. He has failed the rankings consecutively. His status in the family has also plummeted. Compared with the initial level of attention, he is much worse.

Now Lu Sheng, a selected disciple of the Chunyang Sect, came to him, which also greatly improved his status in the family.

The two entered Wu Quansheng's small courtyard. The servant served dried fruits and other snacks, and then brought two cups of sour plum soup to relieve the heat.

Brother Lu, if you have any questions, just say it. As long as it can be done, I, Wu Quansheng, won't say anything and will definitely help you with all my heart! Wu Quansheng mistakenly thought that Lu Sheng came to borrow money, but after all, he usually came to him Almost all of them borrow money.

I'm not borrowing money. Lu Sheng said casually. I just want to inquire about a few things.

Inquiring about the situation? Brother Lu, tell me. Wu Quansheng said solemnly while sitting at the front.

Don't worry, it's nothing confidential. I just want to ask. Chunyang Sect recruits new disciples every time. Many disciples are eliminated every year. What is the situation of these eliminated disciples? Do you know? Lu Sheng Seriously.

Eliminate the disciples. Wu Quansheng looked stunned, On the journey of cultivation, if you don't make progress, you will retreat. It's like sailing against the current. If you succeed, you will embark on the high road. If you fail, of course, if you continue to practice hard if you can't cultivate the sense of Qi, then it will have a bad impact on yourself. The bigger they are, they are probably either dead or most of them are weak and weak.”

Weak and weak?

Yes, the practice before the sense of qi is exhausted is a waste of oneself. Only after cultivating the sense of qi can one repay one's shortcomings, fill one's true life, and restore one's lifespan. This is not only the Chunyang sect, but also many in the distance. Several sects are the same. Wu Quansheng said seriously. To be honest, I have been to other sects to become disciples, but I have always been stuck at this level. If I hadn't been from a relatively well-off family, and I had taken a lot of supplements, nourished my body, and practiced external skills, I would have been weak due to the depletion of my body in cultivation. It’s unbearable.”

Can Qi Sense be practiced alone? Lu Sheng asked again.

I don't know about this, but it's the same for several sects. You must practice in the place designated by the sect in the early stage, otherwise it will be useless. After generating the sense of Qi, you can probably practice alone. But without the spiritual land, the progress will be very slow. Wu Quansheng answered road.

He was a little strange, weren't these things common sense? Brother Lu asked if there was any special purpose in asking these? He had no way of knowing.

I understand. Lu Sheng nodded, If you have any trouble, you can come to the Chunyang Sect to find me.

Uh Wu Quansheng was stunned for a moment, and immediately saw Lu Sheng turn around and leave the yard, walking towards the distance. He also wanted to ask how he would find him when the time came, with so many people from the Chunyang Sect.

But Lu Sheng didn't give him a chance to ask at all. The figure obviously didn't move fast, but disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Returning to the Chunyang Sect, Lu Sheng also began to formally practice Chaoyang Yi Qigong.

Early the next morning, he and everyone else had a group morning class on the edge of the cliff.

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