Extreme Demon

Chapter 269 Destined Destruction 2

Lu Sheng shook his head slightly. The current Yuan Mo Sect can only be said to have the seeds of the middle third level school. It still needs time to incubate before it can emerge from the cocoon and become a butterfly.

He turned back to his room and practiced some secret techniques in the room. When the waiting time was almost up, he took the materials he had collected and continued to the practice place.

Quickly returning to the cultivation cave, Lu Sheng reviewed the secrets of demon body cultivation in the cave and sat in the middle of the cave.


A ball of dark Yuan Demon Qi spread out from his body and quickly enveloped every inch of the entire cave.

Dark Blue. Lu Sheng called out the modifier. A light blue box appears instantly.

After skillfully clicking the modify button, Lu Sheng's eyes fell on the new box.

‘Ocean Demonic Body: The third level, special effects: Demonic Essence Condensation Level 3, Poison Fire Strengthening Level 3, Yuan Pressure Strengthening Level 3. ’

This is just the effect after completing the basic part. The next step is to actually start the cultivation of the demonic body. The Yuanhai Demonic Body focuses on strengthening the stomach and lungs. First, directly use the Yuan Demonic Qi to transform into Baoping Qi to strengthen it.

Lu Sheng quickly adjusted his body condition, and the treasure bottle energy quickly gathered through the Yinhe Net all over his body, and then poured into a mysterious area in the middle of his chest.

All the treasure bottle energy flowing into this place will disappear inexplicably. Lu Sheng only discovered this recently. The position where the core of the modifier injects energy seems to be set in the middle of his chest. It was just that the level was not high enough before and could not be detected, but now it can be targeted and intercepted.

Promote the Yuanhai Demonic Body to the fourth level. Lu Sheng pressed the button behind the Yuanhai Demonic Body.

There was no noise, and the box slowly blurred. And his mouth, throat, lungs and stomach began to cough. It was as if someone was pressing a hot iron on this area.


Lu Sheng's mouth, throat, neck, and chest all turned extremely red.

This is the result of squeezing all the accumulation of long-term practice into a moment of improvement. Even though Lu Sheng's body was extremely powerful, he still had such a strong reaction.

Fortunately, this reaction disappeared after just a few breaths.

The content in the box has also changed to a new state.

‘Ocean Demonic Body: The fourth level, special effects: Level 4 of Demonic Energy Condensation, Level 4 Enhanced Poison Fire, Level 4 Enhanced Elemental Pressure, and Level 1 Demonic Breath. ’

Lu Sheng took a gentle breath and felt that everything was fine. It was no different from breathing air before. But the strange thing was that he felt like he didn't need to breathe anymore.

According to the records of the Yuanhai Demon Body, this secret technique imitates a demon monster that is huge in size and can be self-sufficient within its own body and does not need to breathe outside air.

This monster doesn't need to breathe to survive. Lu Sheng recalled the records and simply started to hold his breath, trying to see if he could stop breathing.

What surprised him was that, sure enough, even after holding his breath, he still didn't feel stuffy, and a large amount of breath was continuously supplied to him from his body.

Continue below. After a little experience, Lu Sheng began to improve to the next level. During this period of time, he was frantically consuming the treasure bottle energy to improve his body and practice the Yuanmo Sect's demonic body. He had become accustomed to adding new abilities to his body. It just doesn't require breathing. There are many secret techniques that can achieve this effect.

The cultivation of the Yuanhai Demonic Body was not difficult for Lu Sheng. In one afternoon, he raised the Demonic Body to the eighth level, completely perfecting it. And successfully acquired the highest level of destruction breath ability of the Yuanhai Demonic Body. This is a powerful innate ability that can only be obtained after cultivating all eight layers of the Yuanhai Demonic Body. It is the instinct of the demonic body.

The fourth demonic body was successfully achieved, and Lu Sheng began to practice the fifth demonic body non-stop.

The Tingyou Demonic Body is the foundation of all demonic bodies. It continuously uses Yin Demon to swallow up massive amounts of poisonous mist river water, extracts the essence, and continuously supplies it to Lu Sheng.

And Lu Sheng unexpectedly discovered that the practice of the demonic body became smoother as he progressed. It seemed that because his compatibility with the River of Poisonous Mist became greater and greater, the speed of the demonic body's cultivation became faster and faster, resulting in... The burden is getting smaller and smaller.

This is also the key reason why he can quickly cultivate the Yuanhai Demonic Body.

After the four-door demon body was completed, there was a little more dark gold on his chest, forming a circle with the original light spot. The fifth demon body, called the Breathless Demon Body, is a powerful demon body specially designed to enhance strength and physique.

Lu Sheng only spent two days on this subject, but the amplification effect also made him a little disappointed. This kind of demon body mainly relies on the demonic energy to stimulate the physical body to achieve the amplification effect, but because he has practiced other demon bodies, he has already Adapted to the stimulation of demonic energy. So the exercise effect is not achieved at all.

Only the subsequent training of the heart by the Breathless Demonic Body allowed Lu Sheng to partially improve.

Listening to the You Demon Body, Resentment Fire Demon Body, Desolation Demon Body, Yuan Hai Demon Body, and Ending Breath Demon Body. At this point, Lu Sheng had already mastered five of the eight major demon bodies in his hand.

The training effects of the remaining three demonic bodies are similar, with only a few special enhancements targeting internal organs that are different.

Lu Sheng also practiced faster and faster, and finally, seven days after completing the Breath-Ending Demonic Body, he completed all the rest.

The Fierce Crocodile Demonic Body, the Yinyi Demonic Body, and the Moon-Wancing Demonic Body. These three final demonic bodies each focus on enhancing strength, speed, and self-healing power.

As for the martial arts supporting each demon body, Lu Sheng was too lazy to practice. Any kind of martial arts skills of the demon body would limit the display of his own strength.

In fact, the effect produced by cultivating all eight demonic bodies was not as powerful as he thought.

Deep in the Yuan Mo Sect, next to the Holy Weapon Pond.

Lu Sheng quietly stared at the blue fragments of the holy weapon in front of him. These fragments were sharp and huge. The smallest one was several meters long and several meters wide, emitting a bright blue light.

He is now able to move in and out of the Holy Weapon Force Field freely without any damage to himself. But this does not mean that his physical strength has reached an incredible level, but there is another reason.

Eight points of dark gold flashed in circles on his chest, and the light spots rotated in circles like breathing, lighting up each dark gold in turn.

This is the key to Lu Sheng's ability to stay close to the Holy Weapon Pool for a long time.

The power of the eight demonic bodies formed a circle, constantly sharing the radiation power of the holy soldiers. In this instant, the radiation from the Holy Weapon Pool was reduced to one-eighth, reaching a range that Lu Sheng could now bear.

But that's all.

Lu Sheng's face was calm, and his right hand slowly reached into the water to touch the nearest fragment of the holy weapon.


As soon as he touched it, a large number of black cracks spread rapidly up his fingers, as if they were going to completely split her entire arm.

Lu Sheng hurriedly retracted his fingers, but there was nothing he could do to save his fingers. There were a lot of cracks in them, just like smashed porcelain.

It still doesn't work. Ordinary Yuan Power and the Root Level are not at the same level at all. I can only temporarily resist the erosion of the Root Power by piling up a large amount of Yuan Power. Even resistance is difficult, let alone counterattack. Lu Sheng sighed.

With the collection of eight demonic bodies, he can be said to have reached a state that no one has ever seen before in the Yuan Mo Sect, and has cultivated the secrets of the demonic path to an unprecedented pinnacle.

But even so, it is still impossible to resist the holy soldiers. At most, it can last for a while longer under the holy soldiers.

This is not the result I want. Lu Sheng was silent for a while and took a deep breath.

Even after cultivating all the eight demon bodies of the Yuan Demon, I can't achieve the results I want. It's probably because of the nature of the power.

No matter how the demonic body practices and exercises, it is all based on the demonic energy of the poisonous mist river. The Yuan Demonic Qi transformed into Demonic Qi is just ordinary Yuan Power, which is far from the root power and is not on the same level at all. No matter how you move the Yuan Demon Qi, you are actually playing with ordinary Yuan Power, which is far from reaching the level of root power.

Therefore, according to this inference, if you want to reach the root level, you must practice based on the root power.

Lu Sheng made a guess in his mind.

If it is as I guessed, then the demonic energy is the key to everything. He suddenly thought of the liquid formed by the liquefaction of inner energy.

Let's give it a try. Anyway, we have enough divine power now. If it fails, we can just look for it again.

Lu Sheng slowly closed his eyes, and a large amount of treasure bottle energy quickly began to gather and mobilize, preparing to repair his physical body.

Dark blue.

A light blue box appears.

Lu Sheng began to recall how the demonic energy was transformed into the original demonic energy. This is the most basic part of Yuan Mo Sect and is common to all demon bodies.

And the answer is Yin Fire.

From the yin fire visualized in the initial Three Yin Methods to the poisonous fire ignited later, they are actually the same thing. They are all key steps used to burn the demonic energy, burn away the impurities, and leave behind the original demonic energy.

After carefully sorting out all the secret techniques, Lu Sheng suddenly realized that Yin Fire was the most fundamental basis for the transformation of demonic energy in Yuan Mo Sect.

In all the secret techniques of the demonic body, there are secret techniques similar to the three yin methods.

The Yuan Mo Sect once claimed to have ninety-nine secret techniques at the same level as the Three Yin Techniques. However, whether it was the large number of secret techniques passed down to me by my teacher or the eight major demonic bodies I obtained by accident, they were all based on the Three Yin Techniques. Transform the evil energy.

It can be seen that this is the foundation of the entire Yuan Mo Sect.

As Lu Sheng's thoughts became clearer and clearer, his attention quickly fell on a box that slowly appeared on the modifier.

‘Three Yin Method: The third level, special effect: Three Yin Fire. ’

This is a basic introduction that he once ignored, but now he pays attention to it again.

Lu Sheng took a deep breath. It was time to verify whether his inference was correct.

He quickly clicked on the dark blue modification button. When the entire modifier trembled slightly and entered the modifiable state, he immediately gently pressed the deduction button behind the Sanyin Method.

To deduce a new level, you cannot use the treasure bottle energy and can only use the divine power. He currently has more than 80 units of divine power. It should be enough to deduce a basic method.

Soon, the frame of the Three Yin Methods became blurred, and the spiritual power began to be consumed rapidly.

After a few seconds, the box stabilizes and the content reappears.

‘Unknown secret method: fourth level, special effects: three yin fires, flame enhancement level one. ’

Sure enough, it works! Lu Sheng felt a numbness all over his body just after the Three Yin Techniques were improved, and all the Yuan Demonic Qi burned crazily. Bits of purer Yuan Demonic Qi were transformed by the burning Yin Fire, and after these transformations The demonic energy is much purer than before.

As soon as such pure Yuan Demon Qi appeared, all the cells in the body suddenly began to snatch and devour like thirsty travelers who were short of water in the desert.

As soon as a burst of demonic energy was transformed, it was immediately snatched away.

Come again! Lu Sheng was overjoyed and continued to improve after only ten units were consumed.

He stretched out his hand, and a small ball of green flame burned in his palm. This is Yin Fire, the foundation of all the secret techniques of the Yuan Demon Sect, and the key to transforming the Yuan Demon Qi.

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