Extreme Demon

Chapter 304 Secret 1

Half a month later.

Dayin Dynasty, above Wangdu, 3,465 meters away.


A crimson long sword was made of the finest ruby. The blade surrounded a two-headed snake composed of three blue flames, making a subtle burning sound.

The long sword slashed out in mid-air, leaving bright red sword marks.

Yuan Guangrong gently retracted his sword and looked down at the vast Wangdu below.

The layered gray-white buildings spread out in all directions under her feet, like countless wooden toys, as if they could easily collapse with a light step.

In the distance, a group of dark blue giant eagles kept flying around the Wangdu Star Tower.

From the perspective of high-beam velvet, it looks like tiny blue dots, inconspicuous.

Rong, Juan Huan from Da Song is back. What are you going to do with her? A vague man made of white clouds appeared beside Yuan Guang Rong and asked softly.

She planted hundreds of seeds in Song Dynasty in one breath. When she came back this time, the number of awakenings must have been reached. Now that the war damage at home has been too great, there are too many vacancies. What do you think about letting her take charge of Mingdu? ? Yuan Guangrong said lightly. Her appearance is similar to that of an ordinary woman in her twenties. She is neither beautiful nor in good shape. She just has fiery red shawl-long hair that is as dazzling as a burning flame and is particularly eye-catching.

No one can tell that she is one of the strongest military commanders of the Yuanguang family, one of the three great families in Da Yin.

That's up to you. He's your descendant. It's up to you how to arrange it. The man composed of clouds said casually, What about the demonic disaster in the Song Dynasty...?

Ignore it. Yuanguang Rong replied calmly. When Juan Huan comes back, let her be directly responsible for that.

What about Qin Yu? The man was stunned.

Qin Yu. If he agrees to completely break up with that woman, I will consider letting him continue to be in charge of the Star Tower. Yuan Guangrong said lightly.

Qin Yu is also your son, you are so cruel. The man said helplessly.

If he wasn't my son, he would have died long ago. A hint of coldness appeared at the corner of Yuan Guanglang's mouth.

Yuan Mo Sect.

Lu Shenglian stood in a depression in the rock wall high up in the cave. From this position, he could clearly see the entire Yuanmo Sect Grand Square.

He dug out this depression by himself, built it randomly, and used it as a sightseeing platform.

Teacher Liu Shanzi was behind him, also on the sunken platform, sitting in front of a white jade table and gently spreading out a yellowed ancient map.

The upper right corner of the map marks the year: the first year of the Song Dynasty, the Ming and Xuan emperors.

This is clearly a product of the founding of the Song Dynasty thousands of years ago.

Since you have decided to migrate, this map can come in handy. Liu Shanzi carefully rolled up the map and unfolded it little by little, blowing off the dust from time to time.

Teacher, you have a lot of treasures, including things like this. Lu Sheng said with a smile.

It's just a hand version that I modified after traveling when I was young. You can just refer to it. Liu Shanzi said with a smile. Speaking of which, you may not know that the world is spherical. If you walk straight in one direction from one place, you can theoretically return to the same place. So when you look at the sea level, you can see that the ships in the distance are in a circle. It’s revealed bit by bit from bottom to top.”

Oh!? Lu Sheng looked surprised. He really didn't expect Liu Shanzi to be so advanced in thinking. In fact, that's right. After the snake level, he started to become more and more supernatural, and the snake level had more and more supernatural powers. This understanding is not surprising.

After Liu Shanzi laid out the map, he traced it with his finger.

Our Great Song Dynasty is located in Nanzhou, and there are only three major countries in the entire Southern Continent, namely Great Chen, Dayin, and Great Song.

Among them, Da Chen and Da Yin are hostile to each other. Our Da Song Dynasty has been closed all year round due to its geographical advantages, its national power is also weak, and it does not have much exchanges with other big countries.

The rest of the small and medium-sized countries such as the Jurong Kingdom, although some have strong national power, are not large in area and not rich in resources, which is not conducive to migration.

Lu Sheng came over and looked at the map carefully.

The Song Dynasty is located at the bottom, and there are two huge adjacent areas on the top. Dayin is on the left and Dachen is on the right. There is a thick, dark line between these two countries and the Song Dynasty.

This line is a sunless sea composed of many mountains and wilderness. It seems that I have drawn it very thin here, but in fact it is as big as half of the Song Dynasty. It is full of dangers and is a world of monsters and beasts.

There should be a way through, right? Lu Sheng asked casually.

Of course, but not much. The distance is too long and there is no guard tower for defense. You have to rely on yourself to maintain safety when passing through. Liu Shanzi explained.

Then, let's go to Dayin. Lu Sheng lowered his finger gently and clicked on the location of Dayin on the map. Da Yin is actually closer than Da Chen, if we take this road. He gently walked a diagonal straight line from Da Song to Dayin.

This is a long way, and there are many dangerous areas to cross. I'm afraid. Liu Shanzi hesitated.

It doesn't matter, I'll open the way. Lu Sheng didn't care.

That's right. With you here, I'll have no worries. Liu Shanzi nodded in agreement. Besides, how do you arrange things in the North?

If nothing else, we will also move them together. It's just that there are a lot of people. It will take more time to arrange and sort out the details.

Lu Sheng did not continue speaking, but suddenly he heard the flapping of wings behind him. Looking back, he saw a snow-white dove gently folding its wings and standing on the edge of the platform, pacing towards him.

Lu Sheng stretched out his hand to grab it, and the note from the pigeon's foot flew out and fell gently into his palm.

He opened the note and looked at it, then pondered for a moment.

Teacher, let me go down first.

Go ahead, I'm just taking a good rest. Liu Shanzi waved his hand.

Lu Sheng nodded, slowly stepped back, jumped up from the platform, and landed at the Qianxiu loft in the distance.

The Qianxiu Attic is specially used for disciples to retreat. It looks like an attic on the surface, but in fact this building is just an entrance. The huge space inside is completely deep into the geological layer.

Before landing at the attic, Li Shunxi was already waiting there in advance.

Brother Lu, do you really plan to migrate? Li Shunxi was dressed in white, with a slight sweat on his forehead. It was obvious that he had just run at full speed from a distance. He had an ordinary person's physique. If he hadn't had a series of adventures and his body had improved, he wouldn't have been able to cope with this special environment where the Yuan Mo Sect's evil energy lingered.

So at this time, if his physical strength is slightly exhausted, he won't be able to bear it anymore.

Not bad. Lu Sheng nodded. how?

Li Shunxi was silent for a moment and turned around suddenly. Come with me! I'll show you something. After saying that, he hurried towards the Qianxiu loft.

Lu Sheng followed closely behind, and the two quickly entered the building, followed the twists and turns of the stone passage, and walked into a slightly larger stone hall. Li Shunxi quickly closed the door, locked the stone lock, and lit the wall lamp.

The two sat down on the two futons in the center of the stone hall, one behind the other, looking at each other at eye level.

Brother Lu, do you mind if I call you this? Li Shunxi whispered.

In our relationship, there is no need to stick to these vulgar etiquette. Lu Sheng looked at the other party calmly, wondering what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

Okay, let me show you this. Li Shunxi was no longer polite, stretched out his right palm, and made a sudden stroke on his palm. A blood mark appeared out of thin air, and a large amount of blood oozed out.

Crimson blood dripped down the edge of his palm, but not a drop spilled on the floor.

All the blood evaporated in mid-air and turned into bloody mist. The fog rose, condensing a bloody mirror in the air between the two.

The mirror surface sparkled, and an old man's face slowly emerged. The strange thing is that this man has a pair of jet black antlers on his head.

This is...? Lu Sheng didn't know what Li Shunxi meant when he asked him to look at this person.

This is the face I saw before, the face behind the Demon Army. Li Shunxi said solemnly.

You know that I possess the Mysterious Jade and have the ability to predict the future. I originally thought that the Nine Cities Rebellion was a foregone conclusion, but in the end there were unexpected twists and turns, and you, the biggest variable, appeared. As a result, history changed.

You mean, this person is related to the history you saw? Lu Sheng was stunned.

In my prediction, this person secretly planned the opening of the Gate of Flesh and Flesh, and was the culprit that caused the Great Song Dynasty and even several surrounding countries to fall into a demonic disaster.

In the future, he will send his demon lords one after another to occupy large areas of the Song Dynasty step by step, and then complete large-scale rituals to communicate with the higher world. Transform the human world environment. Let it become one of the bridgeheads of the demon world. Li Shunxi explained.

Li Shunxi sighed and said: The Ye faction has found me, and I have promised to cooperate with them. I must do my best to prevent this person from invading the human world.

Then what do you mean by coming to me? Lu Sheng asked curiously.

The Song Dynasty is our home and our hometown. Brother Lu, don't you want to save it at all? Li Shunxi was stunned for a moment, and then said a little disappointed.

In no mood.


Li Shunxi didn't expect Lu Sheng to answer so decisively.

When people from the Ye faction communicated with him, they mentioned Guo Lu Sheng's temper and personality, and told him that it was unlikely that he could win over him.

Now it seems that those experts from Ye Sect were really right.

In today's Song Dynasty, there are too few top powers like Brother Lu. If you also quit Yuan Escape, it will undoubtedly be a huge blow to the morale of other top powerhouses. Li Shunxi advised.

So what? Lu Sheng said casually. My path and my decision will lead to many chain reactions. When you make a decision, it means that you are responsible for everything caused by this decision. Everyone should be like this.

Li Shunxi was silent for a while, and then said: Now if we want to close the three flesh and blood gates of the demon world, we must first block the pale king demon spirit Huang Fu, and the pale king's escape ability is almost unbreakable. Therefore, Lin Beikai of the Lin family is about to Go to the Palace of Ten Thousand Demons and borrow the Water of Demonic Wisdom to limit their ability to escape. I will also accompany you, if you are willing, Brother Lu.

Sorry, I'm not interested in these. Lu Sheng interrupted him lightly.

Li Shunxi looked at the other party helplessly.

In fact, he had already seen the result of this trip to the Palace of Ten Thousand Demons, which was a complete failure. After that, the door of flesh and blood could not be closed, causing demon spirits to come one after another, completely overwhelming the entire Song Dynasty. However, the surrounding combat forces could not provide support for a long time, and the situation was so bad that the horrific tragedy in history that he had only seen before broke out: The End of the Demonic Abyss.

Many demon spirits joined forces to open the demon abyss, releasing immeasurable demonic energy and polluting everything. As a result, more than 80% of the land of the Song Dynasty was wiped out, and all living creatures were polluted and turned into monsters. The painful and twisted souls of tens of millions of creatures further opened the door to that world, ultimately leading to the arrival of that terrifying being.

The source of all this is actually determined by this trip to the Palace of Ten Thousand Demons.

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