Extreme Demon

Chapter 305 Secret 2

Brother Lu, I don't know how to explain it to you, but I have seen a lot, a lot of tragedies, a lot of tragedies. I want to change. I don't want to just stay in this muddle. I want to do my best to work hard and go. Save it. Li Shunxi said sternly, This time I go to the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, the chance of success is very slim. It is not like what the Lin family thought, and I can borrow it smoothly.

The Palace of Ten Thousand Demons? Is it in the North? Lu Sheng asked casually.

Yes. The leader is the Ice Fox King, the guardian of the North, and the strongest demon king known to the Song Dynasty. Li Shunxi nodded.

He wanted to change the tragedy, and the only person who did not appear in the historical picture, who had a decisive power, and who could be easily contacted by him was Lu Sheng, and he was also the most suitable person.

It's just a common problem among top experts that the decisions they make are always stubborn. Trying to convince him easily is a fantasy.

There was silence for a while.

You still decide to leave? After waiting for a moment, Li Shunxi couldn't help but ask.

In the history you have seen, this trip to the Ten Thousand Demons Palace was a failure. Right? Lu Sheng suddenly asked.


Then why did it fail? Lu Sheng asked again.

Because the Ice Fox King refused to lend the treasure Demonic Wisdom Water. Li Shunxi replied softly.

I have seen the Ice Fox King in the classics. It has been guarding the North for too long, I don't know how many years. So, have you ever thought about why he stays behind and doesn't go to other places? Just stay there all the time? And why did you refuse to lend the water of demonic wisdom? Doesn't he know that the lips are dying and the teeth are cold? The demonic disaster does not care about the human race and the demon race. Lu Sheng asked calmly.

Li Shunxi was stunned for a moment.


The Ice Fox King is at least a top expert who is infinitely close to the Demon Lord level. No, maybe he has already reached the Demon Saint realm, which is the Demon Lord level, but why has he stayed in the Northland for so many years, motionless?

Li Shunxi suddenly thought of this strange thing.

The water in it is very deep. Don't believe what you see easily. Lu Sheng stood up, looked at Li Shunxi's gray hair, sighed slightly, stretched out his hand and flicked his chest.


A trace of dark inner energy quietly penetrated into Li Shunxi's body in an instant, which was the seed of Yinhe Net. Even Li Shunxi himself didn't notice it, so he lurked into his body and remained silent.

Go back. Stop looking at the future at will. The price you have paid is enough. Lu Sheng flicked his long sleeves, turned around and slowly disappeared into the darkness.

Li Shunxi was left sitting alone, biting his lower lip, with a slight sweat on his forehead. He was looking at the future again.

He didn't know that he was using his lifespan to check history, but every time he saw the bloody and cruel scenes, he couldn't help but use the Mysterious Jade to try to find a way to save the change.

He is not great, he just doesn't want the tragedy he sees to happen.

Lu Sheng walked out of the attic and sighed softly. The Yinhe Net seeds just now can help Li Shunxi build an internal Qi network on its own, and circulate the Yin internal Qi that can nourish the body. At the same time, it also has the function of fully erupting to resist the crisis when facing crisis.

This is a small method he has created for the first time after combining inner energy and demonic energy. It is specially used on people close to him to protect their safety.

I'm leaving soon. Let's go to the Demon Abyss one last time to see if we can find the Ancient Demon and the Golden Square. Lu Sheng, with the attitude of trying one last time, flashed towards the depths of Yuan Mo Sect. The demonic energy swept towards the small lake.

Soon arriving in front of the small lake, he dispersed the demonic energy, opened the black film, isolated the lake water, and walked into the bottom of the lake step by step.

Soon, he found the passage he had dug leading to the Demonic Abyss on the side.

His current speed was astonishing, and with just a slight step of his foot, a torrent instantly exploded, scattering like a column behind him.

Taking advantage of his strength, he rushed into the passage with a bang and disappeared into the depths of the dark water in the blink of an eye.

Mingxu's ground stepping skill is well-deserved. It is indeed the fusion of the top light kung fu footwork. Even in the water, the speed is only slightly reduced.

While rushing on the road, Lu Sheng had a sudden thought.

My current martial arts system is divided into three categories: external, secret, and internal. The Mingxu Ground Stepping Kung Fu belongs to the external. As a pure light skill and moving footwork, the consumption of this external is not large. It was originally upgraded to twenty Each level only consumes two points of divine power. The special effect, Earth Splitting Level 1, has such terrifying speed and explosion. So what will happen if I continue to improve this light skill and reach a higher level? ?”

There was some expectation and curiosity in his heart.

As a pure Qing Gong, Mingxu Land Stepping Kung has been used for traveling since he was promoted to the 20th level in one go. It has no other uses. However, various signs indicate that this Qing Gong is far from reaching its limit and can still be used. Keep improving.

If I continue to improve, will my speed become faster and faster, and I can achieve teleportation, from short-distance teleportation, to long-distance teleportation, to large-distance teleportation, and even reach the point where I can step out in one step, break through space, and step into other places? The level of the world? Lu Sheng vaguely guessed.

In the supernatural novels he had read in his previous life on Earth, he could enter and leave at will the mysterious Qingming, the ethereal fairyland, countless worlds, and even different dimensions and dimensions. Such powerful freedom once made him envious.

After achieving the Eight Demonic Paths, his intuition has been pushed to an unimaginable height by the calculation of his body's subconscious after being greatly strengthened. For such a guess, he could vaguely feel that it was very feasible.

I still have a lot of spiritual power left. Maybe I can try it out sometime. Suppressing this thought in his heart, Lu Sheng continued to concentrate on his journey. Now his first plan is to find enough pure magic energy first. , after supplementation, break through to the demon lord level.

Although I feel that if I want to completely break through the Demon Lord, I may face many problems and difficulties. But Lu Sheng is not worried. The Eight-headed Demonic Path is based on the Eight-headed Divine Bead and has essentially reached an extremely high level. The essence of Yin Fire is almost the same as that of the Demon Lord.

What he only needs to worry about is the bottleneck of mental will.

After the Eight Demonic Bodies were completed, Lu Sheng arrived at the journey that originally took a long time in just over an hour.

Of course, this is also because he doesn't have to dig the soil and his speed is greatly increased.


Beside the cave wall, a pile of black rubble exploded, revealing a strong figure covered in black and wrapped in a black robe.

The figure raised his head and glanced around the cave. The cracked altar was still in place, and traces of demonic energy continued to escape.

This is the first floor. Lu Sheng crossed the altar and jumped down from the open door underground.

The Shadow King slowly emerged from the crack to reveal an eye. He was quietly absorbing and pulling the surrounding demonic energy to re-concentrate the demonic energy, but he didn't expect that Lu Sheng came back to check the situation. He was so frightened that he quickly let go of all movements, pretending to be the naturally condensed and drawn demonic energy.

Fortunately, Lu Sheng was in a hurry and didn't look closely, otherwise.

That human being is getting stronger and stronger. He huddled in the darkness and sighed. Even the ancient demon couldn't stop him. Not a single demon king left in the Demon Abyss was killed. If the demon world knew about this, they would really laugh out loud.

But why did he suddenly come back? There is obviously no monster outside the Demon Abyss. They were either killed or ran away in fear. A trace of doubt arose in the King of Shadows' heart. Does he want to open the Demon Abyss? Is this impossible? It is an extremely dangerous and dangerous place in the Demon World. Once it is opened, not to mention the Demon King level, not even the Demon Lord can stop it. The torrent of natural destruction can destroy any obstacle. Its power, both living and dead.”

Soon, he sensed that Lu Sheng wandered around in the lower layers of seals for a few times, found nothing, and came out in frustration again.

What did I say? You can't find them all if they're all gone. The King of Shadows shook his head.

Let's go check out the Golden Square at the back. Lu Sheng said to himself.

Golden Square? The King of Shadows was stunned, Wait!!? Golden Square!!!?? He suddenly couldn't help but scream.

Yes, I accidentally discovered a place in the back. Speaking of finding the Demonic Abyss, I only discovered it by accident on my way back. Lu Sheng said simply. Walking to the altar, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, staring at the dark crack.

. At this point, the King of Shadows still didn't know that he had been discovered.

Tell me, what does Golden Square represent? Lu Sheng asked calmly.

.It seems you have discovered me a long time ago. The Shadow King accepted his fate.

Of course, I just haven't bothered to pay attention to you. Guys without magic energy are worthless to me. Lu Sheng replied casually.

What a reality. Okay. The Shadow King was helpless. He always thought he hid it well.

Tell me, what does Golden Square represent? I also found a door there, with highly toxic water flowing out from the crack of the door, and a girl whose face was melting while crying. It felt a little abnormal, that place . Lu Sheng said calmly.

The Shadow King smiled. It's normal. If the Demon Abyss is one of the most dangerous places in the Demon World, then the square you encountered is the most dangerous place in the Human World.

Oh?? Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly. What should I say? If you say it well, I can consider letting you go.

You said it. The King of Shadows smiled bitterly, The human world is the center connecting three other worlds. Our demon world is one of them, and there are two other mysterious worlds. They are the source of the magic weapon and the devil blade. , In fact, the main reason why we in the demon world want to invade the human world, even at the expense of huge sums of money and mobilize countless armies, is because of the special characteristics of the human world.

You mean the Three Saints Sect?? Lu Sheng quickly thought of the mysterious organization he had heard about before.

Yes, the door to the devil's world, the door to pain, the door to destruction. The door to the devil's world leads to the devil's world, and the door to pain leads to a place full of pain. Legend has it that there is no happiness and no positive emotions there. All that can be felt is pain. .

As for the final door of destruction, I don’t know either. I just read the records, and I roughly know that it is a place that will release destruction when opened. There are all taboos there. Legend has it that when a certain substance or something in the world accumulates to a certain extent, a mysterious existence will awaken, open the door to destruction, purify everything, and reshape everything.

Still grateful for last week’s 10,000-point reward list*

The meandering water flows to the moon

Drunken person

Great scholar of Tang Dynasty

Wen Dao Niu loves to eat meat

A cat that likes to eat and sleep well

When the legend rises



Rice porridge

The happiest thing is that you are fatter than me

shining bow

Stir-fried cabbage with meat


Among them, Drunk Lost, Storm Warrior, etc. are all old friends. They have always insisted on rewarding 10,000 points every week. I would like to thank you~

There is also student Yingtang who received 50,000 yuan in one breath. I would like to thank you by name first. Recently, I have reached the stage of changing regions and the plot has become dull. I did not expect that so many friends support the reward. To be honest, I am a little touched. So in order to thank everyone for their strong support, Lao Gun decided to update twice a day starting from today! Keep going! Everyone must remember to supervise~?('ω')?

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