Extreme Demon

Chapter 303 Bloodline 4

What's so hard to say? Your adoptive mother died of exhaustion because you drained her essence and blood. Otherwise, how do you think the power of blood in your body grew stronger? Shen Ning looked at the high beam on one side. He couldn't help but speak bluntly.

Lu Sheng hesitated, but he didn't expect that he was also part of the reason.

Okay, no matter what nonsense you are talking to this guy, just grab him and take him away. Sister, if you don't do it, I will! Yuanguang Shen Ning was extremely impatient.

As soon as she finished speaking, she flashed and rushed towards Lu Sheng at an extremely fast speed. She grabbed his hair with one hand and his waist with the other, and pointed her ten fingers with metal fingertips at Lu Sheng's key points accurately.

This time, she actually wanted to capture Lu Sheng in one fell swoop and take him away!

No!! Before Che Xing could stop him, he saw his sister rushing out and actually attacking Lu Sheng.

She knew her sister's strength. After returning to the main clan, she was determined to be an elite who would serve as a law enforcer. Even if she returned to the main clan, she was not a weakling.

But at this time, facing a mortal outside, facing the incompetent Sanzi Lu Sheng, I was afraid that I might hurt him if I wasn't careful.

When Lu Quan'an heard that the tone was wrong, he also felt bad. When he saw Yuan Guang Shen Ning suddenly take action, his mind buzzed. He didn't know the identities of these mysterious people, but the accent of the woman who took action was... He could still tell that it was the accent of the huge and powerful Great Yin Dynasty outside the mountains.

A long time ago, he had come into contact with a descendant of the Great Yin Dynasty who was lucky enough to travel from the mountains. Their accent was very distinctive. Many syllables were very nasal, which was different from many dialects in the Song Dynasty, so it was very special. It's easy to tell.

Dayin is a huge dynasty that is much stronger than the Song Dynasty. It is said that the land area alone is several times that of the Song Dynasty. Among them, there are as many masters as clouds and as strong as rain. If the Yuanguang family is really from there The top big families must also be behemoths that have reached the pinnacle of strength and power.

If Xiaosheng really gets into trouble with the other party, it will be an unpredictable big trouble.

Yuan Guang Chexing's other three children, Yuan Guang Xin, Yuan Guang Zhongran, and Yuan Guang Ning, all have different attitudes.

As the only woman, Yuan Guangxin was a little dissatisfied with Lu Sheng, but she was not disgusted yet. Seeing her sister-in-law taking action, Yuan Guangxin felt a little worried.

But the other two are different. They don't understand that going to the Yuanguang Clan is a legitimate way to recognize their ancestors and return to their clan. It is an absolute good thing for both parties. Regardless of whether you are willing to give up the original family or not, as long as it becomes prosperous in the future, wouldn't it be better to come back to make up for it? They didn't expect that Lu Sheng would still resist and listed three conditions.

That's good, I finally made my sister-in-law angry. Both of them looked at Lu Sheng with the mentality of laughing.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Yuan Guang Shen Ning, almost teleporting, appeared beside Lu Sheng in an instant, grabbing his vital points with both hands.

This grasp was as fast as lightning, completely revealing his strong strength. She is an agile killer. Everything he has learned is in one word. At this time, any action he takes is as fast as lightning, which is completely unexpected.

She held her hands like claws and silently pointed at Lu Sheng's waist and head.


At this moment, her hand suddenly stiffened and stopped in mid-air. A big hand that seemed to have been waiting for her for a long time gently grabbed Shen Ning's arm.

Too weak. Lu Sheng gently lifted Shen Ning's chin. Even though he was so close and all the blood in Shen Ning's body was burning and agitating crazily, he still couldn't move. He could only stand there blankly, maintaining a stiff posture. Actions.

So, I have no interest in returning to the family. Such a weak bloodline is meaningless to me. Lu Sheng calmly patted Shen Ning's pretty face, which was red with embarrassment.

Do you understand? He raised his eyes and looked at Yuan Guang Chexing and the others.

Obviously he didn't use any force field, but a sense of horror could not help but rise in the hearts of several people. My chest felt like it was being pressed by a boulder, and I couldn't breathe.

Lu Sheng gently stretched out his index finger and placed it between Shen Ning's brows.

boom! !

In the distant light, Shen Ning felt as if he was struck by lightning, as if he was hit head-on by a wild herd of elephants and flew backwards with a bang. He crashed through the wall and flew to an unknown distance outside the wall.

Ning Ning!! Yuan Guang Chexing didn't expect such a change at all. Shen Ning was already the strongest among them, and he could serve as a law enforcer after returning to the family, but he was unexpectedly killed by one of his own sons. Your fingers flew off?

She was confused for a moment, worried that Ning Ning would be hurt, but also worried that Lu Sheng had no intention of acknowledging him.

Lu Sheng originally planned to follow these people to see the background of the Yuanguang family, but when he learned that Sun Yan died because of his own blood, and because of the woman from the Yuanguang family in front of him, his mood suddenly became bad.

Shen Ning's one-handed flick to the distance was just a small lesson for her rude words. Not squeezing the man to death with one hand was already an extrajudicial favor to her.

Let's go. Don't come again. I don't like you. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Yuan Guang Chexing took a deep look at him, and a trace of pain, loss, regret, and a trace of calmness flashed in his eyes.

She was sincerely happy to see that her son could become so powerful. In this way, even if he did not return to the clan with her, he would still be able to protect himself.

The other three brothers and sisters were already stunned.

The sister-in-law, who was almost invincible in their eyes, was actually bounced away by the third brother in front of them with one finger. She has not come back yet. She is obviously seriously injured.

Yuan Guangxin suddenly understood why this third brother chose to stay. With his strength, how could returning to the clan be as comfortable as staying outside as a local overlord?

As for the eldest brother Yuan Guangning and the second child Yuan Guang Zhanran, they are simply mortals. Before Che Xing went to pick them up, they just lived as mortals and knew nothing about these.

I just heard my biological mother mention that by acknowledging your ancestors and returning to your clan, you can receive the light of the divine weapons, thicken your bloodline, and gain strength. Then they came over eagerly. Not only were they willing, but their family members also fully supported it. In this troubled world, what can give you a greater sense of security than your own strength?

Unexpectedly, when we got here, Lu Sheng, the third child, would point his finger at Sister Fei without saying a word, and would not want to go back to the main clan.

Are there such people in this world? The three brothers and sisters looked at Lu Sheng with awe and fear.

In the living room, several people were silent for a while. Yuan Guang Chexing looked deeply at Lu Sheng, as if she wanted to remember him in her heart, then turned around and chased him in the direction where Shen Ning flew out.

The other three people hurriedly chased out. The Lu family's guards were about to stop them, but were ordered by Lu Quan'an to immediately let go of their defense and let the few people leave.

Lu Sheng's expression remained unchanged and he didn't even look at these people leaving.

In fact, his first purpose when he came back this time was to find and investigate the Three Holy Sects. In the past, the Shangyang family was keeping an eye on the power of the family, and the Three Saint Sect did not dare to confront the family alliance head-on, so it remained in the dark. But now that the Shangyang family is declining and its power is not as powerful as before, he has to guard against the Three Saint Sect taking action against his family.

Xiao Sheng, are you okay like this? Lu Quan'an asked anxiously.

He is no longer as ignorant as he used to be. As the leader of the Red Whale Gang, his father will eventually have access to information that was previously inaccessible to him through many channels, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Our understanding of the world is not as simple as before.

At least we still know what kind of power the family has.

Don't worry, father, we just let her recuperate for a few months. Lu Sheng gave him a comforting smile. It's just a small thing. A half-broken skull is not an injury that is difficult to repair for a high-level expert.

That's good. Lu Quan'an hesitated for a moment, Why did you come back alone this time? Your brothers and sisters are all outside. It is said that there is a famine in the Central Plains. I don't know how they are doing now? I have been thinking I’m here to ask you about the situation.”

I'll just send someone to investigate, don't worry. Lu Sheng remembered that Zhang Xiuxiu was following him around in Bailing City, and he didn't know if anything was going on. I remember throwing her into the academy at that time.

There were also Lu Yiyi and others who worked in the Red Whale Gang. Lu Sheng thought carefully to see who else might be involved in the demonic disaster.

After searching for a while, I found that it was probably gone, so I breathed a sigh of relief.

I'll send someone to bring them back when I get back, don't worry.

Speaking of which, Xiaosheng, have you been a little too much towards them? They also sent heavy gifts to their door. Even if you attack first, you are still fighting back... Lu Quan'an was a little worried.

It's okay. She was slightly injured at most. Lu Sheng said with a smile. The Yuanguang family did not use their power to bully others. Only one Yuanguang Shen Ning had a bad attitude. Others were fine. This was because he did not kill directly. reason.

If he really encountered someone who was domineering and overpowering others, he would probably kill them all in one go.

For him now, apart from revealing that he has not fused the magic weapon, nothing else is a problem.

Okay, let's forget about this. Father, when I come back this time, I plan to ask your family to move. Lu Sheng said seriously.

Migrate? Where to move? Lu Quan'an knew that Lu Sheng was at a different level now, and his worries were naturally different. If he said he wanted to move, it must be because the situation was extremely serious.

Leave the Song Dynasty. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Ah??!! Lu Quan'an was shocked.

Because Lu Sheng has top-level strength, he has a strong sense of aura. He went around to explore the scale of the demonic disaster.

After the Gate of Flesh was established, the power of the demon army became stronger day by day. Now the fifth demon spirit has been born. In addition, the three major gates of flesh and blood are close together, which allows the demon lord to make three cross-border attacks. Extremely scary.

Even for him now, it is extremely dangerous to get close.

Once dragged down, the Demon Lord of the Gate of Flesh can strike down with one cross-border blow. He can still withstand it once, but he will be able to withstand it three times.

In the Song Dynasty, there was only one Taishang Sihu Jinglong Huang Ji of the Huang family, who was at the demon lord level, which was commonly known as the town-state level. However, because he wanted to suppress the overall situation and stabilize the capital, he did not dare to take action rashly.

The other aristocratic families are simply lagging behind each other, and the war seems to be going on for a long time. With this kind of war and chaos, it is better to move away from the Song Dynasty and go to other safe areas. Especially the mysterious Three Saint Sect here has a grudge against him.

Lu Sheng not only wanted to move the Lu family, but also moved most of the Yuan Mo Sect, Scarlet Sun Sect, and Red Whale Gang, and everyone left together.

Although the Song Dynasty was small, it caused enough troubles in the middle. Let’s avoid the evil disaster first.

Lu Sheng had a vague premonition that the demon army seemed to have been preparing for the arrival of the demon lord. The Song Dynasty is about to become the frontline of the demonic disaster, and this is not a place to stay for a long time.

What's more, he swallowed so many monsters and demons in one go. If the demon army finds out, it will be a big revenge.

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