Extreme Demon

Chapter 258 Banquet 2

More than ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Lu Sheng had just had lunch and was about to return to the cave to continue his previous practice when he was stopped by a junior disciple.

Senior Brother Lu, here are your letters. They were accumulated a while ago. I haven't found you before, so I couldn't notify you. The junior brother said with some helplessness.

I finally caught up with you this time.

Lu Sheng took the letter in his hand. To be precise, it was a letter and an invitation.

Excuse me, I'm here every morning and evening before the bell rings. If you have any questions about practice, you can come to me for answers. I will try my best to help you. Lu Sheng nodded.

Thank you, senior brother Lu. The junior brother was immediately overjoyed and thanked him repeatedly. In fact, wasn't it just for this promise that he had worked so hard to keep Lu Sheng for so many days?

For Lu Sheng, it is easy to give guidance to these junior brothers and sisters. He only needs to ask a few random questions and sweep the opponent's body with demonic energy to find out the crux of the problem.

It's easier than teacher Liu Shanzi's guidance. It wouldn't take him more than a minute. And after the instruction is over, he will quickly drive people away, which is the main reason why he has a reputation of being indifferent.

Watching his junior brother go away, Lu Sheng simply stood on the side road of the library, picked up the letter and checked it.

The letter was wrapped in light yellow straw paper. There was no signature on the surface as to who was sending it. There was just a red seal underneath, indicating that this was not a letter sent as a joke, because this kind of seal with a complicated pattern represented the nature of the letter. The cost of a letter is definitely not small, especially when the content is required to be kept strictly confidential.

The cost of such a letter is at least equivalent to sending hundreds of letters. In this world, sending letters is not a cheap thing.

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes, slowly tore open the envelope and took out the paper inside.

The off-white leather paper was gently unfolded, revealing the first line of clear and neat writing on it.

‘My friend Lu Sheng, I haven’t seen you for more than a year since we last saw each other in Beidi. I wonder how you are doing. Originally, I had a lot of troubles here, and I didn't plan to get involved with you, so as not to implicate you. But now is an extraordinary period, so I no longer worry about this concern.

Brother Lu, please believe me after reading the following content and prepare in advance. As for token evidence, you can see it by turning over the back of the letter paper. ’

Seeing this, Lu Sheng had already guessed who the other party was. He turned over the back of the letter and saw a familiar treasure map that he had been keeping. It was densely marked with all kinds of precious medicines.

This was exactly the gift Li Shunxi gave him, a treasure map about the treasure.

Nowadays, most of the treasures on this map have been found with the help of red whales, but only a few cannot be found due to geographical conditions.

These precious medicines are no longer of much use to Lu Sheng today, but to ordinary masters, they are simply a magical elixir.

If it weren't for the fact that taking too many medicines would accumulate toxicity in the body and affect future potential development, Lu Sheng would have wanted to use these medicines to create a few masters who could help him.

Seeing this, he turned back and continued to read the content below Li Shunxi.

As he read further, Lu Sheng's expression gradually became heavier and heavier from the calm at the beginning.

After reading everything, Lu Sheng closed his eyes.


The letter was suddenly crumpled into a ball by him, burning with poisonous fire, and burned into white ash in a blink of an eye.

Surprisingly, such a thing could happen. He looked solemn. If what he said is true, he will be in big trouble.

Although Li Shunxi had no reason or need to deceive him, Lu Sheng was not the kind of person to believe whatever others said, and he also had doubts about the credibility of this letter.

As long as someone can bribe his confidants in the North and disguise the letters, they can't come up with such a treasure map.

Therefore, the authenticity of this matter still needs to be verified.

After burning the envelope and letter paper, Lu Sheng picked up another invitation.

The silver-white rectangular invitation was clearly marked with two big characters: Shang Yang.

The two-character iron painting and silver hook are vigorous and powerful, as if they are about to cut through the thick invitation.

Lu Sheng paused and looked at these two words carefully. There was a vague meaning of looking in all directions and covering the world, which was extremely majestic.

He opened the invitation and found a line of small words written inside.

‘Song Huahui invites Mr. Lu Sheng, the chief of the Yuan Mo Sect, to arrive at Huiyuan on the evening of November 9th. ’

There was also a piece of paper tucked under the invitation, with Shangyang Jiuli's handwriting on it.

After reading the note, Lu Sheng roughly understood what Song Huahui was about.

In fact, this was a special gathering organized by Shang Yangfei to bring together all the important figures in the Shangyang family's subordinate forces.

The major forces under Shangyang Fei's command are extremely mysterious. Even Shangyang Jiuli only knows that she has a very powerful intelligence network.

This seemingly pitiful genius from a well-known family has an incredibly huge resource supply line behind him. What’s even weirder is that these were all built by Shang Yangfei alone.

Such a huge power and such a huge network of influence were built bit by bit from scratch by her.

At first, there were still people who could estimate her background, but now, no one knows what kind of power Shang Yangfei's men have.

Shangyang Jiuli told Lu Sheng in the letter that Shangyang Fei now has a high status in the entire family. No matter whether it is fame or strength, no one can match it. She was also surprised when she received the invitation, but since Lu Sheng was invited, she couldn't miss it.

As for the reason, Shangyang Jiuli mentioned that Shang Yangfei not only has great influence in the Shangyang family, but also has a considerable influence in other aristocratic families in the outside world. There are many talents pursuing her, although they are not completely on her side. But when encountering trouble, most people will help more or less. This has great potential.

Shangyang Jiuli hoped that Lu Sheng could make friends with peers from other aristocratic families and expand his influence. If you can, it's best to find some trouble to show your strength and make a name for yourself.

After burning the letter paper from Shangyang Jiuli, Lu Sheng held the invitation thoughtfully.

If the danger mentioned by Li Shunxi is true, then the Shangyang family, as one of the actual controllers of Bailing City, will definitely make relevant arrangements. There will definitely be clues in this trip. Perhaps this banquet is just to verify this news. , it’s a good opportunity for truth and lies.”

He suddenly remembered the previous severe drought in Yunzhou, which had killed and injured countless people. Whether they were mortals, noble families, or demons, they were all extremely miserable. If this danger were real now, the level of casualties would definitely be even more exaggerated.

It is estimated that it will take several days to complete the Demonic Body of Resentful Fire. The later you go, the more Aquarius Qi you will need, and the longer it will take to recover the Aquarius Qi. The progress naturally slowed down.

But this was far beyond Lu Sheng's imagination.

He calculated the time, and if everything went well, he would be able to attend the banquet after cultivating the Demonic Body of Resentment Fire.

Putting away the invitation, he continued to the cave to perform penance. In the Zhitu stage, it is mainly to exercise the ability to strengthen the poisonous fire and adapt to the poisonous fire.

To put it simply, it uses external fuel to enhance the temperature and toxicity of the poisonous flames of the cross mark. On the one hand, special materials are used to continuously strengthen the part where the poisonous fire is stored, and all the surrounding flesh and blood are refined into a powerful container that is not afraid of high temperature and poison.

Lu Sheng prepared a lot of materials for this, enough for a carriage. Because of the terrifying recovery and healing speed of Baoping Qi, and because his body was so powerful, there was no need to worry about being burned.

At the beginning, he directly used fuel to strengthen the poisonous fire, which was still very easy.

But at the beginning of the fourth level of Zhitu, Lu Sheng couldn't bear it anymore. The temperature and toxicity of the poisonous fire have increased to a terrifying level.

After all, Lu Sheng could no longer rely on himself to resist, and began to use materials to soak and dye the flesh and blood around the cross mark into special tissue materials.

Then he directly clicked the modifier, and it took only two days to increase his rank to full level.

Five days later.

Lu Sheng closed his eyes tightly and stood naked in the deepest part of the cave, surrounded by circles of black, liquid-like viscous flames.

These flames danced around him in the air, emitting terrifying heat. The most bizarre thing is that when the black flame burns, it will naturally make a cry like a human groaning in pain.

This sound kept stirring in the cave, as if countless people were being tortured and in agony at the same time.

Opening his eyes, Lu Sheng reached out and grabbed a ball of black sticky flames.

The poisonous fire is divided according to the resentment fire demon body, and there are five stages: mortal, Ying, Tong, destruction, and resentment. With the different stages, the power of the poisonous fire also increases step by step. Now I have reached the highest point of the destruction level. , the flames emitted under the same volume are no less than ten times more powerful than ordinary poisonous fire, coupled with the support of a steady stream of demonic energy.

The poisonous fire, which was originally useless, has become a means of fighting for a large group of him.

It's time to start practicing the Demonic Body of Resentment

Lu Sheng gently stretched out his hand, and the flames, like black lines, began to gather and spin in front of him, forming a black vortex as tall as a person.

Huh. Huh.

The whistling sound caused by the air flow driven by the flames continued to stir in the cave.

Lu Sheng slowly clenched his fist.

As he tightened his grip, complex triangular symbols gradually emerged from the flame vortex in front of him. Every symbol is incredibly complex and familiar.

If Liu Shanzi could see it here, he would definitely exclaim, because these symbols are basically similar to the bloody symbols on the stone pillar standing in the Yuanmo Sect Square. It's just that the symbols here are more complex.

Resentment is the source of burning, burning resentment, burning itself, burning everything!!

boom! ! !

In an instant, Lu Sheng's whole body, eyes, nose, mouth, and ears all spurted out black flames.

Countless poisonous fires crazily poured out of his body and spread around the entire cave.

His body slowly floated up and began to rapidly deform, expand and grow in size. From a cathode form of more than one meter, he quickly returned to his true body of more than three meters.

Then it rapidly expanded from the main body to an anode state of nearly six meters.

Bang! !

Lu Sheng stepped out heavily with his right foot and stepped on the ground. His huge and bloated lower limbs were like thick stone pillars, causing the entire cave to tremble violently.

Black flames burned all over his body, and dense human cries could be faintly heard from the flames.

A large amount of flames kept pouring out from the gaps in his body's carapace, as if his entire body was burning from the inside. But because of his terrifying fire resistance and powerful fine manipulation, he actually did not suffer fatal damage.

On the contrary, in this burning state, the body's fire resistance is increased crazily.

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