Extreme Demon

Chapter 267 Disaster 5

Bailing City, South District.

There are five major blocks in Bailing City, of which the southern area is the largest and most extensive. Many shops, snack streets, tailor shops, and horse stores are located here.

Near the South District are a large number of ordinary residential buildings, which have huge popularity.

Wearing a straw hat, Li Shunxi walked slowly on the sidewalk of the South Block, looking around at this city that had recently changed.

There's no tension at all. Is it because the letter I sent didn't work at all, or...? He sighed in his heart.

Brother Li, are we really going south? a woman following behind asked in a low voice. It was the previous Ice Seal Snake Yinzi.

There is no way, there is no way to guarantee our safety here. Once danger occurs. Li Shunxi shook his head, I have tried my best anyway, and the success or failure depends on them.

Indeed, if they don't believe it, there's nothing we can do. Sun Meng coughed twice and replied.

The three of them left Huiyuan and immediately prepared their luggage, planning to hire a carriage to leave Bailing City and head to the Southland. It's just that there are not many cars and horses heading south at the moment, and they haven't returned yet, so we need to wait a few days.

So a few people were bored and went shopping, discussing the current situation on the street.

Moreover, it seems that it has spread. There is nothing we can do to stop it. Li Shunxi glanced sharply at a drunk man on the street.

The drunk man fell to the ground on his back, his whole body smelling of alcohol. Wearing gray linen clothes, his hair was simply tied up with a black cloth strip.

Although he could still see the slow rise and fall of his breathing on his chest, in fact, Li Shunxi saw a very subtle and strange aura from the other party.

That's him. Suddenly a group of soldiers arrived quickly, separated two people and caught the drunkard, and tied him up skillfully with thick hemp ropes.

Take away! The young general leading the team showed murderous intent in his eyes.

The crowd couldn't help but take away the drunkard quickly. Not only that, there was also a person in the distance who was led by the city guard and captured.

Li Shunxi's heart trembled.

I know this is the family school exerting its strength. The demonic disaster must have occurred here, and someone in the family school may have noticed something was wrong.

Leave now. If we leave later, we might be involved. Li Shunxi whispered.

The two people behind him also felt awe-struck, knowing that what he said was right. Whether it is a demon or a family school, they are all giants to them. Once they collide, the impact and ripples will inevitably cause them to be implicated.

It's a pity that you have been implicated. The carrier of the Mysterious Jade. Suddenly, a peasant woman holding a child blocked the direction of the three of them.

The three people's pupils shrank, and they all saw something was wrong with the peasant woman in front of them.

The peasant woman's complexion was very pale, bloodless, and her eyes were empty and unfocused, as if she wasn't looking at them at all.

The child she was holding was wearing tattered clothes and was looking around curiously, as if he had no idea what had happened to his mother.

But as a woman, Ginzi was more attentive. She was horrified to find that in the shadow of the child on the ground, a new head was slowly growing out of his back.

The head was the size of a watermelon, and the grin seemed to be smiling. Although it was just a reflection, it seemed that the head was looking at them with a ferocious smile.

Reflection Demon. Li Shunxi also saw this scene and took a breath of cold air, Let's go, let's go!

He slowly took a few steps back, turned around and ran away. The other two followed closely behind.

The peasant woman and child had no intention of following them at all. They just stood there and quietly watched the three of them leave.

Now that they have been targeted by the Reflection Demon, how could these three people escape?

There are already clues! Bai Xiu walked into the study room with a stack of documents and whispered to the blood infant Huang Fu who was looking at the documents.

Oh? Tell me about it? I received more than ten troublesome cases in one morning. In fact, the people below handled more in advance. These are just cases that after layers of screening, there is really nothing that can be done. Huang Fu He put down the paperwork tiredly and said in a deep voice.

The previous serial murders and the missing persons cases in recent days all point to the same place. Bai Xiu said solemnly.

Where? Seeing his friend like this, Huang Fu also became serious.

The Cicada Gang in Qianfan City. The largest underground gang organization nearby. Bai Xiu explained, The Cicada Gang has always been controlled by the Fei Yu Sect. In fact, almost all the senior officials inside are members of their school. I have sent a letter to Fei Yu Sect. Yu Zong, ask about the situation and you should hear back soon.

Feiyu Sect Huang Fu frowned, But the 31st ranked Feiyu Sect in the third level??

Exactly. Bai Xiu nodded.

The recent strange things seem to have clues pointing to one point. If they come forward to explain in person, it will definitely be of great help to the case. Huang Fu agreed. By the way, when did you send the letter?

When I was still outside the day before yesterday, I used the Blood Rain Lingyan to send a message. I have a junior sister who knows their chief, and the relationship is personal. Bai Xiu replied.

How long is it until Xiaohui Alliance? Huang Fu asked again.

There are still two months. Bai Xiu thought for a moment and wanted to say something. Suddenly, a figure flashed outside the door, and two young women in white outfits walked in.

Senior Brother Bai, something is wrong. One of the petite and cute women said in a deep voice.

Junior Sister Qiaoxiu? What's wrong? Bai Xiu recognized the other person as the one who sent the letter to the chief of Feiyu Sect on his behalf.

Qiao Xiu said seriously: Senior Brother Bai, to tell you the truth, the chief of Feiyu Sect has been pursuing me. Usually once I send a message, I will reply within half a day. From here to Feiyu Sect, use Blood Rain Spirit Swallow The whole flight took only half a day. In other words, as soon as the letter arrived, he responded immediately.

But a day had passed and I felt something was wrong, so I found my good sister again and sent a letter to her sister in Feiyu Sect, asking her to reply immediately, but nothing happened.

Qiao Xiu's words immediately made Bai Xiu and Huang Fu become a little solemn.

Did something happen to the Feiyu Sect? It's unlikely, right? With the holy soldiers suppressing it, no matter what happens, the Feiyu Sect can't undergo major changes without making any noise. Huang Fu frowned.

There's still some time before the Little Alliance, why don't you and I go take a look? Bai Xiu suggested.

If something really goes wrong and it's not something you and I can solve, we'd better report it first. Huang Fu shook his head and refused.

Indeed, if something happens to the middle and third level schools guarded by the holy soldiers, the seriousness of the problem will be far more serious than the two chiefs can solve.

I'll go see the master of the hospital right away. Ask him to personally send a message to the Feiyu Sect to see if something really happened. Huang Fu stood up.

Okay! I'll find someone to send a message to the disciples of Feiyu Sect outside, and let them see if they can get in touch through their own channels. Bai Xiu nodded.


Yuan Mo Sect.

Liu Shanzi was sitting on his seat, and the disciples below were listening attentively to He Xiangzi's lecture.

Lu Sheng sat on the left, on the same level as him. At this time, I closed my eyes to rest my mind, and my mind was wandering around.

The huge, heavy and oily incense burner glowed with brassy luster, and white tobacco as thick as chopsticks floated in the center.

The entire lecture hall was peaceful and peaceful.

Xiao Sheng, we are going to the small alliance held by Xijiyuan soon. I have also received the invitation. Do you want to come with me? Liu Shanzi asked in a low voice while watching the lecture.

Lu Sheng came to his senses. He had been secretly practicing the early stage secrets of the fourth type of demonic body, the Yuanhai Demonic Body.

Xiao Hui Meng? The students may not be able to go. There has been a breakthrough in the practice recently, and it may be necessary to retreat for a while.

Retreat? Liu Shanzi was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed. Generally, in retreat, only when one reaches a certain level and cannot move forward, one will choose this extreme method of isolating all interference from the outside world in order to try to break through.

In other words, Lu Sheng is now about to break through the Ghost Face Showdown?

He knew that Lu Sheng had broken through the No-Cause Kung Fu, so he had started practicing the Ghost Face Art a long time ago, but he didn't expect that Lu Sheng could complete the four levels of the Ghost Face Art in such a short time.

Others need at least several years, but he only needs a few months. Should he be said to be a peerless genius?

Liu Shanzi was surprised and happy. In addition, Lu Sheng was born with divine power, so his strength would definitely increase greatly.

Indeed, it is a small alliance. Although it is held by the West Jiyuan, it is not of great importance. It is just an exchange of resources and relationships. You can go or not.

On the contrary, cultivation is the most important thing. Xiaohuimeng can go anytime. He nodded repeatedly, the joy on his face couldn't be concealed.

At this time, the following lecture was finished, and He Xiangzi turned back to look at Liu Shanzi. The leader of the sect came forward to say a few words, which is the usual practice after every lecture.

Liu Shanzi did not refuse, quickly took over the right to speak, coughed a few times and began to explain some key and difficult points in the lecture.

Lu Sheng was on the side, and after a while he was asked to talk about some of his breakthrough experiences.

After the lecture, everyone dispersed.

Nowadays, Yuan Mo Sect has become quite large due to the increasing number of disciples, with more than 100 disciples.

The entire school renovated various living places such as canteens, fish ponds, bathing areas, and fighting arenas. For example, this lecture hall was built recently.

If it weren't for the fact that Yuan Mo Sect's nights were filled with ghosts and dangers, those disciples would have planned to set up a nightclub for late-night entertainment, playing chess and the like, which would have been more comprehensive.

Outside Yuan Mo Zong Cave, many traders came after hearing the news, dug caves and built many shops.

Everything is available for food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Most of these vendors are family members of disciples who joined the Yuan Mo Sect. Many people know the inside story, so there is no need to cover up too much.

After the lecture, Lu Sheng walked out of the lecture hall and saw Shangyang Linghui quietly leaning against the wall outside the door, waiting for him.

Everyone around her had already left, and she was the only one left waiting here.

Since Huiyuan and his party, Shangyang Linghui came back and joined the Yuanmo Sect, Lu Sheng also took advantage of the opportunity to let the umbrella girl Yingying and Ning San Xu Chui join the Yuanmo Sect.

However, the progress of these three people in practicing the most basic Three Yin Jue was astonishingly slow. Obviously, because they had no bloodline at all, it was extremely difficult to practice in this area.

It was not easy for the three of them to have the opportunity to formally practice the secret technique. No one, including Hong Fang Bai, dared to slack off. They practiced hard every day except eating, drinking and sleeping. His assiduous practice is unparalleled.

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