Extreme Demon

Chapter 300 Bloodline 1


Shangyang Ruo, who had just run out, was slowly blocked by two slim figures before he had gone very far.

Bitch! Where else do you want to run!? A figure slowly revealed her face. She was a beautiful-eyed woman wearing a white veil. But there was a hint of sharpness in the woman's eyes. One look and you can tell that he is not a gentle person.

Ruoruo, go back. You have made a mistake and you must accept punishment. Do you want to be thrown in there by Lord Jiuli? The other person's voice was soft, and he looked at Shang Yangruo with a trace of pity in his eyes.

I, I. Shang Yangruo's tears welled up again. She stood there wrapped in a black robe and trembled all over.

Since you leaked secrets in front of the battle to save your loved ones, everything today has been doomed. The gentle woman said softly.

What's going on? Lu Sheng walked out of the room at this time.

The two women quickly knelt down to Lu Sheng to say hello.

I've met my lord.

Get up and talk. Lu Sheng said casually. As for Shangyang Ruo, he only knew about her situation and portrait from Shangyang Jiuli, but this was the first time they actually met. It was only after he was let go. He had a bad impression of this woman.

But he didn't expect that the Shangyang family would actually use her as a small gift to entertain him.

The two women stood up slowly and told Lu Sheng in detail how Shang Yangruo deliberately leaked information in order to save his family. As a result, Shang Yangruo caused a team that was supposed to retreat safely to be grabbed and entangled by his opponents. Bad beating, heavy damage.

Shang Yangruo is just a small apology. You don't have to pity her. No matter what you do, she won't resist. One of the women said calmly.

Okay, take it down. Lu Sheng waved his hand slightly impatiently. It's like someone placed a hamster in front of a person, spread its legs, and said to him: Don't be pity, you can do whatever you want.

Have mercy, have mercy, have mercy! Lu Sheng estimated that this was because Shangyang Jiuli seriously underestimated his level, or that he was different from ordinary soldiers.

The two women exchanged glances and took a step forward to hold down Shang Yangruo who was trying to escape.

Bang bang bang bang!

With four crisp sounds in a row, the soft-voiced woman severely broke Shangyang Ruo's limbs.

As soon as the screams started, another woman covered her mouth.

I'll put you in the dungeon first. My bloodline has been destroyed a long time ago. I can't do any tricks now. The two women bowed to Lu Sheng again and slowly retreated while pressing Shang Yangruo.

Lu Sheng stood alone at the door, watching the three people leave completely, then narrowed his eyes, turned around and entered the room to rest.


Southern border.

A deep blue and black mountain filled with clouds and mist is looming in the sunlight.

The blazing sun and the thick white fog coexisted, and the fog actually showed no signs of dissipating.

At the top of the mountain, in a deep cave, beside a pool in the deepest part, an old woman in blue was sitting cross-legged.

The old woman's face was wrinkled and her back was slightly hunched, giving people a sinister and indifferent look.

How many years? How many years have passed? She held a blue-black sword-shaped jade in her hand, and her whole body was trembling slightly.

The old woman closed her eyes, as if remembering something.

To this day, I can still recall the scene when my mother took me and others away.

At this time, two other old women slowly walked out of the cave. At first glance, they both looked at least eighty or ninety years old.

Looking at the old man sitting cross-legged in the pool, a trace of worry appeared on their bark-like faces.

Second sister, are you sure that the letter you received at home is true? The three sisters and I have been sworn friends for hundreds of years. Are you really going to abandon me and your eldest sister just because of a letter at home that is difficult to tell whether it is true or false? ?”

The three Wu Ling sisters, although their reputation is not very famous in the entire south, they are generally considered to be above average. The three sisters have lived in seclusion in Wuyun Gorge all year round, appearing and disappearing, inseparable, both good and evil. However, they did not expect that the second child, Yuan Guangcheng, would leave the two of them after receiving a letter from home.

Yuan Guangcheng sighed, stood up from the pool, and stared at his sworn eldest sister and third sister.

My mother passed the letter, and now my bloodline has awakened. My bloodline finally has the opportunity to return to my hometown. Whether it's my mother, me, or hundreds of other brothers and sisters, we have been waiting for this opportunity. It’s been too long.”

But... The third child wanted to say something else. But the eldest sister stretched out her hand to stop her. The eldest sister sighed softly.

Every party in the world comes to an end. Second sister, you are the only one who has the final say in your family affairs. But no matter what, you have to remember that no matter what happens, there are still two good sisters waiting for you here in Wuyun Gorge. This place will always be yours. s home.

Yuan Guang Cheng's nose felt sore and he nodded heavily.

You are already so old. Sister, you are still so sensational. It's not like I won't come back.

That's right. The eldest sister also laughed, You can't just go back like this, right? Do you want to bring back the bloodline heirs you scattered back then?

Of course. There are not many people in my lineage. Anyway, there are just a few people. Naturally, I have to take them back to recognize my ancestors. Yuan Guangcheng nodded.

Then... have a nice journey. The eldest sister said solemnly.

Yuan Guangcheng looked at the two of them with tears in his eyes for a moment.


Fengshan Town, Northland Border.

Fengshan Town is located on the border of the Song Dynasty, bordering the Black Cloud Mountains. The surrounding area is extremely desolate. Except for a few adventurers who occasionally stop here to find treasures, there are no other strong players.

The town's main source of income is the furs harvested by hunters who go into the mountains to hunt, and the many medicinal materials collected by herb collectors.

In this town with only a few thousand people, in one of the dilapidated and black stone houses with a small courtyard, a white-faced woman with disheveled hair was sitting cross-legged in the darkness.

There was no fire, no sunlight, not even windows.

The woman is unkempt, but from her figure and facial contours, it can still be seen that she is a well-known and good-looking woman.


Suddenly, the door cracked open, and a bit of white cold light came in, heading straight to the woman's door.


Han Guang was pinched by the woman and placed in front of her.

Is this?!? The moment she saw the thing in her hand, the woman's figure seemed to tremble, and she tried her best to control the excitement and joy that surged from her heart. Staring at the true face of the cold light in front of him - a small jade dagger.

A small scroll of paper was tied to the hilt of the dagger. The woman carefully took off the paper roll and unfolded it to look at it.

I have awakened, and I will bring you back quickly!

There was only a short sentence on the scroll, but to the woman, it was like Hong Zhong Da Lu, her head was buzzing, and she could not hear any sound at all.

After a while, she slowly calmed down and reached out to touch her face, only to find that she had burst into tears at some point.

“It’s been painful running around for most of my life, finally. finally”

Her real name is Yuan Guang Te Xing, and she is one of the three children of her mother Yuan Guang Cheng. The mother, Yuanguang Orange, is the descendant of the preliminary seeds released by the Yuanguang family a long time ago. To put it simply, her grandmother was the seed of the family, and her mother was one of the hundreds of bloodlines that blossomed.

The Yuanguang family is an extremely powerful, but also extremely weird family.

Except for some tribesmen whose direct bloodline has the potential to directly awaken from birth, the rest will be released, spread out, and reproduce in large numbers. Until a certain number of awakenings are reached, they will be recalled by the general tribe for training.

And her mother, Yuanguang Cheng, was one of the bloodlines left behind by her grandmother who traveled alone and spread her wings in the Song Dynasty.

And there were hundreds of such bloodlines in the Song Dynasty, large and small.

The reason why Yuan Guang Te Xing is so excited is because the awakening of her mother Yuan Guang Cheng means that their lineage has the opportunity to stand out from hundreds of brothers and sisters and return to the main clan. Get away from this painful and helpless life.


The jade sword suddenly shattered, burned into a ball of blue flame, and quickly disappeared.

Yuan Guang Chexing still sat there blankly, motionless.

It's been decades. It's been decades. I originally thought there would be no hope. She was originally a kind person, but the Yuanguang family was not a kind person.

Their budding relationship is not just about finding a husband, having sex and having children. It is the method of exchanging the civet cat for the prince, and the dove takes over the magpie's nest.

The blood secret technique of this clan can silently replace the original essence and blood of the baby's mother and replace it with his own essence and blood, thereby accepting all categories of his identity.

This secret technique can give birth to many children in a person's womb in a very short period of time. And the damage to itself is not serious, but it will cause irreparable damage to the person whose belly is borrowed.

Yuan Guang Te Xing had no choice but to use this secret technique only four times in decades.

She was a kind person, but after being forced to use this secret technique four times, she felt extremely guilty and self-blame. She simply hid in a remote place in this mountain town and spent the rest of her life trying to escape, but she didn't expect that fate would do it. people.

Mother was actually able to stand out among hundreds of brothers and sisters and successfully awaken, adding up to the total number of awakenings.

Yuan Guang Che Xing felt both sadness and joy in her heart.

What makes her miserable is that she has no face to face the four families parasitized by secret arts, the four biological children born of her own blood. How could she explain all this to them? Get their complete forgiveness? And then bring them back together?

She didn't know how other veins solved this problem, but she really couldn't help it.

In the darkness, Yuan Guang Chexing slowly stood up and lit the oil lamp in the room.

Under the dim light, she walked to the only bed in the stone house, bent down, and gently tapped the floor tiles under the bed.


A little green light slowly spreads on the floor tiles. The stone bricks slowly rise, revealing a stone box.

Yuan Guang Te Xing slowly took out the stone box and opened it.

Inside, among the red silk fabrics, was a small piece of paper with four names clearly written on it.

The moment she saw these four characters, Yuan Guang Chexing's face paled slightly, she bit her lower lip, and her eyes revealed complex emotions such as guilt, helplessness, and entanglement.

Among these four names, one of them is the Lu family's Sun Yan.


Lu Sheng stayed in Hongbo Palace for several days and reached a cooperation agreement with the four leaders of Shangyang Jiuli. He left in a hurry and returned to Yuan Mo Sect. Prepare to go to Falcon City, another stronghold.

But at this moment, a family letter from the Northland was sent to Lu Sheng through the power of the Shangyang family.

Black mist filled the air, and Yuan Mo Sect was completely silent at night.

Lu Sheng stood in his cave, gently unfolded the letter in his hand by candlelight, and began to read it carefully.

The letter was written by his biological father, Lu Quan'an, and it was written by his own hand. There was not much in it, but after reading it slowly, Lu Sheng's originally somewhat relaxed face had completely become depressed.

I didn't expect something like this to happen. In fact, he had some doubts about his life experience very early on.

Although he is indeed a mediocre person with no talent, the trace of blood power inspired by practicing Yuanmo secret surgery is not fake after all.

Although that trace of burning power is very weak, at most it is enough to light a dry smoke. Maybe the next generation will be completely diluted to the point where it cannot be stimulated, but it is the power of blood after all.

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