Extreme Demon

Chapter 286 Flame 5


A black light cut through the sky.

Shangyang Jinshi stumbled and fell down, lightly stepping on the ground.

He was covered in blood, and there were several sharp spikes inserted into his back, all of which were weapons like insect limbs. This was the severe injury he suffered after desperately killing the two demon spirit clones.

Below is a small group of Shangyang family painters who are gathering to resist the siege of the demon army.

Each painter has a black membrane like a turtle shell on his body, fighting against strange monsters that look like sludge monsters.

A sludge monster was seven or eight meters tall. When it waved its arms and legs, it was like a giant tree and stone pillars being smashed randomly. The weaker black film was smashed in the blink of an eye. The black film shattered, and the masters at the highest level were hit hard and fell to the ground from time to time.

The poison of the black film also spattered away along with the fragments, and the fragments penetrated into the demon body, continuously emitting traces of poisonous smoke. It also causes a lot of damage to monsters. Both sides have hurt each other and are in a stalemate.

Shangyang Jinshi landed gently, and immediately a smaller sludge monster came to attack him from behind. A huge, ferocious one-eyed eye emerged from the mud.

Hiss. The red light gathered in the one eye and was about to shoot out.

puff! With a flash of golden light, the one-eye exploded, and the mud quickly solidified, turning into an ice sculpture and standing still in place.

Shangyang Jinshi looked at the Shangyang family and others in the distance, and waved his hand in the same way. Waves of golden light shot out, instantly clearing away the sludge monsters present and solidifying them.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and cheered.

Who are you!? An elite from the Shangyang family rushed over quickly and said respectfully.

Shangyang Jinshi has been in seclusion all year round, so it is unusual for ordinary disciples not to know him. He took out a token with red and green patterns from his waist and waved it in front of the opponent's eyes.

It turns out to be the family envoy! The elite's expression changed, and he quickly lowered his head and said respectfully.

Where is Shangyang Fei? I remember she is also nearby. She should have arrived before Lao Chan. Shangyang Jinshi asked in a deep voice.


As soon as the few elites approaching heard his tone, they immediately understood that this was definitely a senior member of the family.

There is no news about Master Fei yet. He left a message saying that he was going to intercept a group of demonic troops, but he has not come back yet. A member of the Shangyang family said solemnly.

Shang Yangfei actually disappeared?? Shangyang Jinshi was shocked. Shang Yangfei, the number one genius of the Shangyang family, the top man who is most likely to take over the position of head of the family or the position of military commander in the future, unexpectedly

He looked around at the location. This was a suburb dozens of miles away from Thousand Sail City, but even so, sparse black smoke could be seen everywhere, slowly rising like wolf smoke.

Shang Yangfei will disappear unexpectedly. Shangyang Jinshi knew this person. Although this junior is just a rising star, his abilities, skills, and strength are all amazing. He can compete with the top experts of the older generation. Wrist gaming.

How could such a powerful person die so easily? He doesn't believe it!

Where are the rest of the tribe? Shangyang Jinshi asked intently.

Go back to the rest of the tribe, sir. Since the painter's team was defeated, the judge has been under heavy siege, and almost everyone else has fallen. Only in the core area, a small number of tribesmen and school disciples have gathered together.

Forget it, gather everyone, let's go back first! Shangyang Jinshi made a quick decision. From the angle he was standing, the entire Thousand Sails City was billowing with black smoke. All the black smoke condensed and swirled, forming countless human-shaped smoke demons, flying and howling around the city.

He teamed up with the deputy soldiers of the Huang Family and the Lei Family to send out support, but they were intercepted and killed on the way. Although he barely managed to kill the demon spirit clone, he and the other two people were seriously injured and unable to fight anymore. This support was undoubtedly thorough. Failure, let alone going to the depths of Thousand Sails City to rescue the judge and others.

In the distance, he saw countless poisonous smoke demonic shadows constantly rotating around a black tower.

The tall tower is being raised and built at an extremely slow speed. At the top of the black tower is a huge diamond-shaped bloody eye.

How can the Magic Light Tower be so fast!? Shangyang Jinshi looked increasingly embarrassed.

Withdraw!! He waved his hand coldly and took over the command.


Shangyang Jiuli cut the monster in front of him into two pieces with one knife. There were snake shadows constantly swimming on the rich black film on his body, which was an external symbol representing the snake level.

Behind her was a large group of family elites who were fighting against the monster with a head and a body. It is different from the tragedy in other places.

The elites of the Shangyang Family here were terrifyingly powerful, and after only a few encounters, they slaughtered to death all the hundreds of demonic troops they had just encountered.

After the last monster fell to the ground and died, the neighborhood fell into silence for a short time, and all the monsters were temporarily cleared.

Dozens of elite and powerful men gathered and returned to Shangyang Jiuli.

Sister, what should we do now? one of the strong men said boldly.

There are still many brothers who are trapped in a tight siege. There is nothing we can do in the city, but the rest in the peripheral areas can be saved. We are trying to save people one by one and pooling our strength as much as possible. Shangyang Jiuli held the scimitar in his hand. Returning to the sheath, he glanced around with cold eyes, including the huge black tower rising slowly in the distance.

We must do it as soon as possible, Keyu, calculate the route and save the four generals first! Save as many brothers as you can on the road!


The rest of you, protect your wings, let's charge! Shangyang Jiuli turned his eyes and saw the spiky worm monster pouring out from the corner of the block in the distance.

Each head of this monster is at least three meters high and more than ten meters long. It is a veritable weapon of war. It can bite the black film into pieces with one bite and tear into pieces any opponent below the snake level.

Shang Yangruo was mixed among several cousins, his pretty face turned pale. Their parents and ancestors were fighting against the demonic army in the central city. Before, they could still hear thunderous noises, but now they are silent. Shang Yangruo's grandfather is one of the elders of the family and is extremely powerful. She would never believe that her grandfather would be killed by the demon army.

Just why. Why haven't I heard any movement in the central city until now.

She tried to calm down. Grandpa controlled the entire Shangyang family's intelligence network and would definitely get the news before anyone else. He would be fine. It's not Grandpa she has to worry about now, but herself.

The group of people galloped through the demon army, like sharp knives. Under the leadership of Shangyang Jiuli, they tore apart all the demon army in an instant. In just a few breaths, they penetrated the demon army and rushed to the gate streets of the outer city.

Soon, a group of people surrounded by a group of giant scorpions came into view.

Shangyang Jiuli led the people forward quickly, taking the lead.

Xiao Ruo! Shang Yang Kunyun was among them, looking here in surprise. One of his arms had been torn off. His body was stained with blood, and he was fighting to the death under the leadership of another prison-level master.


In a huge dark cave.

A large number of naked weirdos with black wings on their ears kept rushing towards Lu Sheng from all directions.

Their bodies were all pitch-black, and most of them held sharp spears in their hands. The spears shone with rows of bloody symbols, emitting waves of evil murmurs.

The polluter recorded in the classics? The demonic preacher? The demonic energy here can actually give rise to such monsters. Lu Sheng raised his foot, and several demonic preachers on his feet were thrown down and turned into flesh.

As soon as a large number of hundreds or even thousands of demonic preachers come into contact with Lu Sheng within a few meters, they will immediately disperse their protection and demonic energy as if they have lost their souls, allowing Lu Sheng to use a trace of Chiji Jiusha Gong's inner energy. influx. Then it fell down, and by the time it hit the ground, all the internal organs and bones had dissolved and turned into flesh.

Lu Sheng didn't even need to take action anymore, he had his own chaotic mental field, terrifying absolute defense, and the natural inner energy and blood network of the Chiji Jiusha Gong.

The three combine to form a killing machine with extremely terrifying efficiency.

Large groups of preachers came one after another, and then one by one they were dissolved by the Chiji Jiu Sha Gong's inner energy, turning into flesh and dripping.

Traces of demonic essence continued to pour into Lu Sheng's body, killing these numerous evangelists. Although the demonic essence obtained was small, it could not withstand the large amount.

Not enough, not enough! Lu Sheng's huge body kept moving forward, and it continued to grow bigger as it moved forward.

Demonic energy is being absorbed by its cells every moment, transformed, and then turned into nutrients to strengthen the demonic body.

It used to be more than fifteen meters, but now it has gradually grown to eighteen meters.

What is the concept of an eighteen-meter demonic body? That's as high as a six-story building.

Lu Sheng never thought that he could grow to such a huge size. He once saw a giant white wolf dozens of meters long and more than ten meters tall in the snow. But that was a demon, a big demon, and he was a human!


Lu Sheng stretched out his big hand, grabbed a handful of evangelist, squeezed it, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it slowly. This way he absorbs more demonic energy, and he also needs food to grow his body.

To him, although the monsters in front of him were humanoid, they were not humans, just monsters.

For Lu Sheng now, as long as they are not human, they can eat it.


He grabbed another handful of evangelists, pinched at least five of them together, and stuffed them into his mouth.

Ah!!! Suddenly a sharp shout came from a distance.

A preacher with dark golden ears and wings was glaring at Lu Sheng with a face full of grief and anger. Tears flowed down his cheeks.

kakaenda! holiyusita la!

He opened his mouth and spoke a series of syllables with a certain rhythm, which seemed to be the language of communication between preachers.

What do you mean? Lu Sheng was stunned for a moment, seeming to remember that two of the evangelists he had captured before were pretty women.

Hmm. These aliens are obviously monsters contaminated by demonic energy. Do they also have feelings?

He thought a little strangely, and then reached out to grab a new Preacher. As long as his big hand grasps somewhere, the preacher there will immediately give up resistance under the chaotic mental field and let him pinch and devour it.

boom! !

A huge metal-like pliers flew out from the darkness and hit Lu Sheng's arm.

With a bang, the pliers, which were only slightly smaller than Lu Sheng's hand, suddenly knocked his arm and rescued the preacher below like lightning.

Kill him! Kill this monster!! The main body of the giant claw slowly crawled out of the darkness. It was a black giant crab-like beast. It had four claws and was more than 13 meters tall. There was no road. He is taller but wider than him. There is a cluster of black translucent crystal stone pillars on its back.

The sound came from the crystal stone pillar.

Before Lu Sheng could figure out what was going on, he heard the preachers around him cheering, as if the arrival of the Cancer brought hope.

A bigger monster? Lu Sheng looked at the giant crab suspiciously, then suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched the giant crab.


There was a loud noise, and the giant pincer had no time to react before he tore off a pincer.

Cancer reacted quickly and clamped down hard on Lu Sheng with the other pincers.

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