Extreme Demon

Chapter 298 Fire 1

There's no need for me. I'm far inferior to you. Xiaosheng, if you were the leader of Yuanmo Sect, how would you like to arrange everyone's activities now? Liu Shanzi thought for a while and asked.

Relocation! Lu Sheng said decisively. Going to a place without demonic disasters is the safest option.

Demonic disasters are millions of horrific disasters. At such an order of magnitude, even he may be in trouble as long as he is delayed. After all, he is just one person, not a group of people.

Relocating is a good idea, but I personally don't think it is necessary to move now. We are not the main attack target now, and it is more than enough with you here. Such an environment with strong demonic energy is actually a good thing for our Yuanmo Sect.

In addition, Xingyun City and Falcon City both sent us invitations, hoping that we would visit. Liu Shanzi whispered.

Hongbo Palace in Xingyun City? I remember Falcon City is the home base of the Shangyang family. Do you want to go? Lu Sheng said calmly.

It's not that I want to go, but that of your wife. Liu Shanzi blushed and coughed twice.

Then. How about we visit Hongbo Palace first, and then go to Falcon City? Lu Sheng suggested.

Hongbo Palace? You decide. I plan to pass on the position of faction leader to you in a while. Now I am completely unqualified to lead the current Yuan Mo Sect. I can't convince the crowd. Although Liu Shanzi is a snake-level A strong man, but he had to sigh loudly at this time.

Lu Sheng is an unprecedented genius in the history of Baimai. His talent is astonishing and indescribable. Although we don't know what magic weapon he has fused, just by sprinting to the snake level in such a short period of time, we know that it is The potential is terrifying.

Only under the leadership of Lu Sheng can the Yuan Mo Sect become stronger and stronger.

After Lu Sheng and Liu Shanzi communicated for a while, they went down to have a few words with the many junior brothers and sisters, and then summoned Xu Chui and others to test the possibility of teaching the Eight Demonic Ways.

He led people to find an empty and desolate place, and first tried to merge all eight demon bodies into one set, omitting many overlapping places, and then integrated them into a completely different and extremely powerful demon body cultivation system.

But let alone Xu Chui and others, even he himself was a little dumbfounded by such an integration.

Even if the eight major demonic bodies are all integrated and omitted, and the overlap is eliminated, a set of powerful demonic skills with a total of seventy-two layers will finally be formed.

This set of magic skills can be practiced starting from the first level, and the speed becomes slower as you go to the later levels. According to the qualifications of Xu Chui and others, it only takes more than a year to complete the first level, which can reach the level of strength, and then the second level begins , something is wrong.

This is similar to the famous martial arts in the novel that Lu Sheng once read, where the training time for the next level is doubled.

These eight demonic magic arts also have similar characteristics. The first level takes more than one year, the second level takes more than two years, and the third level takes more than three years.

By analogy, if there are no bottlenecks at all and everything goes smoothly, there are seventy-two levels in total, and it would take 2,628 years to reach his current level.

This still does not have the power of the evolved Yin Fire.

Without the yin fire at the level of the eight-headed divine bead, the power of the eight-headed demonic path will at least drop by several levels, and at most it will reach the upper third-level snake level. Not to mention being close to the demon lord, even the commander of the army is far behind. This kind of magic power is not as good as being passed down from a noble family.

The Eight-headed Demonic Way taught by him is too cost-effective, and Lu Sheng does not recommend it to a few people to practice it. However, it is still possible to imbue the body with the demonic energy of the Eight-headed Divine Bead, change the physique, and directly enhance some strength.

He infused Xu Chui and Ning San with demonic energy. Wait for the two of them to go back to retreat for digestion. He himself met Zhan Hongsheng who came to visit him specially.

In the dark practice ground, Xu Chui Ningsan and the others had just left, and Zhan Hongsheng walked into the practice ground with his head lowered and his whole body trembling with nervousness.

The entire training ground is about the same size as a football field. It was a place that Lu Sheng opened up and widened at will. You can still see lava that has been burned and melted into various shapes on the edge.

He was about to get up and leave, but when he saw Zhan Hongsheng coming, he sat down again to see what she was doing.

Zhan Hongsheng wore a jet black tights, which perfectly highlighted her small waist and the weapon on her chest, and her legs were wrapped round, slender and tight.

This is not the Northland. The Central Plains is still known for its long and well-proportioned legs. Zhan Hongsheng's outfit is quite open, and even the gap between the legs is outlined by tight trousers.

This also allowed Lu Sheng to see the openness towards sex in the Central Plains.

In fact, it is right to think about it, no matter from the perspective of the nine families in the Central Plains, it is still a commonplace with years of war. No matter whether it is aristocratic families or ordinary people, they are all crazy about encouraging procreation.

Because there are too many troubles and disasters, if there are not enough children, the population will show negative growth. In a few years, the Song Dynasty will be destroyed by population. Therefore, it is normal for the atmosphere to be open.

What are you doing here? Lu Sheng asked casually.

On the dark cave floor, he sat cross-legged against the deepest wall. His temperament was gloomy and cold. He was covered in a black robe, and only the bulging steel-rock-like muscles on his body could be vaguely seen. He was obviously just wearing a loose black robe, but he managed to give off the aura of heavy armor.

Zhan Hongsheng was startled by the question and trembled all over. He raised his head and quickly glanced at Lu Sheng.

I, I. I also want to become stronger!

Lu Sheng gave her a strange look.

You should go find your brother, or Granny Qingkong. He was not the other person's biological father, so why did he want to become stronger?

They... they are not as good as you! Zhan Hongsheng's face flushed, his breathing was a little rapid, and he couldn't help but lower his head again.

Lu Sheng stared at the girl quietly for a while.

He probably also saw that Zhan Hongsheng had a personality that worshiped the strong. What was the name of her previous boyfriend? He was better than her, so he easily convinced her. But now he was the strongest, so she specially changed into a seductive outfit just to hope that he would support her.

But this is of no use to him.

He didn't even dare to enter the bridal chamber in his hometown, for fear of accidentally killing his wife. Now that the demonic body is fully completed, the eight-headed demonic path has reached its peak, the body has been greatly changed, and the functions in this area have been enhanced, but the problem is that problems will occur if it is too strong. It is even more difficult to touch ordinary women.

And if he hadn't forced himself to suppress his chaotic mental field, with this girl so close now, he would have wiped his neck and knelt down to lie dead.

In his eyes, the current Zhan Hongsheng was no different from a paper lantern. Maybe this metaphor is even more polite.

The other person may not be able to bear the blow.

You're too weak. Lu Sheng said matter-of-factly. Even with the Yinhe Net I deployed before, you are too weak. What you need now is not my guidance, but the guidance of your teacher, your brother. That is the most suitable improvement for you at this level.

But I Zhan Hongsheng wanted to say something else, but was immediately pushed out by a huge force. Before she could recover, her body flew out dozens of meters involuntarily and landed at the corner of the cave.

Go. Lu Sheng said calmly. The voice came from far away, as if he was speaking right in front of him.

Zhan Hongsheng looked a little unwilling, and wanted to take a step forward, but as soon as he walked out, he felt an invisible wall of energy appeared in front of him, blocking the road near Lu Sheng.

In desperation, she stamped her feet, turned and left.

Lu Sheng simply continued to adjust his body on the spot and sat quietly for a while. Now he no longer needed any training, but focused on stabilizing his cultivation and finding demonic energy to absorb.

After the Demon Commander's demonic energy was sucked out by him, it only increased to less than one-tenth of the total amount. There is still a long way to go before the gap is needed.

So now he is mainly adapting to the skyrocketing cultivation level.

The leap from the snake level to the high level of the soldier master level is quite large, equivalent to spanning several levels in a row. The center's control over itself has therefore dropped to an extremely troublesome level.

Otherwise, when fighting against the Demon Commander and Demon Lord before, it would not be so grand. Instead, all the forces should be gathered together. The scene would be small, but the power would be greater.

About an hour later, several familiar and unfamiliar guests arrived at the corner of the cave.

Lu Sheng, who had his eyes closed, slowly opened them and looked strangely at the woman in the white dress who was walking at the front.

A woman in a white dress wearing a white hood and splattered with tiny blood spots was holding an ordinary firewood ax in both hands.

Are you Senior Sister Baimian? Lu Sheng was deeply impressed by this strange Senior Sister he saw when he first joined the sect.

Miss Mi and I are here to request you to conduct a special training for this child. Senior Sister Baimian is basically the ghost of Yuan Mo Sect at night. I didn't expect that Lu Sheng would take the initiative to contact him.

To be honest, Lu Sheng was a little curious about Bai Mian and Miss Mi, the one-horned python.

They are ghosts, seniors who have survived for a long time. In fact, they may have a better understanding of Yuan Mo Sect than the senior sister He Xiangzi.

It was just because I never had time that I didn’t get in touch. But he didn't expect that the other party would actually come to the door.

Child. His eyes turned and landed on a little boy following Bai Mian.

He was an ordinary boy who was less than one meter tall, but his complexion was a pale blue, and it was obvious at first glance that he was not alive. Either an inferi or a ghost. A ghost would actually ask to be brought to be trained by him?

Noticing that Lu Sheng was looking at him, the boy took a step forward, his face expressionless and his eyes staring straight at Lu Sheng.

My name is Du Ye, I have met my senior brother!

Lu Sheng's eyes turned and fell on a few people further behind. Those people were the four Li Shunxi who had been captured by the demon army before.

Li Shunxi, Sun Meng, Lian Ji, Yin Zi. A group of friends are all here, but they all look like they are bandaged, and everyone is injured, which makes them feel a little happy.

Brother Li, you're fine. Lu Sheng smiled at Li Shunxi. They were friends after all. Although the other party was a little weaker, the friendship was genuine.

No, don't call me Brother Li. I want to ask for your advice this time. If possible, I would like to become your teacher. Li Shunxi quickly waved his hands and smiled bitterly. He pointed at the three people beside him, as well as the little ghost Du Ye standing beside him.

We, as a group of people, have all suffered miserably from the demonic disaster. I hope you can give us a special training. Of course, it would be better if you can recruit disciples.

Lu Sheng shook his head speechlessly.

I don't have any plans to recruit a disciple yet. Special training is required. He glanced at the four people and one ghost in front of him.

Yuan Mo Sect has always been quiet at night, which is obviously due to Bai Mian and Miss Mi. Even the Demon Army has never attacked Yuan Mo Sect at night. Obviously these two played a big role in it.

Coupled with the seniority of Senior Sister Baimian, this face still has to be given.

Li Shunxi risked his life to call out the real murderer. Although his purpose was not simple, he helped himself in the end. In addition to the previous friendship, special training is not a problem.

What kind of special training do you want? Lu Sheng asked calmly.

What kind of special training is best for us to quickly improve our strength? Sun Meng, an introverted and autistic man, asked a simple and concise question.

Actual combat. Lu Sheng said calmly, Actual combat is the best way for you to improve your strength.

That's okay!

Just here. He relaxed his mental field slightly.

The force field instantly pressed on the four people and one ghost. Several people suddenly rolled their eyes and fainted to the ground.

Lu Sheng's expression remained unchanged and he looked at Bai Mian.

The most difficult thing for a person to deal with is himself. Don't worry. So he used the chaotic force field to slightly suppress these people. Among the many secret techniques of Yuan Mo Sect, with a little guidance, he could let several people enter and In the mental dream of his duel.

This is actually a very simple matter.

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