Extreme Demon

Chapter 284 Flame 3

The blue sky is cloudless, like a huge piece of flawless emerald.

On the edge of the jadeite, several black dots are intertwined with several small colored dots. From time to time, groups of colorful clouds exploded.

Tens of thousands of meters high in the air, Shangyang Jinshi looked solemn. He stepped on a huge white brush under his feet, and black silk threads were constantly flowing around his body. The silk threads were completely composed of countless runes.

This is the protective field naturally emitted by the divine weapon. That is the legendary magic weapon radiation.

Where did this monster come from? He stared at the huge monster opposite, surrounded by black lines.

The two monsters were both at the level of a soldier, and they suddenly appeared in this realm.

Fortunately, this should be the demon spirit clone of the Demon Army, not the real demon spirit.

Another commander stood on a huge jade maple leaf with a solemn expression.

It's an existence similar to me!

Shangyang Jinshi nodded and looked at the other military commanders who were struggling with monsters. To be precise, they were not real military commanders, but deputy military commanders.

If the holy soldiers are a deterrent force of the same level as the divine weapons, then their deputy soldiers actually master a special collection of weapons composed of several holy soldiers.

Their power is higher than that of holy soldiers, but lower than that of divine soldiers. This is the strength and heritage of the Nine Central Plains Families.

Brother Huang, Brother Lei, these two monsters are not very intelligent, why don't we try our best to solve them quickly!? Shangyang Jinshi suggested in a low voice.

Good! Good!

The two deputy soldiers nodded.

As soon as they received the news, they woke up from their long secluded sleep.

There is only one deputy soldier for each of the nine families in the Central Plains. Like the military commander, it is the ultimate ultimate force and cannot be touched lightly.

Their existence is usually succeeded by one generation after another. Ordinary people don't know that it is only when encountering a big crisis that the military commander will take action personally because he has no other skills.

As soon as the Shangyang family received the battle report, they immediately dispatched deputy soldiers together with the Huang family and Lei family to suppress the situation.

But what he didn't expect was that he was intercepted by monsters halfway. Each of these monsters was so powerful that they had no idea where they came from.

The ninth stroke, Li Shi! Shangyang Jinshi paused at his feet, and the huge brush suddenly glowed with golden light.

Chichi chichi, countless golden brush hairs flew out like sharp thorns.

Each brush hair was like a living thing, twisting and glowing with golden light, turning into a golden raindrop, falling towards a monster.

The other two people also used secret techniques to promote the power of the divine weapons. Although it is just a pseudo-divine weapon formed by the collection of holy soldiers, it is still extremely powerful.

Soon, a white light spread across hundreds of meters like a river. The head of a giant carp slowly emerged from the river.

The strange thing is that this carp is completely black except for two golden dragon whiskers on its head. Its size was at least a hundred meters, and it hit the monster together.

On the other side, Lei Hao, the deputy soldier of the Lei family, grabbed it with his palm, and suddenly a large amount of thunder light twisted and condensed into a ball. Several giant blue-purple phoenix-like birds emerged around it, slowly rotating around the thunder ball and making a clear sound.

The two monsters grinned ferociously.

They were born with a single horn and golden eyes. They were each wearing a black armor, and behind each of them there was a rotating black metal disk suspended, with all kinds of weird and twisted blood-colored symbols on the disk.

Three deputy soldiers just want to stop a few adults. One of the monsters sneered.

What a wishful thinking. The other monster also sneered. The tone of the two was almost the same, whether it was the sound or other things.

Let you see it. One monster flashed its body, and in a blink of an eye it was in front of the other monster.


The two stretched out an arm almost at the same time and penetrated the other's mouth fiercely.

The arm stretched longer and deeper, and soon it was completely inserted into the opponent's stomach. What's even weirder is that the remaining body parts of the two monsters actually began to merge with each other and grow together.


Black lightning slowly emerged around the strange flesh ball formed by the fusion of the two, and the air heated up rapidly.

boom! !

A large black cloud of demonic energy exploded from the monster's body, instantly enveloping the three nearby deputies. The three of them were caught off guard, and all of them, including the soldiers and the divine soldiers, were wrapped up.

No! Demon King's clone! Shangyang Jinshi rushed out half of his body, trying to break through the black cloud, but his voice stopped suddenly and was pulled back by countless dark arms in the cloud.


Yuan Mo Sect·Underground.

The purple flame glowed with purple fluorescence, illuminating the cave brightly and clearly.

Lu Sheng's body was more than three meters long, but his head swelled to an extremely exaggerated level. The huge mouth, which was more than thirty meters long, was like a crocodile or a dragon's head. Its extremely sharp fangs were piercing deeply into the skin of the snake and leopard. surface.

The entire front half of the Snake Leopard's body was swallowed into Lu Sheng's mouth, leaving only the back half, with rows of arms and legs struggling and twisting. Bright red blood slowly dripped from the corner of Lu Sheng's mouth and fell to the ground.

The snake leopard's sharp claws clawed at the skin around Lu Sheng's mouth.

But unfortunately, with the hardness of Lu Sheng's scales, these sharp claws could only make shallow wounds. Moreover, these wounds can only last for a few breaths before they are quickly repaired and restored.

Lu Sheng didn't even care. He was devouring the snake leopard wholeheartedly. While the opponent was stunned, he transformed into the yin and yang destroyer form, bit it in one bite, and began to devour it.

Such an opportunity is extremely rare. As an ancient demon, Snake Leopard will never have only these abilities. Once you break free and have some breathing space, it will definitely be a hard fight again.


Like a crocodile, Lu Sheng raised his head and shook the snake leopard, and immediately stuffed the snake leopard into his throat. Another big piece was stuffed in at once.

His saliva poured into the wound pierced by the snake leopard's fangs, corroding the flesh and blood in its body.

After the flesh and blood turned into a solution, it was swallowed and absorbed by Lu Sheng again. After flowing into his stomach, it quickly turned into nutrients, nourishing all the wounds on Lu Sheng's body.

no no!!

The snake leopard kept struggling in Lu Sheng's throat, arching various shapes on the scales on the throat surface.

He just didn't check for a moment, but he didn't expect Lu Sheng's strength and speed to increase several times in an instant.

At their level, the increase rate is at most 20 to 30%. Such a secret technique is already extremely powerful. And the secret technique of increasing the power several times is simply unheard of.

After all, their power base is too large. As the top strong ones among the Demon Kings who are close to the Demon Lord level, it is impossible for such a huge strength base to increase too much in one go.

You've entered my stomach and you still want to run away? Lu Sheng said in a loud voice. He held the snake leopard in his mouth and looked around. He held down the back half of the snake leopard's body with both hands and stuffed it hard again.

Bang! !

His stomach was inflated like a balloon by the huge force of the struggling snake and leopard. But he jerked back.

The violent force of the Snake Leopard kept struggling in Lu Sheng's stomach, but as time went by, the intensity of the struggle became smaller and weaker.

After a long time, the snake leopard was finally stuffed into Lu Sheng's belly. But even if he was cut into many pieces by the fangs, he still had terrifying vitality.

Inside the cave, there are still many severed bodies of snakes and leopards left on the ground. These bodies seem to have a life of their own and are still crawling slowly on the ground.

Lu Sheng's slender tail slowly swayed behind him, gently rolling up sections of the snake and leopard's body and putting them together. Then they stuffed them into his mouth one by one.

A large amount of demonic energy surged out of his body, which was countless demonic elements obtained from digesting the snake leopard. There were too many demonic elements, and they were filling the terrifying hunger in Lu Sheng's heart in time.

He stood there and just swallowed one ancient demon. It felt like he had eaten hundreds or thousands of previous demons. His stomach was so full that the demonic energy in his body was so much that it spread and overflowed.

A steady stream of massive demonic energy was absorbed crazily by Lu Sheng's hungry body cells. He was absorbing demonic energy at an extremely fast speed like a sponge.

The dark blue modifier is also slowly becoming clearer.

With the abundant supply of magic energy, this improvement finally came to fruition.

A new, never-before-seen occult realm appears within the box description.

‘Eight Heads of Demonic Path: The Fifth Realm – Conversion to the Demonic Path. Special effects: Eight demonic bodies combined into one, forty-level strong acid, fifty-level erosion of the mind, fifty-level hardened skin, fifty-level backstabbing, ninety-level strength enhancement, and one-level unlimited proliferation.’

Each one with the least special effects has been upgraded by more than ten levels, and his strength has soared to ninety levels. You must know that before Lu Sheng started fighting with Snake Leopard, his strength was only increased by fifty levels.

This is the improved terrifying power.

Lu Sheng could even feel that the eight demonic bodies were fused together during the deduction process, forming a complete demonic body that was close to perfection and far more powerful than he imagined.

This kind of demon body not only takes into account the advantages of all demon bodies, but most importantly, it also has an extremely important special effect ability that can multiply indefinitely.

This adjective was formed based on Lu Sheng's knowledge system. Many cells of ordinary people have a fixed number, which only fluctuates within a general range, and the number of divisions is also fixed.

But with this special effect, Lu Sheng can even multiply indefinitely, continuously increase the number of body divisions, and strengthen his physical body crazily.

As time passed, Lu Sheng gradually recovered from his hunger and thirst.

Although I am satisfied for the time being, if I want to continue to deduce the next level, I will definitely need a huge amount of new demonic energy. Lu Sheng thought, feeling that his body was not completely full.

An ancient demon, a completely super-sized Demon King, actually still felt hungry after being eaten. In fact, this was just because the remaining corpses had not been digested.

Soon Lu Sheng's belly had returned to its original shape.

He slowly looked around, focusing on the entrance to the next floor.

Bang! !

Suddenly, a dull explosion sounded from his stomach.

Lu Sheng's complexion changed slightly, and his body expanded rapidly, turning into a huge anode form of more than ten meters in the blink of an eye. But even with this size, his belly was still expanding, as if there was some extremely powerful force inside that was expanding crazily.


Lu Sheng burped and vomited suddenly.

With a chirp, he sprayed out a pitch-black diamond-shaped crystal, with tentacle-like curly demonic energy emitting from the edge of the crystal.

This is... Lu Sheng grabbed the rhombus crystal in confusion.

This was the very small amount of undigestible material left in his stomach after eating the snake and leopard.

He picked up the crystal and studied it closely.


Suddenly, numerous densely packed pale eyes opened inside the crystal.

Hundreds of eyeballs suddenly stared at Lu Sheng, and even he felt a slight pause in his heart.

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