Extreme Demon

Chapter 280 Destined Destruction Thirteen

Thousand Sails City.

Hurry up!!

Huang Fu led a team of carefully selected top school masters and galloped through the streets of the city.

The city was in complete chaos, the crowd was scattered, screams and cries could be heard from time to time, and the ground could only be seen slowly cracking everywhere. Some dark, scaly arms slowly stretched out from it. Once anyone approached the crack, they would be grabbed and dragged down by these instantly extended arms.


A tall white tower slowly broke and fell down, hitting Huang Fu and others who were running.

Everyone was an elite expert, and they quickly jumped up to avoid the tower.

The tower crashed onto the ground block, and more than 20 shops on the streets on both sides were shattered by rubble and collapsed. Some people who were hiding were knocked unconscious by the loud noise.

A gully dozens of meters long was carved out of the hard bluestone floor.

You haven't contacted the leaders of each faction yet?? Huang Fu asked his junior disciples beside him with a loud roar.

No! No! There is no reply at all. There is no news about the faction leaders participating in the small alliance. The formation at the main hospital is open, and no news can be transmitted! The junior brother also replied with sadness and anger. More than ten of his junior brothers and sisters have died in the demon army.

But so far, the leader of each faction with the highest combat power has not yet appeared.

Even Xijiyuan's senior brother and chief Huang Fu couldn't summon him.


Suddenly, a heartbreaking scream came from the north. It is impossible for ordinary people to make such a weird and long scream.

Let's go! The North District is dying! Huang Fu was in a panic. He had been fighting the demon army for a long time, and he already knew what the sound was.

After the Shangyang family's painter formation collapsed, the demon army rushed into the city. The painter troops and the stationed judges took action together to engage in street fighting with the demon army. They also volunteered to join in. Lead an elite team to hunt monsters.

But there are too many monsters to kill them all. These monsters are at least a limited level in strength. Ordinary disciples cannot compete with them. Only the elites gathered together can quickly deal with them.

On top of the monsters, there are the demon warlords who can speak human words, and various strange and powerful monsters. Above them are the demon generals. The demon generals are divided into five stars. The one-star demon general is the snake level, and the highest level is the demon general. Of the five stars, only the top three apexes of the family can compete.

Hundreds of thousands of demonic troops poured into the city continuously, and Thousand Sail City turned into a melting pot of flesh and blood, mixing the endless streams of masters from schools and families with the flesh and blood of the demonic army, grinding them to pieces.

The strongest judge, Shang Yangjun, was fighting wantonly with the five-star demon general in the center of the city.

Huang Fu and others hurried to the North District. The entire North District was full of broken walls and ruins. A large number of ruins were piled into hills, covered with blood and flesh.

From time to time in the sparse corners, one could see masters desperately fighting against the demonic army, but they were obviously gradually at a disadvantage.

A large number of tall humanoid monsters with one horn and black body, hunched body, holding black maces, madly attacking all humans in sight.

Huang Fu and others rushed forward to help the masters of the school here.

One after another, letters asking for help were sent from Thousand Sail City to all directions. All schools and all the aristocratic families received the message quickly or slowly, but the leaders of the schools and sects at close range were blocked in the West Jiyuan formation, and the distant water could not save the near fire. For a time, all the forces formed a strange vacuum, and they could only watch Qianfan City fall into the flames of war.

Outside the city, the four legions of the school were fighting crazily with the demon army, like a meat grinder.

In the sky, several streaks of colorful light were indistinguishable from streaks of black smoke.

boom! !

A huge monster, more than ten meters in size, roared out from the ground, covered in silver-white armor with the symbol of the divine weapon, and rushed towards the demonic army.

These monsters look like mammoths, but have thick tails behind them. They are giant war beasts that have been cultivated by the Shangyang family for many years - Meng.

A total of five Mongols burst out of the ground and rushed towards the short black army camp.

But immediately, several huge monsters with four wings swooped down. These monsters looked like black giant eagles, but they had four green eyes on their heads. Their feathers were far stronger than steel and were extremely hard.

This is a giant war beast driven by the demonic army. The giant beasts on both sides collide fiercely, emitting a huge and terrifying concussive roar.

Behind the giant beast, countless tiny figures were fighting together with the demon army monsters. The shouts of killing, screams, and roars were all mixed together.


Yuan Mo Sect, deep underground.

In the dark seal, Lu Sheng sat cross-legged on the ground. In the dark environment around him, several dark and blurry figures of evil demons slowly walked around, driving away all threats that might approach.

A large amount of demonic energy in the air was swallowed and absorbed into Lu Sheng's body, allowing the Yin Demon to move freely.

At this time, he was looking attentively at the eight demonic paths on the dark blue. I got more than 600 units by applying my divine power, and with the previous absorption, it was more than 700 units.

With so much divine power, it is simply unreasonable not to use it to quickly improve the demonic body. It just so happens that the demonic energy here is extremely abundant. One day of practice is equivalent to half a month of practice outside.

He skillfully clicked the modification button with his consciousness, and the dark blue interface suddenly trembled and quickly switched to modification mode.

Lu Sheng found the Eight Demonic Paths box with ease, and as expected, a new deduction button appeared behind it.

The last time I took more than 200 units of divine power in one breath, this time the improvement may require more. He was prepared in his heart. More than 700 units of divine power seemed like a lot, and maybe it would be enough to increase it by eight at most. The first demon Ji Dao once or twice.

Taking a deep breath and quickly calming down, Lu Sheng closed his eyes and consciously pressed the deduction button.


A soft sound. The modifier quickly blurred.

One breath.

Two interest rates

ten breaths

One hundred breaths

Countless black auras contracted rapidly and poured into Lu Sheng's body.

The demonic energy all over his body rolled violently, and then slowly compressed into drops of black liquid, blended into the blood in the blood vessels in his body, and flowed throughout his body.

But demonic energy is different from other things. It is extremely corrosive, not to mention Lu Sheng's current purple-black aura. The purple-black liquid condensed by this demonic energy is even more lethal than poisonous fire. It's obviously not a killing method, but the essence of the demonic energy alone is close to a killing weapon. So more recovery energy is needed.

As the magic fluid mixed into the blood and circulated, Lu Sheng began to suffer a large amount of corrosive damage all over his body. Internal organs, flesh and blood, muscles, bones, and skin all suffered varying degrees of damage. However, he immediately recovered due to his extremely high-speed self-healing ability. get well.

As time went by, a vortex of demonic energy gradually formed around Lu Sheng, sucking all the demonic energy in the surrounding air into his body. In the entire sealed space, the demonic energy in the air was not enough.

This kid is wrong. He has sucked all my demonic energy, and he plans to go down and absorb more demonic energy? Does he have such a large capacity?

The Shadow King in the altar on the upper floor was speechless.

His body was swimming around in the darkness, carefully sensing everything happening on the lower level through the gap.

The body of the Shadow King is actually a black shadow with a human face on it, which is his entire body.

This breath is the liquid of demonic energy. This guy is simply desperate! This is a huge power that only the Demon Lord level is qualified to master. Without a strong enough physical body, a few breaths can burst the physical body alive! Shadow of the Shadow Wang looked at Lu Sheng and clicked his tongue in surprise.

The Demon Lord is a stronger level above the Demon King and ordinary wielders. After the demonic energy turned into liquid, the demon lord was considered to be the most powerful being in the demon clan.

He was now 100% sure that the boy who had absorbed his demonic energy just now was not a human being, but an absolutely pure high-level demon.

Tsk tsk. After so many years, this is the first guy who wants to break through to the demon lord as soon as he reaches the demon king level. I don't think about it, even in the human world, there are so many military commanders, why do they all maintain their original appearance? Although your strength remains unchanged, it’s not like you can’t break through. Anyone who wants to break through is dead. I want to see how you will die!” The Shadow King observed Lu Sheng with gloating.

The Demon Lord is an existence that surpasses the Demon King and is even the most powerful among the divine weapons and demon blades.

Is it so easy to break through at this level?

It's almost. If I make this breakthrough soon, I will definitely be able to reach the level of a soldier!! Lu Sheng manipulated the Demon Lord's demon liquid that surpassed the master of the weapon, with a look of madness on his face.

Only when you reach that level can you be qualified to truly protect yourself! His eyes were firm, feeling the wonderful changes that were constantly taking place in his body.

Because there was no comparison object, Lu Sheng had no idea that he had already broken through the level of the Saint Weapon, reached the level of the Weapon Master, and reached the legendary Demon King level. That is, in the eyes of ordinary people, they are ordinary military commanders.

His physical body is constantly changing towards a tougher and stronger strange structure with the support of modifiers. The original genetic cell structure is collapsing in large numbers, and is replaced by tiny cells many times smaller than the original to form a new body.

This kind of cells were born from the blood mixed with the magic liquid. As if they had autonomous consciousness, they spread crazily throughout Lu Sheng's body and to every corner.

They began to form again, a tyrannical body based on the structure between humans and demons. Where it is really impossible to coordinate, just use magic liquid to condense and fill it. Where there is a lack of power, the demonic energy is burned and turned into purple and black demonic flames to replenish power.

For new cells, the demonic flames after the demonic energy is burned, or poisonous fire, do not pose any threat to them. Just like the bioelectricity and endocrine secretions produced by humans, high temperatures and highly toxic substances are nothing more than a gentle breeze blowing on the face and a suitable temperature for new cells.

As time passes slowly.

Lu Sheng began to feel an extreme sense of hunger and thirst in his body, as the demonic energy was not enough.

He had just sucked up all the demonic energy accumulated by the King of Shadows, broke through the demonic body, and deduced all eight major demonic bodies to a level that even the ancestors of the Yuanmo Sect could not imagine.

So he successfully broke through the level of the holy soldier and entered the level of the master of weapons, but this was already the limit, and the remaining demonic energy was not enough to support him to reach the level of the demon lord.

You must know that that is the top level that even the King of Shadows aspires to. His strongest period was still one step away from this level.

The distance of this step is a world of difference, an unimaginable gap.

But Lu Sheng had no idea.

He just instinctively felt that the demonic energy was not enough.

Standing up, Lu Sheng fixed his eyes on the direction of the altar. From that direction, he felt an extremely large amount of demonic energy pouring out from a gap under the altar.

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