Extreme Demon

Chapter 259 Banquet 3

Under the seemingly painful appearance of self-immolation, Lu Sheng stared at the dark blue modifier in front of him with calm and deep eyes.

His consciousness, in just a few moments, had clicked on the revised secret technique of the Demonic Body of Resentment several times.

There are only three levels of the Resentful Fire Demonic Body. With its continuous modifications, it reached the second level in a very short time. It may break through the third level at any time.

But he did not continue to click. After the previously reserved magic energy was consumed, it was recovering rapidly, which could fully meet the needs of the last level of improvement, but he did not do so immediately.

With this kind of exercise, I can feel that my body is getting stronger.

Lu Sheng waited quietly, waiting for the level-killing poisonous fire to crazily burn his whole body. The nine Yin Demons are constantly supplying Yuan Demon Qi crazily around them. At the same time, they are also rapidly devouring and absorbing the demonic energy from the river of poisonous mist outside for conversion and storage.

This is an extremely wonderful state, as if all the impurities in the body have been burned, and then the necessary parts are filled with magic flames, mixed with new flesh and blood, forming a brand new body.

Lu Sheng could feel himself getting bigger.

The original six-meter body is continuing to expand. Slowly changing towards seven meters, the body width became more and more bloated, the arms became thicker and thicker, countless muscle tumors accumulated, and there was only a face that had not changed much in size, embedded in the middle.

The whole thing seemed to be developing in the direction of the alien behemoth he had seen before.

It's getting uglier and uglier Lu Sheng said expressionlessly. He could guess how ugly he looked now without looking in the mirror. This is why he is often reluctant to change into the anode state.

The black flames burned, constantly burning the parts of his body that were not resistant to fire, and then forming new tissues that were more heat-resistant.

Lu Sheng's body shape also followed this change, becoming bigger and heavier. A large amount of resentment-level poisonous fire spread along his body towards the surroundings, burning the surrounding caves more and more black and solid.

The impurities turned into black smoke, leaving behind a crisp and dry black powder.

Let's start the third level. After Lu Sheng got used to it for a while, he felt that he could control the changes in his body. Then he slowly stretched out his left arm and gave it a gentle squeeze.

A black flame rushed up from his hand. The flame trembled in mid-air, and then exploded instantly. It turned into three ropes and slowly rotated around Lu Sheng.


Tsk! !

The three ropes suddenly branched out into countless filament-like tentacles, which completely enveloped Lu Sheng's head, almost covering his entire face and preventing him from breathing.

All the filaments formed a black mask, covering Lu Sheng's face.


The mask trembled slightly, glowing with a black and purple light.


Bailing City, Huiyuan.

Huiyuan, located to the east of Bailing City and next to the moat, is a privately enclosed garden for flower viewing.

The entire garden occupies almost the entire east corner of Bailing City. A part of the city wall was also cut away to connect Huiyuan with the countryside outside.

When Lu Sheng arrived here, the sky had already darkened. The entrance to Huiyuan was a round-arched white stone door, with sculptures of unknown sacred birds like phoenixes standing on both sides.

Guards in city guard uniforms were guarding the outside, and there were many Hongyang carriages parked outside.

The so-called Hongyang Car is a carriage pulled by red goats. The extremely clean and tidy red goats are in teams of three, and several teams pull a carriage. This is the most popular carriage for nobles to travel in Bailing City.

Lu Sheng and Chen Quansong got out of the car and looked at the lively but not crowded flow of people inside and outside Huiyuan. Their expressions were different.

Although they were both invited to join, Chen Quansong was only barely qualified, while Lu Sheng was sent the invitation in her name by Shang Yangfei's subordinates. There was a huge difference between them.

But Chen Quansong couldn't be jealous even if he wanted to. None of him could match Lu Sheng's strength and potential.

Now I understand Brother Lu's persistence. Chen Quansong looked at the flow of people who kept walking into Huiyuan. The weakest people on their bodies all had three or four lines. He was just barely enough for the basics.

Only talents like Lu Sheng are the protagonists of this gathering in Huiyuan.

He has always been fighting for power, and what he has always wanted can be easily obtained here in just one night.

Lu Sheng smiled. If Shangyang Jiuli hadn't asked him to come over, he wouldn't have wanted to attend to this boring party at all.

Shang Yangfei is awesome, but it’s none of his business. If you have this time, it’s better to practice more and cultivate your new demonic body quickly.

If what Li Shunxi said is true, then what's the point of such a gathering? Lu Sheng glanced at the crowd at Huiyuankou.

There are young men from aristocratic families who are wild and wild, and even use beautiful girls as stepping stools when they get off the bus.

Some loudly discussed current events in public. There are also people who are low-key and indifferent and do not make any publicity.

But the children of aristocratic families who come here all have one thing in common, that is, they are young. There were also middle-aged people, but not many. As for the elderly, there were not even a single one.

This Huiyuan is well-known in the circle. I hope Brother Lu can bring the beauty home this time. Chen Quansong said slightly sadly.

What do you mean? Lu Sheng was stunned and asked casually.

Chen Quansong was about to answer, but was interrupted by someone beside him.

Brother Chen, long time no see. How are you doing? A short, fat man with a beard that reached his chest walked towards Chen Quansong with a smile.

It turns out to be Brother Zhao. Chen Quansong had no choice but to respond to others' greetings.

Lu Sheng was also quickly introduced into the circle by him, but he was indifferent to people and not warm and friendly, so no one said much to him soon.

Entering Huiyuan, someone immediately came to receive you. Small cocktail parties were scattered sparsely, attracting many guests to join. Different cocktail parties were also located in different parts of the garden.

Some set up a few stone tables in the forest, and some put grills and other grills in small pavilions to grill vegetables and barbecue.

Musicians were also invited to play the piano and music in a corner of the forest for everyone to watch.

The maid led Lu Sheng to a white pavilion, where a few people were standing here and there.

Here. Shangyang Jiuli was also there, raising the cup in his hand towards him from a distance.

Standing next to her were several descendants of the Shangyang family and some small aristocratic families. These people were somewhat similar to her, with relatively cold temperaments and calm expressions. You can tell at a glance that he must be a strong person.

Lu Sheng hurried over and greeted Shangyang Jiuli.

Part of the apology for what happened last time has been delivered. I will accept it on your behalf and will send it to your Yuan Mo Sect later. Please relax at this Huiyuan gathering and don't overthink it. Don't let it go if you have the chance. . Shangyang Jiuli said incomprehensible words and did not introduce the people around him to Lu Sheng.

Pepe. She motioned to the woman on her left to come over.

Miss Jiuli. The woman was wearing a long white gauze dress, with a charming face and a hot and plump figure. Her long silver hair hangs down from her back to her vest, which is quite distinctive.

This is my general Lu Sheng. I will leave him to you today. You must satisfy him, otherwise I will question you later! Shangyang Jiuli warned.

The woman named Peipei smiled slightly and looked at Lu Sheng carefully.

Since it is Miss Jiuli's order, Peipei will naturally go all out. Don't worry.

She knows Lu Sheng. Among the younger generation of the Shangyang family, apart from the family's blood, there are three people with other surnames who have the most potential, and among them is Lu Sheng.

This man was born in the North, and his bloodline is mysterious and unknown. His family once checked his background, but the trace was cut off when it came to his mother's generation. This person's mother was not from the North, but was later adopted by a mortal family.

Originally, Lu Sheng was just a mortal, but he didn't expect that he would suddenly awaken his bloodline and rise all the way. Some elders in the family speculated that he might be from a secret family on some small islands in the ice ocean.

Judging from the abilities he has shown along the way, he should be of the Yang system divine weapon bloodline. There is an intelligence engineer at home who specially made a data sheet for analysis.

Since then, he has always taken good care of the Lu family where he was born, and it seems that this person has a good chance of winning because he values ​​love and righteousness, and is not someone who forgets his roots after becoming famous.

Therefore, the family's plan for him is to win over him as much as possible and integrate his blood into the Shangyang family. As long as they are tied to death on the Shangyang family's chariot, such talents can be used by the family.

This is also one of the truly powerful sources of the Nine Families of the Central Plains. They constantly absorb the outstanding bloodlines that have evolved and split from the outside world, so that the remaining descendants of the bloodlines may be more powerful and more likely to resonate with the family's magic weapons, even if they cannot become masters. It is also very easy to master the holy weapons and has extremely strong strength.

Peipei's beautiful eyes moved and she took Lu Sheng's hand.

Master Lu, come with me. I will go to collect your apology first. There are also several young masters and ladies gathered in the bamboo forest on the other side. You are all talented people from my Shangyang family. It is good to get to know each other, isn't it?

Lu Sheng easily broke away.

You go, I'll follow.

His expression was dull and he completely ignored Pepe's hot and sexy outfit.

Peipei didn't take it seriously and led Lu Sheng through the crowd a few times and walked into a path from the side.

Crossing the path and crossing the small bridge, there is a quiet bamboo forest on the opposite side. There is the faint sound of guqin floating in the forest, and there are people dancing swords with one hand. The silver light is shining and the white light is flying. Looking from a distance, you can feel a chill on your face. Come.

There are many hilly slopes on both sides of the bamboo forest, with many benches, tables and chairs placed in between.

The most amazing thing is that these hills have holes of different sizes on the sides, allowing people to enter and exit.

At the edges of many hollows, Lu Sheng could see naked men and women entangled with each other.

Some were half-dressed and tried to resist, while others leaned against the stone wall and began to attack continuously. There are also unrestrained ones, where several men and women are together in a hilly cave.

Pepe walked in front, seemingly used to this scene.

The key to our Nine Central Plains clan's ability to maintain its long-lasting prosperity and the number of clansmen lies in the activities of this heart connection.

When Lu Sheng saw this, he looked at the group of men and women standing sparsely in the bamboo forest in front, and he understood.

Shangyang Jiuli still refuses to give up. If Shangyang fails, we will find another way to get him to join the gang this time. Isn't this a heart-to-heart meeting or something like a blind date? It’s still a free-spirited blind date, a pattern where you fall in love with someone you find the right one.

Meeting fate, as long as there is fate in your heart, in this kind of place, it doesn't matter whether you want to get married or not, we just want a good night. Pepe suddenly stopped. arrive.

Lu Sheng stopped and looked around. There was some darkness on all sides. He was in a place deep in the bamboo forest where no lanterns shone.

The sound of music is also vague and not very clear.

Master Jiu Li told me about you and Miss Shangyang Ruo before. In order to make up for the rudeness last time, the family decided to open to you a special place in the heart, the Red Pavilion. Pepe said softly.

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