Extreme Demon

Chapter 282 Flame 1

Demon Abyss? Lu Sheng stared at Snake Leopard, saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth and falling to the ground. The highly acidic and corrosive saliva quickly corroded several small holes in the ground.

A demon swallowed by desire. Snake Leopard shook his huge head and kept looking at the monster in front of him.

Yes, Lu Sheng at this time was also one of the monsters in his eyes.

He is more than six meters tall, has hairy and barbed scales all over his body, a row of bone spurs on his back, and a mouth as big as a dragon that can tear any creature apart. Such a size is not common among monsters.

Isn't it a better choice to become my subordinate, charge into battle on my behalf, and plunge the world into chaos? There is so much food that can be swallowed in the human world, enough for you to eat. There is no need to devour our fellow humans here. Snake. Leopard could feel Lu Sheng's power. Although the opponent's demonic energy was only one-fifth of his, the special aura faintly exuding from his body made him look at him with admiration.

It seemed to be a demon king level or even a demon lord level aura of power.

Same race? Lu Sheng walked up step by step and got closer to the other party.


Suddenly he whipped his tail towards the snake leopard.


Huge power exploded between the two, and Lu Sheng's giant tail slammed into Snake Leopard's arms. The collision between the demonic energy and the demonic energy splashed out powerful black light spots. Those were tiny sparks ejected from the demonic element being rubbed and collided with huge force.

After barely holding on to Lu Sheng's tail, Snake Leopard's expression changed slightly. The opponent's strength was too great and he was almost catching up with him. If he didn't handle it carefully, he might be injured.

Since you don't want to be convinced, I'll beat you into submission!

His huge body flew up in circles, opening all his limbs towards Lu Sheng.

Death cuts feet!

There was a loud bang.

Dozens of siblings on the snake leopard shot out a stream of translucent ethereal claws at the same time. A large number of claws were densely packed and clawed at Lu Sheng like centipedes.

This is Death Cutting Foot, which is a powerful melee combat move that he has summed up in the demon world for thousands of years and is most suitable for him.

Each of these ethereal claws has different effects, some are infected with bleeding, some are unbearable with heat and poison, some are cold and sinister, and have hallucinogenic interference and so on.

All kinds of negative effects can be found here.

Death Cutting Foot not only has extremely powerful physical attacks with power and speed, but also a large number of negative effects to test the opponent's weaknesses.

It can be attacked, defended, and tested. This is Snake Leopard's most proud move.

Lu Sheng took a step forward, moving forward instead of retreating. He raised his arms and flapped his wings crazily behind him, pushing a large amount of demonic air backwards to provide Lu Sheng with stronger impact.

boom! ! !

As soon as they made contact, the leather armor on Lu Sheng's arms cracked and blood oozed out. A large area of ​​ground exploded beneath his feet, and dozens of empty marks instantly appeared on the cave wall behind him.

Hahahaha!! Snake Leopard laughed wildly, and dozens of his arms were cutting back and forth on Lu Sheng's arms like saws.


A large, harsh and sharp friction sound spread.

A dark red ring appeared in Lu Sheng's trap group of arms and legs, which was the various negative effects given to the opponent by the Death Cut Foot. What he fell into was the extremely troublesome word of disability. It can slow down the speed and flexibility of the opponent's limbs greatly.

Lu Sheng was caught off guard and was cut back repeatedly. But he was not surprised but overjoyed. At such a close distance and in hand-to-hand combat, he was unlike anyone else!

His legs suddenly expanded violently for a moment, and he kicked out in an instant.

The power of the anode state, which was several times stronger than the main body, crashed into the middle of Snake Leopard's waist like a meteorite falling.


You've been hit by the words of crippling and yet it exploded so quickly!!? Snake Leopard exclaimed. Even if the carapace is shattered after being kicked, an injury of this degree can be recovered in just a few breaths.

The two fought fiercely in the relatively small cave.

Both Shebao and Lu Sheng were shocked by the opponent's speed and strength. Lu Sheng had not encountered a decent opponent for too long.

No matter who it is, they can only survive a few moves in front of him. Ever since the useless battle with Hong Fang, he has never been able to fully unleash his full strength.

But this time, fist to fist, palm to palm, both have extremely terrifying power. Moreover, Snake Leopard also has extremely strong high-speed regeneration ability.

Bang! !

Lu Sheng used his palm to block a pair of opponents and feet on the side. Cracks slowly appeared on his scales, and the snake leopard's carapace instantly cracked and exploded, revealing the snow-white flesh underneath.

But immediately, the newly cracked carapace grew and healed again in just two breaths.

There are no moves, no secret techniques, just relying on physical instinct to fight.


The eyeballs on Lu Sheng's wings shot out two invisible mental force fields, which hit the Snake and Leopard God like beams of light.

It's meaningless. Such things are meaningless. Snake Leopard laughed. He has been in the Demon Abyss for so many years, and he has absorbed not only 10,000 but also 8,000 demons, and the ones he can choose to absorb are not low-level goods. .

These various demons will have more or less strong poisonous negative effects.

It's ridiculous to think that just a little mental confusion force field can have an effect on him.

Taking advantage of this gap, he grabbed Lu Sheng's wings with his hands and feet and smashed them hard.

Boom! !

Lu Sheng's body smashed into the side wall like a cannonball.

Even if the walls here were contaminated by demonic energy and were extremely hard, they still couldn't withstand such a ferocious blow. In an instant, a large crater with a diameter of more than ten meters exploded.

Poisonous Shadow Sting! Snake Leopard rushed forward, I won't let you die! You are a rare and excellent material! His tone was cold, and countless black light spots condensed in front of him, and all the light spots combined As one, it turned into a slender spike.


The spike suddenly disappeared, appeared out of thin air in front of Lu Sheng's eyebrows, and stabbed straight down.

clang! !

Lu Sheng stretched out his hand and pinched the spike. At that moment, the blood network around his body was broken, the black membrane was broken open, and circles of translucent ripples arose.

Only then did he wake up from a slight sense of crisis.

You are very strong. Lu Sheng gently crushed the poisonous shadow thorn and got off the wall, swallowing the blood in his mouth again.

But, I am stronger!!

Boom! !

With a loud noise, countless black smoke exploded all over his body. In an instant, he jumped from a height of more than six meters to a height of more than ten meters.

With a huge, heavy, even fat body, he raised his right leg and stepped forward.

Buzz! ! !

The air, the ground, and the demonic energy all exploded in a disk shock wave.

Anode state! Death!! Countless purple-black flames burst out from Lu Sheng's mouth and nose, thick poisonous smoke came out from behind, and the huge body of more than ten meters pressed hard towards the snake leopard.

Detach the demonic shadow!! Is this your true body? Very good, very good!! Hahahaha!! The snake leopard screamed, and its whole body also began to expand. In the blink of an eye, it was like blowing up a balloon, growing to more than 20 meters. , almost reaching the top of the entire cave.

From a distance, it looks like a super centipede that is bigger than Lu Sheng.

He pulled out his tail and hit the sole of Lu Sheng's foot.

The two gigantic beasts collided like two hills. The entire cave began to shake, the walls were torn apart, and countless boulders were blown around like marbles.

But more poisonous smoke and demonic flames were vented out through the upper and lower seal entrances and exits. Purple and black pillars of fire were formed.

Altar of the Shadow King.

The ground shook, and countless gravel and dirt continued to fall down throughout the cave.

Oh oh oh, the fight started again. I remember that there was no movement at the altar below a long time ago. It seems that the two ancient demons absorbed and stole the demon essence, causing several major demon kings to fall asleep. Why is it like this now? Big news?

The Shadow King became confused. In fact, he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart. I hope the seal below can be broken in such a fierce battle.

All seals are connected, if one is broken, the rest will be linked to each other and weakened.

Chi! !

At this moment, a purple-black fire pillar suddenly burst out from the sealed entrance and exit below.

The poisonous and corrosive flame pillars continued to tear and spread the ground. Even the monsters couldn't bear the terrifying poisonous smoke. The weaker monsters in the corner turned into pus in an instant, and they couldn't even escape.

It's a fight, it's a fight! This aura is definitely that of an ancient demon! Hahahaha, kill, kill, the stronger the seal, the more it will be damaged! He burst into ecstasy. Finally, after waiting for so long, the opportunity to escape is coming.


Everyone, it is a rare event for us to gather together today to have a drink and chat. To add a bit of excitement, Zhao went to the far east to find some strange fireworks to make everyone smile. Zhao Zhi sat upright. On the main seat, below are nineteen sect leaders from various sects. Among them are several people who are also at the upper third level. Most of them are at the middle third level and lower third level. However, the sect leaders are different from other members of the school. The sect leaders here are all snakes at worst. level, they are all Holy Weapon Envoys with the qualifications to activate the Holy Weapons of their own sect, so even if the schools are different in strength, the treatment of the sect leader alone is not much different.

Master Xiji Yuan, you're welcome. If the alliance is the biggest gathering for us and Baimai, it is an opportunity for us and Baimai to discuss the future development trend. Then this small alliance is the opportunity for us and the Nineteen Factions to control the Nine Cities. The highest gathering of pattern and stability.

The Master of Xiji Academy can stand up and shout loudly, shouldering this responsibility, and he should be a role model for us to aspire to. A middle-level third-level sect leader stood up and spoke with a smile.

Yes, most of our schools devote themselves to hard work and don't care about worldly affairs. Such troublesome things will ultimately delay their practice. Most people are unwilling to stand up and take responsibility. Those who are willing to stand up do not have enough strength and prestige. Only the leader of Xiji Yuan. Another faction leader nodded in agreement. Unlike the previous one, he was not from the same camp as Xiji Yuan, he was just seeking truth from facts.

Everyone spoke one after another, but they all appeared to be very orderly. There were few interruptions and no one was talking nonsense. The leaders of Baimai Sect knew the gap between the school and the aristocratic family, so most of them were ascetic monks, and a very small number of sects Although the Lord has a desire for power, he will not say much if he goes with the crowd.

At the seat of Yuan Mo Sect, Liu Shanzi looked calm, sitting upright without squinting.

Yuan Mo Sect went from being about to be exterminated to rebelling against many schools in one fell swoop. Such a dramatic change also attracted several sect leaders around him to ask him about Lu Sheng.

Anyone who knows a little bit about the inside story knows that Yuan Mo Sect relied on Lu Sheng to turn the situation around.

As for Lu Sheng, before joining, he was just a gang leader in the Northland and didn't even know what Baimai was. Under such circumstances, after joining Yuan Mo Sect, he actually reached a higher level of cultivation in the secret method in just a few months. Such geniuses, whether they want to poach or regard them as a threat to their opponents, will come close to inquire for information.

Liu Shanzi remained unmoved, but from time to time he just couldn't speak anymore and would say something.

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