Extreme Demon

Chapter 290 The World 1

Burn! Everything! Lu Sheng opened his arms and purple-black flames burst into flames all over his body. That is Yin Fire that has been raised to the extreme.

The terrifying fire spread in all directions in the blink of an eye, igniting the scattered blue sea of ​​clouds.

boom! ! !

Purple light shone piece by piece, and in an instant the entire sea of ​​clouds was completely ignited. From the Secret Art Palace to the open space around the periphery, everything turned into a purple sea of ​​fire in the blink of an eye.

The fire only bypassed Song Zian, but also enveloped the black stone and the long knife on it.

ah! !

A shrill scream erupted from the black stone. This yin fire could even cause burns to the ancient demon king at the level of snake and leopard, not to mention him, who had been sealed for so many years and did not even have the strength of the lower-level demon king.

The black stone howled miserably, and the entire stone was faintly burned hot and red. The surface seems to be melting and dripping with magma.

Song Zian stood there blankly, his mind still confused at this time. He clearly saw that it was Lu Sheng who flew out, but how could Lu Sheng have such terrifying strength?

Is he possessed by the devil? He was confused and looked at the sea of ​​purple fire in front of him.

Mio!! Suddenly he reacted and rushed towards the black stone.

The strange thing is that wherever he goes, all the purple fires naturally retreat. Everyone seemed to be actively avoiding him.

Because of his arrival, the purple fire around the black stone dispersed and it temporarily took a breather.

Are you okay? Song Zian reached out to touch the black stone, but as soon as he touched it, he felt a stinging pain in his hand, and translucent ripples suddenly appeared on his body and hand. This is a natural phenomenon when the soul is injured. It seemed as if the entire elbow began to blur, twist and disappear, and he was so frightened that he quickly retracted his hand.

Ouch! !

Suddenly there was a terrifying roar in the distance.

In the sea of ​​​​fire, a blue giant regrouped its body and tried hard to fly up and escape from the sea of ​​​​fire.

But as soon as he took off, countless arms formed from countless purple flames, grabbing his body layer by layer. Each of these arms was about as thick as his waist. Dozens of arms stretched out and pulled him back into the sea of ​​fire in the blink of an eye.

No!!! The King of Dark Clouds roared, trying to straighten up and get his head out of the sea of ​​fire.

Everything, burn it! Lu Sheng opened his arms, and the two arms behind him pushed down the King of Dark Clouds again.

boom! !

I the King of Dark Clouds was pushed back into the flames. He wanted to speak but was choked back by the lava.

His body began to melt slowly. His huge body was originally composed of invisible clouds, but when encountering the highly toxic heat, part of his flesh and blood began to evaporate and change its nature involuntarily.

Further away, Shangyang Jiuli and others hurriedly arrived. But I only dared to stand on the edge of the sea of ​​​​fire and watch from a distance. Everyone looked horrified and had no idea what was happening here.

The sea of ​​​​fire was burning with blue mist, and there was thick black smoke above it. It was impossible to see what was going on inside, and only the roar of the King of Dark Clouds could be heard.

The entire area of ​​the Secret Art Palace was completely covered by the sea of ​​fire. The rocks melted, and so did the great hall. Some taboo puppets that had just emerged from the ruins quickly melted and sank into the magma again before they took a few steps.

Within a dozen breaths, this large area melted into a purple-red magma lake.

In the middle of the lake, Lu Sheng pressed his arms on the King of Dark Clouds' head, pressing it into the magma and unable to pull it out.

As time slowly passed, the Dark Cloud King's resistance gradually weakened, and his roars became smaller and smaller, gradually turning into a cry for mercy.

Lu Sheng had no expression on his face, still holding the King of Dark Clouds firmly. Under the burning fire, after dozens of breaths passed, the entire body of the King of Dark Clouds completely melted and dissipated into the magma.

Only the last head in Lu Sheng's hand was left.

I'm not willing to give in, the King of Dark Clouds muttered. He couldn't use any secret skills and was instantly restrained. It was extremely frustrating.

Bang! !

Lu Sheng put his hands together and crushed his head, turning it into a blue cloud. The cloud was instantly ignited by purple fire.

A steady stream of demonic energy was transmitted from the purple fire into his body. Although it was not as good as the ancient demon, it was still pretty good. After all, he was still a Demon King. Even though he was a little weak, he could be easily killed by him.

After killing the King of Dark Clouds, Lu Sheng's body shrank rapidly and looked at the black stone protected by Song Zian.

Song Zian, you dare to surrender to the demon clan. Do you want to die? Lu Sheng was furious. He had a hunch that as long as he swallowed the ancient demon Kafi, he could truly rise to a new level of transformation, but in the end Falling short of success. With that ancient demon's level of strength, it would be extremely difficult to force it into a desperate situation and fight to the death with him.

Me! Song Zian swallowed, not knowing how to answer at all. Are you Lu Sheng??!

What do you think? Lu Sheng replied impatiently. But his eyes were looking at the black boulder. He didn't have enough magic energy, and he was still far short of being ready for the eight-headed demon path on the next level. So when I saw this black boulder now, my eyes felt a little wrong.

Just like a ferocious beast at the top of the food chain looking at its prey, Lu Sheng's body returned to the size of a human in the cathode state, and he slowly walked towards the black stone.

What is sealed in this black stone is a demon king. You must have been seduced by the demon king. Let me help you get rid of your troubles. Lu Sheng swallowed and walked towards the black stone step by step.

I am not bewitched!! Song Zian opened his mouth to say this, but except for the sound of breathing, no sound could be heard at all.

Lu Sheng was approaching step by step, getting closer, getting closer

Lu Sheng! Suddenly, an anxious cry came from far behind.

Shangyang Jiuli flew over and touched a cooling stone on the side. He was as light as a petrel and rushed towards this side.

Go! It's not safe here! She didn't even see what happened just now. The purple fire and burning smoke blocked all sight. She just vaguely saw a huge thing rushing out suddenly, seeming to suppress the King of Dark Clouds. , and then disappeared.


Shangyang Jiuli landed next to Lu Sheng and grabbed his arm.

Let's go out first! She didn't care, she pulled Lu Sheng and flew out.

Song Zian watched the two people fly away and was about to speak.

You come too! Shangyang Jiuli took advantage of the situation and took out a cloth belt, tied up Song Zian together, pulled him up and shot him towards the distant magma lake.

Lu Sheng originally planned to get rid of Black Stone, but now that Shangyang Jiuli has arrived, he can't really expose the ugly image of his anode state.

He didn't intend to hide his strength, but the anode state was really ugly, and the combination of yin and yang was a bit inhuman. Simply showing his strength in the cathode state was his original plan. I originally planned to eat the demon in the black stone, but since it was taken away, it doesn't matter if I come back and eat it again.

The three of them landed lightly on the edge of the magma lake. Shangyang Jiuli put away the cloth belt and pulled Lu Sheng and the others towards He Xiangzi and others who were waiting in the distance.

The clouds are dispersing!? From a distance, she heard people exclaiming.

She observed it, and sure enough, the surrounding clouds and fog were quickly dispersing, and the purple magma lake was also cooling rapidly. The entire cave was scorching hot, all due to the high temperature emanating from the magma lake.

It should be that behemoth just now that temporarily eliminated the blue giant. Shangyang Jiuli frowned and breathed a sigh of relief. Quick, quick, quick! Let's get out of here right away! If that blue giant comes back again, we'll be in trouble!

That's right! What Mr. Jiu Li said is absolutely true. Don't delay, everyone, go to the surface immediately. An old man from the Shangyang family said loudly.

However, He Xiangzi and others saw Lu Sheng coming back, and they all seemed to have found a backbone and joined in one after another.

Senior Brother Lu!

Chief Senior Brother!

Brother Lu!

Everyone was a little excited and began to describe the blue giant they just met.

What should we do now? He Xiangzi looked at Lu Sheng with worried eyes. Want to act together with the Shangyang family?

Lu Sheng looked around at everyone in the Yuan Mo Sect. Ning San immediately stepped forward and carefully explained to him the situation of the demonic disaster outside.

Devil disaster? Lu Sheng frowned slightly.

We're leaving right away, Lu Sheng, do you want to come with me? Shangyang Jiuli approached and asked. I advise you to stay with me, just in case that blue giant appears again.

It doesn't matter. Lu Sheng said calmly, Master Liu Shanzi is still in Xijiyuan. I will go to Xijiyuan and bring him back.

Xijiyuan? Are you crazy! Shangyang Jiuli opened his eyes wide when he heard this. From here to Xijiyuan, do you know how many demonic army blockades you have to overcome in the middle?

Of course, Lu Sheng was not crazy. He was just severely lacking in demonic energy and demonic energy, so he planned to use the process of picking up people to swallow up more demonic energy.

I'm not crazy. He looked around and scanned the Yuan Mo Sect disciples one by one.

Anyone who is willing to come with me to save the teacher, please come forward.


Everyone was silent. Many people have just joined the school, and no matter how good their relationship is, they are not yet ready to devote their lives to the school.

It was quiet for a while.


Umbrella girl Yingying and Xubuki Neizo stood up. They were Lu Sheng's subordinates, so they naturally acted together.

Then there was He Xiangzi, with a determined look on her face as she strode out.

I go!

Let's go too. Zhan Kongning and Zhan Hongsheng stood up. At this point, if they didn't go to see what the situation of their faction leader was like, they would not be willing to do anything.

Lu Sheng went to look at the other people, but there was no one there anymore.


I'll go too! One of the girls in white came out at some point.

Her name is Xu Shengyu, she is a new disciple who joined the school not long ago. She is an orphan and one of the people He Xiangzi recruited into the school at that time.

As for the other boys and girls, no one was willing to come forward.

Then, that's it. Lu Sheng glanced at Xu Shengyu twice and didn't bother to say more, Follow me.

He strode towards the entrance and exit of Yuan Mo Sect. He Xiangzi took Xu Shengyu and followed quickly with the three umbrella girls.

Lu Sheng! Shangyang Jiuli looked complicated and suddenly called him. If you can still come back alive, come to Hongbo Palace. I'll wait for you there!

Lu Sheng didn't look back, raised his hand backwards, and led the people away quickly.

Although he didn't say anything, Lu Sheng finally felt a little approving of him for being able to bring someone to come with him at such a dangerous moment.

Originally, he was just using Shangyang Jiuli with an exploitative attitude, but when the other party was in such trouble, he still thought of him regardless of the danger. This was a sincere treatment.

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