Extreme Demon

Chapter 291 The World 2

A few people from the Yuan Mo Sect quickly disappeared into the shadows, and the rest of the people also scattered, hurriedly gathering their belongings and planning to escape from this place.

Shangyang Jiuli and others stayed where they were, arranging and sorting out the next path, and then under the leadership of Jiuli, they rushed towards the exit.

Everyone walked through the large open space, turned the corner, and returned to the square. Shangyang Jiuli vaguely heard the sound of monsters howling and fighting in front of them.

It's the demon army coming in! Everyone, get ready! She looked aside and raised her hand.

Everyone was on alert.

No, the team led by the elder is still behind! One person exclaimed.

Shangyang Jiuli's face darkened. She led the strongest elites of the Shangyang family to break through the blockade, and then most of the weaker ones protected the survivors and others rescued from the city. It would be terrible if the demon army met him head-on.

But I can't care too much at this moment. Far water can't save the near fire, they can only rely on themselves.

Quick, quick, quick!! she shouted loudly.

Everyone speeded up and rushed into the wide tunnel leading in and out of Yuan Mo Sect.

But no matter how fast we speed up, the strange thing is that the sounds and movements of the demon army are still directly ahead, and no one can be seen.

Monster corpses appeared on the ground from time to time, with black blood and red blood spots splattering everywhere. But the strange thing is that there is no living thing in sight. All the monsters were left with corpses. Except for a few parts whose heads were separated, most of the monsters died silently. If their bodies hadn't slowly turned into black ash, it would have given the impression that they were still alive.

Shangyang Jiuli was the first to notice something was wrong. He slowed down and began to carefully examine the corpses of various demonic armies on both sides.

Thorn Demon? This is Thorn Demon!?? Suddenly her body was shaken. I saw the corpse of a monster with its head and body separated.

This is a black man with hedgehog-like spikes all over his body. His eyes are so big that they take up almost half of his face. He also held a sledgehammer in his hand and wore dark magic armor with ferocious spikes everywhere.

But at this time, this thorn demon, which was at least at the level of six lines, died here quietly.

Red Demon! Red Demon Star!!!? Some experts on the other side also noticed something was wrong.

The Red Demon Stars, which were extremely difficult to kill in the demon army, actually died silently here.

Shangyang Jiuli hurried over and was also shocked.

On the side of a large stone in the tunnel between them, a hollow was filled with densely packed demon army corpses. At a glance, there were at least thirty of them, among which the red magic armor on four of the red demon stars was extremely eye-catching.

What's going on! What on earth is this?! Shangyang Jiuli's heart was racing, but his expression remained calm.

Keep going! Be alert.

Yes! Everyone continued to slow down and move forward.

They walked forward for a while, and when they were about to reach the entrance of the cave, Shangyang Jiuli finally saw the fighting scene ahead.

Lu Sheng changed into black clothes and walked slowly through a group of demonic troops in front of him. All the demonic troops stood motionless for an instant, and then fell to the ground one by one as if their souls were gone. Made a sound.

He Xiangzi and others were standing at the back, each with a strange look on their face. Ever since Lu Sheng led them out and met the demon army on the way, they had been dying in this weird way all the way.

Even if it was the demon army that was targeted, everyone felt chilled when they saw it. I have no idea how Lu Sheng did it, killing so many monsters in just one walk. If the target were replaced by them, the result would probably not be any different.

Although He Xiangzi often heard teachers mention Lu Sheng's terrifying talent, she never had a clear understanding of it. Only at this moment did she truly understand what it means to have a terrifying talent.

Especially when several monsters in the demon army that she felt were extremely dangerous just now were helpless under Lu Sheng's hands, she deeply realized the gap between herself and Lu Sheng.

Fortunately, Lu Sheng himself was a master before joining the sect, which is not too impressive.

This looks very much like the secret technique that the teacher once demonstrated, sound absorption and breath taking. He Xiangzi suddenly remembered the origin of Lu Sheng's move to kill the demon army. But isn't it only possible to use it after mastering the Ghost Face Jue??

No cause, ghost face, Tongyou, demon heart, this is the step-by-step secret code of Tingyou lineage. What finally leads to is the great achievement of the Demonic Heart Dao, which condenses the demonic body of Tingyou. But how long has Lu Shengcai been practicing? It is impossible to achieve the ultimate achievement of Ghost Face Art.


The last horse-faced monster wearing red magic armor was pinched by Lu Sheng's neck, and it lost its vitality silently and was thrown aside.

He Xiangzi finally couldn't bear it any longer and stepped forward and asked loudly.

Junior Brother Lu! Have you mastered the Ghost Face Art? When she asked this question, her voice was trembling.

She has now achieved great success in Wuyin Gong, let alone the Ghost Face Art. It will take at least ten more years to reach the level of success in the Ghost Face Jue.

As for ordinary disciples, if they want to master the Ghost Face Art, they need at least thirty years of hard training. If they are exceptionally qualified, twenty years may be enough. But Lu Sheng has only been in the group for more than a year

As soon as these words came out, not only He Xiangzi, but also the umbrella girl Yingying, Zhan Kongning, Zhan Hongsheng and others also pricked up their ears.

Especially Zhan Kongning, he originally planned to cooperate with Lu Sheng to break out of the encirclement, but he didn't expect that the other party would be so fierce and kill him without leaving anyone alive. It was extremely cruel.

Originally, he thought that he and Lu Sheng were on par with each other, and even if the other party was stronger than him, he wouldn't be much stronger, but now it seems.

Zhan Hongsheng was the one who knew Lu Sheng’s strength best, and she was the one who desperately dragged her brother to Yuan Mo Sect for refuge. In her opinion, Lu Sheng, who could kill the python demon by hiding his strength, was definitely the strongest person that could be found nearby. , no one, so she was the calmest at this time.

Ghost Face Battle? Lu Sheng opened his mouth and inhaled a trace of the purified demonic essence. The invisible demonic essence was completely invisible to others. Without cause, ghost face, trance, and demon heart. Three days ago, I completed the demon heart, condensed the demon body, and became the supreme demon body!

boom! !

A circle of dark demonic energy spread naturally from his body.

The demonic energy condensed into a circle of black lines and spread out in all directions. Wherever it went, all the corpses of the demon army decomposed into black ash. Silks of demonic energy were quickly shot into his mouth and absorbed.


Even though he had been mentally prepared, the moment he heard the Supreme Demonic Body and saw how powerful it was, He Xiangzi's heart trembled and she took a breath.

Achievement. Demonic Body!!!?

She never expected that Lu Sheng could break through so many restrictions in one go and achieve the Demonic Body.

Although she didn't know many details about the demon body, the general characteristics were clear.

Teacher Liu Shanzi once showed her the horror of listening to the ghost body many times. But how could she not have imagined how long Lu Sheng had been joining the Yuan Mo Sect? He actually broke through so many realms one after another, reaching the pinnacle of Tingyou's lineage in one breath and achieving a demonic body! !

This is simply it.

Although the three umbrella girls, Yingying, had long known that their gang leader was extremely perverted, they never expected him to be so perverted. They practiced the secret technique of Yuan Mo Sect together, and they also understood the difficulty of condensing the demon body. Just the time span alone means that people have to practice hard for at least thirty years before they can reach the edge of the demonic body.

You must know that it is the strongest existence in the Yuan Demon Sect that is equivalent to the snake level in legend!

Zhan Kongning and Zhan Kongning, on the other hand, only knew a little bit about it. After all, they were not from the same school of thought, and they did not know the difficulties. They don't know very well what the demonic body is.

But looking at the expressions of other people, you can tell that this supreme demonic body is definitely very strong.

Ouch! !

A huge male lion with a mane burning with black flames slowly stepped out from behind Lu Sheng. He let out an angry roar and stared at He Xiangzi and the others with fierce eyes.

The roar shook the surrounding rocks, and everyone's bodies were numb. I couldn't help but take a step back.

Yin Yin Demon!!? He Xiangzi cried out.

Song Zian recalled the scene when Lu Sheng rushed out and killed the King of Dark Clouds, and felt even more terrified.

How is it possible for people to break through so many bottlenecks in a short period of time? He had begun to suspect that the Lu Sheng in front of him was simply a monster disguised by the ancient demon.

Okay, let's go. Lu Sheng no longer planned to hide his strength. At this level, there is no need to hide anything. The right way is to crush him openly and openly.

Lu Sheng! Shangyang Jiuli called from a distance from behind.

I'm going to save people first, and I'll come back to find you later! Lu Sheng led the crowd quickly up the stone steps without looking back, and soon disappeared on the plain.

Shangyang Jiuli squinted his eyes and stood at the entrance of the cave, staring quietly at the corpses of the demon army that had turned to black and gray around him.

They are going to Xijiyuan, Lord Jiuli? We

Over at Xijiyuan, if the faction leaders can break through the blockade formation, then that side will be the safest place. But if they can't break through, Jiuli said in a deep voice. Let the people behind you speed up, let's continue to the Hongbo Palace!


A group of elites got back on their horses and rushed towards Hongbo Palace.


Yuan Mo Sect

Song Zian quietly left the team, returned to the ruins of the Secret Art Palace, and stood in front of the huge black stone.

Senior Mio He stretched out his hand and gently touched the surface of the black stone with a complicated expression.

I can smell the scent of the original ancestors of the Yuan Demon Sect from that person. The Demon King's deep reply came from the black stone.

But he is much stronger than those ancestors, he sighed in a low voice.

Is he really a human? Song Zian asked in surprise.

Yes, even though they don't look alike in appearance, the smell I smell is indeed that of a human being. Mio replied with certainty.

So...who is that blue giant that came out before? Song Zian felt that his mind was a little lost.

That's the King of Dark Clouds. Mio sighed, One of the former demon lords of the Moon Demon Clan was a demon king-level existence, which is equivalent to your human's military commander.

Soldier Commander Song Zian's pupils shrank, and he finally understood what level Lu Sheng was at.

Yes. Armed Master. Demon King. Mio unconsciously fell into silence. In fact, there was one sentence he didn't say.

In his eyes, which can see the strongest form of living things, when he saw Lu Sheng, it was not the huge form before.

Instead, it was an elegant, ferocious, and terrifying slender figure. Behind that figure was an almost endless silver starry sky.

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The last one is the beautiful leader. If you have time, you can join the group and tease her~haha~

Finally, publicize the official account ~ click to open it as a letter, search for the author, go away, and click to follow. Today I posted the information card of He Xiangzi on it. If you are interested, you can take a look. There are also many peripheral contents made by friends, which can also be posted to the account, and may be adopted for everyone to enjoy~ Finally, thank you for your support~ In the blink of an eye, I am almost thirty years old, and I am approaching middle age. It feels like I'm almost halfway through my life without doing anything.

I hope that one day, in your lifetime, you can still remember that you have read a book written by a man named Lao Gun, and you can still remember the refreshing novels full of positive energy and holy light. That would be enough.

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