Extreme Demon

Chapter 308 Dayin 1

Walking to the door of the villa, Lu Sheng suddenly lowered his head and glanced at the ground. On the thick ice, he could vaguely see fine footprints, which were the marks of leather boots. Also mixed with wheel marks.

Obviously people in the villa often go out, otherwise such a cold climate would not have left such clear marks.

He stepped forward, gently pulled the door knocker and buttoned it.

Boom, boom, boom.

Is there anyone there? Lu Sheng's voice was not loud, but it was clear enough to spread throughout the mansion inside.

Soon there was a sound of soft footsteps.

With a creak, the door slowly opened. Revealing a fair and delicate pretty face, she was a girl, about eighteen or nineteen years old.

Who are you? the girl asked in a low voice, speaking in Song dialect with a Northern accent.

I'm passing by here and want to stay overnight. I don't know if it's convenient. This is a gift. Lu Sheng took out a piece of broken silver and handed it over.

Although I don’t know what the rules are here, it shouldn’t be a big problem if I pay one tael of silver for a night.

The girl was wearing white fox fur. Instead of accepting the money, she opened the door and looked around.

It's dozens of miles away from the nearest town. Are you traveling alone? Come in quickly. It's very cold outside and the snowstorm is coming again. When we are out, we can help whenever we can. In this world of ice and snow, it's a fate that you found this place. .

The little girl is quite good at talking. Lu Sheng smiled.

That's what I learned from my mother. She was a band leader in Lingfeng City when she was young. The little girl seemed to take this as a matter of pride.

Come in with me. My parents are inside and we are eating. If you don't mind, you can eat some too.

Sorry to bother you. Lu Sheng smiled, closed the door behind him, and followed the little girl through the deserted courtyard and into the front hall.

In the lobby, a beautiful woman and a tall, handsome scholar were sitting together, picking up food and eating. They were smiling. The beautiful woman was telling interesting things from time to time, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

If you don't mind, let's sit down and eat together. The beautiful woman was wearing a white long skirt, a low-cut top, and a pair of delicate snow-white clothes. From top to bottom, you could see most of the ravine, which was very tempting.

The scholar does not squint. Although he has a dignified appearance, if you look carefully, you can see that his eyes are dull and he eats only one dish with one chopstick.

My husband unfortunately fell down and injured the back of his head. Now he is unconscious and doesn't understand anything. Half of his body is stiff and unable to move. This made the distinguished guests laugh. The beautiful woman looked slightly disappointed when she talked about this.

Where, the back of the head is injured, maybe we can try craniotomy treatment. Lu Sheng concluded casually.

Broken skull? That's too dangerous.

The girl gave him some food and put it in front of her, then she sat back down.

Please forgive me for the simple meal. The beautiful woman said softly.

It's already very good! Lu Sheng replied quickly. The three dishes and one soup in front of him were all very large, more than enough for four or five people.

He picked up his rice bowl, picked up the vegetables, and started eating.

While eating, the beautiful woman put down her chopsticks, her eyes calmed down, and she stared at Lu Sheng intently.

The little girl was still talking about fun things, but she also turned around and stared at Lu Sheng. It was obvious that her mouth was still moving and she was still telling her mother what happened today, but her neck was already tilted at an extremely shocking angle.

The last scholar, on the other hand, slowly raised his head and stared quietly at Lu Sheng, who was eating a big meal.

The faces of the three people were frighteningly white, and the room suddenly became completely quiet.

Pour. Pour. Pour.

The three of them had slight smiles on their faces, staring at Lu Sheng as if they were staring at a large piece of delicious fat.

Pour. Why not?

Is there any food left? Suddenly a wooden rice bowl was handed to the beautiful woman.

Lu Sheng finished cooking his fifth bowl of rice and looked at the empty rice bowl next to him.

Is there anything else? He grabbed the rice bowl and handed it to the beautiful woman, then poked it forward.


The beautiful woman was stunned for a moment, and then she immediately reacted.

hiss! Sharp black nails quickly grew on her hands, like spikes. He suddenly grabbed Lu Sheng.

Bang! !

The beautiful woman was suddenly pushed hard by a huge force and flew into the wall behind her with a loud noise.

Before she could react, a huge force suddenly pulled her back and suspended her in front of Lu Sheng.

Do you know how to make lion's head? I want to eat braised lion's head. The meat filling needs to be seven-cooked. Remember to add pepper. Lu Sheng stuffed the rice bowl into the beautiful woman's arms.

If you cook more rice, this won't be enough for me.

You!! The beautiful woman opened her claws and wanted to pounce on Lu Sheng.

puff! !

A huge force hit her chest hard, and an unknown blazing flame instantly poured into her body.


The beautiful woman vomited a large mouthful of black blood on the spot.

Okay, let's go, remember to add peppercorns. Lu Sheng put the person away, then turned back to continue the other dishes on the other side's table.

The scholar and the little girl stared at him blankly, with the sharp black nails on their fingers either closed or not.

We are weird! You actually want us to cook??! the little girl screamed in disbelief.

What's wrong with Weird? Weird can't cook? Lu Sheng became impatient, Go, go, go! After traveling for so long, we finally have a chance to have a good meal. Hurry!

The three of them looked at each other. The girl wanted to resist, but when Lu Sheng glared at her, her whole body began to burn with severe pain. She rolled on the ground and screamed. Only then did she realize that death is the happiest thing in many cases.

Lu Sheng's perfect control of the strength could not only make her feel pain, but also prevent her from being seriously injured. Not to mention death, not even serious injuries.

Therefore, under Lu Sheng's lustful power, the three weirdos had no choice but to cook meals for Lu Sheng and prepare for lodging and rest.

Lu Sheng had eaten, and he was barely half full, but there were too many vicious poisons in it, which affected the taste. Otherwise he might be more satisfied.

After a comfortable hot bath in the villa, he changed his clothes, took along enough dry food for the three of them, and then slowly walked out and continued flying in the designated direction.

The three weird people looked at their empty granary with tears in their eyes. The only thing they got was a few taels of silver left in their hands. Only then did I realize that this person had already known that there was something wrong with them. It's just that the other party is not afraid at all and doesn't care at all.


Dayin Dynasty, border, Suyue Mountain.

The sun sets over the long peak and returns to where it was before, and the across the river towards the mist and clouds.

In the dense mountain forest, at sunset and in the hazy mist, several scholars and scribes with swords on their waists were walking step by step on the stone steps in the mountains with two girls.

One of the middle-aged scribes looked at the beautiful scenery in the mountains, shook his head and squeezed out a sour poem.

Brother Mu Chen is really talented in literature. When it comes to writing poems and lyrics, we and other rough guys can't do this. Another thin man said with a smile.

No, it's just an occasional masterpiece, accidental, accidental! the middle-aged scribe said modestly.

Several people were praising the wood and complimenting it. Even the two pretty women didn't hesitate to praise it.

The group of people went up the stone steps and soon disappeared into the mountains and forests.

Side of stone steps.

At intervals in the open space, there were stone tables and chairs built for people to rest. At this time, sitting beside a stone table, was a young man with a strong build and a black suit.

The man had nothing on his body, bare hands, and his long black hair was tied high behind his back. His face was not very handsome, but he had a straight appearance, a gloomy temperament, and a pair of eyes that were calm and deep, like a bottomless lake.

Slightly different from most people in the Dayin Dynasty, the man's complexion is exceptionally fair, and his bones are strong and tall. At first glance, he comes from a cold zone.

This man was naturally Lu Sheng after flying over a large mountain range in one breath.

The distance between Da Yin and Da Song was too far. He flew for five days and five nights without stopping for a breath, still at full speed, before he arrived at the border of Da Yin and found the boundary monument on the ground.

Then it took more than half a month to initially find some hunters on the border, and learned a Dayin Mandarin with a local accent.

Only then did they come to Suyue Mountain, intending to open up the situation and understand the nearby terrain before the follow-up troops arrived.

Suyue Mountain, if you go by what those hunters said, this should be a famous Buddhist resort nearby. There are also pilgrims in some surrounding towns and cities who come to fulfill their vows occasionally. It is possible to find someone to ask about the surrounding situation.

When he first arrived in Dayin, Lu Sheng was confused and didn't know anything. He only knew that there seemed to be no distinction between mortals and aristocratic families in Dayin, and they were more mixed together. There are martial arts masters here who come and go, and all kinds of magical skills emerge in endlessly. Although the magical weapons and magic blades are also the decisive force, the martial arts masters are also amazingly powerful.

Here, the magic weapon and magic blade have another unified name, that is, the vicious weapon.

As for the ferocious soldiers, the hunters only heard about them from certain rumors and knew nothing about other details. The only thing they know is that the ruler of Dayin is not a noble family, but a sect gang, which is also known as Jianghu.

Jianghu. It's a bit similar to the martial arts novels on Earth. Lu Sheng's fingers gently rubbed the surface of the stone table, thoughtfully.

After thinking about it, another group of people walked up the stone steps and rushed to the temple on the mountain. Most of them were women, and they were followed by guards with swords in front and behind, forming an extraordinary formation.

As Lu Sheng sat here, he saw many such people in succession. They were all nobles of some status in the city, some were wealthy businessmen, and some were officials.

Of course, the most common ones are those from wealthy families who have a little money and only wear bright and beautiful clothes with better quality materials. This type of family cannot afford to hire a bodyguard, but they are more than enough to be self-sufficient and begin to pursue a higher level of enjoyment and class.

This is what Lu Sheng sees the most, and his goals are mainly focused on this level or above.

Lu Sheng's eyes fell on this group of people, and he immediately noticed a sign hanging on their waists.

There is a strange earthworm-like character written on the sign. The character is dark in color, has sharp corners, and has an extraordinary momentum.

Lu Sheng didn't know this word. He only learned basic communication terms from Orion and only knew basic spoken English, so he couldn't fully integrate into this place.

Dayin was much more powerful than Song Dynasty, and he had seen some descriptions in ancient books. In the Great Song Dynasty, there were demon lords at the state-level, not to mention the Great Yin. There must be some at the state-level, and there would be no shortage of them.

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