Extreme Demon

Chapter 299 Fire 2

Several people were fast asleep, while Lu Sheng stared blankly.

This is our second meeting, right? Senior Sister Baimian.

Yes. Bai Mian glanced at the four people and one ghost on the ground. All eyes were focused on the boys Du Ye and Li Shunxi.

Everything we have depends on them.

Lu Sheng was stunned. He knew that Bai Mian was not weak. Even if he was not at the snake level, he was still an expert who was infinitely close to the snake level. Miss Mi was similar to her. Although her strength was not at the snake level, she still had many special features. Just seeing that the two of them are completely unafraid of their own chaotic mental fields, you can tell that these two are not simple characters. Although this force field only works on snake level and below.

But what he didn't expect was that Li Shunxi would also get involved in the ghost inheritance.

He looked at Du Ye and Li Shunxi carefully. I did find something was wrong with them. The bodies of these two people were faintly filled with death aura, which was like ripples of water that were constantly stirring, spreading round after round.

alright, I got it.

We have thought a lot about Yuan Mo Sect during the day and at night, and they need to be combined. Bai Mian slowly expressed their plans.

Lu Sheng listened attentively and probably understood what they meant. Bai Mian and others have placed all their inheritance and hopes on Du Ye. Now that Du Ye has finally finished learning what they have learned, they hope that this child can start to contact Bai Zhou's Yuan Mo Sect.

Lu Sheng thought for a while and called his teacher Liu Shanzi over so that they could contact each other to solve the problem.

The special training for Li Shunxi and others was very simple. Lu Sheng just sat there and used some secret techniques, loosened some force fields, and everything was done.

After several days of this, Li Shunxi and Du Ye both gained a lot and politely said goodbye to Lu Sheng and left.

The Yuan Mo Sect's visiting team is ready to go to Hongbo Palace. This trip is nominally a visit, but in fact it is a liaison agreement. The demonic disaster is at hand. Although the Yuan Mo Sect has Lu Sheng in charge, the demon spirits are not alone. There is only one person, and once the clone takes action, it will be difficult for Lu Sheng to protect everyone. After all, you need the help of experts.

The Hongbo Palace gathered many master survivors who had escaped from the Nine Cities. The top strength is not strong, but there are enough people and the average strength is good.

There is a lot of room for cooperation between the two parties.

This time, Lu Sheng led the team with the intention of joining forces with Hongbo Palace and sending out manpower to search for supplies.

Hongbo Palace is hundreds of miles away from Yuan Mo Sect. Under normal circumstances, this distance is not too far, but now that the demonic disaster breaks out, there are many dangers that may be encountered on the way.

Fortunately, Lu Sheng was strong enough, and the Yin Demon opened the way, charging forward, frantically absorbing the demonic energy to transform and replenish it, and it only took him two hours to reach the Red Boiling Palace.


The ruins of the huge red palace complex glow pink in the sunset.

Lu Sheng and his party had just arrived outside the palace complex, and a group of temporary leaders of the Hongbo Palace who had been waiting for a long time had already arranged to welcome the battle.

The leaders were four people, Shangyang Jiuli from the Shangyang family and Kong Lu from the Tianlian school. The han goddess of the Ji Shen Sect. And a free traveler, a strong man who lives freely without belonging to any power.

The four people are obviously the leaders who command Hongbo Palace, and the dozen or so people behind them are the middle and high-level management here. In front of the palace gates, there were two rows of slim girls wearing gauze and translucent outfits on both sides. The looming appearance of the chest and legs perfectly embodies the openness of the Central Plains.

Lu Sheng. Shangyang Jiuli was the first to step forward, staring at Lu Sheng with a complicated expression. Now she didn't know how to get along with him. The man she had always thought was her general had climbed to a level she had never dared to imagine without saying a word.

Shangyang Jiuli didn't know how to address each other.

Jiu Li, our friendship isn't that unfamiliar, right? Lu Sheng said with a smile. He sets the tone directly.

Shangyang Jiuli also smiled and nodded.

This is the same, but now that you are rich, I thought you would not recognize me as your former friend. Come on, let me introduce these people to you.

She pulled Lu Sheng to look at the other three people behind her.

This is Kong Lu, Mr. Kong Da of the Tianlian School. He is the strongest person besides the leader of the Seventh Moon School. Kong Lu was a middle-aged Confucian with a gentle smile. Hearing this, he just nodded slightly at Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng was deeply impressed by the Tianlian School. This school, the headquarters of the Ye School, was after all geared towards ordinary people. He had even left him his contact information in an attempt to get him to join the group, but failed.

This one is Lian Xiu, the Goddess of the Goddess of the Ji Shen Sect. Although she has just broken through the snake, she has great potential and is good at music skills. Shangyang Jiuli continued to introduce another person.

The Goddess Shema is a master with a pure and beautiful appearance and a strong Buddhist atmosphere. Hearing this, he just smiled at Lu Sheng as a salute.

The third one is Dugu Ping, an independent master who lives in seclusion in the Jiucheng area. Shangyang Jiuli just casually introduced the last one.

This man was actually not angry at all. Instead, he kept wiping his sweat with a handkerchief. The so-called individual master was obviously much lower in strength than the others.

Nice to meet you. Lu Sheng nodded casually. Given his status and strength, it was good to be able to say hello.

Several people didn't think so and welcomed him continuously.

Afterwards, Shangyang Jiuli led everyone into the Hongbo Palace. While walking between the red buildings, I introduced the origin of Hongbo Palace to people on both sides. Then we arranged for someone to accompany us to hang out and enjoy the scenery.

Later, Lu Sheng, Xu Chui and others were invited to a night banquet. Liu Shanzi didn't come this time, but most of the people were about the same age.

After Shangyang Jiuli sat down, he talked about some interesting things in the past in the North. From time to time, everyone burst into laughter. Compared with her initial behavior of escaping to the North to rest, now she is able to stand alone.

After a banquet. Most of the people in Yuan Mo Sect were drunk, and Shangyang Jiuli had already arranged accommodation, so he had people lead them to the back room.

As for Lu Sheng, he lived alone in a small independent courtyard.

The one who leads the way is Shangyang Jiuli himself.

At night, there are stars and the moonlight is like gauze. The two of them strolled slowly by the river.

Compared to before, you are much more mature. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Life forces me to mature. Shangyang Jiuli shook his head helplessly. Her hair crown that once stood up high has been removed, and now her white hair is tied into a bunch behind her. She has sharp eyebrows and a delicate face. Although she still looks fierce, she has a little more femininity than before.

At least you can tell she's a woman from a distance.

What are your plans in the future? Lu Sheng asked casually.

Shangyang family has suffered a serious loss of vitality after this battle. Let's wait until we get out of the demon disaster area before we talk about the future. Shangyang Jiuli also sighed with emotion, If it weren't for you on this trip, my ancestor Jun would really have to do it. It’s dangerous. Thank you.”

You helped me a lot back then. Besides, I have my own goals, so there's no need to thank you. Lu Sheng shook his head.

The two of them strolled casually, quickly walked out of the back garden, and walked slowly along the beach of the creek.

Hongbo Palace is actually a large area of ​​ancient ruins. It was just that a school of thought later established its sect here and named it Hongbo Palace, and it gradually spread. This palace complex is naturally easy to defend and difficult to attack. It has complex and intricate terrain, and it is easy to get lost if you are not careful.

The two talked about the current situation, and both agreed that they must move away from the Jiucheng area. Today, Jiucheng is the front line of the demon army. The Shangyang family only has so little foundation, and 90% of it has been destroyed. Judge There were only a few people left, the painter was almost completely wiped out, and the family masters suffered heavy casualties. Fortunately, the ancestor is still there, otherwise the entire Shangyang family would really be completely destroyed.

The two of them chatted and walked downstream along the river.

Along the way, the chaotic situation in Hongbo Palace gradually became apparent to Lu Sheng. In just a short time of burning incense, they met no less than a hundred people who were fleeing, and they were living in tents by the river.

Although there are many palaces in Hongbo Palace, most of them must be given over to the disciples of the school and the officials. Ordinary people don't even have to think about it.

Occasionally, you can see a patrol team passing by. When the team is still there, everything is quiet. As soon as the patrol team leaves, people grab food and drink, accommodation, and even women, and start fighting. Chaos breaks out.

Shangyang Jiuli looked indifferent and ignored him. Lu Sheng originally wanted to take care of it, but seeing that the actual manager next to him didn't care, it didn't matter.

In fact, he is not a good person. He just does good things when he is in a good mood and will not cause trouble to himself. Other times it's more neutral.

After chatting for a while, it was getting late, so Shangyang Jiuli took Lu Sheng back and came to the entrance of the palace. She turned around and narrowed her eyes.

Lu Sheng, I hope you will sincerely consider the proposal I just made. Although our Shangyang family has suffered heavy losses, it is still more than enough to provide you with one.

Lu Sheng smiled. Indeed, even if the Shangyang family suffered heavy losses from the demonic disaster, a lean camel was bigger than a horse. One of the nine families in the Central Plains who had mastered many secrets, definitely had an unimaginable background. Joining it completely and becoming the core layer is indeed an extremely tempting proposition. But he had other ideas.

Forget it, you can think about it yourself. Seeing that Lu Sheng was silent, Shangyang Jiuli waved his hand helplessly, Have a good rest. Lead Mr. Lu to the main hall to rest.

Yes. A subordinate nearby responded quickly.

Lu Sheng didn't say anything, smiled at Shangyang Jiuli, turned around and left with his subordinates.

The subordinate who led the way said nothing, but his whole body was trembling a little, obviously knowing Lu Sheng's identity and the weight he represented.

He quickly led Lu Sheng to a large hall. The door opened and there was no one inside. Then the man turned around and ran away.

Lu Sheng looked at him strangely. The Red Boiling Palace was also a bit strange. These palace ruins were extremely hard and had strong sound insulation effect. I don’t know what era of civilization is left over.

He sighed and walked slowly into the main entrance of the hall, then found the side room where he was resting. As soon as he unlocked it, he opened the door.


He was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him.

A familiar and beautiful girl was kneeling naked in the room, with her back to him and her butt raised high, like a bitch with no dignity at all.

Shang Yangruo? Lu Sheng said helplessly. You don't need to think about it to know that this must have been arranged by the Shangyang family. No wonder when he finally separated from Jiu Li, the other person's words to have a good rest sounded weird.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Shangyang Ruo's face was filled with tears, and his eyes were swollen from crying. She knelt on the ground unable to move. She trembled when she heard Lu Sheng's voice and slowly turned her head.

Go. Lu Sheng took off his black robe and covered Shang Yangruo. Unless he wanted to kill someone, there was no chance of him being attractive, no matter how tempting he was.

After the ketone body was covered, he reached out and waved, and there were several crackling sounds, and the invisible power set on Shang Yangruo was immediately released.

She quickly stood up, wrapped her body in a black robe, looked at Lu Sheng bitterly, turned around and ran out of the room.

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