Extreme Demon

Chapter 271 Destined Destruction 4

Lu Sheng didn't care what these little snakes thought. At this time, all his attention was focused on the Three Yin Techniques.

Refining one unit of demonic energy requires more demonic energy. It takes at least twenty units to refine one unit of demonic energy.

He stretched out his other hand, and wisps of mist-like black energy emerged. There were faint traces of silver threads in the black energy, which was completely different from the original pitch-black Yuan Demonic Energy.

He looked at Yin Huo again.

At the core of the previously pure green Yin Fire, a little viscous liquid gradually appeared. Black peanut-sized droplets.

He could feel that the yin fire could no longer be called yin fire. It had gradually transformed into another kind of flame that he had never seen before.

There are still more than 50 units of divine power left. We can continue to improve the current Yin Fire. It seems to have absorbed the compression and condensation method of gas and liquid, and began to rotate and retract, using my powerful body to supercharge and liquefy. Lu Sheng was a little confused. Looking forward to it, I don’t know how far Yinhuo will eventually evolve.

Gathering his mind, he continued to click on the deduction button behind the lower box.


This time, the box stays blurry for a little longer. After dozens of breaths, it slowly became clear.

And the core of Yin Fire in Lu Sheng's hand gradually showed a hint of crimson.

An unusually familiar aura rushed towards him. Lu Sheng was startled for a moment, and then he was overjoyed. As he thought, the modifier actually incorporated the characteristics of the Chiji Jiu Sha Gong into it.

This oncoming heat wave is almost exactly the same as the flame heat wave burning from the Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong.

This time, about thirty units of divine power were consumed, but the changes that occurred in the Three Yin Methods completely caught Lu Sheng off guard.

He had just wanted to incorporate the internal strength characteristics into it, and the modifier deduction immediately produced such a change. It is hard to believe that this is just a coincidence.


In the darkness, Lu Sheng's body slowly began to swell. This was not a transformation of his own initiative, but a spontaneous change tempered by the burning of the Yin Fire.

A large amount of impurities were burned and expelled, and were replaced by new essence of demonic energy absorbed from the essence. Muscles, fascia, nerves, internal organs, as well as the epidermis and eye membranes, are all undergoing rapid changes.

Lu Sheng was still in the cathode state at this time, but his body size had grown uncontrollably. From the ordinary human form, he gradually became larger and taller, and all the skin on his body, limbs and face began to develop dense black sarcomas.

These sarcomas are not actually tumors, but numerous small bumps formed by overdeveloped muscles. Because they are too numerous and dense, they appear to be sarcomas on the surface.

In just a moment, Lu Sheng transformed from an ordinary-looking young man into a ferocious weirdo with muscles so strong that he seemed to be wearing heavy armor. Behind it, two huge sarcomas bulged on the back, which seemed to be pregnant with something. There were two slightly open gaps on the surface of the tumors, like unopened eyes.

Different from his previous anode state, the muscles that re-expanded this time were forcibly expanded based on the cathode state.

In other words, this is a special situation that occurs under extreme suppression, and once it transforms into a complete ontology, the changes that occur will be even greater.

Lu Sheng was sweating profusely, and the blood vessels all over his body were extremely constricted, but he still couldn't control the changes in his body.

The cathode state can no longer suppress the changes in the body.

This means that he can no longer fully control his physical body. He could feel that his body was expanding greatly. While he was frantically devouring and absorbing the essence of the river of poisonous mist, the size of his body was also growing crazily. So much so that the cathode state can no longer control its current body shape.

.Now that this is the case, just strengthen the Yin Fire to the end in one go!

Since it can no longer be completely suppressed, let's ignore it for the time being. Lu Sheng continues to focus on the modifier.

Deduce it again. Lu Sheng didn't notice that his voice gradually began to become deeper and deeper, becoming more and more rude.

Pressing the deduction button of Sanyinhuo again, the modifier box slowly blurred.

ten breaths

Twenty breaths.

Thirty breaths.

Fifty breaths.

The color of the flames on Lu Sheng's hand gradually darkened, from green mixed with red, to pure purple, crystal-like flames.

The box finally slowly became clearer.

‘Unknown secret method: sixth level, special effects: three yin fires, three levels of flame enhancement. ’

Lu Sheng's entire body slowly lit up with traces of purple fire. Unlike the purple fire on his hands, the purple fire on his body was translucent.

Such a flame Lu Sheng was also attracted by the pure crystal-like vision of the purple flame for a while, but he did not notice at all that his own size was rapidly expanding. Becoming more and more bloated.

It had already grown to more than two meters, and now it was rapidly approaching three meters. He was covered in thick black armor, with rows of pale spikes growing out of his arms and legs.

The cracks on the two sarcomas on his back gradually opened, revealing two pairs of blood-red and ferocious eyes, with purple vertical pupils in the middle staring at the surroundings.


Lu Sheng took a step forward, and his huge and heavy body stepped on the small lake, causing a large splash of water.

This kind of flame is no longer considered yin fire. I can feel that a completely different power from before is pouring into my body continuously. Lu Sheng closed his eyes and felt the changes taking place in his body with an intoxicated expression.

This time is different from all the secret techniques practiced before. Not only the secret techniques, but even the gas and liquid of the Chiji Jiu Sha Gong are continuously integrated into the purple fire. The two merge to form a new and stronger flame.

I need more spiritual power, continue to deduce and improve it. Lu Sheng opened his eyes, and his pupils were slowly splitting. From the original one pupil, it was divided into three points, like three black flames that were burning all the time. .

Besides, the demonic energy... is not enough. Lu Sheng lowered his head and looked at the small lake of poisonous mist that was almost being sucked dry.

Originally there was a lot of lake water here, but after all it couldn't withstand his swallowing practice.

Whether it was physical changes or finding more spiritual power, Lu Sheng needed to explore the secrets of the Poison Mist River more deeply.

Boom, boom, boom.

He walked to the middle of the small lake, stood in the mud, and looked around for the source of the lake.

Soon, a stone cave more than one meter wide came into view. The pitch-black cave kept pouring out pitch-black water, but it was nowhere near as fast as Lu Sheng could devour and digest it.

This is it! Lu Sheng strode over, grabbed both sides of the stone cave with both hands, and tore it apart with all his strength.

Bang! !

Two extremely hard boulders were broken and thrown away by him.

His hands were covered with hard black armor, and his fingers were as sharp as blades. He reached out and grabbed the stone wall, and a large piece of rock was dug out.

The rocks here are very hard, but it doesn't matter. It doesn't affect me much. Lu Sheng was also curious about the source of the poisonous mist river. What kind of environment could breed such a poisonous river.

Large chunks of the situation were being dug out, and Lu Sheng was unknowingly digging in. The water from the lake poured back and was quickly swallowed and absorbed by the evil spirits.

Digging and digging, he simply released the nine evil demons to take turns in the battle. In just one stick of incense, he dug the cave into a rock passage.

Time passed slowly, and before he knew it, Lu Sheng had dug thousands of meters away. The rock passage with a diameter of more than three meters first went straight down, and then extended for thousands of meters in a parallel direction to the side.

Dang. Dang. Dang.

Vaguely, Lu Sheng heard the sound of a bell in the distance. If his five senses were not extremely amazing, he might not be able to hear the night bell of Yuan Mo Sect.

Because his spiritual power was insufficient, he was determined to find more poisonous mist river water and spiritual power on this trip.

We continued to dig forward for tens of thousands of meters. Finally, the water in front gradually became clearer and warmer.

The stone cave passage suddenly turned and continued to extend downward.

As Lu Sheng dug, he felt more and more that the water was getting hotter.

In the dark passage, a faint purple light ignited on his body, illuminating the surrounding environment. The nine evil demons took turns hitting and chewing on the rocks in front, expanding the volume of the cave. The turbulent water was filled with black mud, dust and stone debris, and was so turbid that it was impossible to see clearly.

Lu Sheng only judged the direction through Yin Mo's pathfinding.

The temperature here is close to the temperature of boiling water. I'm afraid it will get even hotter if it goes down further. He hesitated a little. He could withstand the high temperature of hundreds of degrees through the skin of his body, and his own heat resistance was also extremely strong. There is a black film to resist it, so I am not afraid at all, but once we get here, a more dangerous situation is very likely to occur further down.

After hesitating for a while, he made up his mind again.

Even if it is not for the purpose of conferring divine power, the source of the poisonous mist river must be found, otherwise it will slow down the speed of my strength improvement.

After making his decision, Lu Sheng continued to speed up and drill forward.

The water is getting hotter and hotter, but the pressure gradually begins to lessen and becomes clearer. Suddenly Lu Sheng made a move and turned his head to look at the rock wall on the right.

On the dark rock wall, half of the pale arm stretched out diagonally from the rock.

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes and approached.

The arm was just a stump, solidified in the middle by the rock layer, and was only dug out by the Yin Demon when it expanded the cave.

He reached out and touched his arm gently. It was rough, hard, and cold.

Even though he was in such hot water, his arms were still ice-cold.

Continue. He drove the demon forward and continued on.

Ouch! !

The angry lion stopped and turned around to roar at Lu Sheng. It had been digging stones for so long and it was tired of it. It wanted to fight, to fight, to vent!

Bang! !

Lu Sheng went up and slapped him, and the huge terrifying force instantly sent the angry lion flying sideways, and it let out a painful whimper when it hit the stone wall.

Dig quickly! Lu Sheng became impatient.

The wrathful lion climbed up weakly, glanced at him fearfully, and could only continue to limp and join the ranks of those digging in the soil ahead.

It is said that evil spirits cannot be controlled, but Lu Sheng felt that he just didn't find the right method.

The stone cave seemed endless. Lu Sheng didn't know how long he had been digging, but at his speed, it was at least tens of thousands of meters long. The water flow in the stone cave passage finally gradually decreased, and the passage became increasingly empty.

The stone walls on both sides in front gradually glowed with a crimson light, like a red-hot iron.

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