Extreme Demon

Chapter 311 Guess 2

After the farce ended, several of Wu Quansheng's guards had no shame in staying where they were and ran away early. Wu Quansheng also stood behind Lu Sheng with his head lowered and sullenly.

If Lu Sheng hadn't taken action just now, his right leg would have been broken by the strong man.

Brother Lu, thank you just now. When he recalled the force Lu Sheng had just hit him with, he immediately understood that Lu Sheng was an apprentice in art. There are not many such people, but there are quite a few, and most of them are older types. Lu Sheng is in his twenties and should also fall into this category.

Okay, okay, go get in line. Lu Sheng was too lazy to pay attention to this little brat. It was a good thing to like making friends, but accepting all friends without distinction would be a recipe for death.

What happened this time is a lesson. If he can wake up and come back, that will be okay. If we don't wake up, there won't be that many people to help us if something goes wrong.

Wu Quansheng said nothing more.

But soon another person from the Chunyang Sect came in front. He was a young man with a sword. He looked to be the same age as Lu Sheng.

He walked directly to Lu Sheng.

Did you take action just now? The power is pretty good. Innate divine power?

Lu Sheng nodded.

Well, don't wait in line and come with me. The young man said with a smile.

Lu Sheng knew that he had attracted the attention of Chunyang Sect just now. I followed this person out of the queue and walked directly to the registration point at the front.

The person who signed up was a middle-aged woman with wrinkles on her forehead. Her attitude was also very gentle. She first smiled at Lu Sheng, and then asked softly.

May I ask your name?

Lu Sheng.

The way of the road? The victory of victory?


What's your place of origin?




Questions were asked one after another, and Lu Sheng answered them quickly. Naturally, the information had been compiled long ago. Soon after the registration was completed, he was led aside by the young man and stood with a few people who had already passed.

This level is mainly about the review of information and rough screening.

Soon Lu Sheng saw Wu Quansheng and took his seat in the queue. The test process consisted of a brief inquiry about information and a general qualification test.

The so-called qualification test is that the person at the registration desk stretches out his finger, touches the applicant's hand, and then it's done.

Lu Sheng could clearly feel a subtle energy like internal energy entering the subject's body.

Wu Quansheng looked anxiously waiting for the results.

And the ending is still the same, no.

Next one. The Chunyang faction continued to shout without even looking at him.

Wu Quansheng walked out disappointed, looked at Lu Sheng, shook his head bitterly, and walked away into the distance.

Lu Sheng didn't express any expression of his disappointment and departure. The world is like this. There is no inherent fairness. Countless people are eliminated at the starting line every day.

After some testing, more and more people passed. Soon there were twenty people.

A woman from the Chunyang Sect stood up and saw that the number of people was almost there, so she led the twenty people out of Sanguo Lake and walked along the lake towards the nearby mountains and forests.

Lu Sheng followed the team, memorizing the route around them. Soon a group of people came to a Taoist temple in the forest. Then they walked in one by one, and a white-robed Taoist priest who looked extremely old tested his so-called memory ability.

The old Tao teaches a set of movements similar to gymnastics. There are ten movements in total. He only teaches them once. The level of learning that can be achieved is determined by the level of qualifications.

For other people, this action was obscure and difficult to understand, but for Lu Sheng, it was easy to remember it clearly.

However, his purpose is not to enter here to show off his power, but to systematically accept the training of Chunyang Sect.

From literacy, to various skills, customs, customs, taboos, etc. Finally, there is the purest martial arts passed down.

Passing the second stage easily, Lu Sheng ranked in the top four.

Then came the third level, actual combat. After Lu Sheng relied on his ‘natural power’ to slap down two senior brothers, this test ended prematurely for him.

Lu Sheng needed to systematically learn everything here from scratch, so he directly reported that he was illiterate. Then he was arranged to leave the Taoist temple and go to a huge Taoist palace deep in the mountains and forests.

After entering the Dao Palace, he was quickly assigned to Mengtang.

That was a place specially designed to teach writing lessons to disciples like him.

Soon, more than a month passed in the blink of an eye.

Lu Sheng initially mastered the writing system commonly used in the entire Great Yin, and then read a lot of various geographical legends, rumors and biographies in the library. I also probably have a certain understanding of Da Yin. His first goal was also achieved.

Next, it was time to officially teach the Chunyang Sect's techniques.

Boom, boom, boom.

There was a gentle knock on the wooden house.

Brother Lu, it's time for the morning class to teach you the exercises. A cautious shout came from outside the door.

Lu Sheng was sitting on the bed, with a faint black energy billowing all over his body. Hearing the sound, the black energy all over his body suddenly trembled, all of it went towards his nostrils, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving nothing behind.

Is it Zhong Yuan? You go first, I will be there soon. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Zhong Yuan and four others were his neighbors who were assigned to the same place. A group of five people happened to be all disciples with special abilities.

Lu Sheng is born with supernatural power, Zhong Yuan is born with speed, and Zhang Kairong and Chen Fengnan are both born with thick skin.

The last person, Wang Yunlong, has a body that connects meridians. Compared with Lu Sheng and others, this Wang Yunlong is more favored by the Chunyang Sect and others. One month after they started, while they were still doing basic exercises, Wang Yunlong had already begun to strengthen his body, soak in medicinal soup, and practice external skills. No one can be seen here and there. It is said that he will be accepted by the elders.

After Zhong Yuan waited for a while, he saw Lu Sheng open the door and come out. She was a generous and carefree person, and she didn't care if a girl took the initiative to knock on the man's door. The two of them joined the other two.

The four of them walked towards the morning class together.

Zhang Zhangrong was a cheeky guy who was very good at making jokes. He would joke with Zhong Yuan from time to time, and even got beaten a few times without taking it seriously.

Another person, Chen Fengnan, also added a few words from time to time. The three of them chatted animatedly, while Lu Sheng walked behind without saying a word, minding his own business.

His temperament is like this. The three people in front of him have known each other for a month. Only Zhong Yuan will turn his head and say hello to Lu Sheng from time to time to avoid neglecting the other party.

Lu Sheng was currently sorting out what he had learned over the past month.

Through insinuations and reading miscellaneous books, he has figured out that the highest level of power in Da Yin is the military leader named Fierce Soldier.

The military master rules the super aristocratic family and the three major sects. It is a terrifying existence that can completely control the vicious soldiers.

Lu Sheng noticed that this refers to complete mastery, not attachment.

He vaguely felt the difference between him and the military commander of the Song Dynasty. It seems that in the classics, the military leader and the fierce soldier have an equal relationship. Rather than the dependent master and slave on the Song Dynasty.

After the Weapon Master, there are the next-level Chaos Divine Weapons, which are the Independent Divine Weapon Demon Blade and the Independent Fierce Weapon.

After that, there is the first level of military commander.

Lu Sheng roughly estimated his level. Now that he can confront the Demon Lord level head-on for a short period of time, he should be considered the best among the soldiers.

The level of Great Yin was far beyond his imagination. Originally, he thought that this place was only at the level of Demon Lord, but later he discovered that there were actually two levels, Chaos Divine Weapon and Weapon Lord. And judging from the records, they are all stronger beings than the soldiers.

The Chaos God Soldier was probably at the level of the Demon Lord, but the Soldier Lord... he couldn't imagine.

No wonder the demon world didn't choose Dayin as a breakthrough point. It turns out that this side is the main force of the human world. Lu Sheng knew clearly. Compared to Dayin, the Song Dynasty was no different from a rural corner.

After knowing these circumstances, the more Lu Sheng learned about the level of a soldier master, the more interested Lu Sheng became in Dayin's cultivation system.

After successfully entering the Chunyang Sect this time, it will take at least half a year for the Yuan Mo Sect and other large forces to arrive, so there is still plenty of time. Just enough to give him room to explore the system here.

A group of four people quickly arrived at a white stone platform on the side of the Taoist Palace.

When they arrived, many people had already arrived in advance.

Lu Sheng and the others found a spacious corner. Zhong Yuan and the others were all well-known people, and they were also considered celebrities among the new disciples. After all, they were people with special talents. The Chunyang Party had a different attitude towards them and other ordinary disciples. It's also different.

Other disciples are still doing various chores, so they only need to study miscellaneous studies every day and wait until today to practice.

In the early morning, the sun rises, and the light falls on everyone through the clouds, bringing a touch of warmth.

Soon the crowd was almost here, and hundreds of people gathered in one place, creating a bustle.

That's almost it, let's get started.

With a whoosh, a white shadow rose into the sky from the Dao Palace. After a few turns, its sleeves bulged like a flying bird, and it gently slid down in front of everyone, standing on the edge of the cliff.

This person is a thin, middle-aged man with a sallow complexion. Although he is thin, his eyes are bright and dazzling.

Quiet. His voice was like a loud bell, vibrating above everyone's heads.

The Chunyang sect's rules were a little strict, and all the disciples quickly became quiet, and each of them couldn't control their mood. After all, it was the first time in their lives that they had come into contact with the legendary cultivation technique.

The middle-aged man glanced at the audience and said calmly.

I am Cheng Kongzi, responsible for teaching you the morning class. The content of today's morning class is to teach Chaoyang Yi Qigong. If you can cultivate Qi Sensing within three days, you will be an inner sect disciple. If you cultivate Qi Sensing within one month, you can be an outer sect disciple. If you want to stay for more than one month, you can work as a handyman, or you can return on your own.

The following is the specific training method and mental method of Chaoyang Yiqigong. Cheng Kongzi did not delay, and quickly began to teach the movements, key points, and mental methods of practicing the method.

Everyone held their breath attentively and carefully memorized and recorded his movements and essentials.

Lu Sheng was also standing in the middle, staring at Cheng Kongzi with a frown.

The movements and mental methods of Chaoyang Yi Qigong were very simple to him, but it gave him new doubts.

The vitality of heaven and earth? The purple energy of the rising sun? What nonsense? I have been practicing inner energy for so long, but why don't I feel any vitality and purple energy?

This Chaoyang Yi Qigong also has internal energy elements, but it is more about visualizing the energy from the outside world pouring into the body and then being absorbed by oneself.

But no matter how Lu Sheng observed, he couldn't sense the so-called purple energy and vitality around Cheng Kongzi.

Instead of refining Qi and converting food into internal Qi, instead of engaging in this utopian act of harvesting the vitality of heaven and earth, I don't believe you can conjure this energy out of thin air? Lu Sheng stared at Cheng Kongzi closely, using his five senses and the energy The touch tightly enveloped the area of ​​several meters around him.

Time passed bit by bit, and everyone else started to practice. Only Lu Sheng and some disciples who didn't understand the technique remained where they were.

Brother Lu? Zhong Yuan pushed Lu Sheng.

It's okay. You can start by yourself and don't worry about me. Lu Sheng shook his head and said calmly.

Zhong Yuan knew Lu Sheng's temper, so he didn't say much, closed his eyes and started practicing according to the movements.

As time went by, Lu Sheng gradually became famous for his observations.

Lu Sheng didn't understand the subtle changes that occurred in the energy reaction of the chengkongzi at first, but combined with the various guesses and models of the universe from the previous life, he suddenly thought of a possibility.

Could it be that they are here?! Suddenly, Lu Sheng seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes widened suddenly.

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