Extreme Demon

Chapter 281 Destined Destruction Fourteen (Thanks to the leader, Drunken Lost, for his hard work~)

So hungry.

So thirsty.

If Lu Sheng had a mirror in front of him at this moment, he would be able to see that his eyes were emitting clear green fluorescence.

The fluorescence is full of hunger and greed.

He was so hungry that his eyes were dazzled by hunger, and all the cells in his body seemed to be roaring, sending him crazy signals that he needed magic energy and food.

Whether it is to break through the demon lord or to re-develop and construct the physical body, a large amount of energy is required, and the only source of energy is food.

Lu Sheng's meal before was enough for at least ten people, but now, he felt like he could swallow an elephant alive.


He took one step forward, but he had no idea that he had unknowingly expanded and returned to his original state.


A pair of thick fleshy wings grew out from his back, and two fist-sized eyeballs on the wings were spinning around.

The gaze of the eyeballs is evil and violent, with the purest desire to eat.

Lu Sheng walked to the altar and had completely restored his original appearance. Three meters tall, with four horns bent backwards. His eyes were green and fluorescent, his lower body was huge and bloated, and a giant tail kept swaying behind him.


He kicked the altar to pieces, revealing a wooden door underneath that was constantly emitting black air.

The door is only as tall as a person and more than two meters wide. It's not enough for his body to pass through.

But Lu Sheng's head was completely filled with hunger at this time, and the only bit of rationality he had was only used when encountering danger and threats.

He reached out and grabbed the wooden door handle and pushed hard.

boom! !

The wooden door exploded instantly.

A red monster with a scorpion tail and the body of a sheep, with flames burning all over its body, rushed out of the wooden door.

Hahahaha! Finally! Three hundred years later!! I, Ebenhagen Demo, finally... uh... The demon was laughing wildly in the sky. Suddenly he turned his head and saw the huge man staring at him and swallowing saliva. Lu Sheng.

He was only about a person tall, and in front of Lu Sheng, he looked like an adult or a child.

puff! !

The black claws crashed down, and countless twisted black energy exploded, covering all the empty spaces around them that could escape.

The scorpion-tailed goat-bodied demon was horrified and opened his mouth to beg for mercy, but it was too late. The toughest horns he was proud of were smashed like tofu under the opponent's claws, and his entire body was caught in just a few strokes. inside, kneaded into a ball.

Lu Sheng rubbed his hands together a few times, then squeezed it hard, crushing the demon into a ball, with black and red blood seeping out from between his fingers.

He opened his mouth wide. The mouth, which was originally only the size of an ordinary person, split open, lengthened, and grew. Soon it was as rubber-like as it opened to more than one meter wide. The layers of saw-toothed fangs inside were as broad as a meat grinder. With an icy cold light.


One mouthful.

He stuffed the whole meatball directly into his mouth, chewed it a few times and then swallowed it.


There was a slight noise in Lu Sheng's stomach. At first, a big lump bulged, but it soon shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He stretched out his hands to grab the edge of the wooden door and pulled hard.


The wooden door and the surrounding ground were all torn apart by him in one breath.

Lu Sheng then jumped into the black hole below.

The seal below is still the same cave, but it is different from the one above. The air here is extremely cold, and the cave walls and floor are covered with ice everywhere. There are also countless densely packed snow-white ice edges hanging on the roof of the cave.

Landing with a bang, Lu Sheng's size obviously grew a little bigger. He flapped the wings on his back a few times. This thing was not used for flying at all, but for hunting.

This pair of fleshy wings, which grew and evolved in a state of extreme hunger, even has tiny sharp claws at the end, which are specially used to grab and bite prey. As for those pair of eyeballs, any creature that is stared at by them will be impacted by the evil and chaotic mental force field.

This was Lu Sheng's original ability as the Evil Snake of Jealousy, but here it was enhanced many times by the transformed demonic energy, turning it into a talent-like ability.

Stare evilly, freeze the prey, then slowly approach it, tear it apart with your claws, tear it into pieces, stuff it into your mouth, chew it and swallow it.

This is the evolved demon king level body.

Lu Sheng walked step by step in this cave. There was obviously a lot of life around him, but no one dared to approach him.

The scorpion-tailed goat-body demon was the first to rush out. He was considered a strong one among them, but in the blink of an eye, Lu Sheng crushed him into pieces and stuffed it into his mouth to eat.

This suppressed all the monsters in this sealed cave. They are also intelligent beings, and there are many contaminated guardians among them.

But no one dared to step forward to resist Lu Sheng.

Food. Food. Lu Sheng was so hungry that his eyes were dazzled, and he sensed the most powerful auras everywhere.

Ordinary food could not satisfy his intense hunger.

Soon, a big fat monster hiding appeared in his senses.

The fat belly of this big fat devil is full of high-energy tissue similar to fat. The bones on his body are extremely hard and are highly polymeric bone that is extremely difficult to digest. Such high-polymerized bone contains extremely high calories.

Lu Sheng hesitated for a moment, then slowly walked towards the big fat demon.


The two eyeballs on his wings turned a few times and immediately stared at the demon fat man in the shadow. His evil gaze was mixed with a strong mental impact.

The fat devil collapsed in an instant.

No, no, he burst into tears and nose, and tried to retreat step by step, but his body was so stiff that he couldn't move at all.

The other demons around were frightened and fled wildly.

Lu Sheng approached step by step, lifted up the boulder blocking the road with one claw, and walked up to the fat demon.

This demon was also over three meters tall, huge in size, with rough skin and thick flesh. It also held two dark green swords in its hands. But at this time, he was originally strong and strong, and the muscle and leather armor that he was proud of had completely become the most conspicuous liability.

Lu Sheng slowly walked up to him and looked at the trembling fat demon.


The claws on his wings grabbed the opponent's body, and the big mouth opened again and opened wide.


Lu Sheng's mouth began to open to its maximum limit, and soon it was one meter wide. The bloody mouth contained three rows of jagged gums and a rough tongue covered with barbs.


Lu Sheng actually bit the fat demon's upper body.

The upper half of the opponent's body, which was more than one meter long, was completely lifted up by him and forcefully stuffed into his huge mouth! !

His throat bulged greatly, like a snake swallowing an elephant. It squirmed little by little and began to stuff the fat demon into his stomach.

No screams, no cries.

There was only a slowly spreading chill.

The demons hidden around them were a little emotionally broken. But by moving now, wasn't it just to remind Lu Sheng of his hiding place?

No one moved, all the demons could even hold their breath, and even their heartbeats began to slow down.


Little by little, Lu Sheng stuffed the fat demon into his stomach.

His belly was obviously bulging, and the bulge was exactly the shape of the fat devil's body.

As if he felt that this body shape was inconvenient, Lu Sheng slowly began to change again. Black mist spread, and as bursts of poisonous fire ignited, his body size rapidly expanded, became larger and taller, and part of the body tissue in the digestive system was quickly destroyed. strengthen.

In this way, Lu Sheng now had a body that was more than four meters tall and three meters wide. It is covered in purple-black scales, and subtle fluorescence can sometimes be seen flowing through the gaps between the scales. It is covered in black mist, and its wings flap from time to time, looking for new prey that may appear.

The swallowed fat demon only lasted for a dozen breaths in Lu Sheng's stomach, and then quickly shriveled up and was digested at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lu Sheng, who was hungry after receiving the supply of energy and food, did not give up. The demons there were simply not enough for him to evolve to the demon lord level.


He disappeared instantly, and a large area of ​​the ground exploded beneath his feet.

ah! !

In the corner, a demon with the head of a bull and the body of a horse was captured, held high by Lu Sheng's wings, and stuffed alive into his mouth.

The bull-headed and horse-bodied demon screamed and roared, but was tightly restrained by the huge force and could not move at all. It was thrust into Lu Sheng's mouth with its claws and teeth bared.

The other demons who were closer could even see the ridges of the demon with the body of a minotaur and a horse as it struggled and twisted in Lu Sheng's throat.


Some demons quietly moved their bodies and fled towards the lower seal. Others fled towards the sealed exit above.

With the first head, there will be the second and third.

Soon, as Lu Sheng continued to hunt with lightning, demons were stuffed into his mouth one after another, and they were quickly digested and turned into nutrients, which were provided to the physical body for evolutionary changes.

The demonic energy on the demon's body was also mixed with the demonic energy in the air, and together they provided demonic energy for the evolution of Lu Sheng's body.

Waves of screams continued to spread. As time passed, slowly, after Lu Sheng swallowed twenty-three demons alive in a row, there was no one left in the entire cave.

All the monsters escaped.

His physical body also grew to over six meters long. A blood-red pattern began to appear in the middle of the back, like a huge rune, shining red light in regular patterns.

But the derivation of the modifier is still not over.

Lu Sheng's physical body continued to evolve. This was the first time. The energy provided by the divine power was not enough to supply the deduction.

The first deduction requires you to frantically search for new sources of energy.

Before this, Lu Sheng had always thought that relying on divine power to deduce martial arts secrets did not require him to find other energy.

But now he knows he was wrong.

With only a little bit of consciousness, he slowly walked towards the next seal entrance and exit.

Bang! !

The altar was smashed, revealing a white wooden door on the lower floor.

But this time, the wooden door was open, and a black demon with a leopard head and body slowly floated out of the wooden door.

But as the demon floated upward, its revealed body grew longer and longer.

Underneath the leopard head and body is another demon with the same head and body. The two are connected head to foot and grow together. The feet of the person above and the head of the person below grow together.

As time went by, leopard-headed demons with human bodies appeared one after another, one, two, three, five, ten, twenty.

In the end, these leopard-headed demons, all growing together, actually formed a giant snake coil, with dozens of pairs of eyes staring at Lu Sheng.

Outsiders, this is the Demonic Abyss. It is a Demonic Abyss that runs through everything and connects countless lands. These layers are my territory, the ancient demon Snake and Leopard Monu! You actually dare to invade here and hunt my people wantonly! The giant snake formed by the leopard-headed man stared at Lu Sheng with a greedy and ferocious expression.

Drunk Lost Children's Shoes has been diligently giving out rewards of 10,000 per week~ He finally broke through to become the leader~ It's gratifying~ Hehe, everyone hurry up and learn from him~???

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