Extreme Demon

Chapter 302 Bloodline 3

Lu Sheng entered Yanshan City along the city gate.

It's been a long time since I've been back. Not much has changed in the city, and only a few of the stores that people on the street go in and out of have changed their plaques. The rest is exactly the same as before.

He did not notify the Red Whale Gang, but just rushed straight towards the direction of the breath.

After Mingxu started to move, his speed didn't seem to be very fast, but he was hundreds of meters away with one step. Most people couldn't see his speed at all. They just felt the breeze blowing on their face, and their eyes blurred, and the figure disappeared. .

About thirty breaths later, Lu Sheng stood in front of the former Lu Mansion.

The guards guarding the Lu Mansion turned pale and seemed to be frightened. There were still blood stains on the ground in front of the mansion. Several exquisite and luxurious black carriages were parked at the gate. There were many strong men guarding the carriages, guarding the Lu Mansion. Others are watching eagerly.

Lu Sheng smiled and felt the smell of the previous breaths from these carriages. He walked slowly towards the gate of Lu Mansion.


Yuan Guang Shen Ning felt bored and came to this small city with her sister to gather the family blood children. Originally I just planned to come out to relax.

In such a remote place, even if the city is slightly larger, the people who are born are awakened ones, but they are just burning children with little knowledge. What's the use of bringing them back?

So she just came with them for a formality. In fact, the Lu family had kept them waiting for so long, which made her a little impatient.

If it weren't for her consistent trust and affection for her sister, she wouldn't bother talking nonsense to these people. Just a slap can kill a piece of mortal waste. As for that sister's bloodline, just knock her out and take her away. What else is there to say?

Yuan Guang Chexing sat quietly in her seat, her pretty eyebrows furrowed, looking at Lu Quan'an, the head of the Lu family, with a hint of helplessness and uneasiness.

Is there really no other way? This place is far away from the Central Plains. If we send the letter by ordinary means, it will probably take more than half a month to deliver it. Yuan Guang Chexing sighed softly.

Lu Quan'an also frowned. These people in front of him inexplicably came to the door with a lot of strong men, and actually claimed to be Lu Sheng's biological mother. He recalled the unknown identity of Sun Yan's abandoned baby, and felt a little shaken in his heart.

But Lu Sheng's mother must be Sun Yan. The witnesses to this were not only Mrs. Wen, but also many female elders of the family.

Therefore, he was completely sure of Lu Sheng's identity. But the other party seemed to be absolutely accurate.

It's difficult, Miss Che Xing. We have delivered the letter as quickly as possible, and we have also invited some powerful informants hidden here. You just need to calm down a little. Lu Quan'an still doesn't know the identities of the people in front of him, but their strength But it has been tested in the previous temptation. It is definitely not something that ordinary people here in Lu Mansion can fight against.

Furthermore, Xiao Sheng is my son. You said that you can verify your identity based on blood fusion, but as far as I know, my son Xiao Sheng has never had any additional biological mother since he was born. His only mother has already been He died a long time ago. Lu Quan'an said seriously.

Not you. Yuan Guang Chexing couldn't say it. Lu Sheng's mother, Sun Yan, passed away soon after her body's vitality was damaged precisely because she relied on her essence and blood.

You do not understand.

Che Xing glanced at her sister beside her. Shen Ning was obviously very impatient. Actually, I just want to meet Lu Sheng and ask him something in person.

I have also said that there is really no way. My eldest son is far away in the Central Plains. It is a long way from here. Even if a flying bird delivers a message, it will take at least a few days. What's more, we don't have such domestication methods now. Lu Quan'an looked at it. He glanced at his side, and beside him were several Tongyi-level masters guarding him. Facing these people, he really didn't know what they could do.

Today's Red Whale Gang is quite rich in terms of masters. These Tongyi masters received the news and rushed here as soon as possible.

He also confronted others outside the door, but one of the Tongyi masters had his shoulder broken on the spot. Showing the opponent's terrifying strength.

Mom, since there is nothing we can do, why don't we come visit again later and go back first this time. I'm afraid grandma and others will have to wait impatiently.

Following Yuan Guang Te Xing, there were three other people, two men and one woman. They were all young, probably in their twenties.

But they all have one thing in common, that is, they are slightly similar in appearance to Yuan Guang Te Xing. It was one of the handsome men who spoke.

No rush. ​​Che Xing shook her head and rejected her son's proposal.

In fact, Lu Quan'an was a little unsure, because the Yuan Guang Chexing in front of him looked too much like Xiao Sheng. This was also the key reason why he chose to send the letter to Lu Sheng.

Just as everyone was getting more and more impatient, there were faint exclamations outside the door.

The young master is back!

The eldest son! It's the eldest son!!

The servants and maids all screamed in surprise. As a powerful figure in the Central Plains and the backbone of the family, the eldest son Lu Sheng had suddenly returned.

Lu Quan'an also stood up in the living room and almost dropped the teacup beside him.

Didn't I just send this letter? Why so fast? He looked outside in disbelief.

Unexpectedly, someone was more excited than him. Yuan Guang Chexing stood up abruptly, breathing rapidly, with a trace of guilt and apology in his eyes, and looked outside eagerly.

She came here just to make up for the blood of several of her children. Fortunately, to her relief, the other three children agreed to return to the main clan with her, and some of them even expressed surprise.

But it’s a good thing to think about. Being able to return to a top big family like the Yuanguang family, a big family, is an opportunity that most people dream of.

But when we arrived at this house, it seemed that the other party had built quite a fortune in the ordinary world and ran into some trouble.

Lu Sheng walked slowly into the living room, and the first thing he saw was a woman standing in front of the seat on the left, with an upper-middle appearance and a familiar aura about her.

That aura was like standing by the river and seeing his own reflection in the water, very similar! Not only their temperaments, but also their facial features and faces are very similar.

After saying hello to his father Lu Quan'an first, he faced these people.

Dare I ask who you are?? Of course Lu Sheng would not say that he flew back after receiving the letter. Instead, he pretended not to know and just happened to go home early.

My name is Yuan Guang Te Xing. My child, can you sense that the blood in your body is stirring? Yuan Guang Te Xing did not explain anything, but directly used the simplest and most primitive method to activate the blood resonance and let Lu Sheng also feel it. With the power of blood in the body, this is also the fastest way.

Suddenly, a trace of burning heat emerged from Lu Sheng's back vest.


Among the people present, Yuan Guang Che Xing, Yuan Guang Shen Ning, and three boys and girls, plus Lu Sheng, all of them began to faintly emit a scorching temperature. The blood vessels in his body are constantly being activated.

This is the blood of the Yuanguang family, the burning blood. You are destined to be the burning son of the Yuanguang family, my biological son. The three here are your brothers and sisters. This is your aunt Yuanguang Shen Ning . Yuan Guang Chexing also felt a trace of blood power in Lu Sheng's body. Although it was very weak, he was still her son. As long as he had one, she could always arrange a good job and a good identity for him if she begged her mother more. . You will be safe and worry-free in the future.

Yuanguang family? You told me as soon as you came here that I am not your biological son, but your son. Where is the evidence? Is it just this so-called blood resonance? Lu Sheng continued to ask without taking it seriously.

I can shed blood to recognize my kin. Yuanguang Chexing said solemnly.

The world of blood recognition is different from the earth where Lu Sheng once stayed. The bloodlines here have extremely deep bonds and compatibility, and are extremely exclusive to other bloodlines, so there is no such thing as blood transfusion here. Once you lose too much blood, you have to rely on yourself to survive, and blood transfusions can only Relying on one's own brothers and sisters, transfusion of other people's blood would mean death.

The degree of authenticity here is still very high.

Lu Sheng's expression remained calm. He saw the wavering and uneasiness on his father Lu Quan'an's face. He also saw the excitement and anticipation on Yuangang Chexing's face. Just by seeing this and the blood resonance in his body, he actually understood that this woman was most likely really his biological mother.

The atmosphere in the living room was somewhat solemn.

Lu Sheng stood quietly, staring at Yuan Guang Chexing and his group.

You guys go out first. Lu Quanan suddenly sighed and asked several Tongyi masters to leave. This is a family matter of the Lu family, and he does not intend to spread it randomly.

Several Tongyi masters nodded slightly, bowed their heads to Lu Sheng, and then slowly exited the living room.

Soon only Mr. Lu and Yuan Guang Chexing were left in the whole living room.

It seems that you are related to me. Lu Sheng said calmly. He was also interested in his own bloodline and planned to go check it out. Anyway, with his current strength, he was not afraid of the people in front of him.

But I have three conditions. You must agree to them all before I agree to go with you.

Speak first, I will agree to anything I can agree to. Upon hearing this, Che Xing's eyes lit up and she quickly replied.

What a loud tone, three conditions? Yuan Guang Shen Ning was not happy, not just her, but also the other three Lu Sheng brothers and sisters.

As soon as their mothers confirmed their identities, they immediately agreed to follow them. There is no such good treatment as Lu Sheng.

A mere mortal gang leader may have some foundations in the secular world and some connections in the Song Dynasty, but compared with the Yuanguang family, he is not worth mentioning at all.

How dare you negotiate terms in front of Yuangang Chexing?

Lu Sheng ignored them. First, I want you to tell me what you hid back then. If you are my biological mother, then what is the identity of my original mother? Did you pretend to be her?

As soon as she heard this, Yuangang Chexing's face suddenly froze. What she feared most was this problem. Sun Yan's death was actually caused by her using secret techniques. Originally, even if Sun Yan's health was average, she would not be so weak that she would die of illness after being unable to survive a childbirth that was not even a difficult childbirth.

This is simply because the secret technique drained the essence of her body in an attempt to condense and strengthen Yuan Guang's bloodline, which caused the lamp to run out of oil.

So it was actually her who killed Sun Yan.

As soon as this question came out, Lu Quan'an became slightly nervous and listened carefully to the answer.

I, I. Che Xing paused and opened his mouth twice, but failed to say the next words.

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