Extreme Demon

Chapter 261 Situation 1

Stop! Shang Yang Kunyun roared.

But Lu Sheng didn't bother to pay attention to him at all, but he felt like a waste of time even after he said a few words about the same thing as a few young masters.

After cultivating the Resentful Fire Demonic Body, he could obviously feel that his physical body had been further strengthened. The terrifying heat and flames let him know that he had surpassed his previous peak state of destroyer and reached a new realm.

This is just one more demonic body that has been cultivated. There are six more demonic bodies. If all of them can be cultivated, there is no telling how much the final strength can be improved.

He was looking forward to it.

Shangyang Peipei looked at Kun Yun and others sympathetically. She had heard about the incident between Shang Yang Ruo and Shangyang Kun Yun. The young master of the separated family had been in love with Miss Shang Yang Ruo for a long time, but she did not expect that the girl's family , as the old man of Su, his grandfather did not think highly of him. Instead, he chose Mr. Lu Sheng, another man with potential.

Although it was not successful in the end due to the obstruction of Shangyang Ruo himself, the two men had formed a rift over this matter.

But what people never expected was that Lu Sheng didn't even have an impression on Shang Yangruo, and he had completely forgotten what happened before.

Come back!! Shang Yang Kunyun was held tightly by his fellow divine soldiers. Although he roared unwillingly, he couldn't resist the crowd of people pulling him. Finally, Lu Sheng slowly left the bamboo forest, with Shang Yang Kun behind him. Yun Ze has stopped moving.

Opening the package in hand, there were a lot of vials inside, with various drug names marked on them. Most of them were for aphrodisiacs, and a few were supplements specifically used to make up for the body's deficiencies.

Pepe laughed from the side.

It's a pity that Mr. Lu didn't try the medicine in the red pavilion. She gently rubbed Lu Sheng's elbow with her chest, How about we just stay here and let Peipei help Mr. Pu test the power of these medicinal powders? Her voice was soft and soft, her eyes as charming as silk, and her whole body was almost touching Lu Sheng's side.

How could Lu Sheng try this kind of medicinal powder of unknown origin? Unless he personally supervised the refining, he would never try such foreign medicines based on his physical fitness.

Forget it. By the way, where's the get-together you were talking about? Lu Sheng was not interested in this kind of woman who was obviously a social butterfly.

Okay. The gathering place is just outside the bamboo forest, near the tower. There is...

Suddenly, before Peipei finished speaking, she looked far away in the direction of Hongting, feeling a little startled.

Lu Sheng turned around and found that in the direction of the Hongting Pavilion, which had been peaceful just now, a fire was burning in the sky. The black ash and heat brought by the large amount of flames slowly spread to the surrounding areas.

Subtle crackling sounds could be heard in the distance.

Fire? Lu Sheng asked confused.


Li Shunxi tightened the cow ghost mask on his head, and Sun Meng, who was known as the night-flowing firefly, quietly walked out of the Hongting cave with the people he had just rescued.

Coincidentally, the two defensive masters who happened to be guarding the goal were distracted by trivial matters. I didn't notice the few people coming out here.

The dark night sky was mostly dyed red by the fire, and the chaotic sound of firefighting could be heard in the distance.

Li Shunxi looked at the fire and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Yinzi succeeded. This Three Yuan Fire cannot be destroyed by ordinary water, and it is extremely difficult to suppress such a large scale. However, one of the nine Shangyang families is so powerful that it cannot be measured by common sense. We Must leave as soon as possible.”

Sun Meng nodded. This ruthless master who was abducted from the family by Li Shunxi now completely lost the ferocity he had when they first met him. He was just an ordinary autistic young man.

Even though he was extremely talented, he was still willing to dive into this whirlpool when he met Li Shunxi, whom he truly recognized as his friend.

In a moment of excitement, the two of them plunged into the Huiyuan Red Pavilion of Shangyang's family just to get to know Lianji, a girl who had recently experienced a tragic experience.

Li Shunxi was a little scared now that he thought about it. In the Red Pavilion, if he was accidentally discovered by the surrounding monitors, the radiation power surrounded by the four holy pools was no joke.

Fortunately, we are out now. Let's leave immediately. I have a way to notify Yinzi. Let's go.

Brother Li, you... you don't have to worry about me. This is our life. Lian Ji looked sad and pitiful.

We are friends. Since we are friends, we shouldn't just watch you fall into the abyss.

Li Shunxi said with a smile, taking the two of them with him, relying on the predictions of Xuanji Jade to avoid the Shangyang family's defense force that was constantly pouring out around them.

Lian Ji was so moved that her eyes were filled with tears and she was speechless. Sun Meng, who saw this scene next to him, curled his lips.

This was how Li Shunxi deceived him into boarding the ship.

The three of them moved very quickly and soon left the bamboo forest and entered the hilly area. After passing through caves of different sizes, many guests of the Shangyang family finally appeared in front of them. With Li Shunxi's mysterious jade ability, it was only the most basic ability to hide his aura and blend into the guests. As long as you are among the guests, you will be much safer.

The three of them rushed towards the pavilion where the guests were staying in secret.

The distance is getting closer, getting closer.


Suddenly, a silver-white figure flew over from a distance and landed heavily on the ground in front of the three people.

This person was a young woman covered in white ice armor, but the skin on her arms was peeled off and dripping with blood. A round hole the size of a bowl was punched through her lower abdomen, and the squirming internal organs could be seen inside.

The ice armor on her body was originally very gorgeous, but now it was like a broken armor. Only half of it could be hung in some non-vital places, and the key locations were all broken.

Silver!! Li Shunxi was shocked when she saw this person, and rushed over to help her up. Are you okay Ginko!!

The woman was his companion during this time, Ice Seal Snake Leyin. He was originally a wandering lone traveler with extremely powerful whipping skills and concealment skills.

The woman coughed several times and used her strength to straighten up.

Not dead yet.

You can't die, it's just that you're not far away from death. Sun Meng, who had always been at odds with her, mocked, but his body involuntarily stood in front of Yinzi and looked around him warily.

Grandson, do you really want your grandma to die? Don't you know how much I loved you before? Yinzi retaliated decisively, revealing his venomous nature.

Sun Meng resisted the urge to turn around and trample her to death.

If you don't die this time, I'll make you look good when you get back!

If you don't die this time, I will burn paper for you later, don't worry. Yinzi's face was pale, but his mouth was still unforgiving.

You two, can you be more serious! Li Shunxi looked like he wanted to curse. We'll talk about everything after we get out first!

I'm very serious. I just feel that I can't run away this time. I'm going to say everything I want to say before I die. Yinzi looked calm and pressed the wound on her abdomen to let it heal quickly, but she was really serious. Injury is not this. It was a strange force that was driven into the body, a powerful force unique to the Shangyang family.

Aren't you usually very confident? Why are you so pessimistic this time? Sun Meng couldn't help but look back at her.

That's because she has realized how big the gap is between us.

The moment Sun Meng turned his head, a white figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

This person seemed to teleport out of thin air. He was surrounded by open slopes that could be seen at a glance. There was no place to hide anyone.

But this man suddenly appeared in front of the four of them without any warning.

This is a man in white wearing a triangular white jade hat. His face looked a little dull, and there was a scar on the left side of his cheek, which seemed to have been scratched by the claws of some beast.

He was slightly thin, and he was holding a huge stylus pen more than half a meter long in his hand.

A painter from the Shangyang family?! Li Shunxi was startled and couldn't help but take a step back, his face darkening.

The nine families all have their own top war machines, such as the Yan Shen of the Lin family and the judge of the Shang Yang family. However, these top generals will not be dispatched at will for trivial matters. Each of them has his own guarding range. . He is the leader of a party and will not take action easily.

So in fact, what is more popular in the ears of low-level experts is actually the weaker Nine Mobile Forces.

The generals of the Shangyang family who are responsible for general defense affairs are collectively called painters.

Only masters with levels above the sixth level of the Jing-level are qualified to serve as painters. From the sixth line to the snake level, the success rate of breakthrough is less than 1%. More masters are stuck at the level of the sixth or seventh lines forever, or die of old age in the retreat.

In this regard, there is no difference whether it is a family or a school.

Therefore, this also leads to the fact that the number of painters as a group is not small. Naturally, the reputation he gained was far greater than that of a judge.

Sure enough, I just planned to let her run around and see if I could catch a few accomplices. Unexpectedly, she actually succeeded. The man in white said calmly.

Fortunately, Li Shunxi was wearing a mask, and with his secretive aura, no one noticed that he was the bearer of the Mysterious Jade.

But the rest of the people are different.

Especially when the painter sees Leng Ji behind several people.

It turns out he is a habitual criminal with other agendas. The painter sneered. They took advantage of the situation and hit my Shangyang family on the head.

He held the stylus step by step and approached the four of them.

Now we're in trouble. Li Shunxi and the others retreated step by step. Among the four of them, Sun Meng is the strongest, but at this time he is not outside, but in Huiyuan, the sphere of influence of the Shangyang family.

Once something unexpected happens, it will be delayed.

Leave this to me, you go first! Sun Meng stood up resolutely and said coldly.

Go? With me here, you still want to leave? The painter suddenly rushed forward, twisting his body and pointing towards Sun Meng from the right side.

Masters from aristocratic families actually rely on basic martial arts in addition to all kinds of secret techniques as ultimate killers. Their martial arts are different from ordinary people. In order to maximize the advantage of their bloodline, many of their technical moves are self-made. It's a sect that ordinary people can't imitate.

This is what the painter does at this time.

His movements were strange and he avoided Sun Meng's block, and he clicked lightly with the stylus.


A burst of poisonous black light exploded, and Sun Meng quickly turned his other palm into brass to meet it.

clang! !

As soon as the two came into contact, they made violent clashing sounds.

Sun Meng's expression suddenly changed, and he groaned, feeling a sinister force running along the palm of his hand and heading towards his heart.

He couldn't help it immediately and spat out a mouthful of blood.


Li Shunxi's body trembled, and she resisted the urge to rush forward. She held the silver and Lian Ji with her, and was about to escape from the other side.

Stupid! The painter broke through Sun Meng's defense with a strange figure and pointed towards Li Shunxi.

I'm not dead yet!! Get out of here!! Yin Zi, who had been weak all this time, suddenly erupted, and a strange whip like white light suddenly wrapped around the painter's legs from below.

Is this...??! The painter lost his balance and flipped several times on the ground with one hand before landing firmly.

But the whip was still wrapped around his leg and couldn't be freed.

I have been hiding for so long, but I have been waiting for this opportunity. Yinzi stood up and sneered, Once your body is entangled by my ice seal snake, even if you break free from the whip, your strength will be reduced to an unbearable level.

She clenched the whip in her hand and her expression became fierce.

Now, die for me!! Yinzi and Sun Meng rushed to the painter at the same time.

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