Extreme Demon

Chapter 292 The World 3


The black air in the sky enveloped a hemisphere, completely covering the entire Xijiyuan.

In the black gas hemisphere, you can faintly see colorful lights surging and filling the air. From time to time, densely packed symbols of all kinds shine and explode in the colorful lights.

Liu Shanzi stretched out his right hand, facing the formation from a distance, and made a sharp stroke with his left hand.

A black symbol symbolizing the demonic body suddenly appeared in front of him. The symbol changed several shapes in mid-air, but nothing happened until the blackness dissipated.

Liu Shanzi sighed, gave up trying to transmit the sound, and licked his chapped lips.

The large formation continuously draws away the air here. Not just air, but also moisture, and some special vitality in living things.

Three of the nineteen faction leaders could no longer hold on and fell ill.

These three people had previously used holy soldiers to try to break through the formation, because the holy soldiers consumed too much of themselves, and there was no replenishment at all.

Everyone present was a little unable to hold on, let alone the three faction leaders who had been consumed by the holy soldiers.

I didn't expect that I would die here. Liu Shanzi raised his head and looked at the hemispherical shield above his head that was constantly flowing with black light, and the bloody symbols in it kept shining.

Yes. Unexpectedly, we did not die on the battlefield against the demon disaster, but died in an inexplicable conspiracy. Granny Qingkong, the leader of the Qingyuan School, stood beside him with a helpless expression. Although her nickname includes the word mother-in-law, it is more of a self-proclaimed nickname. Her appearance and figure are no more than thirty, and she has a gorgeous and mature charm. Even now in her eighties, she still has many pursuits. By.

Do you still remember the words you couldn't say when you left? I want to hear it now. Granny Qingkong smiled and turned to look at Liu Shanzi.

I Liu Shanzi didn't know the other person's feelings, but... he was no longer the suave and handsome chief disciple before. Now, compared to the many suitors around Qingkong, he was simply not worthy of the other person.

At this point, what else can't you let go of? Granny Qingkong reached out and held the back of Liu Shanzi's hand, not minding his old, wrinkled skin at all.

Qingkong. Liu Shanzi sighed, gently turned his hand over and held the other's palm.

He knew why Qingkong called herself Granny Qingkong. In fact, she just wanted to make herself look older in the title, so that even in such small details, she could look more suitable to him.

In my eyes, you will always be the senior brother who desperately stood in front of me! Qingkong's eyes were full of tenderness.


The large array of light curtains above the head suddenly trembled, and cracks continued to spread. It was not that the array was about to crack, but that the array offensive was about to start in full force.

Liu Shanzi was also relieved. He put his arms around Qingkong's slender waist and looked up at the cracks like black lightning. Although the cracks were filled with a dangerous atmosphere that he could not resist at all, he was no longer afraid.

Chi! !

A black lightning suddenly fell from the sky.


What!? Trapped in Xijiyuan?? I don't know whether I'm alive or dead!? In a small town inn near Xijiyuan.

Lu Sheng opened his eyes angrily, and the air in the entire bedroom was instantly tightened, like a vacuum that made people breathless.

Hong Fangbai groaned and struggled to support. Her dignity did not allow her to bear even one look from Lu Sheng!

She supported her knees frantically, trying to prevent herself from falling to her knees under the heavy pressure.

As for Xu Chui and Ning San, they had already knelt down obediently and did not feel much pressure.

Seemingly noticing the umbrella girl's difficulty, Lu Sheng realized that the force field aura he had leaked was too strong and he almost accidentally hurt one of his own.

Only then did he slowly regain his breath.

Devil Army.!! Where are the aristocratic families? Where are the other schools!!? Lu Sheng's heart surged. Liu Shanzi was one of the few teachers he could truly recognize. He would not allow him to die inexplicably in a so-called conspiracy. inside.

If he died in an upright manner on the battlefield, he would not have any complaints. But if he died because of his own people's conspiracy.

The Shangyang family garrison has mobilized all its forces urgently, but it was still attacked by the demon army and the defense line collapsed. Other schools were unable to save the nearby fire because the traitors blocked the news. Even now, some schools have only received the news. There is no time to rescue! Ning San quickly responded to the information he had obtained.

Now the aristocratic schools have formed a coalition, and the Supreme Leader of the Shangyang Family has been released from seclusion, taking the post of commander-in-chief of the coalition. They are confronting the demon army on the nearby plains. Xu Chui also quickly inquired about the situation on his own. In addition, the latest news I just received is that Xijiyuan has been completely reduced to ruins. The 19 sect leaders inside, including most of the elite disciples of Xijiyuan, are missing. They may have died unexpectedly.

Bang! !

The cup in Lu Sheng's hand instantly exploded into powder and white ash.

His three-pupil eyes were full of cold murderous intent.

Where is the position of the army?

My lord, that is a demonic disaster! It is an army of demonic disaster with the level of a soldier! You

Bang! !

Ning San was suddenly hit in the chest by an invisible force field, and his whole body flew backwards, embedding himself in the wall behind him.


He fell down and collapsed to the ground, his face pale and breathing heavily.

The direction is in the southwest, fifteen miles of grass and plains, he replied intermittently.

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole bedroom trembled, and a dark shadow flashed in the room. Lu Sheng jumped into the air and jumped out of the window. He was obviously just an ordinary person over one meter tall, but when he jumped out, the three of them felt like they were a head. The huge creature that occupied the entire room quickly left.

The terrifying pressure that oppressed the heart at all times was rapidly weakening with Lu Sheng's departure.

I'm going too!! Hongfang Bai's face turned pale and blue, and he suddenly flew out of the window, chasing after Lu Sheng in the direction he was going.

Xu Chui Ningsan had no choice but to get up and jump out of the window to follow.

He Xiangzi just opened the door and came in, but only had time to see the backs of a few people.

She was stunned and rushed out of the room. She called Kong Ningzhan in a red voice and chased after the others.

Although I don’t know what happened, judging from the reactions of Xu Chui and others, something extremely sudden and important must have happened, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with following them!


Grassy plain.

Li Shunxi stood quietly in the center of the demon army, with Rosim, the commander-in-chief of the demon army, next to him.

The two of them were in the middle of the army, quietly looking at the black light tower rising slowly in the distance.

Does the future you see and the history you see include my shadow? This is not the first time Rosim has asked this question.

Whenever a decision is made, he will tell Li Shunxi the truth, hoping to see the impact of this decision on the future.

But every time he came back disappointed.

No. Li Shunxi knew why he didn't kill him, but he also wasn't trying to deal with him. The fate of Jiucheng was so dazzling that even if his lifespan was not consumed, he could easily see the general context.

Still not. Rosim shook his head slightly and turned to look in the direction of the coalition forces.

From a distance, the allied forces of the Shangyang family and the school looked like a sparkling ocean with colorful lights, and there was a deadly threat hidden in the endless horizon.

That is the terrifying power formed by various rune formations, large and small.

Are you still unwilling to tell who the third demon spirit in history is? Rosim sighed.

Li Shunxi was silent.

He knew that once he revealed who the third demon spirit was, the demon army would be able to cooperate inside and outside and find the best breakthrough point. At that time, not only the Nine Cities would be destroyed, but even the coalition forces would be destroyed.

Actually, whether you say it or not, the third demon spirit is about to hatch, and the blood sacrifice is enough. Once he fully appears, that will be when the hatching is successful. The final outcome can only be destruction. Rosim sighed.

I know Li Shunxi whispered, I just

Just still holding on to unrealistic expectations? Rosim shook his head slightly.


Suddenly, there was a slight throbbing from deep inside, like a heartbeat, rising deep in the hearts of both of them at the same time.

Rosim raised his head in surprise and looked at the sky.

here we go

Li Shunxi also followed his gaze and saw that that was the direction of the coalition forces.


Shangyang Jun quietly looked at Huang Fu who was kneeling on the ground in front of him.

The chief senior brother of Xijiyuan had talents that amazed him. This was the main reason why he was willing to meet him once.

In the white tent, Huang Fu's forehead touched the ground, respectfully waiting for the answer from the Shangyang family prince.

I cannot agree to your request. Shang Yangjun said calmly.

He has lived for hundreds of years and has long looked down on life and death. Even if Huang Fu wanted to bring people to support the city for the sake of his family, he would not allow it. Now that the two armies are facing each other, any loss of troops may lead to changes in the main battlefield. Especially when facing his old rival Rosim, he couldn't be distracted.

Is it really not possible? I am willing to give everything, just ask you to send someone to bypass from the side. Huang Fu wanted to say something else. But when Shang Yangjun waved his hand, an invisible force field suddenly enveloped him, covering him and pushing him away.

Zhenyan. Shang Yangjun said calmly.

Yes. Shang Yang Yanyan was the iron pen judge who came to support this trip and was also Shang Yangjun's personal bodyguard. He walked in slowly from the side.

Please. He looked at Huang Fu, who was still kneeling.

Huang Fu was still kneeling, his body trembling slightly, and he seemed to be crying.

Shangyang Shenyan frowned, even if the opponent was the strongest chief disciple in the school, he was actually only a snake-level person below the third level, and he would not be able to make any trouble under his hands.

Thank you, Patriarch Jun. Huang Fu straightened up slowly.

Huh? Shang Yangjun suddenly felt something was wrong and quickly raised his head to look at Huang Fu.

This sight made his whole body tremble.

Huang Fu was still kneeling on the ground, but his eyes were missing and a large amount of gray-white milk-like liquid was continuously flowing out.

The liquid quickly spread from its feet to the surroundings.

Not good!! Shang Yangjun suddenly felt something bad and stretched out his hand to grab Huang Fu fiercely.

The divine weapon force field suddenly formed a chain of black and white runes around his hand.

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