Extreme Demon

Chapter 283 Flame 2 (Thanks to my old friend glsdead for the reward~)


Outside the main hall, a group of dark red fireworks suddenly exploded and turned into a huge bloody word.

In the writings of the Song Dynasty, there are many strokes of blood, thirty-six strokes in total. The strokes look sharp, very much like the Shangyang family's emergency call for help.

How come these fireworks are exactly the same as the Shangyang family's painter's call for help? This...is a little not so good. If he was mistaken, wouldn't he be in trouble with the Shangyang family?

Liu Shanzi heard a faction leader questioning him. That's what he was thinking too.

Zhao E smiled and pointed at the sky outside.

It's not over yet, please continue reading.

Hearing what he said, the sect leaders and the many disciples who were surprised and uncertain outside slowly calmed down. Due to his status as the leader of the Xiji Academy, he would definitely not do such boring things. There must be a reason behind it.

While thinking this, everyone continued to wait for the next fireworks.

Chi. Bang! !

Another black firework exploded suddenly.

With a bang, one of the faction leaders stood up and overturned the metal tabletop.

With an angry look on his face, the man questioned Zhao Shi.

This is our first-aid call for help. Master Zhao, what do you mean by this? What's the purpose of imitating the letter so closely?

Zhao Shi smiled but remained silent.

Bang! !

Another ball of white flames exploded, scattering nine lotus flowers of the same size in the sky.

My first aid talisman from Jade Lotus Palace!? A female faction leader also stood up.

Bang! Bang bang bang bang bang! !

As the fireworks continued to rise and explode, each sect leader stood up one after another. Except for a few lower third-level sects, the other sects all released first aid talismans. Without exception.

Everyone, are you satisfied with this reception? Although Zhao Shi is strong, he is definitely no match for the nineteen faction leaders in front of him. Moreover, many of these sect leaders came with holy soldiers. These sects had a close relationship with Xijiyuan and were afraid of unexpected events.

But Zhao Shi didn't show any fear at all at this time, he just looked at the people below with a calm expression.

Zhao Shi! What the hell are you doing! The master of the Dunling Sect of the third level was a strong man.

Okay. The time is up. Please enjoy it slowly. We have the most powerful holy weapon formation in the West Jiyuan, the Blood Pagoda. Zhao will take the first step. After Zhao Shi finished speaking, his figure slowly faded and disappeared.

This!!? Now all the faction leaders present knew that they had been fooled.

boom! !

A figure suddenly rushed outside the main hall and towards the exit of Xijiyuan.

But immediately a dark red light curtain blocked his impact. The light curtain seemed to be elastic and bounced back with just one click.

Before Liu Shanzi realized what was going on, he found himself trapped in this formation.

The Blood Pagoda Formation?

He suddenly had an ominous premonition.

No! That's the talisman for help in my sect, disciple!! A female sect leader suddenly remembered something and became crazy. There was a loud crackling sound all over her body, turned into a blue electric light and rushed out of the hall, towards Rushed outside Xijiyuan.

The electric light jumped and flickered, and in a blink of an eye, he arrived at the door of the outer courtyard and rushed out with a bang.

Buzz! !

A round-shaped holy weapon came out of the electric light and smashed towards the light screen of the formation.

The Holy Soldier's round wheel was filled with blue electric arcs and ribbon-like rune chains, and the high-speed rotating wheel edges were cut hard on the light curtain.


The formation trembled violently, but still did not break.

However, the holy weapon quickly dimmed and lost its strength. If it wanted to activate again, it would take at least a long time to accumulate energy.

Can't even break through the holy soldiers? Liu Shanzi's mind was in a mess. He couldn't figure out why the leader of the Xiji Academy, Zhao Shi, did this. But subconsciously, an approaching crisis is becoming increasingly clear.

Everyone who has brought the holy soldiers, please stand up. We must work together. Zhao Li doesn't know what he is doing, but if this is really the Blood Pagoda formation, then if we don't break the formation quickly and rush out, we won't In two days, it will be consumed by the formation and turned into a puddle of pus! A child-like faction leader stood up and said loudly.

What the leader of the Luo faction said is absolutely true! We must work together. I suspect that Zhao Shiji may not be the previous leader of the faction, but that some kind of demon has taken over his body in disguise. One person speculated.

This statement has also been recognized by many people.

It's just that Liu Shanzi's heart is still filled with uneasiness. Would Xiji Academy Master Zhao Shi not think of what they want? How could these old men, who had been practicing hard for many years and whose minds were almost rigid, compare to Zhao Shi, who was always known for his cunning.

No! That's demonic energy!

Suddenly, a faction leader pointed with trembling hands at a trace of black on the red light curtain in the sky.

Everyone was shocked and quickly looked up.

Sure enough, everyone saw clear black lines emerging on the dark red light screen. The black lines were like living creatures, constantly floating on the light screen.

Yes, yes. Demonic Essence, that is Demonic Essence!! Demonic Essence that can only be released by the Demon King!!

Someone recognized the essence of the swimming black air.

Demonic element! ? Demon King? ?

That is a demon monster that only a warrior can contend with! what happened! ? Xijiyuan is the strongest force of Baimai School. This is the core place. How could the demonic element released by the Demon King appear! ? ?

In the entire upper third level, only Xijiyuan is the most confident to confront the commander of the army head-on. The other schools are actually under the leadership of Xijiyuan, and they can barely maintain the independence of Baimai.

But now, Xijiyuan has been invaded by the devil

A faint sense of chill and despair slowly spread in the hearts of the faction leaders.

If Xijiyuan rebels, what will they do to fight against the aristocratic family and the demonic disaster! ?


Thousand Sails City.

In the gray sky, huge boulders rained down.

A gray-white stone ball with a diameter of more than ten meters, rolling, shining with huge blood-colored runes, fell like a meteor in the inner city of Qianfan City.


Three consecutive rows of houses were directly smashed through, and a large amount of masonry and soil was splashed.

Is there still no news about the call for help!? Bai Xiu yelled in the corner.

No! All the sect leaders seemed to have disappeared. They were all locked in the formation. Not only the sect leaders, but also more than 90% of the disciples and masters of our Xiji Academy! Huang Fu lowered his head in pain.

How is it possible!!? Bai Xiu looked ferocious. The thirteen elders of Wanshun Palace had died and only three were left, but the leader of the faction still hadn't come back. Only the leader of the faction could use the holy soldiers in the faction. The strongest power was gone. Now, this war is impossible to fight.

The two led hundreds of remaining elites who had gathered together to still resist the influx of demonic troops in the inner city.

But because the difference in numbers was too big, some of the remaining elites of the school were dying in battle every minute.

Many schools of thought originally had a legion of thousands of people, but now only this little is left.

Senior Brother Bai! The Fifth Elder's side is gone! He, his old man, tells you to retreat quickly! A female disciple of Wanshun Palace with tears on her face came over and landed lightly not far from Bai Xiu. Her voice was choked with sobs. It was obvious that the fighting there was so tragic that it was indescribable.

Damn it! Bai Xiu clenched his fists, his nails dug deeply into his flesh, blood dripping out but he didn't realize it.

This is my Xijiyuan's fault! Huang Fu stood up, I'm going to save people!

It's useless, let's withdraw! Bai Xiuhan said, Xiji Yuan has nothing to do with you! You are you, you are my brother Huang Fu! Not Xiji Yuan Huang Fu!!

I Huang Fu felt a little wet in his eyes, but he knew that this was not the time to be pretentious. Every moment of hesitation, the lives of disciples of the school would be lost.

Retreat! He shouted sharply, and all the disciples of Xijiyuan behind him suppressed their anxiety and quickly retreated after him.

No matter what, you can't go wrong by following senior brother Huang Fu. He has lost count of the number of times. Every time, Huang Fu did not disappoint those who placed their hopes on him.

He is even a more perfect deputy leader of the school than Zhao Shi. If it weren't for his lack of strength, there wouldn't be any trouble if he directly served as the head of Xijiyuan.

Everyone, including Bai Xiu and led by Huang Fu, quickly retreated.

He can no longer defend the inner city. We have no choice but to give up here. There are still places nearby that may be able to stop the demonic army. They are just some places with steep terrain and natural dangers to rely on.

You can go to Hongbo Palace! Bai Xiu suggested. The Red Boil Palace is located near a volcanic crater. There are dozens of active volcanoes around it. It can be activated with secret techniques at any time to resist foreign enemies. Monsters are different from us. Most of them have weak resistance to earth fire.

Okay! Let's wander around the perimeter first to look for opportunities. See if we can rescue more people. Huang Fu nodded.


Huh. Huh. Huh.

Lu Sheng's body was dripping with magma-like purple-black blood. The thick blood was still burning, and purple-red flames appeared from time to time. The blood dripped on the ground, burning the rocks and soil on the ground into hissing black smoke.

His whole body was covered with scars, and there were large bite wounds on his huge body of more than ten meters, both shoulders and the left side of his neck.

The edge of the wound was obviously squirming violently, but it was blocked by a thin black film and could not heal.

In addition, both wings on his back were torn off alive and scattered not far away. A large piece of flesh on his abdomen was dug out, and his internal organs covered with purple flames could be seen.

Hehehe, how are you? Have you seen my great power? Snake Leopard laughed sharply.

You're laughing! Your body has been broken into more than ten joints? What's so funny? Lu Sheng said angrily.

Snake Leopard was speechless and couldn't speak.

He looked at his body. Only a small half of his centipede-like body was still there. The rest was torn off and set on fire. It was thrown aside and squirming slightly on the ground. Several intestine-like things were dragged out of the wounds on his lower body and dragged on the ground.

One eye on the top of the head was also blinded. This was the eye he mainly used, and the rest were actually weapons.

Even so, you are still worse off than me! Snake Leopard sneered.

Really? Lu Sheng's face turned cold, and his body shape began to slowly change again. Originally, I didn't plan to use this form. After all, with the current control over demonic energy, it's very laborious to enter that state. It's a pity.


Suddenly, Lu Sheng's huge body shrank suddenly, and in the blink of an eye he condensed into a figure only over three meters tall.

Become one with me!!

On the head of the figure, a ferocious mouth suddenly opened, expanded to a diameter of more than thirty meters, and bit into the snake and leopard.

Snake Leopard's face was stunned and he didn't even realize what was going on. His eyes reflected the terrifying mouth that was getting closer and closer.

Poof! ! !

Recently, a friend of mine has opened a new book. It’s called ~I Make a Deal with the Gods. If you are interested, you can check it out~ Hehehe

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