Extreme Demon

Chapter 274 Destined Destruction 7

The sky is filled with lead clouds.

More and more clouds are gathered and dispersed by the strong wind, and dispersed and gathered again.

On the outskirts of Qianfan City, there is a large wasteland.

The commander-in-chief of the demon army, Rosim, took Li Shunxi and the three of them together, standing in the middle of a large burning bonfire.

A large number of bonfires form a huge Yuan character.

Speaking of which, this is still the first place I came to. Rosim looked up at the slowly floating black clouds with a somewhat sad expression.

It's been a long time since the Commander-in-Chief arrived, right? Li Shunxi probed cautiously with an expressionless face.

It's okay, but in four or five years, human life is really happy and luxurious. Rosim sighed, You live a very delicate and delicate life. If it is not necessary, I actually don't want to destroy such exquisite comfort. Life.

So you? Li Shunxi felt a little uneasy and opened his mouth to say something else. But he was immediately pulled down by his companion Yinzi.

He turned sideways and looked in the direction of Yinzi's line of sight. The moment he saw that direction, Li Shunxi finally shuddered and his expression changed dramatically.

How come it's so fast!!? His voice was distorted, and he couldn't believe that it could happen so far in advance.

Xuanji Jade only sees the future after the present. Although the error will not be too large, there will be a slight deviation. Rosim, the commander-in-chief of the Demon Army, looked calm and talked eloquently.

As the commander-in-chief, my only role is to make this slight deviation expand in a direction that is beneficial to me. He stared at the bonfire on the ground.

puff! !

Suddenly, a large number of bonfire flames suddenly rose, and red lines of fire shot into the sky one after another, converging in mid-air to form a huge flame vortex with a diameter of more than ten meters.

The flame vortex rotated crazily, and three golden light spots appeared on the edge.

In my name, Rosim, come, come, come! The Brave of Gray Light!!

Rosim shouted loudly, and the long hair and sleeves all over his body were blown up by the strong wind, making a loud sound and flying back wildly. But only those eyes shimmered with golden light under the dark lead clouds.

boom! ! !

From the center of the flame vortex, a huge three-headed horse suddenly rushed out.

It is completely snow-white, covered with a golden mane of flames, and its four hooves are made of gold, shining brightly. The huge body, which was more than eight meters high, fell on the wasteland like a meteor falling to the ground, exploding a huge crater with a loud bang.

Li Shunxi and the others had to take dozens of steps back before they could barely withstand the violent and blazing hot air.

From a distance, they could see Rosim standing in front of the three flaming horses, saying something loudly.

Finally. It finally begins. Li Shunxi smelled the dry wind and felt his nostrils itching. The newly secreted nasal mucus was dried by the hot wind in the blink of an eye.

He looked at the scene in front of him with a complex expression. The three sun horses represented the beginning of a formal large-scale attack by the demon army.

This is the beginning of everything, the clarion call for war!

Rosim's body slowly floated up and landed gently on the middle head of the three sun horses. He stretched out his hand and pointed forward.

With the rumbling sound, the earth shook, the wasteland ground quickly rose, and round arches made of white bones slowly arched out of the ground.

Transparent ripples appeared in the middle of the door.

boom! !

Countless black monsters poured out crazily from the gate, looking from a distance like pitch-black mud that was difficult to distinguish.

Countless silts gathered together, gradually turning the distant wasteland into pitch black.


boom! !

Lu Sheng's whole body was burning with purple flames, and the inner walls of the huge cave around him were baked until magma came out.

He growled, half-kneeling on the ground, and the thick tail behind him kept hitting the ground.

After leaving the Golden Square, before he could return to the Yuan Demon Sect, the evolution of the Three Yin Fires on the way caused the Yuan Demon Qi to be greatly strengthened, causing the foundation of the entire physical body to change.

As soon as the foundation changed, all the demonic bodies changed at the same time. Lu Sheng almost recovered his body on the spot. Fortunately, he stabilized his breath in time, otherwise the body would explode and die due to the fluctuation of the foundation.

Fortunately, the attack occurred in time. If the Yin Fire evolves stronger and changes again later, even the Baoping Qi may not be able to hold on by then. Lu Sheng was sweating profusely, and the sweat had just seeped out of his body. It was immediately evaporated by the purple flames.

We can't go on anymore. The trouble must be solved as soon as possible. Lu Sheng felt the pain in his body as if it was being torn apart, and knew that the situation was serious.

As soon as he thought, a demon appeared next to him. It was the shadow of madness. This demon with only a shadow was best suited for tasks such as delivering letters.

Lu Sheng quickly cut off a stone slab with his sharp claws and wrote a few words on it with his fingers, meaning that he wanted to practice in seclusion for a little longer, so don't worry.

Go and give this to Senior Sister He Xiangzi quietly without being discovered! Lu Sheng handed the slate to Crazy Shadow.

Hiss hiss

The crazy shadow has no vocal organs and can only make hollow sounds of air flow. Then he rolled up the stone slab and quickly disappeared into the distant passage, flying towards Yuan Mo Sect.

According to the approximate location, this place should be under the Yuan Mo Sect's library. It's quite hidden enough.

Lu Sheng sat down cross-legged, and other demons appeared around his body to protect him.

I just got more than 400 divine powers. This time I want to see how far this Yin Fire can be strengthened! He was heartbroken and prepared to transform the foundation to the best of his ability at once.

Dark blue!

The modifier box slowly emerged.

Lu Sheng's eyes quickly passed over the large grid frame, and finally landed on the original grid of Sanyin Fa.

‘Unknown secret method: sixth level, special effects: three yin fires, three levels of flame enhancement. ’


A ball of pure purple Yin Fire emerged in Lu Sheng's hand.

This time, I will thoroughly try to reach the strengthening limit of Yin Fire, and then slowly transform the demonic body. I will not be able to escape until the complete transformation is completed! Otherwise, there will be big problems. He didn't pay attention on the way back this time, and as a result, the demon body The body rebelled due to changes in its foundation, and the secret cultivation almost collapsed and the body exploded. In other words, his physical strength has reached an exaggerated level. If it were other members of the Yuan Mo Sect, they might not be able to survive for a second, and they would self-destruct in an instant.

He quietly sat cross-legged in the cave and waited, waiting for his body to repair itself before starting a new intensive deduction of Yin Fire.

The Yinhe Net and Baoping Qi were extremely powerful under the large supply of Yuan Demon Qi, and it only took half an hour to resolve the physical injuries. Pulled Lu Sheng back from the edge of danger.

The purple flame on his body also slowly weakened and became smaller at this time, and was eventually extinguished completely.

Let's get started. It's just a good harvest thanks to my divine power.

Lu Sheng raised his right hand, the purple flame in his palm burning slowly, with a drop of strange liquid faintly in the middle. The details of the liquid are blurry and unclear.

The foundation is unstable and the demonic body is not completely transformed. It is like there are countless time bombs in the body, which may blow it to pieces at any time.

After Lu Sheng realized the problem, he immediately began to retreat and adjust. Fortunately, the adjustment process is not difficult. It just requires the demon body to completely replace an energy source. The rest will naturally evolve with the Aquarius Qi and the demonic body.

I have more experience this time, so I have to take my time. Lu Sheng thought to himself and clicked on the modify button.

Suddenly the whole Deep Blue trembled slightly and entered the modification mode.

He concentrated again and pressed a button behind the box where the Three Yin Techniques were.


With a soft sound, the frame suddenly blurred.

The flame in Lu Sheng's hand also began to change. The color of the flame gradually became darker. From the pure purple before, it gradually evolved into purple-black. A small purple-black vortex also faintly appeared in the core, slowly rotating.

Huge high-temperature radiation surged out of Lu Sheng's hands, so much so that the ground around him began to melt.

Here are highly heat-resistant impurities that cannot be melted at previous temperatures. However, it melted quickly under the newly emerged purple-black flames, which showed its high temperature.

The box quickly became clear.

‘Unknown secret method: seventh level, special effects: three yin fires, flame enhancement level four. ’

Lu Sheng was also amazed by the power of the purple-black flame at this time. The most amazing thing was that this flame did no harm to him at all, as if the high temperature was completely targeted at external substances.

It consumed fifty units of divine power. It's not bad. Lu Sheng carefully studied the purple-black flames in his hand.

He tried to find some extremely heat-resistant materials to test the temperature limit of the flame.

Among them are some messy gadgets given to him by his teacher Liu Shanzi. Because Yuan Mo Sect has the secret technique of driving poisonous fire, there are also some testing tools specially matched with this aspect, but they were too poor before to have them all.

But it's different now. With its reputation and its higher ranking in the alliance, Yuan Mo Sect is no longer the declining school that could be kicked out of the Hundred Meridians at any time. Although it is not very strong, it is It's still worth it to supply test props like this.

Lu Sheng checked the things on his body. Except for a few heat-resistant props, the rest were completely burned by the blazing high temperature.

Even his clothes were gone long ago. Now he was covered in naturally grown black scales and was no longer human.

With a huge body of more than four meters, even sitting cross-legged in the cave, it is more than two meters tall.

The most heat-resistant thing is the Nanling ice beads given by the teacher. It is said that it can withstand the highest level of poisonous fire burning. Lu Sheng took out a white jade bead from the skin that was burned to black charcoal. It was about the size of a fingernail. The beads were emitting a faint coolness at this time, and even in the cave where the rocks were melting, there was no sign of melting.

Lu Sheng pinched the bead and moved closer to the Yin Fire in his hand.


As soon as it touched the purple-black flame, the accumulated ice beads instantly turned black, melted, and then evaporated.

This power should have far exceeded Yuan Mo Sect's poisonous fire, but I don't know if it has reached the root level.

He waited for a while to let his body adapt to the changes in the new Yin Fire, and then quickly mobilized the Aquarius Qi to cooperate with his physical body to transform the demonic body.

This process is much slower than deducing Yin Fire. About two hours later, Lu Sheng completely repaired the demon body changes caused by the changes in Yin Fire.

Then, continue. He continued to look at the purple-black Yin Fire in his hand.

His mind clicked on the deduction button again, and soon, another nearly sixty units of spiritual power disappeared in an instant.

The purple-black Yin Fire slowly shrank, and at its core, a small group of pitch black ink-like beads faintly condensed. On the surface of the bead, a white griffin with eight heads appeared faintly. .

Of course, the temperature of the Yin Fire also increased further. The entire flame temperature has increased a lot compared to before.

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