Extreme Demon

Chapter 306 Secret 3

Open the door to destruction? This was the first time Lu Sheng had heard this statement. This thing felt as strange as God purifying the world and completely destroying it. As for the door to the demon world, it should refer to the door of pollution. The Gate of Pain may be the gate beneath the Golden Square.

He went through it quickly in his mind, and then smiled at the very awkward-looking Shadow King in front of him.

I hope what you said is true. He didn't do anything more, turned around and hurried away, I will let you out when I confirm the authenticity of the news!

Eh!!?? The Shadow King wanted to call him, but before he could make a sound, Lu Sheng disappeared from sight.

Golden Square.

Lu Sheng jumped down from the hole again and landed lightly on the hard golden square ground.

The surroundings here should not be made of pure gold. Pure gold is not very hard, but the gold here is very hard.

In the distance, a giant golden wheel like a Ferris wheel rotates slowly, and the surrounding air is faintly filled with a faint fragrance, which seems to be an unknown special fragrance.

The golden giant disappeared, and the previous golden buildings seemed to have been replaced. It was completely different from the first time Lu Sheng came.

Here. Lu Sheng frowned and looked at the rotating golden wheel from a distance. The wheel was looming in the clouds and mist. It seemed that it was far away and there was no rumbling sound to be heard.

Lu Sheng held his breath slightly. Since he didn't know the value of this aroma, he didn't plan to inhale too much.

Without looking at the giant wheel, he turned to the left, extending his gaze along the ground, and soon found the tunnel entrance he discovered last time.

The unlocked golden floor is still in place, and the black hole leading to the underground is still in place, unmoved.

The place is the same place, but this square may have changed a bit. Lu Sheng paused, then flew up lightly and landed at the entrance of the tunnel.

Without hesitation, he walked into the deep cave entrance.

I walked along the tunnel for more than ten breaths. He soon saw the source of the Poison Mist River again, the ancient tree root gate full of divine power.

Stepping forward, he stretched out his hand and pressed it against the surface of the door.


Wisps of spiritual power were sucked into his body again.

More than fifty units of divine power have been deposited, which is not bad. After sucking it up quickly, Lu Sheng took back his hand and was very satisfied with the harvest. After such a short time, he had fifty units of divine power.


Suddenly Lu Sheng seemed to hear something.

He looked around suspiciously. The surroundings were filled with mist, but he didn't find any movement. The dark passage was completely empty, and he was the only living person.

Finding nothing, he turned his head again and tried to look through the crack in the door, trying to see what was so strange about the Gate of Pain mentioned by the King of Shadows.

But he didn't notice at all that a figure was quietly emerging from the ground behind him.

A strong weirdo covered in black and yellow, with dense insect pupae hanging all over his body.

The strange man seemed to be a male, with hundreds of wounds of various sizes all over his body, and most of the fat insect pupae hung in each wound.

Even his face, eyes and mouth were crawling with half of an insect chrysalis. These pupae are dark yellow in color, and through the slightly shiny shell, you can see that they are filled with thick and disgusting serous pus.

Slowly, a pair of huge black and yellow moth wings spread out from behind the weirdo, blocking all possible dodgeable spaces around him. The finely divided moth poisonous powder spread out and spread to every corner.

His hands slowly grabbed Lu Sheng's neck from behind, with a weird smile on his face.

I never turn my back to the enemy. Lu Sheng suddenly said, And when I turn my back to someone, it means that he is not a threat.

The weirdo's arms were suspended in the air, but he couldn't press them down.

boom! !

A huge force field exploded from his body, and the weirdo didn't have time to react, and he smashed into the cave wall in a blink of an eye.


The stone wall exploded, countless rubbles flew and scattered, and the monster's two-meter-high body sank deeply, leaving only a human-shaped depression several meters deep.

Lu Sheng didn't even raise his hand. He slowly turned around and looked at the hole in the stone wall.

An invisible force spread over and easily grabbed the weirdo out of the hole. This is the power of the blood network. After the inner energy and demonic energy are combined, an inner energy network has been formed to guard him anytime and anywhere. This network is tough and powerful, and can even be commanded like an arm and used as some kind of force field.

Can you talk? Lu Sheng looked at the weirdo caught in mid-air.

This guy looked like a corpse parasitized by moths. There were dense moth pupae everywhere in the wounds on his body. Even his own back had two moth wings flapping.

Kill me the weirdo twisted his body and roared. The voice of Kill me is as deep as the soul. You can understand it without any language.

Lu Sheng asked several times, but got only one answer.

Disappointed, he urged the blood network.


The entire body of the moth monster was cut into hundreds of equal-sized pieces of flesh, and the pupae on his body were also cut and killed.

Do you want to enter the Gate of Pain? A timid voice came from the side of the gate.

Lu Sheng frowned. He didn't notice the other party's approach. This was abnormal. His five senses have reached the limit of the human world, but he still cannot sense the other party.

What does this mean? This means that the other party is probably not approaching through a method that can be perceived through the five senses.

He looked in the direction of the sound.

What he saw was a pale girl wearing a black coat and a black hood. Her face was delicate, but there was no color at all, as if she was recovering from a serious illness or had lost too much blood.

The girl was only half as tall as him, so she was talking to him with her head raised.

Who are you? Lu Sheng asked calmly. Can you take me into the Gate of Pain? He thought of the demon clan who wanted to enter the Gate of Pain crazily. There must be a secret that he doesn't know about.

They all call me Ansha. The girl replied with a sweet smile. The way to enter the door of pain is actually very simple. As long as you feel the pain and pass the test, you can enter it.

Feel the pain? Lu Sheng was a little confused.

The Mothman was just a helper sent out to make you feel pain. It's a pity that you killed him. The girl Ansha said with a smile. When you feel pain, you will find that the door of pain is never closed.

After she finished speaking, her body slowly faded and disappeared, as if what appeared here in the first place was just an illusion.

The girl Ansha disappeared. Lu Sheng stood there and made no move to catch up, just lost in thought.

What exactly does the Gate of Pain mean? According to the description of the King of Shadows, the main purpose of the demon world is probably the Gate of Pain that connects the human world. There must be some kind of secret in it, a secret that is unknown.

Feel the pain. He felt something bad intuitively. Even if he faced the giant bone hand of the Demon Lord in the Gate of Flesh, it would not be as bad as it is now.

After hesitating for a while, he still didn't make up his mind, but turned around and walked towards where he came from. There is no need for him to take risks now. As long as he works steadily, he will be able to break through to the level of the Demon Lord sooner or later.

Are you leaving? The girl suddenly appeared again, emerging from the shadow behind him.

Lu Sheng turned his head and looked at her. He smelled a twisted and destructive aura from the girl. He had only felt this kind of aura from that terrifying giant white bone hand.

There may be some extremely terrifying essence hidden within this girl.

I would be very happy if you could stay with me. Ansha smiled.

You seem to know a lot of things. Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes.

Yes, more than you think. Ansha replied calmly.

It's a pity. I have to leave. Move away and leave here. Lu Sheng answered calmly without moving his face.

Is it because of this square? Ansha opened her eyes wide. Her eyes were very charming, narrow and crystal clear, flashing with a faint watery light.

It has nothing to do with this place. It's just that I want to leave here. It's getting more and more chaotic outside. Lu Sheng answered casually.

Then will you come and see me if you have the chance? Ansha seemed to be very interested in Lu Sheng.

I'm afraid it's difficult. Lu Sheng shook his head.

Really? Ansha was a little disappointed. You're the first person I've ever met. The first person who's a little weird.

Really? How long have you been here? Lu Sheng asked casually.

I can't remember clearly. It's been a long time anyway. Since moving here, my memory of time has become blurry. There is no day and night here, no change of seasons, no sunshine, and no rain. Ansha Said somewhat helplessly.

Really? Although Lu Sheng knew that this girl was not simple, he still felt a little emotional. Being locked up in such a dark place all the time, even he would probably lose his mind and have problems.

Finally, I have a request. Ansha opened his eyes wide and showed a trace of prayer. Can you come closer so I can see you?

There was a lot of fog between the two of them, making it a bit hazy and hard to see clearly.

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes.

Okay. He walked forward step by step until he was about ten meters away from the girl before stopping.

So close. Ansha looked at Lu Sheng in a daze. She looked down at the ground, then looked up at Lu Sheng. Such an action was repeated many times.


Need not.

Thank you very much. You are the first person to do this. Ansha showed a sincere and sweet smile full of sunshine.

Thank you whoever you are.

Lu Sheng didn't understand what she meant.

Then, I'm leaving.

Well. Ansha looked at him quietly, Will we meet again?

Lu Sheng was stunned.

I think. No.

Not long after, Ansha interrupted him, not long after, we will meet again. She sincerely showed a pure and perfect smile.

Lu Sheng had never seen anyone smile so purely. The moment he saw the smile, he seemed to be in a sea of ​​sunflowers full of sunshine.

Warmth and harmony make people want to step forward and hug her.

Without saying any more, Lu Sheng turned around and took a step out, disappearing in the same spot and disappearing around the corner of the tunnel.

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