Extreme Demon

Chapter 301 Bloodline 2

In fact, the power of blood in my body should not be activated in the first place. It's just that my practice of Yuan Demon Secret Technique has reached too high a level. All the blood in my body has been stimulated without missing a trace. This has caused that trace of blood to be activated. Forced stimulation. Lu Sheng understood in his heart.

Now in the letter, dad said that my biological mother showed up and actually wanted to take me away? The Lu family was able to mobilize a large number of people to write this letter to him. It can be imagined that the weight of the other party's arrival is by no means ordinary. power.

That's right, a family with the power of blood cannot be an ordinary character. Lu Sheng put down the letter and let it burn into black ashes in his hands and slowly scatter.

Lu Sheng had always been a little confused about the origin of this trace of bloodline power in his body, but after coming to Yuanmo Sect, he found that there were many disciples like him whose bloodline power was extremely weak, and even became no different from mortals. Not surprisingly, many people naturally and completely become mortals as time goes by.

Through investigation, he discovered that the aristocratic school has been promiscuous for a long time and has an amazing reproductive capacity. It is feared that there are three or four mortals who may have extremely thin aristocratic blood. It's just too thin to be excited.

At that time, the aristocratic family did not regard such children as descendants, but only recognized children who had awakened their bloodline.

Biological mother? Lu Sheng stretched out his hand and gently rubbed the armrest of the chair, Since there is a biological mother, what happened to the original adoptive mother?

Regarding his body, I had also heard from my father, Lu Quan'an, and other immediate family members that he was delivered by his mother, Sun Yan, and Po Wen herself in the wing room. He was definitely of the Lu family's blood, and there was no mistaking it.

This was also mentioned in the letter and asked him not to worry.

It just so happened that the demonic disaster broke out, and teacher Liu Shanzi was also there. I left a demon outside to suppress it. Maybe I can go back quickly. Now that he can rely on the demonic energy jet to float into the air, his speed is much faster than before.

Compared with walking in a straight line from the air and going around on the ground, at least half the distance is saved.

Lu Sheng actually felt that he was getting weirder and weirder. The inner energy he had developed could mutate people. I'm afraid this had something to do with the power of blood in his body. He also planned to get in touch with the so-called biological mother of this body. And there was the original Three Holy Gates, that mysterious gate that led to the unknown world. He had always wanted to figure out what was going on.

After deciding on his idea, Lu Sheng stood up and pushed open the door.

White mist filled the air outside, and a huge one-horned evil ghost was wandering back and forth in the square. He stopped occasionally and didn't know what he was looking at. Anyway, he just kept wandering around in a fixed area.

As soon as Lu Sheng came out, the evil spirit clearly sensed that something was wrong, and immediately looked this way. As soon as it touched Lu Sheng's eyes, it trembled slightly, stood there and lowered its head, paying sincere respect to Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng ignored the evil ghost. Ever since he trained the kid named Du Ye, all the ghosts in the night no longer had any ill intentions toward him. On the contrary, there is even a sense of extreme respect.

Obviously many of these are ghosts without intelligent consciousness.

Senior Brother Song Zian. Lu Sheng walked to the attic and said in a low voice.


Soon a humanoid form of black mist flew out in the distance and flew towards this side.

Here, here, Junior Brother Lu! Song Zian quickly took shape and raised his hand high towards where he was.

I want to go out. There will be a Yin Demon here to suppress it. It won't take too long. Lu Sheng said in a low voice.

You can tell the teacher yourself. Song Zian shrugged.

I'll be back soon. Go back as soon as possible to prepare for the subsequent relocation. Lu Sheng still persuaded Liu Shanzi to move the sect. Although the magic pool was a pity, safety was more important.

Okay. I'll convey it. Song Zian didn't mention the demon in the stone, and Lu Sheng didn't bother to talk about it. That guy was stupid and surprisingly easy to tease. But in the end, I gave him a little help. Anyway, the thing didn't have much magic energy, so it didn't matter if he sucked it or not, so I let him go.

After sending Song Zian's message, Lu Sheng thought about it and still had no intention of bringing the umbrella girl and others with him. Instead, go back alone first, which is faster.

Nowadays, the demonic disaster has gradually entered a stalemate stage. The demonic army has shrunk in the Nine Cities and begun to build barracks and fortresses. Under the pollution of demonic energy, the surrounding environment has changed greatly, and even some originally harmless animals and plants have become extremely dangerous.

The establishment of several magic light towers further expanded the scope of the magic army's influence.

Lu Sheng originally thought that absorbing the demonic army could increase his total amount of demonic energy, but later he discovered that the absorbed demonic energy could not be converted into demonic energy at all. Can only be used for one-time consumption.

Falcon City, Red Boiling Palace, and Changing Star City, the three strongholds have gradually stabilized and are extremely difficult for the demon army to break. Even the weakest Red Boiling Palace in these three locations has ancient formations and the gathering of holy soldiers from many schools. Using the formation, The power is concentrated and the holy soldiers are used to form a power protection. Much better than Yuan Mo Sect.

The next goal of the demon army is to defeat the remaining three points one by one. Strongholds with insufficient protection like Yuan Mo Sect will probably enter their field of vision.

This is also the reason why Lu Sheng plans to evacuate the Central Plains.

The best source of magic energy is the ancient Kafi demon underground.

What a pity. Lu Sheng entered the seal several times but failed to find the ancient demon. Now the seal there has become an absolutely safe back garden. As long as you can withstand the concentration of demonic energy, you can enter and exit freely. However, apart from him, even the teacher Liu Shanzi of Yuan Mo Sect cannot do this.

There is another problem. Everyone thinks that I have fused a certain magic weapon and magic blade, so that I can reach the sky in one step and leap several levels as a weapon master. If it is revealed that I don't have any magic weapon or magic blade, it will be really troublesome. . Lu Sheng still had worries in his heart.

His existence completely broke the stable rule of the family's divine weapon system. Once it became known and spread, he would probably become the focus of all the families in an instant. This is not what he wants.

After packing some things in Yuan Mo Sect, Lu Sheng quietly left at night.

He deliberately released the snake of jealousy to lie down at the entrance of the cave. Any monsters that came close would not be able to get close even if they were not strong enough. Those who approached forcefully would be affected by the chaotic force field and kill each other.

This is also the simplest and most convenient defensive method, and it also ensures that a buffer section of the chaos force field is freed up.

Lu Sheng took advantage of his weak sense of presence in the cathode state, paused his feet, and exploded with terrifying speed. He disappeared from the entrance of the cave in an instant, and rushed straight to the north from between the black clouds in the night sky.


The air flow in the air passed by both sides of Lu Sheng at high speed, and wisps of white smoke appeared behind him. The clothes on his body had already been put away and he was flying naked.

It's just that his nakedness does not mean that he is completely naked, but that he is covered with scales, as if he is wearing thick armor, covering his whole body.

A large amount of demonic energy continuously spurted out from behind him, acting as jet propulsion to help Lu Sheng fly rapidly.

After flying for about more than an hour. The land below gradually changed from gray-yellow plains to small, rugged hills.

The continuous dark green hills spread to the edge of the field of vision, endless as far as the eye can see.

The air gradually started to get colder.

Lu Sheng slowly increased his height. The demonic energy behind him spurted faster. The scales on both shoulders and head began to turn faintly red, and they were a little hot from the high-speed friction of the air.

After flying for more than half an hour, the hilly area gradually became sparse, and a majestic city wall in the distance came into Lu Sheng's eyes.

This is the most desolate wilderness. There is no entrance or exit gate in the city wall, but the thick wall stretches into the distance, dividing the Central Plains and the Northland into two.

There is no one around, a wasteland.

Huh? Suddenly Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes and looked towards a stream beside the city wall.

Two dark green figures flashed rapidly there, seemingly fighting at an astonishingly high speed.

Lu Sheng recognized the identity of one of them at a glance.

Duanmuwan? He saw that Duanmuwan seemed to be at an absolute advantage, playing tricks on his opponent without actually making a killing blow. Moreover, the two people's movements and postures are very similar, and they are both good-looking women. There must be something hidden in it.

He paused in his heart, but still didn't stop to say hello. Instead, it flew straight over their heads and continued towards Yanshan City.

Because the height was too high, the two people below didn't notice that there were people flying rapidly over a thousand meters in the sky. Still fighting and fighting.

After crossing the city wall of Rongxin Pass, Lu Sheng flew for more than an hour and finally arrived at the outskirts of Yanshan City at noon.

He found a meadow by the river, and a large group of crows descended quietly on the shady side of the woods. Looking from a distance, unless one has amazing eyesight and looks closely, one cannot see that a person is falling from the sky.

After tidying up his body, putting on his clothes, and putting away his scales, Lu Sheng returned to his strong figure and an aristocratic appearance.

He walked along the river bank in the direction of the mountain city, passing by many romantic scholars and students. Like ordinary people, he walked on the city gate avenue along the side of the mountain city and blended in with the crowd.

Before he entered the city, he sensed several special auras in the city that were different from ordinary people.

This smell is amazing. It was like standing in front of several burning bonfires and feeling the heat. They released their breath unscrupulously and without scruples, as if they were showing something.

This aura seems to be somewhat similar to the power of my bloodline. Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes and strode towards the direction of the aura.

I hope the owner of this breath can give him a satisfactory answer. If you look at the contents of the letter, his biological mother is not Sun Yan, but the woman he found. So why didn't she come to him for so many years, why did she come to him at this time?

Lu Sheng didn't think that the news of his breakthrough could be transmitted back to the Northland. When the demonic disaster broke out, the people in the Northland at most thought that he was still at the level of the leader of the Red Whale Gang. He might be a little stronger than before, but he wouldn't be much stronger. , the rest should be unknown.

This was also one of the reasons why he rushed back early. The auras in the city were not weak, and they would not try to win over him just because of his status as a mortal gang leader, so this way he could see their purpose more clearly.

If the purpose is not pure, then crush them all to death. In addition to the Lu family who raised me, having more relatives in this life is just a trouble. Since you didn't want me in the first place, there is no need to come to me again. Lu Sheng saw this. Very light. He valued getting along and nurturing more than blood.

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