Extreme Demon

Chapter 268 Destined Destruction 1

Shanquan makes excellent apricot flower wine! It's not alcoholic and doesn't cost any money!

Grilled fish skewers, delicious grilled fish skewers!

Would you like a group of glutinous sugar lotus roots? A plate of glutinous sugar lotus root, sir? Only nine coins, nine coins for a plate!

The bustling snack street with lanterns hanging everywhere is filled with people coming and going in an endless stream.

Li Shunxi slowly followed a white-haired man with a helpless smile on his face.

The white-haired man walking in front of him had a scar on his forehead and his eyes were gentle and elegant, without the slightest hint of ferocity. He was wearing a white-washed Confucian shirt, and under the fluttering sleeves, he had the air of a down-and-out talent.

Go and sit in the front. The white-haired man said with a smile. He looks young, only thirty or forty years old, but when he talks, he seems to have a lot of experience, not much different from an old man in his seventies or eighties.

What can Li Shunxi say? His friends and companions who share life and death are in the hands of the other party, and he is unable to resist at all.

Just looking at his appearance, no one would have thought that the white-haired, elegant, middle-aged man in front of him would be Rosim, the current commander-in-chief of the Demon Army.

The two of them walked into a wine shop called Jiu Feijiu one after another. There were many customers from all over the world sitting inside. The shouts of bragging and spanking were endless.

Rosim asked someone to bring a pot of ten-year-old Qumo wine and placed two small earth-yellow wine glasses in front of everyone.

Then he skillfully picked up the wine bottle and poured a glass for Li Shunxi.

Actually, I admire you humans very much. Rosim poured himself a glass of wine, picked it up and took a sip.

You can all develop well with basic necessities, food, housing, transportation, and even self-entertainment. Rosim smiled, My hometown is a dark swamp without the sunshine of the magic sun. From the time I was born until I was two hundred years old, there was no I have seen what sunshine is, and I struggle and fight every day just to survive.

In comparison, you are really happy.

Commander-in-Chief, are all demons so isolated? Li Shunxi asked in a low voice. In fact, he didn't need to whisper.

As the commander-in-chief of the demon army, Rosim is naturally surrounded by various hidden force fields. Even if he speaks loudly about demons or other keywords, he will be blocked by the force field and no one can hear him.

According to what you humans say, the stronger you are, the lonelier you are. It's always cold at high places. Rosim sighed.

We didn't have the concept of the same race at the beginning, and later we reluctantly put the thorny ones together, the furry ones together, the similar-looking ones together, etc. But in fact, we are still isolated individuals, all Intelligent individuals are fighting for their own strength and survival.

... Li Shunxi paused, Then, Commander-in-Chief, can you tell me why Da Song was chosen as the breakthrough point for this trip?

Rosim smiled brightly.

Of course it's not just the Song Dynasty, there are also breakthroughs in the Jurong Kingdom. Greed is our nature. We want to possess everything that is better, and devour and kill all the weak. This is the most basic physiological need of the demons like us.

In that case, may I ask, Commander-in-Chief, why did you take me with you instead of killing me? Li Shunxi asked again.

Rosim immediately laughed, and he stretched out his hand to make a trumpet shape by his ear.

Listen. What can you hear in the wind here?

Li Shunxi was slightly startled and was about to answer. Suddenly, Rosim suddenly stretched out his index finger and touched it lightly between his eyebrows.

Buzz! ! !

His whole head was numb and shaking. Countless cold and cold air surged into his brain, and his consciousness and vision blurred at the same time.

boom! ! !

In an instant, the mysterious jade in Li Shunxi's body suddenly exploded into a circle of white light. The violent energy reaction caused his vision to go dark and he suddenly lost consciousness.

I don't know how long it took, but Li Shunxi slowly woke up and regained consciousness.

Where is this...? His eyelids twitched and he slowly opened his eyes.


Everything you see is blood!

Li Shunxi was shocked, knocked aside the table and chairs and stood up. The rotten and cracked tables and chairs fell to the ground and broke into countless pieces.

There was no one in the wine shop, except for the blood that had solidified into a blanket on the floor.

Dark red blood covered the entire floor, walls, and ceiling of the wine shop. Dense swarms of red-headed flies flew around, making a disgusting buzzing sound.

What is this...!? Li Shunxi recalled the feeling he had before, which was exactly the same as when he used the Mysterious Jade.

This is a wine shop? And it's the wine shop where I drank with the demon commander Rosim just now? He quickly recognized the familiar furnishings in front of him.

With his heart in a mess, Li Shunxi stumbled out of the wine shop and looked up.

The surrounding area is overwhelmingly shabby, black, and dark red.

Ruined houses and buildings, rotten limbs and blood clots, and piles of corpses forming hills. No living thing could be seen as far as the eye could see.

Whether human or demon.

In the sky above his head, a huge triangular cone was rotating. It was a huge monster building made of countless human heads.

The mysterious jade rotates faster and faster in Li Shunxi's body, and the rotation becomes faster and faster. Countless streams of information rushed into his mind.

Is this the Bailing City two hundred years from now? As the information poured in, he quickly understood that this was the Bailing City where he had been staying during this period.

Blood sacrifice, the gate of flesh and blood, the place of the blood pool of ten thousand demons, and a series of messages from the third demon spirit made his brain feel like it was about to burst and he had a splitting headache.

What did you see? Suddenly a voice like Hong Zhongda Lu penetrated into his mind, instantly suppressing everything, making Li Shunxi tremble and break free from the helpless and painful state.

He opened his eyes again, and everything in front of him returned to what he saw at first. Jiu Feijiu Winery was still bustling with people, and Commander-in-Chief Rosim was still sitting in front of him, watching him with a smile.

What did you see? Rosim asked again.

Li Shunxi groaned and opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He knew that Rosim had just provided a large amount of energy to him and Xuanji Jade, allowing him to see the scene two hundred years in the future in an instant.

His silence also made Rosim's smile deepen.

Okay, needless to say, I can probably guess that in the end, we won, right?

Li Shunxi remained silent.

Bailing City and several nearby cities all fell and turned into a dead zone. The third demon spirit hatched, the school was destroyed, the Shangyang family was destroyed, and the Song Dynasty suffered heavy losses.

This prosperous place is destined to be destroyed two hundred years later. Ever since the incident at Xijiyuan, the entire region has been gradually heading toward destruction step by step.

Here, have a drink. Rosim smiled and raised his glass.

Li Shunxi looked at the other party's smile, but didn't want to drink at all. He wanted to notify Xijiyuan to save everything, but he knew that the other party would never let him leave.

Listen around, what are they talking about? Rosim pointed to other wine tables around him.

Li Shunxi couldn't help but look at the others, and sounds continued to reach his ears. It’s all about the weird things that happened recently.

Missing people, hordes of madmen, moving shadows, and police officers and soldiers who are becoming more and more nervous and are pursuing them everywhere.

There must be one out of every three tables in the wine shop talking about this kind of topic. The air in the city seemed to be tightened by something, making people breathless.

Every once in a while, patrolling officers and soldiers would come into the store to inquire and check. There were no comments made with laughter and curses in the past. There were no drunken mercenaries who flirted with drunk girls. There was no sign of the wealthy young men who usually came to hang out. .

Li Shunxi sat quietly at the table. It was hard to believe that this prosperous and rich Bailing City would become an absolute dead zone and a paradise of despair breeding monsters in two hundred years.

The Shangyang family will become history in this catastrophe, and Baimai will also become history, and the beginning of everything is just because of the upcoming changes in Xijiyuan.

Drink. Rosim smiled.


Zhan Hongsheng limped out of the cave, feeling something strange in his heart as he felt the tail inexplicably retracted inside his body.

Lu Sheng used the legs of a wooden table to vibrate her perineum and chest muscles with force like silk threads through her clothes. Then, after fine-tuning, he successfully taught her the bone shrinking technique.

This mutated tail was also successfully inserted into the body, but when Zhan Hongsheng remembered his impulsive actions before, his cheeks turned red and he felt ashamed.

Lu Sheng followed and walked out of the cave.

Practice hard after you go back. Over time it will become natural. There is nothing to be afraid of. If you are still afraid, you can go to the umbrella girl Yingying and others. They are all in similar situations.

He carefully told Zhan Hongsheng the contact information of the umbrella girl and others, then told him not to leak it, and drove them back.

After Zhan Hongsheng learned that there were others of the same kind, she couldn't wait to find the umbrella girl and the others. Now she has recognized the reality and knows that she can't get rid of Lu Sheng's control no matter what, so she simply thinks that she is Lu Sheng's. Subordinate, this person is not too tiring to deal with anyway.

After thinking about it, she felt much more comfortable.

Ho ho! !

The sound of many disciples practicing martial arts kept coming from the square below. Zhan Hongsheng glanced around and soon found the umbrella girl Yingying and others standing among them.

No matter how bad she is, she is still a disciple of the school, and her cultivation level is above double lines. From a distance, she can feel the similar aura of Xu Chui Ningsan.

After finding her target, she hurried down the steps towards the square.

Lu Sheng sent Zhan Hongsheng away and glanced at the Yuan Mo Sect disciples who were practicing martial arts in the square.

In fact, he knew very well that such a scene seemed prosperous, but it was just a castle in the air with no roots. After all, secret techniques are difficult to cultivate and require a lot of time and practice. Without more than ten years, it is unlikely that these disciples will achieve much.

He glanced around and saw He Xiangzi and two junior sisters gathering together to train several little boys and girls.

These orphans whose families were destroyed due to the conquest and who were left alone will be the real core strength of Yuan Mo Sect in the future.

In this world, magical weapons and demonic blades are constantly being produced and appeared through mysterious channels, and are constantly broken and destroyed in battles and fights. Lu Sheng had read in the classics that some people accidentally obtained magical weapons and demonic blades because of good luck. As a result, they suddenly became members of aristocratic families. Some people were ruined because they didn't know the treasures. They knew they already had the blood of an aristocratic family, but they didn't know how to use it. As a result, they were convicted of having a jade and their clan was exterminated.

When He Xiangzi was chatting with him before, he mentioned that the children he took in on this trip had such life experiences.

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