Extreme Demon

Chapter 287 Flame 6


Lu Sheng easily avoided being pinched, but instead used his hand to break all the pliers and pull them off one by one.

All the cheers suddenly fell silent.

The evangelists could not imagine that the demon general who controlled the huge demon species could be defeated so easily.

This is simply incredible.

Bang! !

Lu Sheng stepped on the back of the giant crab, and the entire giant crab collapsed without any movement.

Except for its power, it is useless. What's the point of making such a toy? Lu Sheng was a little confused, but the magic element provided quite a lot.

He looked around again, and the evangelists fled in panic.

There's no point in running away. Lu Sheng stretched out his hand, and streaks of black and purple aura swirled in his palm. The rotation speed became faster and faster, and soon formed a pure huge whirlwind, pulling the hole into the air. All preachers within.

A large number of preachers rolled up and were sucked into the black ball in Lu Sheng's hand.

The black ball kept running at a high speed, and all the flesh, blood and demonic energy that flew in and merged were burned and burned by the eight divine beads in the ball, and were absorbed into pure demonic energy and integrated into Lu Sheng's body.

Screams, cries, trumpets, anger.

Countless preachers flew up densely and sank into the black ball.

After a while, all the preachers around him were swallowed up, leaving only the remaining giant crabs.

It's a pity that we didn't meet the ancient demon. Lu Sheng felt a little regretful. As soon as he stepped on it, the ground exploded and the altar shifted, revealing the entrance and exit to the next level of seal below.

I still have enough spiritual power, so I can try to take another step forward. But now to improve the demon body, not only do I need spiritual power, but also more demonic energy and demonic energy.

Lu Sheng looked at the dark hole like a deep black pool. Shrink your body and jump in.

This time the hole was extremely deep, like falling down a long, narrow tunnel. It took a full five breaths for Lu Sheng to crash to the bottom.

As soon as he landed, a huge tentacle, almost as thick as his waist, slammed from the side.

The huge tentacles brought out terrifying screams, and they were in front of Lu Sheng in just an instant.


Yuan Mo Zong·Surface.

At the entrance of the cave, He Xiangzi and his people guarded the entrance to prevent any peripheral monsters from rushing into the sect.

Fortunately, this place is in the wilderness, and there are no monsters wandering around. All the demon armies are focused on attacking the nine major cities including Bailing City and Qianfan City.

Why did a demonic disaster suddenly break out? Master is still participating in the Little League. I don't know if it will be affected. Junior Brother Lu is also missing. Although He Xiangzi stood at the front of the crowd, her heart was in a mess.

She still had to look confident, which was the trick the umbrella girl Yingying told her. No matter how bad the situation is, you must remain calm and keep your emotions in check, in order to stabilize the morale of the military. Otherwise, if you are timid before fighting, your position will be in disarray before the enemy arrives.

He Xiangzi, let me do it. You have been standing for four hours. It's time to go down and rest. The two brothers Zhan Kongning and Zhan Hongsheng were also there. The one who spoke was Zhan Kongning, who had accompanied Zhan Hongsheng here to find him. After Lu Sheng left, he encountered a demon disaster before he could return to his school. He had no choice but to retreat to Yuan Mo Sect to defend based on the terrain and wait for reinforcements.

It's okay. I'm not tired. I'm just a little worried that the news in the city has been cut off. There is no whereabouts of Master yet, and there is no whereabouts of Junior Brother Lu. I'm worried. He Xiangzi frowned and said softly.

Senior Liu Shanzi is a snake-level expert after all. If he really wants to escape, even the demon army shouldn't be able to stop him. Zhan Kongning comforted him.

The surrounding Yuan Mo Sect disciples also suddenly gained confidence. The sect leader was a snake-level master and would never get into trouble easily. They should worry about themselves. Be sure to defend the school and not allow the demonic army to attack easily.

He Xiangzi also quickly stood up to encourage everyone, and their morale was slightly improved.

As he was talking, the sound of galloping horse hooves could be heard faintly in the distance. A disciple who was on guard on the ground rushed down and shouted in surprise.

Here comes someone! It's the battle flag of the Shangyang family!

At this time, naturally the more strength, the better, and the stronger, the better. What's more, Yuanmo Sect has a good relationship with the Shangyang family. In the past, the leader of the sect had a relationship with the eldest lady Jiuli of the Shangyang family. Later, the chief senior brother Lu Sheng, who was the general person in charge of the northern area of ​​the Shangyang family, was the leader of the Shangyang Jiu family. The first general under Li's command.

With such a close connection, the power of the Shangyang family is naturally regarded as friendly by Yuan Mo Sect and others.

Amidst the sound of galloping horses, a group of elite masters led by Shangyang Jiuli galloped towards them with murderous intent.

Shangyang Jiuli turned over and dismounted, and his sharp eyes swept across the crowd coming up from the Yuan Mo Sect.

I am Shangyang Jiuli! Where is Lu Sheng!? Let him out quickly, we must escape immediately!

Escape? He Xiangzi was stunned and her voice trembled slightly. May I ask Master Jiuli, has the situation in the city reached this point?

It's worse than you think! Shangyang Jiuli said sternly. Lu Sheng! Come out and see me! If you and other Yuan Mo Sect people want to, you can leave with us. Bai Ling City can't be defended anymore!

Shangyang Linghui was the first to step out from among the Yuan Mo Sect and quickly joined the Shangyang family.

Cousin, Senior Brother Lu is in seclusion and has disappeared. No one can find him. Where are the leaders of other schools? The schools are suppressed by holy soldiers. Is this the case?

Four of the Holy Soldiers are dead! Shangyang Jiuli said in a cold tone.

Shangyang Linghui and the rest of the people were immediately startled, and then their faces turned pale, not knowing what to do.

When something happened, the first thing Shangyang Jiuli thought of was the four generals under his command, and the first among them was naturally Lu Sheng.

As the general person in charge of Beidi, Lu Sheng is not only powerful but also a management talent that she attaches great importance to. So as soon as he got out of the battle, he rushed here as soon as possible.

Our Yuan Demon Sect has a steep terrain. Even if we encounter the demon army, we can leave through another exit. And we have a complete response plan to face the demon disaster. Why don't Master Jiu Li come in first to rest and replenish supplies? We can also discuss it in the long run.

Shangyang Jiuli thought for a moment, then looked back at the extremely tired faces of everyone. She was already a middle-level snake-level powerhouse with amazing endurance, but the elite Shangyang family behind her could not be as powerful as her.

Okay, let's take a rest first.

Everyone left the guards behind, and the rest of the people entered the cave one after another and followed the cave into the Yuanmo Sect Square.

But no one noticed that under the stone pillars standing in the square, there were countless dense gray cracks, and the cracks were filled with thick gray smoke.

A huge, manic consciousness is slowly awakening underground.

A large amount of smoke quietly began to merge into the fog in the dark corner of Yuan Mo Sect.


A remote corner with no human habitation.


Countless mist condensed rapidly, and it only took a few seconds to form a leg. A huge dark blue leg that is over five meters thick.

Dark clouds, dark clouds, dark clouds, a chorus of voices sounded like fear, howling, and crying.

The giant leg slowly stepped forward, and soon a new giant leg formed behind it.

The legs walked forward without making any sound. As they walked, the outline of a huge blue giant gradually emerged.

The meridians and muscles all over the giant's body are exposed on the body surface, and his eyes are pure white pupils, covered with light bloodshot eyes.

Roar! ! !

The giant roared in the distance at Yuanmo Sect's Stone Pillar Square.

There was no sound, only invisible vibrations, spreading along the ground in all directions.

boom! !

A dark building in the front right collapsed. Immediately afterwards, a large rock wall behind was blown to pieces.

In the rumbling sound, with the giant as the center, the large fan-shaped area in front was completely shattered and exploded.

I, the King of Dark Clouds, Beihu (ni), am finally free. Finally revived. The giant roared slowly and deeply. Insects of Yuan Mo Sect, die...all die. Hahahahaha!! He turned from a low roar to a wild laugh.

What!? Shangyang Jiuli, who had already sat down in the reception hall to rest, suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked in the direction where the blue giant was gathering, with a solemn expression. Something is coming over there!

What? He Xiangzi was stunned. This is the headquarters of Yuan Mo Sect, what else can there be?

Suddenly her eyes glanced at the square, and she suddenly became sluggish.

How is that possible!!? He Xiangzi stood up immediately, and the table in front of him was squeezed to the ground, smashing with a crisp sound.

Everyone followed her gaze and saw that the huge stone pillars in the square that had not changed for thousands of years were actually covered with dense gray cracks. The red symbol above is dim, like a fire swaying in the wind, which may be extinguished at any time.

After a while, the disciples of Yuan Mo Sect stood up slowly one by one. They all turned their heads blankly and looked towards the square.

Umbrella Girl and Xu Fuki Ningzo from the Red Whale Gang were practicing their sword skills. At this time, they also stopped unconsciously and looked at the stone pillar.

In a dark cave, a figure in white clothes huddled in the corner holding an axe. The only gap in the cave leading to the outside world allowed light to fall on her face.

Seal. The figure in white quietly looked through the gap and looked at the cracking stone pillars.

In the cemetery, Song Zian, whose body was translucent and his face was ashen, tightly grasped the metal fence on the side and watched as the stone pillars in the square continued to break.

Sealed. Finally

Boom! !

There was a loud bang.

The entire stone pillar was like a glass tube that could no longer fit inside. A large amount of gray clouds and smoke exploded from the inside, sending stone fragments flying everywhere like meteors.

The seal of Yuan Mo Sect from countless years ago finally cracked



Lu Sheng stretched out his hand and grabbed the huge tentacle, and countless purple flames exploded, accompanied by a large amount of twisted mental force field extending over it.

The tentacles exploded directly into pieces and turned into countless viscous transparent slurries.

I am Kafi, the King of the Earth. The King of the Upper Demonic Abyss who rules the deepest level.

A huge and slender figure slowly walked out of the darkness.

It was a terrifying monster whose upper body was a human and whose lower body was the tentacles of a giant brown octopus. His body is more than thirty meters tall and at least twenty meters wide.

You didn't run away? Lu Sheng stared at the opponent with his three strange pupils, looking surprised.

call! !

The entire cave floor was ignited with purple flames. The purple sea of ​​fire instantly enveloped the two of them.

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