Extreme Demon

Chapter 272 Destined Destruction 5

Yuan Mo Sect.

Liu Shanzi packed his luggage and checked the items he carried.

Xiao Sheng said he was in seclusion, but he didn't know where he went, and he didn't say when he would come back. When he comes back, when he comes out of seclusion, you ask him to come directly to the Xiaohui League to see if he can make it in time to participate in the performance.

He Xiangzi and the other two disciples of the school responded quickly.

Today's Hexiangzi has a high prestige in the school. Although she is not necessarily the strongest, both the umbrella girl Yingying and the several new disciples who joined later are stronger than her.

But He Xiangzi is kind and patient. No matter what happens, if someone finds her, she will go all out and will never hesitate to help.

As time passed, everyone became convinced that she was truly a senior sister.

Compared to the elusive Chief Senior Brother Lu, who has been rarely seen recently, He Xiangzi's popularity and prestige are much higher.

In addition, the number of people in the school is increasing now, and the demonic energy of the magic pool seems to be fading. I have asked your senior brothers and sisters on the Yin side to try to expand the new magic pool, so don't be anxious. Liu Shanzi began to tell He Xiangzi some Regarding the management of the school, Lu Sheng is unreliable. It seems that management still depends on He Xiangzi.

But none of them noticed that under the stone pillar beside them, cracks had already covered the entire foundation of the stone pillar, and the cracks were filled with thick gray-white clouds.

A strange, wonderful neighing sound was slowly echoing in the clouds. It seems that more cracks are constantly being eroded.


The cracks in the stone pillars became even larger.


Thousands of caves.

The huge cave was dyed a large area of ​​pale yellow by the dancing firelight.

The top of the cave is covered with densely packed pale yellow stalactites that look like grass. These stalactites look like spikes, a stone forest, and more like hanging ice edges.

On the surrounding stone walls, there are rough and convex rocks everywhere, like silt that has been kneaded at will, mixed with gravel and smeared on it.

Blood Baby Huang Fu walked slowly on the suspension bridge at the bottom of the cave. Below the suspension bridge was a bottomless dark abyss. Waves of cold and cold air continued to pour out of the abyss.

squeak. squeak.

The suspension bridge is made of metal chains. It has been in disrepair for many years and has not been maintained. It makes a constant screeching sound. Along with the howling of the wind, echoes continued to echo in the cave.

Huang Fu moved forward slowly with an expressionless face, his eyes scanning the surroundings vigilantly to guard against any possible dangers.

After crossing the suspension bridge, he walked onto a flat platform, and three dark holes like big mouths appeared in front of him.

Huang Fu did not hesitate and decisively chose the third one from left to right.

Walking into the big cave, there is a huge white jade scallop that is as tall as two people. The shell of the scallop is opened, revealing the white flesh inside.

Lying quietly on the shellfish was a hollow metal lantern the size of a wheel. A faint blue flame was burning inside the lantern, which looked particularly eye-catching.

Huang Fu slowly approached the lantern and began to fumble around, checking the surrounding traces.

There is nothing abnormal about the Silver Soul Lamp. This means that everything in the underground seal is normal. Huang Fu frowned. Stretch out your right hand and gently reach towards the lantern.

The palm of his hand suddenly stopped half a meter away from the lantern and hit an invisible transparent barrier.

Everything is normal with the sealing formation. It shouldn't be here. He shook his head, retracted his hand, turned around and walked towards where he came from.


Suddenly a crisp sound came from the ground beneath the shell.

Huang Fu paused.

What's the sound? He lowered his head and looked at his feet, but the corner where the sound came from happened to be the shadow of the lantern fire, and he couldn't see the dark situation clearly for a while.

Huang Fu paused, took the torch in his hand closer, and tried to get closer to take a look.

All that could be seen was a thin crack on the ground, which was being continuously filled by the wind, making whistling and rattling sounds.

Nothing. He frowned, turned around and prepared to go back the way he came.


Suddenly, a thin black thread flew out of the crack and penetrated into Huang Fu's crotch neck, but he didn't notice it at all.



Large chunks of gravel beneath Lu Sheng's feet fell to the bottom of the valley, and the passage finally reached the end.

He was standing at the entrance of the passage, covering his eyes with his hands. The bright light was so bright that he couldn't adapt to it.

At the end of the cave tunnel is a huge golden square.

The square is vast as far as the eye can see, with no edges visible, and everywhere you look is filled with gold and gray mist.

In the distance, a huge Ferris wheel-like thing was slowly rotating in the corner of the square, emitting golden fluorescence.

The entire square is built in a very wide cave. At a glance, you can't see the edge of the cave at all, only the gray stone walls above your head extending to the end of the horizon.

Lu Sheng walked out of the passage slowly and stepped on the golden ground.


A burst of black smoke erupted. That was the smoke and exhaust gas wafting out from the dirt on the soles of his feet that had been burned by the high temperature.

The temperature is so high. Lu Sheng looked stern, his eyes left the giant Ferris wheel and began to scan in other directions.

Soon a golden giant came into his sight.

It was a giant that had just been obscured by a huge triangular building. He was seven or eight meters tall and his whole body seemed to be made entirely of gold.

He was currently carrying a large gold box on his back, circling around the triangular building.

Boom, boom, boom, boom.

The footsteps were not light, but they were not harsh either, just a bit muffled, giving people a strange drowsy feeling.

Lu Sheng frowned, tapped his foot lightly, and quickly rushed towards the golden giant.

The distance of more than ten miles quickly passed, and he came to the side of the golden giant, watching it take heavy steps step by step, carrying a large box in circles.

The sound of huge and heavy footsteps became particularly clear and loud as they got closer.


Lu Sheng greeted the other party loudly.

The golden giant had no expression on his face and continued to circle stiffly, showing no reaction at all.

Hello? Lu Sheng greeted again.

But there was no response. The huge golden giant seemed to be just a sculpture, and it only knew how to move along a fixed trajectory.

Lu Sheng frowned and couldn't feel any life in the golden giant's body at all. He came here to find the source of the poisonous mist river, but he didn't expect that he seemed to have arrived at another place.

This golden square, with no end as far as the eye can see, looks like a complete and huge underground world.

The ground is covered with flat, smooth, and rough-textured gold stone slabs. On the surrounding plains, in addition to the huge Ferris wheel, there are golden giants and triangular buildings. These buildings and huge objects all emit golden fluorescence, which is so dazzling that people can't open their eyes.

The temperature of the air is also surprisingly hot, dry, muggy, without any moisture, and can reach at least two to three hundred degrees.

Is this really the source of the poisonous mist river? Lu Sheng returned to the entrance of the passage and carefully observed the poisonous mist river flowing slowly underground.

The river flows from an open space in the Golden Square on the left side of the passage entrance.

A large amount of black river water seeped out from the gaps in the golden slate. Among the pure gold, it was like an inexplicable extra ink dot on a large golden drawing board, which was extremely eye-catching.

Lu Sheng's feet landed lightly on the edge of the golden stone slab. The power of the blood network shook, and the golden stone slab was slowly revealed along the gap.

The stone slab, which was more than one person wide, was slowly opened, revealing a dark underground passage shrouded in gray mist.

Without thinking, Lu Sheng stepped into the mist.

The blood network trembled on its own, blowing away the thick fog, revealing another gray and dark tunnel.

This is.?

Lu Sheng suddenly stretched out his hand and gently touched the tunnel wall. The rough cave wall was carved with countless painful faces, thousands of faces, all facing him standing in the middle of the tunnel.

Is this a human face? He vaguely remembered a mythical creature recorded in the classics he had read.

A trace of interest and expectation flashed across his face, and Lu Sheng quickened his pace, not caring at all about the twisting force fields that filled the surrounding tunnels.

All force fields that touched his body were immune to the extremely strong physical resistance.

The tunnel was very long, so Lu Sheng sped up and sprinted with all his strength. It took him more than half an hour to reach the end.

At the end is a door carved into the roots of a tree with a huge one-eye. Countless black tree roots climbed all over the door from all sides, piercing the link to the huge eyeball.

The door was pushed open by someone unknown, revealing a gap, and a steady stream of poisonous mist flowed out of the gap.

This is it. Lu Sheng waved his hand and released a demon, which turned out to be the most disobedient and angry lion.

Go, push the door open! He pointed to the door not far away.


The angry lion wanted to get angry, but after looking at Lu Sheng's face, he finally gave up the struggle and obediently walked to several gates and began to use his head to open the gaps in the gates.


The door moved slightly, then opened a little wider, and then there was no more movement.

No matter how hard the wrathful lion tried, he could not move an inch.

Lu Sheng squinted his eyes, feeling that this place was a little strange. From the beginning until now, he has not seen any living creatures. Except for himself, there is a golden giant like a mechanism, and the tree roots in front of him are just dead things.

It was once rumored that the Yuan Mo Sect only discovered this place and established the school's headquarters here, but in fact many things here have existed for a long time. The recorded information flashed in Lu Sheng's mind. Judging from the passage I came from, it is unlikely that the founder of Yuan Mo Sect could withstand the erosion of evil energy for such a long time and found this place. In other words, this should be a place that existed before Yuan Mo Sect was established. .

He raised his hand, and the wrathful lion suddenly turned into a black smoke, flew back behind him, disappeared into his shadow.

Approaching the door, Lu Sheng looked in through the dark gap.

There is only a palm-sized gap, which allows you to see most of the angles inside.

In a dark hall, a transparent glass bottle more than ten meters high stands. The bottle was filled with gray liquid, densely packed with countless pale, insect-like things.

Lu Sheng squinted his eyes, trying to see more clearly. He shifted his position, moving as far as possible towards the bottle.


Suddenly an eye blocked his vision.

A ferocious eyeball that was pale and bloodshot seemed to be looking at him through the slit.

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