Extreme Demon

Chapter 309 Dayin 2

The whole family moved, and the two forces, Yuan Mo Sect and Chiri Sect, wanted to gain a foothold in Dayin. Not only did they have to be accepted by the people here, but they also had to re-divide the cake here. Moreover, when showing his claws, he must not touch the bottom line of the local forces here too much.

So after Lu Sheng cleared the trouble along the way, he rushed to Dayin first, preparing to clear the way for the following teams and open up a territory of influence.

He had heard some information from the hunters about the Chunyang Faction, the most powerful gang in the area. Many wealthy families and gentry clans want to send their children to the Chunyang Sect to practice martial arts. Within a hundred miles, the Chunyang Sect has the best development prospects.

So when he saw the team with the same waist card just now, Lu Sheng's heart moved slightly, and he immediately thought of the Chunyang Sect.

Standing up, he moved his wrist and walked up the stone steps up the mountain.

After walking along the stone steps for about half an hour, at a leisurely pace, Lu Sheng soon saw the large, simple and ancient temple on the top of the mountain.

There is a plaque hanging on the temple with three neat but unknown characters written on it.

Lu Sheng saw the group of people who had just come up at a glance. They were all gathered on the right side of the temple gate, chatting with a young novice monk.

As the sun sets in the west, the light becomes darker and darker.

Lu Sheng also followed him to a remote corner and stood under the crooked neck tree, looking at the people on the hilltop from a distance.

Soon the temple opened its doors. This temple was a bit strange, it was always open at night.

Groups of pilgrims walked into the temple gate in order, and were greeted by the young novices one by one to donate money for sesame oil. Soon it was the turn of the group Lu Sheng was targeting.

Almsgiver Wen, it will be a long time to come. From far away, Lu Sheng heard a monk coming out to greet the guests and said to the group of people with respect.

I've been delayed because of something in the party. Won't I come as soon as I'm free? A woman said with a low smile.

A group of people walked into the temple, and after about half a stick of incense, they slowly walked out.

The leader was clearly the young woman who spoke just now. There are even temple abbots who personally deliver them.

Lu Sheng squinted his eyes, and his super five senses instantly captured the conversation between these people.

My Chunyang sect is most afraid of offering incense in the evening. If the priest brother hadn't asked for the consecration coins here, why would I have traveled so far? a girl whispered.

Keep your voice down, be careful not to be overheard. The woman leading the team sighed, Brother Pastor, of course he has his reasons. I think the host is also walking like a dragon and a tiger. He is not like a falsified person. He must have some ability. With his If you have the ability to consecrate it, even if it doesn’t work, it won’t be much worse.”

Sister Qingsu, you are just too gullible and trustful of others, the girl added before.

The host was standing next to the two of them. He was not angry when the two women blatantly said that they had no ability. He just looked at the two of them with a smile.

Okay, that's it, I'll take my leave. The woman surnamed Wen clasped her fists slightly and started to leave down the mountain with everyone.

At this moment, a scream suddenly exploded.

Duh duh duh! A row of silver-blue steel needles were neatly nailed into the ground in front of her. Line up.

The woman surnamed Wen had already stepped back to avoid the steel needle. At this time, she forcibly twisted her body, raised her hand and pointed at the corner.


The silvery white shimmer flashes and disappears.

A handsome man with a manic expression slowly walked out of the corner. The man held a pitch black dagger in his hand, the tip of the sword slowly glowing with silvery blue light, blocking the silvery white light.

Wen Qingsu, it has been a year since we last saw each other. Do you know how I have spent this year? The man wore a black coat with layers of white bandages on the inside.

Scholar with Magic Hands, you really showed up, Wen Qingsu said coldly. Brother Wen Ruo, you can come out now.

As soon as he finished speaking, a burly man with an extremely strong upper body slowly walked out of the crowd. The man has gray hair and looks quite young.

I must keep you here this time! Scholar with Magic Hands! The man snorted coldly, and without saying a word, he rushed forward and hit him personally.

The three of them started fighting randomly on the field, and it was very lively. Lu Sheng watched the battle from the sidelines.

The movements of these three people mainly use internal energy similar to internal energy. Their movements are advanced and retreated in a certain degree, and they should have a complete inheritance.

Just as he was talking, the three people in the field fired real fire. Wen Qingsu raised her hand, and large pieces of silver-white sand shot out in all directions like a goddess scattering flowers.

The magic hand scholar laughed, and a light blue halo appeared on his body, blocking all the fine sand. Then he jumped forward and hit Wen Qingsu's lower abdomen with a palm that was full of afterimages.

In addition, the burly man also punched the magic hand scholar in the back, but the powerful force seemed to have no effect on him. Instead, he was attracted by Wen Qingsu's palm.

The outcome has been decided. Seeing this, Lu Sheng roughly understood the fighting style of the Great Yin Dynasty.

Martial arts is not like martial arts, and secret skills are not like secret skills. They are more like martial arts with a bit more fantasy. They don't have any energy other than internal energy in their bodies. He concluded, watching Wen Qingsu being beaten until she vomited blood, he There was a slight movement in his heart, and he disappeared into the shadows.

After the magic hand scholar succeeded, he laughed, jumped up, and disappeared into the woods in a few strokes.

Just because others couldn't catch up, it didn't mean that Lu Sheng couldn't catch up. He moved his feet, and the blood network force field took him to fly towards the magic hand scholar. Not through the five senses, but through the powerful inner energy running in the opponent's body.

After turning west and east in the mountain forest, Lu Sheng soon caught up with the magic hand scholar who was taking a breather in front of him.

Judging from the power estimate just now, this seemingly powerful magic hand scholar has barely reached the Jing level in energy level, but his skills are very good. He can also borrow penetrating power to hit powerful enemies, which shows that this person His talents and skills are very good.

Lu Sheng squinted his eyes. If Da Song's side was rough and strong against the black membrane, then the magic hand scholar spread the black membrane and concentrated it from time to time to exert greater power and stronger protection.

This allows him to exert the lethality and defensive power of the third level even though he only has the total energy at the first level.

Hello. Lu Sheng opened his arms and walked out of the hiding place, indicating that he had no ill intentions. Hello, I won't hurt you, don't worry, can we talk? He showed a stiff smile.

The magic hand scholar was about to cross his legs, close his eyes and adjust his breathing, when he suddenly heard a voice coming from behind him. He was so frightened that he almost went crazy.

After breathing heavily for several times, he slowly calmed down his frightened heart. Then he turned around and looked at Lu Sheng.

Who are you? With his perception, he couldn't even detect this person, which really scared him.

I'm an ordinary person passing by. I don't know much about this place. Can you give me a good introduction? Lu Sheng stood in front of the magic hand scholar.

Ordinary people? The magic hand scholar was very angry. But the other party didn't do anything excessive. He couldn't vent either. What do you want to ask? He could already feel the overwhelming terrifying aura of the other party, which made him somewhat breathless.

Lu Sheng paused for a moment, then asked all the common sense questions about the nearby terrain, forces, etc.

At first, Scholar Magic Hand thought it was a test for him. This senior had profound skills, so he answered honestly. But later he realized that Lu Sheng was really asking questions seriously.

He responded quickly and explained some details in detail.

Senior, can I leave? After finishing speaking, the magic hand scholar asked cautiously.

Of course. Lu Sheng just stopped the other party to ask about the situation and had no intention of killing him.

He learned about it from the magic hand scholar. The largest and most powerful one nearby is the Chunyang Sect, and their branch leaders even have Earth-level masters.

The so-called Earth Yuan level.

Dayin divides the masters in the world into ordinary masters, those who are slightly famous in a small area, and those whose prestige is echoed in several cities.

The last one is the famous one. resounded throughout a large area. He has some reputation across the country.

The Earth Yuan level is actually the Snake level, which is what the Great Yin people call themselves. A strong man who belongs to the third level, a powerful person who can dominate a city.

Lu Sheng asked about the situation and found out that the Chunyang Sect was actually a branch of a large sect that spanned the country, and this was just a branch within a branch.

In Dayin, gang sects have very tight control over various places. There are three major sects like the scorching sun in the sky, covering everything, and their branches are everywhere.

After letting the Demon Hand Scholar go, Lu Sheng sorted out his thoughts. If he wanted to completely integrate into the Great Yin, it seemed that he had to start from these three major sects.

As a wanted criminal of the Chunyang Sect, the Magic Hand Scholar knew him very well. Originally, he was planning to come to destroy the annual Sunshine Festival for the Chunyang Sect to recruit disciples.

Unexpectedly, he accidentally met Wen Qingsu, one of the true disciples, so he took action boldly and planned to take down the opponent, but unfortunately he still failed. Finally, I met Lu Sheng unexpectedly.

The writing, martial arts, and customs here are unknown, but we can sneak in and take a look.

Lu Sheng deliberately wanted to study the things here systematically. Especially the martial arts system here.

This is an opportunity on the Yang Yang Festival. The restriction on the Yang Yang Festival is that everyone under the age of thirty, as long as they have the qualifications and perseverance, will have the opportunity to join the Chunyang Sect.

Lu Shengman had calculated that he was only twenty-three now. Fully qualified.

So I'm only twenty-three this year. Lu Sheng suddenly felt a little dazed when he thought about his age. He was twenty-three, but with the age in his previous life, he was already in his fifties. There is absolutely no vitality that a twenty-three-year-old should have.

That's it. Since the superior of the Chunyang Sect is a famous sect throughout the Great Yin, let's join him first and explore the situation.

From the magic hand scholar, after sensing it at close range, he vaguely felt that the system here seemed not to be the ordinary inner energy system of the Song Dynasty, but another energy system similar to inner energy, but purer and more powerful.

It just so happens that he can no longer improve his current martial arts skills. This situation of Da Yin just might help him break through the bottleneck.

Just what he thought of, Lu Sheng left Suyue Mountain overnight and asked someone to ask. After receiving 'friendly' directions from two mountain residents, he quickly found the place where the Birthday Festival was held, Sanguo Lake, and soon Almost onto the main road in that direction.

As he walked along the main road, he saw a lot of sparse people, all young people like him rushing towards Sanguo Lake.

Even the night road can't stop these young people's martial heart.

There were also some bullock carts pulling many children, who seemed to want to join the Chunyang Sect.

Lu Sheng learned from the magic hand scholar that in the Great Yin Dynasty, such a situation was normal. Everyone was good at martial arts. Even the old farmers knew how to use crops. A strong man who had not practiced might not be able to beat the old man. .

Because of this, the three major sects in Dayin are not just ordinary martial arts sects, but also the holy land of martial arts in the hearts of countless people.

I recommend this book to my friends~ If you are interested, you can read it~

Super Dude, author Mo Muye

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