Extreme Demon

Chapter 257 Banquet 1

This negative feeling quickly disappeared. Lu Sheng carefully checked his whole body and found nothing abnormal. At his level, his control over his body had reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine. His previous hard skills and external skills in martial arts, It has exercised his control over large muscle groups, and now the Yuanmo Sect's secret technique system has exercised his fine control over muscle groups.

Therefore, Lu Sheng knew every inch of his muscles and internal organs.

This was also the reason why he had been surprised by that weird feeling before.

Fortunately, this feeling was very short-lived, and Lu Sheng came back to his senses. At this time, Liu Shanzi also finished speaking and handed over to He Xiangzi and another selected disciple. He turned around, coughed twice, and walked towards this side.

Xiao Sheng, what's the matter? I haven't had a good chat with you these days. How is your cultivation now? Liu Shanzi asked with a smile.

Everything is fine. Lu Sheng nodded. Teacher, I came here this time to ask, our Yuan Demon Sect once had ten methods and nine thoughts, a total of nineteen kinds of Yuan Demon secret techniques, right?

Liu Shanzi nodded: Yes, at its peak, the ten demon bodies and the nine demonic intentions were the most powerful system of the entire Yuan Mo Sect. Why do you suddenly ask about this? Now we are the only ones left listening to you. It’s the same lineage.”

I just saw relevant records in the library and was very interested in the top ten demonic bodies. Lu Sheng said with a smile.

If we practice Tingyou Gong well, we can also achieve the Tingyou Demon Body. We don't have to aim too high. Just practice hard. Liu Shanzi advised.

Of course the disciple knows, it's just pure curiosity. Teacher, among the top ten demon bodies, we heard that even if the ghost demon body is mature, it is still ranked at the bottom. I wonder how powerful the other demon bodies at the top are? Lu Sheng asked pretending to be casual.

In our Yuan Mo Sect, we have a total of ten types of demon body cultivation that focus on different aspects of the physical body. Among them, I listen to the You Mo body, which focuses on adapting to combat. It has the strongest survivability.

The other demon bodies have their own merits. For example, the Fa Ri demon body focuses on defense and resistance. After the cultivation, the vitality is extremely powerful. As long as there is still demonic energy, it can grow at a terrifying speed far beyond that of ordinary people.

What about the Resentful Fire Demonic Body? Lu Sheng asked 'casually'.

The resentful fire demon body. A very violent demon body. This lineage is focused on burning, which is poisonous fire. They divided the poisonous fire into many stages, and majored in this. The long-range attack is very powerful, but it is It's not that strong when you get close, so it once suffered heavy casualties in a battle. After that, it collapsed. Liu Shanzi recalled.

Is that so? Lu Sheng understood slightly. Now that I've said it all, why don't you tell me the basic characteristics of other demonic bodies, teacher?

Liu Shanzi thought that since he had said it, he would tell Lu Sheng the advantages and disadvantages of the ten demonic bodies one by one, just like telling a story.

It turns out that the ten major demon bodies of Yuan Mo Sect all have their own strengths and weaknesses.

For example, Ting You Mo's body has strong sustained combat power and adaptability to the environment, but its overall combat power ranks very low. For example, the Resentful Fire Demonic Body can only be used as a long-range strike. Once you get close, it will be extremely troublesome. There is also the Niedu Demon Body, which is extremely fast and terrifying in terms of its hidden aura. It is the best assassin-type demonic body.

After introducing such information one by one, Lu Sheng also had a general understanding.

But not every demon body is different.

Among them, there are four major demonic bodies, which all temper the strength of the physical body, but the methods and ideas are different.

By the way, you've been to the Holy Weapon Pond once, so you should know how to get there. If I'm not here, you can help me go and take care of it, and don't let other people break in randomly. You can also observe and learn more about the Holy Weapon Pond. Soldier, feel the power within it, but be sure to have less contact. The source-level power cannot be touched by life, and the radiation is extremely high. Too much contact will have a bad impact on your body. Liu Shanzi suddenly mentioned this.

Holy Weapon Pond? I understand. Lu Sheng nodded. This was considered as Liu Shanzi further unlocking the authority of Yuan Mo Sect's key place for him.

After getting a lot of information from Liu Shanzi, Lu Sheng gave some pointers to the junior brothers and sisters, and then took the time to go back to the small lake deep in the Poison Mist River.

His excuse was to practice alone in the Demon Pond Cave near the depths. Anyway, no one except Liu Shanzi could get close to the Demon Pond he chose.

And Liu Shanzi was also busy with assignments and couldn't see him at all. So the secret of practicing in the depths of the small lake was easily concealed.

Sitting cross-legged in the cave, Lu Sheng's body was constantly emitting natural evil whispers. It was a powerful mental field that confused the mind, and was a natural protective area created by the snake of jealousy.

Lu Sheng conducted experiments on strange snakes in a small lake and found that this kind of field also had an impact on strange snakes, making them fear him as if they were their natural enemies.

This also saves him from worrying about the safety of those around him while practicing.

The secrets of cultivating the Resentful Fire Demonic Body are all here, and all the required materials are ready. Lu Sheng glanced at the several black boxes placed in front of him and took a deep breath.

The improvement of pure martial arts has reached its limit. My physical body has been strengthened and I can no longer rely on the accumulation of low-level martial arts. Now, only secret techniques can be effective on me. I hope this resentful fire demon body can improve the strength of my physical body. Be useful.

Closing his eyes, Lu Sheng opened his mouth and blew out a breath of turbid air.


A black flame slowly burned on his hands.

This is the famous poisonous fire of the Yuan Mo Sect. It is made by burning the demonic energy transformed by the river of poisonous mist. It is a powerful flame that is highly toxic and corrosive.

The poisonous fire levitated from his hands and slowly merged in mid-air in front of him, forming a thick black flame the size of a fist.

After passing through these four stages of Yuanhuo, Shuzong, Cross Flame, and Tu (tu), you can begin to practice the real resentful fire demon body. Lu Sheng compared the stages and picked up the first black Box.

Then, let's start the Yuanhuo stage first.

Opening the black box, he took out a small black and purple square metal piece.

Pinch up the small pieces and throw them into the black fire suspended in front of you.

puff! !

The flames suddenly swelled.

Deep Blue! Lu Sheng quickly opened the modifier.

The light blue modifier box instantly appeared in front of him, and he quickly found the last one. In a new box, the words Yuan Huo Jue are slowly emerging.

‘Yuan Huo Jue: entry level, special effects: fire control level one. ’

That's it, because I heard that the ghost demon body is fully developed, and there is an endless supply of demonic energy in the body. The first stage is just to withstand the flames after being strengthened with fuel. This is very easy for the strength of my physical body. .So I passed the entry directly. Lu Sheng understood clearly.

Then, let's start improving directly. He once again carefully recalled the Yuanhuo Jue part of the Resentful Fire Demonic Body on the cave wall. He felt that there were no omissions or mistakes, and then he slowly closed his eyes.

Aware of the overall modification button below the modifier, press it lightly.


The modifier trembled suddenly, it was blurry at first, and then it became clear instantly.

Promote Yuanhuo Jue to the first level. Lu Sheng's consciousness clicked on the button behind Yuanhuo Jue.

Suddenly, a strange and inexplicable feeling surged out of his heart.

Lu Sheng felt that his control over Poison Fire had instantly reached a new level. If it was controlled at will before, now it is like an arm's command. No matter the size, power output, or shape of the poisonous fire, it can be controlled freely.

The modifier has also changed to a new state.

‘Yuan Huo Jue: First level, special effects: level two fire control, level one fire resistance. ’

I don't feel any discomfort in my body, and all I have consumed is the Treasure Bottle Qi. Fortunately, I only consumed one-tenth of the Treasure Bottle Qi. Lu Sheng felt it carefully, and then continued to the next level of Kes' improvement. The consciousness behind Yuan Huo Jue continued to press the button.


The box blurred for a moment, then became clear again instantly.

Yuanhuo Jue: Second level, special effects: level three of fire control, level two of fire resistance, and level one of physical strengthening.

It's another physical strengthening effect. Lu Sheng paused, feeling that there was no burden on his body, and continued to improve.

The consumed treasure bottle qi is quickly transformed and replenished by the continuous flow of elemental demon qi.

The original demonic energy absorbs a large amount of demonic energy from the outside world and pours into the body, transforming it crazily.

The nine Yin Demons were transformed at the same time, and Lu Sheng's speed could be said to be far superior to that of ordinary Yuan Demon Sect's listening demon bodies of the same level. Whether it’s conversion speed or anything else.

Therefore, the speed of his replenishment of magic energy is almost the same as the speed of consumption at this time. In a blink of an eye, it was back to normal.

In this way, we may soon be able to break through the primary stage of the Resentful Fire Demonic Body. Lu Sheng was certain in his mind.

Time passes slowly.

For several consecutive days, Lu Sheng kept going back and forth between the cave and his residence every day. The Yuanhuo Art was soon completed, reaching the highest eighth level. As for the consumption, it only took him a day to completely absorb the magic energy and transform it. Other than that, there is no other cost.

There were also some details in it. What he didn't expect was that the basis used by the Resentful Fire Demonic Body was still Yuan Demonic Qi, so he had omitted most of the necessary steps. Coupled with the terrifying modification ability of the modifier, he could Yuan Huo Jue, which would take ordinary people several years to master, only took him a few days. The speed of cultivation is even more astonishing, which is why the improvement speed is so fast.

After that comes the Shuzong stage.

Shuzong is the refined manipulation aspect of training poisonous fire.

This aspect requires extremely high difficulty, with a total of four levels. It took Lu Sheng three days to use the modifier to completely complete it.

Then came cruciitis.

This is more difficult. The main thing is to refine a trace of poisonous fire into the body, store it, and then adapt the body to make this trace of poisonous fire become the core source fire for controlling poisonous fire.

Because the parts of the body where the source fire is stored will naturally experience tissue necrosis and dryness, and cross-like marks will appear, so it is named cruciitis.

This stage is the stage when poisonous fire is truly incorporated into one's self. It is also the real most difficult stage for the Demonic Body of Resentment.

Because this process is extremely painful.

The cross mark that Lu Sheng chose was placed in the middle of his chest. In fact, it didn't matter where he chose. With his fire resistance level, although it was not as good as the Resentful Fire Demonic Body that specializes in fire resistance, it was still better than those ancestors in the cross inflammation stage. Much stronger.

So this stage is just a transition for him. Breakthrough easily.

Soon, he reached the final step before starting to practice the Resentful Fire Demonic Body.

Rank Tu Jue.

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