Extreme Demon

Chapter 288 Flame 7

This kind of flame...? Kafei, the King of Earth Source, looked stunned.

His appearance is that of a calm and deep middle-aged man, with a bare upper body and bulging muscles. There is a scar diagonally downwards on his chest, extending from his neck to his abdomen.

He was currently staring at the flames burning around him in amazement.

This purple flame actually made him feel burning pain. This is simply incredible! As the upper-level demon king in charge of the entire entrance to the Demonic Abyss. It has a powerful hard skin that is infinitely close to the level of a demon lord. Ordinary flames would have no effect on him even if they could melt rocks. But this flame in front of me

It's really amazing. Kafei still remembered when he was in the Fire Demon Clan. At that time, he was one of the Demon Lords of the Fire Demon Clan and led the Fire Demon to participate in the war to attack the human world. Unfortunately, he was later plotted by humans. , has been sealed here for countless years.

The Demon Lord of the Demon Clan is only a leader, not a realm. However, some extremely powerful beings above the level of demon kings are also called demon lords even if they are alone because they are so powerful.

Unfortunately, it's impossible to stop me with just this flame. Kafei said calmly. Let the purple flame spread and burn on your body.

But the stronger the flame, the calmer his face became.

Seeing this, Lu Sheng also put away his previous contempt. Different from the previous snake leopard ancient demon, this time, the ancient demon in front of him gave him the feeling that it was much more dangerous than the previous snake leopard demon.

But that's fine. If I kill him, it will be enough for me to be promoted to the next level of the eight-headed demonic path.

Lu Sheng faced this huge monster that was constantly waving countless tentacles. In the darkness, his eyes slowly lit up with deep purple fluorescence.

Hiss. In just a short moment, Lu Sheng's whole body expanded rapidly. He regained his giant body of more than ten meters.

A knife purely condensed from black and purple aura slowly appeared in his hand.

Come on, let me see how confident you are to appear in front of me.

He held the knife and walked slowly towards Kafei with slow steps.

Kafei's eyes narrowed slightly, and hundreds of tentacles floated around him.

I'm different from those idiots. A large number of tentacles gradually curled, shrank, and compressed.


Lu Sheng shouted low, his steps flashed in an instant, and his whole body appeared on Kafei's chest, and he slashed it with a knife.

hiss! ! !

The knife shadow slid down and crashed into a large number of tentacles rushing towards him.


Gray mucus exploded on the tentacles, and Lu Sheng hit an eight-headed divine bead with his backhand and pressed it between a large number of tentacles.

Suddenly there was a loud noise in mid-air, and a giant purple-black fireball exploded quickly. Lu Sheng rushed out with a knife in the middle of the flames, and his huge body of more than ten meters hit Kafei's left shoulder hard.

Boom! !

The two behemoths collided head-on. Kafei was inevitably knocked backwards. But the few remaining tentacles around him revealed countless jagged white fangs at the end, biting Lu Sheng's limbs fiercely.

Anode·Slaying Spirits! Lu Sheng's sword flashed in mid-air before he even hit the ground. The black sword drew a zigzag black line like a meteor, just in time to smash and explode all the incoming tentacles.

For a moment, there was a strong wind and a shrill scream. After this knife cut off a large number of tentacles, it was embedded in the side wall.

Kill! Lu Sheng pulled out his knife and stepped on it, causing a large number of cracks to explode like a spider web. He jumped into the air again and leaped towards Kafei.

With his current strength and explosion, he has reached an unbelievably powerful level. With one slash, his strength alone can cause a large area of ​​air to vibrate, and a mortal's body may be torn apart even if he comes even close.

Dark thunder! Kafei's expression condensed and he quickly retreated, although Lu Sheng only reached his chest height. But the explosive speed just now also shocked him.


With a loud noise, a mass of gray twisting exploded in front of Lu Sheng, and the twist was just enough to wrap him up. Destroying his balance after taking out the sword.

With a chirp, Lu Sheng's sword was completely crooked and fell on the far stone wall on the side.

With a click, a dark crack of unknown depth opened in the stone wall.

Several tentacles that were attacked at the same time were cut off directly. Another gray twist exploded directly beside him.

Lu Sheng hurriedly raised his knife to block it in front of him, but he didn't expect an explosion from the side.

Slaying Souls!! The Seven-Day Demon Sword was slashed out again. As the first move, although it was not as powerful as the subsequent divine power, it could increase the explosive power and speed several times.

The black blade, almost with black flash and afterimage, fell on the twist where the dark thunder exploded.


The black knife exploded and the dark thunder was annihilated.

Magic Seal! At this moment, Kafei's upper body suddenly appeared behind Lu Sheng, and his giant hand silently grabbed his back.

Divine power!! Lu Sheng didn't even look back. The wings on his back quickly deformed and turned into two thick and huge arms. Demonic energy surged out of the arms and condensed into two black knives to face the giant hands.

boom! ! !

The black knife hit the palm of the giant hand.

The purple-black flames on the knife suddenly swelled, spreading crazily from the blade like a living creature. But it was immediately blocked by an invisible force.

A mass of dark flesh grew between Kafei's eyebrows, and the flesh naturally grew into the shape of a seal, a strange bulge like a brand.

At the same time, the flesh and blood of his palm also squirmed and deformed. A raised mark identical to the one between its eyebrows also appeared on the giant beast's palm.

The black knife hit the brand immediately, or in other words, the brand grew accurately at the point where the black knife hit.

Buzz! ! !

There was a violent shock between the two, and circles of invisible ripples bloomed from between Lu Sheng and Kafei.

Lu Sheng turned around quickly, the black knife in his hand dispersed, and the four arms rotated at the same time, slashing at Kafei from four different angles.

This was the first time he encountered an opponent whose strength and explosiveness matched his.

The other party calls himself Demon King Kafi, the King of the Earth. Lu Sheng didn't know what level the other party was among the demon clan. But no matter what his identity is, this ancient demon is worthy of his full strength.

Although the opponent is a bit slower, his huge size advantage allows him to easily occupy the advantage in such a narrow space.

Comparing the two, Kafei is bigger and Lu Sheng has faster reactions.

Two giant creatures, one big and one small, were fighting madly in the cave.

Lu Sheng's four arms continued to cut out black sword lines from four angles. Each move was used in turn, the Soul Slaughter, which mainly increased the speed burst, and the Divine Power, which mainly increased the power and damage. It actually just barely tied with Kafei's magic seal.

The magic mark seems to be able to grow anywhere on Kafei's body, and it is extremely fast and incredibly hard. Even Lu Sheng's magic sword condensed with magic energy cannot cut it open.

Originally, Kafei's reaction speed could not keep up with Lu Sheng's, but the rapid flash of the magic seal in his body completely blocked all Lu Sheng's attacks.

The terrifying force of crushing that Lu Sheng was proud of in the past was just ordinary in front of Kafei, unable to achieve an advantage.

On the contrary, Kafei's terrifying power was often too much for Lu Sheng to bear.

The two fought fiercely in the cave. Kafei's tentacles sprouting magic seals were indestructible and kept hitting Lu Sheng from all directions like whips.

Lu Sheng's entire body was almost completely surrounded by the black lines cut by the black knife. Countless blade slash marks spread crazily in all directions, blocking the large number of incoming tentacles.

The situation began to reach a stalemate.


On the surface, Yuan Mo Sect.

The King of Dark Clouds moved forward step by step, and the surrounding Yuan Mo Sect buildings on both sides continued to collapse, disintegrating and collapsing silently.

His body of more than ten meters moved forward slowly, making huge holes in the ground with every step he took.


A large amount of blue water vapor evaporated from his feet, and the water vapor turned into clouds and mist, shrouding the surroundings. Soon, he was about to arrive at the central square of Yuan Mo Sect.

Looking from a distance, one could already see the exploded and shattered rune stone pillars in the square, as well as many Yuan Mo Sect disciples and others standing around.

Shangyang Jiuli was also among them. She stared blankly at the blue giant from a distance, not knowing what it was, but the alarm bell that kept ringing deep in her heart reminded her that this monster was definitely far beyond her ability to fight against. The existence of terror.

Lord Jiuli!

Several Shangyang family members gathered around her.

This should be the ancient demon king. The Yuan Mo Sect once recorded that it was the place where the demon lord was sealed. Maybe... maybe it was the sealed demon lord who reappeared in the world. An older tribesman said with a pale face.

Whether it is fight or flight now, sir, please make a decision immediately! Another old man said quickly.

I Shangyang Jiuli bit his lower lip, Zhan? If nothing else goes wrong with the size and power of the opponent, only a Saint Soldier or above can fight against it.

Without knowing whether Yuan Mo Sect had any holy weapons that could target her, she couldn't make a decision at all.

At this time, He Xiangzi and others also came out and looked at the blue giant from a distance.

The behemoth, which was more than ten meters high, was laughing wildly, destroying all approaching buildings and lives. Some Yuanmo Sect disciples who were still resting in the house and had no time to escape were instantly submerged into the blue mist, and then fell silent again.

Hexiang stared at the giant in the distance almost desperately. She had read some top-secret books given to her by her master, and she vaguely knew that the demon king was sealed.

But I didn't expect when the seal would be broken, but it would be broken at this time. It happened to be broken when all the schools and families were in a life-and-death crisis.

There would never be such a coincidence in the world.

Let's evacuate!! He Xiangzi gave the order with difficulty.

The moment she said the word evacuate, she could almost clearly feel the heavy pressure on her shoulders.

She was almost breathless.

At this time, the leader of the sect is not here, and the chief is not here. She is only the senior sister in name. Her strength is not even as good as some of the best among the disciples. She is just a senior sister who is respected by everyone for passing on her skills. But asked her to bear the heavy responsibility of the mattress

While the blue giant was furiously destroying buildings, everyone quickly packed up their things, crossed the suspension bridge, and rushed towards another secret passage leading to the outside world.

But before they had gone far, everyone was forced back by a layer of dark blue mist.

Only then did Shangyang Jiuli and others discover that at some point, a dark blue mist spread everywhere, almost wrapping the entire Yuan Mo Sect in the center. Even the most remote secondary secret passages are blocked.

The Cloud of Suli. This is the Cloud of Suli! There are actually so many of them!!? Shangyang Jiuli finally recognized what these blue mist were.

Damn it! She looked livid, but she didn't expect that she had just come out of the tiger's mouth and entered the dragon's lair again.

Lord Jiu Li... why are we so afraid of the mist? Why don't we just rush over to it? a Shangyang family elite asked in confusion.

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