Extreme Demon

Chapter 289 Flame 8

You can try it. Shangyang Jiuli narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice. If you succeed, I will declare first-class family merit for you.

Are you serious!? The man was a young disciple who had always been unruly and extremely talented. Even Shangyang Jiuli, who led them, was a little dissatisfied. Hearing this, he was immediately happy.

Although the blue giant is powerful, he is not fast. As long as we move quickly, at most we will destroy some dead objects. As long as people are still alive, the rest are external objects and can be earned back at any time. He said with a little confidence. .

Then, let me test it first. He strode to the empty space in front of everyone and faced the blue mist.

This idiot! A person next to Shangyang Jiuli couldn't help but cursed in a low voice. I didn’t even think that something that even Lord Jiu Li was extremely afraid of would be so easy to get rid of?

Although that man was arrogant, he was not completely brainless.

He waved one hand, and a handful of emerald green light suddenly appeared, which turned out to be a patch of tiny insects like fireflies.

The emerald green bug flapped its wings and slowly flew towards the blue mist. This is obviously a test.


The first cluster of bugs disappeared into the mist, and then

There is no more.

Eh? Is this...? The man was suddenly startled, his expression slightly distorted.

Qirong, come back quickly! Someone from the Shangyang family behind him finally couldn't bear it and called him quickly after sensing something was wrong.

Me, me. The young man's face became more and more distorted. He seemed to be suffering from some great pain.

Qi Rong! Someone stepped forward and tried to pull him back.

Wait! Jiuli felt something was wrong and stopped others from coming forward. She took a step forward slowly. Shangyang Qirong!!?

Nine-nine rituals, save me. Shangyang Qirong slowly turned his head.

Everyone immediately exclaimed, and some were even frightened enough to step back a few steps.

I saw Shang Yang Qirong's entire body dissolving rapidly, as if it had encountered a candle with high flame temperature.

Help. He stretched out his hand towards Shangyang Jiuli.

Shangyang Jiuli took a few steps forward, but was immediately held back by an old man behind him.

Miss, don't go!! As long as you get close, you may be attacked! That's the cloud of separation!!

. Shangyang Jiuli, He Xiangzi and others could only watch helplessly as Shangyang Qirong dissolved, turning into a pool of light yellow liquid in just a few breaths.

No one spoke, everyone fell silent.

Shangyang Jiuli glanced at He Xiangzi's side.

Everyone in the Yuan Mo Sect looked horrified. They were all disciples who had just been recruited into the sect and had no ability to remain calm in times of crisis.

She looked at her side again, and saw the elite warriors who had come all the way from the city. Although their expressions were ugly, they were still relatively stable.

He Xiangzi, is there any other exit here? she asked in a deep voice.

He Xiangzi shook his head slightly.

Let's search separately! Look where the fog is not blocking it! Shangyang Jiuli said in a deep voice. No matter how strong her opponent is, no matter how desperate she is, just sitting there and waiting for death is not her Shangyang Jiuli style.

Even if she dies, she will die standing!

Yes! A group of Shangyang family masters responded, and then quickly ran away along the fog to both sides.

At Zhan Kongning's suggestion, He Xiangzi also began to arrange for everyone to look for opportunities.

With such a large area of ​​​​fog, it is very likely that there will be loopholes. Especially the magic pool.

Bang! !

With another loud noise, the huge stone wall where everyone lived in the Yuan Mo Sect Square was smashed by the blue giant, and the entire cave wall collapsed. It turned into countless rubbles that rolled and surged, covering most of the square in an instant.

Die, die, die! Hahahahaha!! Beihuan laughed wildly and wantonly destroyed all the buildings in front of him.

Destroy the Yuan Mo Sect, and then all the surrounding human cities.

He wanted to completely vent the resentment that had been sealed for so many years. So as soon as he came out, he immediately used his poisonous mist to surround all the entrances and exits around him. No matter dead or alive, it was impossible to escape his grasp.

Just wait, wait until he destroys the Secret Art Palace, which is part of the sealing formation. By then, the entire Yuan Demon Sect will be completely enveloped in his own poisonous mist, and all living creatures in it will turn into pus. Water, no bones left!


boom! !

Purple-black flames and black lightning burst out and annihilated at the same time.

Lu Sheng held black knives in his four arms, fighting Kafei with smooth and easy madness.

Kafei's whole body was covered with black arcs, and a large number of arcs like a network continued to jump and spread on his body.

The two have been fighting evenly for some time.

Kafei gradually felt a little powerless, and even activated the manifestation of the dark thunder to increase his reaction speed, but he was still unable to gain an advantage. At this point, the competition is about the recovery and endurance of both parties.

But as the King of the Earth, this is the first time that someone has been able to fight with him for so long. In addition, its body is too large, and every move requires a huge amount of energy.

In the past, opponents only needed to crush them with strength, but this opponent in front of them

Kafei quickly blocked Lu Sheng's attack. Under the shock of the two men's strength, the entire cave was shaking and expanding. The walls of the cave disintegrated and split under the terrifying shock waves every second, and the entire space became more and more gigantic.

Kafei glanced around and immediately landed on the lower part of Lu Sheng's back, where two more fleshy buns began to grow. The rapid growth of wings into arms had already surprised him enough. Now two more meat buns have grown!

Through the meat bag, he could faintly see two more arms pregnant with it.

Naturally, he didn't know that Lu Sheng had no time to study new innate abilities before, because the evolution had just been deduced, and the improved Eight-headed Demonic Way still had many abilities that he had not adapted to, and he didn't know how to use them. It is only now slowly being developed.

Kafei secretly thought that something was wrong. They were just barely holding on to a stalemate. If they were to grow another pair of arms, the situation would be dangerous.

At this moment, his attention was slightly distracted and he noticed Lu Sheng's back. Just a distraction gave Lu Sheng an opportunity to take advantage of.

Without paying attention to the blockade, a black knife broke through the defense line and landed on his neck with a crash.

Chi! ! Boom! !

The black knife exploded suddenly, causing Kafei's entire body to lose balance and fall back.

Lu Sheng's four-armed body, which was more than ten meters tall, was spinning, his fists pointing at the knife, and four different attacks were hitting the ancient demon Kafei like a storm.

Kafei was beaten back and forth and roared, but he was still unable to regain his disadvantage.

Damn it!! he roared, parrying and blocking. The lightning all over his body was constantly being scattered and unable to form an effective defense.

Lu Sheng forced Kafei back step by step, his four arms constantly stirring and controlling the black evil energy. The evil energy condensed into pillars, forming four sharp long blades that looked like knives but not knives.

Every time he takes action, a long blade will fall down with a huge black-purple light.

The long blade of the magic knife, which is more than ten meters long, will create a huge blood-red gash if it hits. It was as if the scales on Kafei's body were completely ineffective.

The cave shook, and large boulders fell from the stone wall and smashed into the ground below. Some of them were close to the area where the two were fighting, and were instantly shattered into countless limes.

But at this moment, Lu Sheng's violent offensive suddenly stopped, and the image of the shadow of madness flashed in his mind.

Within the Yuan Mo Sect, the huge dark blue giant King of Dark Clouds was laughing maniacally and wreaking havoc everywhere, destroying everything he saw.

Lu Sheng's arm finally couldn't help but lag slightly for a moment. Although the time was extremely short, for strong men of his and Kafei's level, one moment was enough to change the situation of the battle.

Crawling Hand! Kafei retreated repeatedly, unable to match his opponent in terms of absolute strength. This made him furious, but he was helpless. At this moment, the opportunity appeared, and he was immediately overjoyed. He opened his mouth and spit out a big hand as pale as a skeleton. The big hand flew out suddenly and hit Lu Sheng's chest hard.

Bang! ! !

A huge backlash came, and Kafei turned around and ran away without even looking at the result of the secret technique.

He flew forward, and his huge body hit the stone wall like liquid and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

All this was done in an instant, and by the time Lu Sheng reacted, Kafei had already escaped.

When Lu Sheng came back to his senses, there was no one in front of him.

He slowly lowered the knife in silence.

boom! !

Four giant magic knives suddenly smashed into the stone wall, and countless rubble exploded.

Damn!!! He was almost able to kill the opponent and devour the opponent's demonic essence. Unexpectedly, the rear of Yuan Mo Sect changed drastically, which caused him to be temporarily distracted and allowed him to escape.

No matter who it is! You're dead!! Lu Sheng roared, pulled out his knife, turned around and dashed towards the passage in the direction of Yuan Mo Sect.


Hahahaha! I am the King of Dark Clouds! I am Beihuo! Destroy it, destroy it!! Beihuo, the blue giant king of dark clouds, laughed wildly and strode madly towards the Secret Art Palace.

The Secret Art Palace is the last protective node of Yuan Mo Sect's entire holy army array. Once it is destroyed, his poisonous cloud and mist, Suli Cloud, can instantly spread to every inch of the entire Yuan Mo Sect.

Although he could slowly erode through time to achieve the purpose of destroying the formation, Beihuan really couldn't wait any longer.

He wants to destroy this place as soon as possible, then leave here and find the descendants of the human race who sealed it in the first place! He wants those people to live in pain and distortion forever!

boom! !

The door in front of the Secret Art Palace was crushed by his kick.

The spikes of the chains in the courtyard trembled violently, glowing with a faint red fluorescence, and a large number of ancient mysterious runes began to flow and shine on the chains.

The last resistance is meaningless!! The King of Dark Clouds had a look of madness in his eyes. After being sealed for so many years, his little sense had already gone crazy.

He looked straight at the huge gate of the Secret Art Palace, the madness in his eyes became more and more intense, and he saw the chain runes around him as nothing.

Stretching out his hand, his entire right arm suddenly turned into countless blue threads and rushed towards the door. Get in through all the gaps.

There was a loud bang, and half of the hall collapsed. Beihuo forcefully grabbed a large piece of black stone that was tens of meters long.

There was a slender long knife stuck on the black stone, which looked like an ordinary boulder.

Beihuo. I'm not from the Yuan Mo Sect!! Listen to me!! Listen to me!! A slightly frightened and desperate voice came from the boulder.

But the King of Dark Clouds' eyes were completely distorted and confused, and he completely ignored all the content conveyed by the voice.

Look what I found? A big egg? How does it taste?

Haha. Unexpectedly. Unexpectedly, I, the majestic Lord of Beijiang, would die here, in the hands of a madman. The voice in the black stone became more and more desperate.

At this moment, a burst of rapid footsteps came faintly from a distance.

Song Zian's face was stern, holding the hilt of the sword in his hand, and ran towards Beihuo step by step. It seemed that the huge King of Dark Clouds was not seen at all.

What are you doing back here!? The voice in the black stone suddenly became frightened and angry. This is my destined fate, just like when I was sealed. You are just here to die!

I Song Zian's hand holding the sword hilt tightened.

Didn't he know that he would die if he came back, but there are things he has to do in his lifetime!

He took a deep breath and looked at the huge King of Dark Clouds.

Senior Mio, since it is fate, let fate decide whether you and I will die at the hands of this monster.

You!? The voice in the black stone fell silent. Destiny. He had been lifted high and was about to be stuffed into Bei Xu's mouth.

Destiny makes it impossible for me to achieve full success. Suddenly a voice interrupted his words.

Behind Bei Huan, the King of Dark Clouds, a gap opened in the earth.

Lu Sheng slowly floated out with a gloomy expression, his strange three-pupil eyes flashing with fierce murderous intent.

So, in order to repay fate, you all die for me!!!

Boom! !

There was an explosion.

His whole body suddenly deformed, transforming into the anode state in just an instant. His terrifying body, which was nearly twenty meters tall, was like a mountain of flesh. Four huge arms grabbed hard at the still dazed King of Dark Clouds.

Before the King of Dark Clouds had time to react, he was grabbed by Four Arms.

Ouch! ! He howled in pain. A huge and terrifying force was instantly transmitted to him.

Hiss! !

Beihuo's huge body was torn apart at once, blood and flesh splattered, and blue clouds exploded.

The entire Secret Art Palace collapsed, countless blue clouds filled the air, and in the blink of an eye, the surrounding area turned into a sea of ​​clouds.

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