Extreme Demon

Chapter 310 Guess 1

Sanguo Lake.

Surrounded by mountains, layers of small lakes ripple with colors reflected in the sunlight.

At this time, there was a circle of tables and chairs in front of a square courtyard by the small lake. A group of men and women with knives and swords were sitting behind the tables and chairs, registering the names of many students who were queuing up to register.

The queue is so long that it has been repeated several times, and the sandy land beside the huge lake here is packed to the brim.

Some of the people in the queue were middle-aged people with children, some were men and women dressed up as gangsters, and there were also wealthy families with escorts who squeezed in, who seemed to be signing up.

Hey! Brother Lu, we meet again.

At the end of one of the teams, a young man in rich uniforms guarded by guards greeted the man in black not far in front of him.

The man in black had no expression on his face, glanced at him lightly, and didn't reply.

Brother Lu, when did you arrive? I'm not very familiar with people around Sanguo Lake. Why don't you come to me and ask me to treat you well? Brother Chen and the others all came here yesterday, but only I don’t see you, Brother Lu.” The young man looked to be seventeen or eighteen years old. He was not considered a teenager, but he was also old enough to start a family.

This person's surname is Wu, and his given name is Quansheng. He has not yet chosen his nickname. The name here is to be chosen by the teacher after he succeeds in his studies or career. Or you can take it yourself after achieving certain achievements. Most people don't really have any words, they just call them by their names.

The Lu brother he called was Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng rushed all the way towards Sanguo Lake. Thinking that the distance was not far anyway, and because he didn't want to attract attention and shock the world, he hurried from the ground. On the way, he met Wu Quansheng and invited him.

With the idea that there were so many people, Lu Sheng simply joined them and followed them towards Sanguo Lake.

There are more than ten people in this group, and there are not many martial arts practitioners among them, only a few. The rest are ordinary people who only know one or two self-protection moves. The swords he carries are also used for self-defense. But this group of people all pretended to be old people in the world, scaring Wu Quansheng, a young man from a rich family, into a daze.

After going around, Wu Quansheng simply called everyone brother. He was also very righteous and generous. When he heard that a brother was in trouble, he lent him ten taels of silver to help him out without saying a word.

This time, a group of pretentious ordinary guys were calmed down, so everyone who came all the way had bad thoughts about making friends with Wu Quansheng and used him as a money bag. He pays for everything.

Lu Sheng had seen this kind of thing many times, and he just looked at it coldly.

I don’t know if Wu Quansheng is stupid or not. He always has a heartless smile. Even if he finds out that he has been cheated, he will still be the same next time. He didn't seem to care.

Brother Lu, are you also coming to Chunyang Sect to register? Wu Quansheng asked in a low voice. This is the third time I signed up, but unfortunately I didn't get in. There were two more times before I crossed the line and couldn't sign up.

Lu Sheng ignored him.

The team moved forward, then stopped.

Wu Quansheng continued: I guess there is no chance of this trip. My father has let me know and wants me to go back as soon as possible to inherit the family business.

Isn't that great? You are not a martial artist. Lu Sheng responded casually.

Eh!!? Brother Lu, aren't you mute??! Wu Quansheng was suddenly surprised.

. Lu Sheng stretched out his hand and pinched Wu Quansheng's cheek, twisting it hard.

ah! !

A scream.

Several guards around him couldn't help but turn their heads away and laugh. How could they not know the virtue of their young master?

Lu Sheng let go of his hand, ignored him, and looked ahead.

Brother Lu, my dear brother, your hand is too strong. Wu Quansheng rubbed his cheek and cried. By the way, will the Chunyang Flower Party be coming in a few days? Brother Chen and the others are coming, and so are you, Brother Lu.

You still can't tell? Lu Sheng said speechlessly, Those guys are eating your food, drinking your food, and cheating you of your money. He still doesn't know who those Chen brothers are, and he's afraid of poisoning them even if he blows on them. Dead ordinary people.

The strength is completely different from what they say.

No! Wu Quansheng waved his hands and laughed, I believe Brother Chen and the others, and what if it's true or false? My father often said that a person's life is full of ups and downs, and who can live without a trough? As long as Brother Chen and the others remember how good I am, this will not matter when they become successful in the future.

He is quite open-minded. Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly and took a closer look at the boy.

He finally figured it out. It's not that Wu Quansheng didn't know that many people cheated him out of food and drink, but he liked to make friends. As the saying goes, everyone is a brother in the world, this guy really likes this kind of life. As for being cheated, Money, he doesn't care.

People are stupid and have too much money.

Lu Sheng set the tone and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

The team kept moving forward, and Wu Quansheng was lined up a little behind Lu Sheng. From time to time along the way, he could see people he knew saying hello. This brother, that brother, this sister, that sister, it seemed that he knew everyone everywhere. There are so many connections.

Time passed slowly, and the long snake-like team quickly passed half of the line.

Wu Quansheng? A harsh and deep male voice came from the crowd. Soon, three strong men wearing gray attire and holding cooked copper sticks squeezed in.

I ruined my good deed last time, I didn't expect to meet you here, hehehe. Behind the three of them, another handsome boy with a pale face walked in, but there was a hint of evil in the corner of this boy's eyes.

It's you?! Wu Quansheng was stunned, and then he recognized the other person's identity. His face suddenly darkened and he said angrily, You actually have the guts to show up? You're robbing a girl in the street. You're so majestic and domineering!

Nonsense! Those two women entangled themselves. Who can blame me if I can't push them away? The evil master sneered.

Just wait, brother Chen San from the county government is here today. Let's go to see the officials together and see what the county magistrate will do! Wu Quansheng said coldly, suppressing his anger.

Master Magistrate? The evil boy sneered. Brother Chen San? Who is the Third Brother Chen you are talking about?

Wu Quansheng was stunned for a moment and looked around. Brother Chen San, who had been lining up on the right just now, could see no sign at all.

Not only that, many people around him stayed away, as if they were afraid of being involved.

His heart suddenly went cold. He looked back and saw that even the guards behind him had ugly expressions and kept a little distance from him.

Master, this is the third son of the Lin family. One of the guards lowered his head in shame and whispered.

The third son of the Lin family.

Wu Quansheng opened his eyes wide, and he suddenly understood.

He looked around. The people who had been brothers with him before and spent money and money together now all shrank into the crowd and were out of sight.

Even those who saw him pretended not to know him. For a moment, he seemed to be the only one standing among the crowd.

Beat him, break his legs and throw them out. It's annoying to stand here and watch. The evil young man waved his hands and said impatiently.

Yes. Among the three people in front of him, one of them walked towards Wu Quansheng carrying a copper stick.

Brother Chen. Wu Quansheng's face suddenly turned pale. He was just an ordinary rich man. After such a battle, his legs were a little weak. He hurried to find Brother Chen, who had boasted about his energy before.

But I looked around and couldn't see anyone.

Sister Wang. He went to find Sister Wang who also showed great energy, but the other party simply pretended not to see him. Turning a blind eye to his plea for help.

Wu Quansheng's heart dropped to the bottom. People who usually seemed so loyal, at this time, actually

No one stood up at all. Everyone gathered in a circle, leaving some space. Most people didn't even look this way.

Haha... Wu Quansheng understood immediately that everyone was avoiding trouble. When he was rich, these people were all brothers. Now that he was in trouble, he suddenly understood and understood a lot about these people.

Boy, next time you see Young Master, remember to kowtow. Who told you to offend someone you shouldn't offend? The strong man smiled ferociously, picked up the copper stick, and hit Wu Quansheng's right leg.

It's so noisy!! Suddenly a huge force came from the side, and a spinning figure slammed into the strong man.

Bang! !

The two of them clicked on the spot, and their bones broke like a gourd rolling on the ground. They flew backwards and hit the other two people behind them.

The four of them were wrapped together and pressed down on the evil master with a bang. Several of them screamed and rolled to the ground.

There was silence all of a sudden. The few people surrounding them didn't react. They saw that the situation took a turn for the worse. Mr. Lin was knocked to the ground and was pressed on by several men weighing hundreds of kilograms. His bones cracked. A piece snapped off.


Wu Quansheng looked at Lu Sheng dumbfounded, and then at the people who had fallen to the ground.

He had just seen with his own eyes that he grabbed the hair of a person next to him on the road, smashed the person out, and knocked over the strong man and the other three accomplices.

At this time, the strong man at the top was in good physical condition. He quickly stood up and roared around with a copper stick.

Who!!? Stand up for me!! If you dare to attack the third son of the Lin family, you will not be able to bear it anymore.

Seeking death!! Suddenly a shadow flew out of the crowd and slapped the strong man on the chest.

Bang! !

The strong man spat out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards more than ten meters, crashing into the crowd and knocking down a group of people.

What's the Lin family and the Wang family? Do you know where this place is? The shadowy figure quickly stood up and turned out to be a short, middle-aged man, shouting in a high-pitched voice. This is the Chunyang Sect! If you dare to act wild here, let alone the Lin family and the Wang family, even if I, the King of Heaven, are here, I will have to go out sideways!

This middle-aged man is Feng Yuan, the external officer stationed here by Chunyang. He has always been arrogant and overbearing. He always makes people angry and complains, and he uses various small tricks to exploit and bribe people.

Normally, when this person appeared, people would avoid him, but when he appeared now, Wu Quansheng was extremely grateful to Feng Yuan for his timely help.

I had a bad impression because the other party was stingy about asking for bribes, but now I saw it was getting better.

Feng Yuan's little eyes glanced around, and he immediately saw the gorgeous clothes on the Lin family's young master, and immediately understood that the oil was coming.

Disrupting the registration order and harming the safety of the preparatory disciples is not allowed. Hey hey hey, this matter needs to be investigated. He walked forward, mentioned the third son of the Lin family, and shouted at a few people to come over to help him, while heading towards the registration point of Chunyang Sect. go back.

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