Extreme Demon

Chapter 307 Secret 4

Ansha stared at the place where Lu Sheng disappeared. The smile on his face gradually calmed down.

Are you ready? she said softly.

Everything is ready, Your Majesty. The Gate of Pain has opened a crack. The plan of the Thirteen Clans has been mostly successful. The Demon Lord Xuan Sheng can come at any time. The Nine Ghost Demon Lord and the Praying Demon Lord are also preparing to come from Jurong Kingdom and Wetland. Answer the call. An old voice responded respectfully in the square.

A group of rabble can actually accomplish something. Has the human world become so weak after a thousand years? Ansha closed his eyes. let's start.


Ansha raised his hand, and thick black smoke slowly emerged from a strange and complex triangular symbol in his palm.

I, Ansa Gerdman Lucius Andy, the great True Source Demon Emperor, one of the Four Pillars of the Demon Realm, hereby issue an order.

In my name.

Countless black smoke spread from her palm, and soon formed a huge triangular symbol above her head.


Ansha opened his eyes suddenly, and countless red needles in his pupils rotated at high speed.


The ground shook and trembled.

If someone could overlook the entire Golden Square from above at this time, they would be able to see countless terrifying black monsters arching out from the ground of the square. At first, they just turned into black smoke and flew out from the gap, then directly opened the golden stone slab and stretched their whole bodies unscrupulously.

Countless giant monsters with grotesque shapes and full of terrifying poisonous gas are occupying Ansha as the center.

One of the giant centipedes was thousands of meters long, with five painful human faces on the top of its head.

The centipede slowly entrenched Ansha in it.

Around the entire golden square, four golden giants hundreds of meters high slowly walked out.

Go. Go to devour, go to kill, go to destroy!! Ansha said in a low voice.

She raised her hand and pointed into the distance.

In an instant, countless monsters around them surged toward the distance like a torrent, like a black ocean.

But no monster dared to come within twenty meters of her. It was as if there was no death zone around her.


Lu Sheng felt a slight movement under his feet, as if there was some vibration coming from him, but soon the vibration became weaker and weaker, getting further and further away. It should have weakened or gone further away.

He paused for a moment, then resumed his journey. Since he is not from the Chaoyuan Demon Sect, there is no need to worry about it.

Recalling the little girl Ansha from before, he always felt a little weird. The Golden Square is not an interesting and safe place. The person who can survive there safely cannot be an ordinary person.

But so what? Anyway, I have no plans to come back. The whereabouts of the ancient demon Kafei have never been found. Lu Sheng guessed that he would not come back again. Without the magic energy to absorb, he would simply move away so that this place would be safe. Completely free, no matter what happened to the mysterious little girl, whether it was dangerous or friendly, it had nothing to do with him.

After quickly returning to Yuan Mo Sect and leaving the small lake of demonic energy, Lu Sheng returned to the school headquarters area. Most of the disciples had already started to pack their luggage. For a small number of people who were unwilling to leave, Liushanzi gave them money and compensation arrangements.

Shang Yangjun of the Shangyang family also sent someone to try to persuade Lu Sheng, but he refused directly.

A few days later.

After everyone finished cleaning up, after several days of cleaning, everything of value in the entire Yuan Mo Sect was packed up and taken away. Even the Holy Weapon Pond was dug out by Lu Sheng, sealed with demonic elements, and then placed in a carriage pulled by four four-horned bulls.

The only things that cannot be taken away are the cemetery, Miss Mi, Senior Sister Bai Mian and other weird things. They won't die, even the demon army can at most make them disappear temporarily.

As long as we wait until later, after the demonic disaster subsides, and Yuan Mo Sect returns, we can meet again.

Groups of ox-carts and horse-drawn carriages stretched for several miles, and Lu Sheng released the Yin Demon to patrol around and hunt down all approaching demon armies and dangers.

The evil spirit cannot be controlled because others cannot control it.

For example, the listening demon body cultivated by the other ancestors of Yuanmo Sect, they are all Yin demons who are far stronger than the main body. Without relying on the Yin demon possession, the main body is simply a weak snake-level, so they cannot suppress the Yin demon. Right, I can only condone it.

But Lu Sheng was different. He didn't want to listen to the fact that the ghost body was far stronger than the Yin Demon. If he didn't obey, he would slap him and any Yin Demon would have to be broken up and start again.

Master Liu Shanzi was in charge of the relocation route, and the whole team was in an orderly manner. Slowly rush towards the direction of the Great Yin Dynasty.

Dayin is located in the north of the Northland. It has to pass through the Bingyang on the way and pass by it from the side. Then you will enter a large area of ​​mountainous forestland, and the journey is extremely long. Even if Lu Sheng collected hundreds of demonized four-horned bulls in one go, it would still take a long time to arrive.

At this time, the Song Dynasty was caught in a larger whirlpool of war.

Compared with the previous battles that Lu Sheng had experienced, wars of similar scale began to break out all over the Song Dynasty. In just a few months, during the period when Yuan Mo Zong left. Battles larger than the Battle of Nine Cities broke out several times, and smaller battles involving tens of thousands of people broke out dozens of times.

The demon army and humans frantically mobilized all their forces to fight against each other. All the nine commanders of the nine families in the Central Plains were dispatched to suppress the fighting everywhere, and the entire Central Plains was in chaos for a while.

As for Lu Sheng and his party, they had already picked up the Lu family from the North, as well as Chirimen and other close disciples and their families, and headed towards the direction of Dayin with a huge amount of luggage.

Lu Sheng left all the Yin Demons behind. After detailed ideological education, he made the Yin Demons deeply realize that they were subordinate to the main body. After obediently obeying, he let them guard the team and escort them all the way.

In addition, Akarimon and others are not weak. There are also Rokuyamako, Umbrella Girl, Hexiangzi, and the sealed Demon in the Stone and the King of Shadows who have moved away together. The aura they emit alone makes all dangerous creatures around them stay away. Of.

The journey was uneventful. Compared to the slowly advancing troops, Lu Sheng accelerated towards the front and eliminated all potential threats that might arise.


Northland·Xuanye Lake.

The snow-white lake surface is covered with dense ice cracks like cracks. Several gray-white giant bears gathered together and rubbed their foreheads against each other, letting out low roars.

On the driveway by the lake, a strong figure in a black robe stood quietly looking at the sunset, his hands in his pockets. Astonishingly, it was Lu Sheng who had just flown all the way from the Central Plains.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

An icebreaker was sailing on the frozen lake in the distance, and someone on the boat was beating a gong loudly, as if to convey some signal. There are many fine and sharp fishing nets hung on the side of the boat, with hooks of different sizes on the nets.

We should have reached the border of the Song Dynasty here, right? Lu Sheng was a little unsure and took out a folded imitation simple map from his pocket.

After looking at the map for a long time, he couldn't figure out what route he was flying. He encountered a thunderstorm along the way, and after passing through the clouds, he lost his direction. He flew to the edge of this northern land in one breath, and then landed by the glacier lake.

But I no longer know where I am.

Okay, I need to find someone to ask. Lu Sheng cast his gaze towards the icebreaker in the distance.

He jumped up slightly and flew towards the icebreaker. Every time his toes touched the ice, he could fly more than ten meters away.

After dozens of steps, we easily approached the icebreaker.

The reason why it is so troublesome is just to cover up his special identity and strength. It is too shocking to hide his whereabouts. Otherwise, he could have crossed hundreds of meters to the icebreaker in one step.

As they got closer, the noise on the ship, the sound of gongs, and the crackling sounds of ice breaking all came to Lu Sheng's ears.

As soon as he got closer, he saw the sailors on the boat looking this way.

I am a traveler passing by. Can I ask where this place is? I can give you a reward. He passed his voice far away.

There was silence on the icebreaker for a while, and after a while of whispers, a young and strong man stuck his head out.

Hello? Are you a woman?? He said loudly in a broken Song dialect that was extremely difficult to understand.

The corner of Lu Sheng's mouth twitched. It's a passer-by, not a woman!

He gestured.

People passing by, ask for directions. The words were concise and to the point.

The man nodded in understanding.

After a period of difficult communication and negotiation, Lu Sheng was invited to board the ship. There were twenty people in the crew. The captain was a bearded old man with a scar-like wound on his chest. He was bold and generous, and he and Lu Sheng exchanged bottles of spirits. Then he immediately recognized the other party.

Also on board was the captain's granddaughter, a lively and cute pony-tailed girl named Bingduo, who was already eleven years old.

When she looked at Lu Sheng, the little girl's eyes were like boiled wine paste, burning with curiosity.

Although communication was difficult, Lu Sheng still received a bag of ice shrimps from the old captain. This kind of small shrimps can be eaten raw after being dried. However, because transportation is troublesome and spoils very quickly, it is very expensive in inland cities. Extremely expensive, but many times at sea the sailors themselves eat it.

Carrying the dried shrimps on ice, after Lu Sheng knew his location, he said goodbye to his father and Bing Duo, and headed towards Dayin again.

Flying at low altitude, he traveled very fast, covering a mile in just a few breaths. On the way, he encountered several similar icebreakers, as well as a whale hunting ship that went out to sea to catch big fish.

The danger here seems to be far less than inland. There are no weird things, no ghosts, just pure nature and bad weather.

They flew until night, and just when Lu Sheng was about to land and camp for a rest, he saw a tall lighthouse appearing on the left side in front of him.

The wind was freezing, the sky was full of clouds, and the area past the ice lake was a vast ocean of ice.

The lighthouse is located on a black cliff beside the ice ocean.

There is a small villa next to the lighthouse, which seems to be responsible for the maintenance of the lighthouse.

Lu Sheng took advantage of the night and gently landed on the black cliff, stopping several hundred meters away from the small villa.

He straightened his robes a little and walked quickly towards the villa. I plan to spend money to borrow a place to stay for a night. If you can live in a warm and comfortable bed, you naturally don't want to make do in the wild.

The villa was lit with warm lights, and two large lanterns wrapped in thick oil paper kept swaying in the wind.

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