Extreme Demon

Chapter 260 Banquet 4

Hongting? What do you mean? Lu Sheng asked in confusion.

There are many young and beautiful ladies from my Shangyang family here. After you enter, it will be a completely closed environment. Any girl you meet can be enjoyed by you. No matter what status they are or what status they are, everything is free. You take whatever you want. Pepe said with a smile. Whether it's a lady, a young lady, a maid, a cook, a sister, or a daughter, you can choose whatever you want. The time is one night.

Lu Sheng frowned slightly.

Are they all members of the Shangyang family?

Yes, they are all former sinners of the family. They have made mistakes and need to be punished. If you can make them pregnant, that is the best way for them to escape from the sea of ​​suffering. Pepe said cruel words with a smile. In this Red Pavilion, there is a huge mansion. Everyone who can be encountered in it is female, and all of them have good looks. They live an ordinary life when no one enters. Only at special times will they The memory of the Red Pavilion is awakened, so that it can be more integrated into life, I think you will definitely like it.”

This is indeed a heavenly place.

But when Lu Sheng thought that Hongting had never entertained anyone like him, he felt sick in his heart. And there is definitely more than one place like this in the Shangyang family.

Can you compensate me in another way? he asked in a low voice.

It's a pity Pepe shook his head helplessly. But if you don't want to, you can go to the middle of the red pavilion. There are good elixirs to make up for your body. Even if you are not interested in anything else, this medicine can be of great help to you.

Having said that, Lu Sheng was also a little curious about what the Red Pavilion looked like. He didn't even refuse.

Peipei took Lu Sheng to a hilly cave deep in the bamboo forest, and exchanged a few words with the guard in a low voice. After that, he walked into the cave and walked deep underground along the stone steps.

She seemed to have noticed Lu Sheng's thoughts and said with a smile.

You don't have to think too much. The memories of the women here have actually been modified. They think they live in a country of daughters and are naturally beautiful without the need for maintenance. Only when you come in and touch them will they treat you. Follow the instructions and awaken a small piece of relevant memory.

In addition, in addition to the Red Pavilion, there is also the corresponding Orchid Pavilion. If you have any friends of the opposite sex who are interested, and if it can attract the attention of the family, it is also appropriate to open the Orchid Pavilion to strong women.

Where are the other ones? They all have similar institutions?

Lu Sheng couldn't help but ask.

This is a matter of course. We are okay, it is just internal selection, but it is different for a few companies. It is said that there is an underground city named Paradise City as a special breeding place. Pepe admired, It’s really unimaginable how spectacular it is.”

Lu Sheng finally understood why the nine families in the Central Plains had a much larger population than other aristocratic families.

This method of raising his own family members as meat pigs can no longer be called cruel, but perverted.

In order to give birth to outstanding children with family blood. The leaders of these aristocratic families have tried their best to do anything.

As for whether he is a real member of the family, who knows? Maybe they were just ordinary people who were radiated by the magic weapon, or maybe they were beautiful prisoners captured. But as long as they can give birth to children, they can be absorbed into the family. The degree of distortion and abnormality in the minds of the offspring cultivated by such a system can be imagined.

This was the first time Lu Sheng had a deeper understanding of the cruelty and ruthlessness of this world.

He recalled women like Shangyang Jiuli and Shangyang Fei. They were definitely not born like this. The nine families in the Central Plains must have another separate reproduction system, exclusively used by the ruling class.

In other words, there are two completely different classes among the nine families in the Central Plains. Lu Sheng understood vaguely in his heart.

Following Pepe forward, we soon came to the depths of the cave, in front of a heavy black stone door.

It's neither a flower, nor a leaf, nor a clear pond. It's love, meaning, or clumsiness. She recited a mantra in a low voice.

The stone door trembled slowly, flashed a glimmer of light, and then made a crisp snap.

Pepe reached out and pushed gently, and the stone door suddenly opened, revealing a bright and spacious mansion behind.

There are mahogany red and black pillars, and the ground is paved with slightly black flat stone tiles. People are coming and going in the mansion, and at a glance, they are all women with good looks and figures.

There were no elderly people among them, and the largest one looked to be in his thirties. All the women had delicate skin and were sitting around doing their own business. They seemed not to notice Lu Sheng and Peipei walking out of the stone gate at all.

This mansion is the Red Pavilion. We cannot be seen in their eyes. Only when you actually touch them will your memory be stimulated and you will see our existence. Pepe explained, It is absolutely confidential here, there will be no Anyone can come and observe. There are five holy weapon pools around it, and the naturally intertwined radiation power completely wraps this place up. Even the military commander would have a hard time peeking in here without alarming our Shangyang family. You Don’t worry about any safety issues.”

Lu Sheng nodded.

Where is the thing?

In the center of this mansion, by the way, once you start enjoying the Red Pavilion, you can only come out overnight. Please remember. Pepe warned.

This was a complete brothel. Lu Sheng shook his head. He was not interested in this at all. Disaster is coming, and he is in no mood to indulge in such games.

Wait for me a moment, I'll be back as soon as I can.

Before Peipei could say anything, Lu Sheng took a step forward, jumped into the air lightly, crossed several walls of the mansion, and landed on the rockery in the center of the mansion easily.

There was a bag hanging on the rockery, and there seemed to be a lot of things in it. Bulging.

Lu Sheng looked at the mark above, turned around with the things, and jumped back.

Peipei looked at him in surprise as he walked up and down, as if she had no idea that as a male, there could be someone who could resist such temptation. There were hundreds of beauties of different looks and ages in the red pavilion. And even though the other party was not interested in such temptation.

Let's go. Lu Sheng didn't wait for him to speak, turned around and went back to the stone gate.

Shangyang Peipei paused, and then seemed to think of something. She had received this kind of guests before. Most of them were extremely possessive and didn't like things used by others.

To deal with such guests, another method is needed.

She remembered that her mother-in-law had a sister who made a big mistake because of something. Maybe this was an opportunity to introduce her to Mr. Lu Sheng.

The two of them didn't stop along the way and quickly returned to the ground.

So, I understand what Mr. Lu means. Peipei smiled and said, Since you are not interested in Hongting, let's go together today.

Are you Lu Sheng? As the two of them were talking, a voice came from far outside the cave. It seemed to be a man.

As the other party quickly approached, Lu Sheng and both of them could see clearly what these people looked like.

A handsome man with a full forehead and deep and lively eyes walked in the front. Behind him were several young gentlemen with folding fans in their hands and their suave temperament dissipated.

It turns out to be Master Kunyun. Peipei smiled and curtsied.

It's Peipei, who are you bringing to the Red Pavilion? Shang Yang Kunyun said to Peipei, but his eyes never left Lu Sheng for a moment.

Ever since the news came out that Shang Yangruo almost got married to Lu Sheng, he had become a well-known laughing stock in the circle.

Several of his companions, who were also the sons of Iron Pen Judge, laughed at him because he wanted to take away his wife. Shang Yang Kunyun suppressed his anger, but on the other hand, he was also feeling aggrieved. Shang Yang Ruo's grandfather actually thought that he was not as good as a Northerner. Country bumpkin, this is simply unreasonable!

He wanted to prove that he was better than his opponent as quickly as possible, and the only way was to find Lu Sheng and defeat him head-on.

As for your own lack of strength, then find someone strong enough. Isn’t family background also a part of strength?

So as soon as he heard the news that Lu Sheng had come to Huiyuan, he quickly rushed there with his people and asked around. Finally, he blocked Lu Sheng who had just come out at the entrance of the red pavilion.

Who are you? Lu Sheng didn't recognize the other party at all.

Shangyang Kunyun looked indifferent. I am Shang Yang Kunyun, I believe you will have an impression.

Shang Yang Kunyun? Lu Sheng looked confused. We've never met, right? The other person looked aggressive, and he was also thinking about where he had offended him.

As soon as he said these words, he saw Shang Yang Kunyun's face quickly turn red across from him, and he felt ashamed and angry.

If someone like you is not worthy of it, I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible! You actually asked Miss Jiuli to intercede. It is shameless to reach your level. This is the first time in my life that I have gone to Yang Kunyun. See you!! Shang Yang Kunyun said angrily, clenching his fists and looking at Lu Sheng with eyes that almost burst into flames.

Ruoruo? Lu Sheng was confused. Who is it? I think you have the wrong person. He replied politely.

You! Shang Yang Kunyun was even more angry. This person is still pretending to be stupid at this point.

Uncle Wang!! He couldn't bear it anymore and shouted loudly.

A figure flashed rapidly in the darkness, coming from behind Lu Sheng quickly and silently.

The figure sighed in his heart, if the young master had not directly called his name, maybe this move would have been much more powerful. pity.

However, although the power is reduced, it should be able to deal with a school opponent at the five-level level.


The figure's dry palm slipped inexplicably, and the air was empty.

When he opened his eyes, he hadn't figured out what had just happened. Lu Sheng was obviously right in front of him, and his hand was hitting him straight up, pointing at the opponent's vest, but he slipped inexplicably just now and actually missed it. .

Come again! He quickly used his secret technique and stabbed Lu Sheng's vest from an incredible angle with both arms.


This time he was hit, but Lu Sheng was like a phantom. It was clearly right in front of him, but he had no real feeling after the hit.

This Uncle Wang was startled, and his hands and legs quickly thrust forward, launching dozens of attacks in an instant, all of which fell on Lu Sheng in front of him.

In the bamboo forest.

Uncle Wang! Uncle Wang!? Shang Yang Kunyun kept shouting loudly.

Lu Sheng turned his head and looked at the old man in black behind him who was beating a bamboo wildly.

I think you should take him to see a pharmacist. He pointed to his head, He may have something wrong here.

Shang Yangkunyun was so ashamed and angry that his whole body was trembling violently.

But Uncle Wang seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit, and he beat a bamboo wildly. Lu Sheng was right next to him as a target, but he also turned a blind eye.

Okay, let's go. Lu Sheng shook his head. In fact, he didn't do anything. He just released a little bit of the jealous snake's mental confusion force field, but he didn't expect the effect to be so strong. Of course he won't say it out loud here.

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