Extreme Demon

Chapter 273 Destined Destruction 6

Lu Sheng could feel the pain, panic, despair, and confusion in that eye.

Hello. Lu Sheng tried to communicate with the other party.

It hurts. A voice that he didn't know the language of, but that he could understand eerily, answered through the gap.

What did you say? Lu Sheng frowned. Can you open the door?


Unable to tell the difference between men and women, he still gave a hoarse and low answer.

Is there any way to open the door so that I can rescue you? Lu Sheng said in a low voice. He tried to communicate with the other party.


Lu Sheng stretched out his hand, grabbed the door, and started pushing hard. But the door was unexpectedly heavy, and even with his strength, he couldn't push it open.

The poisonous mist river was still flowing slowly from the soles of his feet. This was obviously the source of the River of Poison Mist, but he was blocked by an inexplicable door.

I came here unexpectedly, hoping to find the source of this water flow. Can you tell me where this water flow comes from? I can't see it from this angle. Lu Sheng tried to ask the other party directly, I can use the outside something as payment.”

.It hurts. This person seems to only answer one thing, and that is pain.

Kick, kick, kick.

Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps behind Lu Sheng.

He turned around suddenly, but only had time to see the shadow of a person disappearing at the entrance of the passage where he came from.

Wait! After finally finding a person, Lu Sheng certainly couldn't miss him. He strode to catch up, and activated his Mingxu Land Stepping Kung Fu instantly. In almost an instant, he covered dozens of meters and chased the corner where the shadow disappeared.

But when he came to the tunnel around the corner, he still could only see a little shadow of the other party.

The person was petite, seemed to be a little girl, and she just ran away from the corner again, leaving only a shadow.

Wait! Lu Sheng caught up again,

This time he didn't miss it. In the dark tunnel full of gray mist, Lu Sheng heard a soft cry.

woo woo woo woo

He followed the sound.

But he saw a dirty little girl in tattered clothes squatting in a corner of the tunnel, her back to him, her head bowed and crying sadly.

Can you tell me how to enter that door? Also, where is this place? Lu Sheng did not get too close rashly, everything here was a little abnormal. He is not one to take risks.

The little girl showed no reaction and continued to cry in the corner.

Lu Sheng frowned and waved his hand to release a demon, which happened to be the Ox of Pain. Large clumps of demonic energy condensed into the shape of a four-horned bison.


The Ox of Pain exhaled two thick puffs of air. He glanced at Lu Sheng with red eyes, shuddered and then quickly moved his gaze away, staring at the little girl in the corner.


The Bull of Pain rushed toward the opponent, its heavy body making waves of hoofbeats.

boom! !

Everything suddenly became quiet, and the cow seemed to be an illusion, and actually rushed directly into the stone wall and disappeared. The little girl was still squatting in the corner crying, even her posture had not changed.

This Lu Sheng hesitated. He was hesitating whether to continue testing the other party. The Bull of Pain is also rapidly increasing its strength due to the increase in his Yuan Demon Qi. It is much stronger than the original version of the Yin Demon body of Listening to You Demon.

But he just disappeared inexplicably?

Since you appear in front of me, you must have your purpose? His whole body tensed slightly, ready to transform into his true form at any time, and then slowly walked towards the little girl.

It's just that you keep crying, how can I know what you want to do? He tried to make his expectations gentle while moving closer to the other party.

It hurts. The little girl suddenly said a voice.

What? Lu Sheng didn't hear clearly and took a few steps closer.

I said, it hurts. The little girl slowly turned her head, and her voice quickly changed from an immature child's voice to an old, gloomy and terrifying voice.

And Lu Sheng finally saw her face.

It was a face that was constantly melting, like a white candle.

The little girl's chin was dripping with white mucus continuously, and her facial features were melting all the time. But the strange thing is that after one face melted away, where there should have been only flesh and blood and bones, there was actually a second chapter face.

Beneath one face, there is another face, such an endless stream, forever melting and dripping with mucus.

It hurts so much, the little girl cried out in pain, but her voice was as old and weak as an old man's.

Chi! !

In an instant, just as Lu Sheng was slightly stunned, the little girl swooped over and pounced on his head.

Lu Sheng raised his hand and grabbed it without thinking.

His movements were as fast as lightning. Before the opponent could touch him, he grabbed his neck and breathed out his demonic energy.

Bang! ! The little girl exploded and exploded into countless black puss.

All was quiet again.

Lu Sheng raised his hand and looked at the place where he had been in contact with the other party. I don’t know when, there was a little black mark there.

And in the fight just now, he felt that before he even exerted any force, the other party took the initiative to hit his palm, as if he was committing suicide.

It's like she's actively begging to die.

Lu Sheng suppressed the weirdness in his heart, walked to the black mucus splashed on the ground, and knelt down to check.

The mucus was very thick, like black oil that had been boiled for a long time, and gave off a strong, strange smell, like flesh and blood mixed with plant juices without treatment.

Is this...? Suddenly Lu Sheng's expression changed.

This black oil actually caused the demonic energy in his body to boil slightly. He stretched out his hand and put some on his fingers, then tried to temper it with Yin Fire.

Soon, a large amount of extremely mellow Yuan Demon Qi poured into the body. The color of the Yin Fire burning is no longer pure purple, but purple-black.

It’s just the elemental demonic energy converted from this trip

Lu Sheng didn't know why, but he always felt a little weird. Although he clearly felt that the power fluctuations in it were very strong, and he didn't find anything abnormal, he just felt that something was wrong.

It's not that it's harmful to myself, but I feel that this kind of power is different from the river of poisonous mist in front of me.

Although this place is a bit weird, it is the source of the river of poisonous mist. Lu Sheng returned to the door and stretched out his hand to gently touch the tree roots above.


Contrary to his expectations, with just a gentle touch, a strong and incomparable spiritual power surged in from the roots of the tree.


The tree roots on the door began to squirm slightly, and more spiritual power seemed to have an outlet to vent, rushing towards Lu Sheng crazily.

Although the place is a bit weird, as long as you have spiritual power, everything will be fine! Lu Sheng grinned slightly, revealing his sharp and fine teeth.

The more spiritual power there is, the longer the history here is, and the more emotions are entrusted to the living creatures.

One hundred units, two hundred units, three hundred units. This trip was a bumper harvest.

But the more Lu Sheng absorbed the spiritual power, the more he became wary of what was inside the door.

Because this means that what is behind the door has an extremely long history, and the things it carries are also extremely heavy.

After absorbing more than 400 units, the spiritual power on the gate was slowly exhausted.

After absorbing the divine power, Lu Sheng was about to take back his hand, but he immediately felt something was wrong. This gate is actually still generating new spiritual power continuously, although it is very weak and the speed is very slow. It may not be half a unit in a day. But this was the first time he saw something that could continuously generate new divine power on his own.

What on earth is this door? He had absorbed many things, many items with magical powers, but he had never seen anything like this.

It's better to go back first. Feeling that something was wrong here, Lu Sheng decided to go back to Yuan Mo Sect first. This place gave him a feeling similar to the mirror he faced when he faced the Three Holy Gates.

It's not a strength, but a pure emotional feeling, as if he is facing a pure, deep existence without impurities.

Anyway, enough spiritual power has been obtained from here, and the improvement of the Three Yin Techniques is enough for the time being.

After making the decision, Lu Sheng didn't stop at all and quickly returned along the original path. The moment he returned to the entrance of the passage, he suddenly felt something peeling off his body, and his whole body seemed to feel much more relaxed.

But no matter how much he searched, he couldn't find out what was breaking away from him.

Without any hesitation, he quickly returned along the original path,

Golden Square.

Inside the mysterious tunnel.

woo woo woo woo

A little girl in tattered clothes squatted in the corner, still crying.

There seemed to be something swimming through the gray mist.



Deep in a desolate sea of ​​dark green trees.


A huge green lizard, as long as a person, slowly climbed down from the huge tree branch.

The lizard's head is facing down, its bulging eyeballs are rotating around, and it is constantly spitting out gray-red cores. The rough green skin on its body slowly changes color with the gray bark.

Someone has come into contact with the source of pain again. The lizard said slowly in a hoarse and slender voice. At the beginning, we deliberately released one of the Holy Sects over there to create an opportunity, just to attract the attention of the devil and attack the Song Dynasty. But who would have thought that someone would actually touch the source of pain!

This was your original decision. You chose the location to release the Gate of Pollution and the Gate of Pain last time. Could it be that you wouldn't have imagined the result now? A dark stag with a white mask said slowly. He walked slowly under the lizard, raised his head and said in a low voice.

The Gate of Pollution brought the demons. No one knows what is inside the Gate of Pain. Anyway, the war broke out between humans and the demons, and it has nothing to do with us. What are you afraid of? As long as you can withstand this time. Lizards don't care.

The Ice Fox King doesn't think so. The stag shook the huge five-six-meter-long antlers on his head, Two of the three holy gates have been opened, and there is still one last one. We can't suppress it for long, and the reserves have been almost collected. , it’s time to choose where to throw it for digestion.”

I will choose a location as soon as possible. Lizard said calmly.

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