Extreme Demon

Chapter 254 Dark Curtain 2

I want to know, what is the difference between the magic weapon and the demon's power and the ordinary power? Lu Sheng asked calmly, If you tell me, I will let you out.

Hahahaha, you humble ants actually want to break through the boundaries between the Tianhe and the Earth's veins! Stupid! the voice roared, You, a mere human, want to control the power of the Tianhe, you have no idea!

Tell me the difference. Whether I can do it or not is my business. It's up to you to say it or not. Lu Sheng said quietly.

Hmph! After pulling out such a long sealing sword, do you think you can still suppress me!? You underestimate my power that has been dormant for tens of thousands of years. I can definitely break through the seal on my own.


Lu Sheng inserted the knife back one after another.

He had long felt the huge force coming from the handle of the knife, but this amount of force was still within the tolerance range for him. Just use the cathode state to cope.

The sealing knife fell heavily back onto the stone, making a crisp sound.

Then all was quiet.

Lu Sheng waited for a while, then slowly pulled out a knife.

Stupid and humble ant, you actually dare to tease me!! I was careless just now, this time it will be the same


Lu Sheng stepped back decisively.

The resistance seemed to be a little bigger, but it didn't matter. He was using his left hand, and he would press it with his right hand later.

After waiting for a while, he slowly pulled out the knife.


This time the voice was silent.

an awkward silence

It was Lu Sheng who spoke first.

How's it going? Have you thought about it? he asked in a low voice.

.It doesn't hurt to tell you.

The voice paused for a moment.

Do you know what your Yuan Mo Sect's Ten Methods and Nine Intentions imitate from ours?


It's our breath, the voice whispered. This sealing sword was actually not carved by the Yuan Mo Sect, but was here a long time ago. They just accidentally discovered the sword here and then tricked me into coming here.

Okay. Sure enough, his IQ is worrying.

Lu Sheng's expression remained unchanged and he continued to ask.

Then what does this have to do with the Ten Methods and Nine Intentions? I just want to know what is the difference between root level and ordinary power?

The difference is that these are different levels and different foundations of original power. The most basic and smallest things that make up them are completely different. The voice finally answered honestly.

Just like water and ice, they are the same substance, but ice is countless times harder than water. Unless too much water hits it at extremely high speeds, it will be far from being a match for ice in a head-to-head encounter.

You Yuan Mo Sect can simulate our breathing even with all your efforts, but this breath is the source of demonic energy.

Then how can I master the root power? Lu Sheng continued to ask.

It's very simple. As long as there are enough, even if you are a pig, if a thousand pigs bump into each other, you can crush a tiger to death. Isn't there a lot of remnants of the Ten Methods and Nine Intentions in the depths of your Yuan Mo Sect? The group of swindlers carved all these things into the deepest part of the poisonous fog river. They also used some materials to prevent the handwriting from fading.

Lu Sheng was speechless.

To put it simply, ordinary Yuan Power may be transformed into Root Power at extremely high concentrations. You have to try it yourself. The voice said casually. Okay, is it time to let me out? Fulfill your promise?

I understand. Thank you. Lu Sheng inserted the knife back, turned around and walked away.

The ground was calm for a while, then suddenly shook. It was as if something was vibrating angrily underground.

Lu Sheng had already thought of what to do. Since the body cannot be lifted up, then use external materials to replace it first, and then start to master it after the experiment is clear.

Quickly returning to the small lake of the Poison Mist River, Lu Sheng recalled what the demon had mentioned. The ancestors of the Yuan Mo Sect carved the system of ten methods and nine thoughts deep in the Poison Mist River.

Deep in the river of poisonous mist, Teacher Liushanzi probably couldn't come over, so he never found out. Those ancestors probably planned to leave their inheritance in this harsh environment because of their safety. It just so happened that I also wanted to find some supernatural power. , let’s take a walk around first and then talk.”

Lu Sheng thought for a while, left the cave, and began to search along the interior of the cave where the small lake was located.

Soon the time of burning incense passed, and after walking around, I didn't find any secret cave mechanism.

Lu Sheng went out and walked around the stone forest several times. After going through all the densely packed small holes, I found a few trinkets with spiritual power, which absorbed more than twenty units of spiritual power, but there was nothing else.

Return to the small lake.

He stared quietly at the lake in front of him, frowning. Is it really in here?

After hesitating for a moment, he decided to go into the water himself.

The small lake is not deep, but there are many caves underneath. Maybe the secret is hidden here.

Lu Sheng found something to plug his nostrils, and then pounced.


He got into the small lake and rushed to the bottom like a fish.

The entire small lake is only seven or eight meters deep. When he absorbed the lake water, he used the Chiji Nine Evils technique to surge under his feet, thus achieving the posture of standing in the water.

But this time, what he wanted was not to float up, but to dive down.

Swimming all the way down, Lu Sheng soon grabbed the inner wall of the lake bottom, found a cave and got in.


There was strangely no water in the cave, and it was completely dry. The multi-armed clay sculpture women on the wall struggled to escape and grabbed Lu Sheng.

Some of them even only had their upper bodies, and could only stretch out many hands from the wall, trying to reach Lu Sheng.

Some only had half of their bodies, approaching crookedly.

Roar! !

Lu Sheng waved his hand and released the wrathful lion. As soon as the evil demon appeared, it roared angrily and rushed towards the clay sculpture women.

Three times, five times and two times, all the multi-armed clay sculpture women were quickly thrown to the ground and shattered into a lot of loess.

They are slow but strong, and carry poison and odor with them. However, the Wrathful Lion is a Yin demon, inheriting Lu Sheng's strong strength, and being covered in poisonous fire, it is completely unafraid of poison and stench. It can be said that It's perfect restraint.

Therefore, for Lu Sheng, clearing away these clay sculpture women was no more difficult than crushing a pair of ants.

At this time, he successfully reached the innermost part of the cave and saw many patterns carved in the cave.


After getting rid of the clay sculpture girl, the remaining patterns on the wall were instantly outlined into text, still in ancient Song Dynasty style.

It reads: The fifth of the ten magical bodies - the Resentful Fire Demonic Body.

Below is a series of dense practice methods, as well as supporting graphics.

Lu Sheng quickly remembered it and planned to go back and ask Teacher Liu Shanzi what this resentful fire demon body did.

The Ten Magical Demonic Body represents the ten kinds of demonic bodies, and the Nine Intentions, which means a total of nineteen kinds of Yuanmo secret techniques. This Resentful Fire Demonic Body Lu Sheng carefully looked at the contents and methods above.

I found that the source of the above content is still the demonic energy of the poisonous fog river.

Jot things down quickly. He left this cave again and swam toward other caves.

He swam through the caves one after another, and soon he found another cave. The angry lion rushed in and burned all the clay sculpture girls. It is a secret technique of ten kinds of magic body and elemental demon.

Immediately afterwards, a total of ten magic body secret arts were found from the cave in the lake. Two of them have become obscured by weathering due to age. The remaining eight doors are all intact.

This made Lu Sheng overjoyed. After seeing the power of Tingyou Demon Body, he also looked forward to the other demon bodies.

The Tingyou Demon Body gave him an almost unlimited burst of gas and liquid, which meant that his yin and yang were integrated into one, and his peak state of bursting out gas and liquid could be maintained forever and used as a routine.

No need to rush for time like before. Just ten drops of gas liquid, after burning, there will be nothing left, and the strength will plummet.

Since Tingyou Demonic Body is known as the most mediocre demonic body, Lu Sheng is quite looking forward to what kind of power those other so-called powerful demonic bodies can achieve.

Just like martial arts, he was thinking that if all the demonic bodies were concentrated on himself, one person could master them all.

Where will that go?

A Tingyou Demon Body, in actual combat terms, apart from Lu Sheng's special and powerful physical body, is already at the peak of the third level below the snake level.

Plus so many other demonic bodies



Ranked first in Baimai, the strongest school in history, comparable to aristocratic families, extremely powerful, one after another evaluation, one after another, a halo, constantly surrounding the Xiji Academy.

For the children of the school who have no family to rely on, Xijiyuan is the strongest representative in their minds.

And because of this, Xijiyuan was also compared with the aristocratic family by many disciples of Baimai.

They all want to see if they can match the limit of development they can achieve on their own without the help of aristocratic families.

And Xijiyuan has many such hopes placed on it, leading the entire Baimai.

The leader of the sect, Zhao Zizheng, is wearing a white jade brocade robe and a purple gold crown. He is sitting in the study and slowly practicing calligraphy.

He is over fifty this year and is known as the most courageous leader of Xijiyuan. Since taking charge of the sect, he has been working hard to accumulate strength and make Xijiyuan stronger than before. Therefore, he is widely loved by many disciples.

Holding the pen, he slowly wrote the word End.

Zhao Shi was stained with ink and was about to continue.

Suddenly, a subtle sound of breaking the air came from the window. He quickly looked up.

I don't know when a small, old brass mirror appeared on the window sill.

The moment he saw the mirror, Zhao E's expression changed slightly. He quickly walked over, took off the bronze mirror and hid it in his sleeve.

He quickly closed the door and window, waved his hand and sprinkled a cloud of silver powder, and waited for a while. Then he took out the bronze mirror again.

What's the matter? he asked in a low voice facing the bronze mirror. The language used was obviously not Song language, but another weird language.

A new round of demonic disaster is about to begin. A woman's appearance vaguely appeared in the bronze mirror, and a voice in the same language came out from inside, extremely clear.

So fast? Didn't it happen only once ten years ago? Zhao Shi's expression changed and he asked in a low voice.

Yes, it was true that there was not enough time originally, but one of the three doors that was supposed to be opened on this trip to the Three Holy Gates was closed. We did not expect that someone could resist such temptation and retreat abruptly. Come out and close the channel.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that must not be missed. One missing door means that there is missing a group of forces that can resist us for a long time. The woman replied.

In such a hurry? Zhao Shi hesitated.

If you don't rush, without the help of Men, their strength against us will be weakened by at least one-fifth. Maybe they can really break through the Song Dynasty this time. The woman said gloomily.

Zhao Li was silent for a moment.

I see.

Demonic disasters represent the terrifying power at the level of military masters, pouring into the world. As an undercover agent of the school, he must cooperate with the preliminary work.

Schools such as Yuan Mo Sect and Ten Thousand Cave Cave that sealed and suppressed demons were now weakened to this point. In fact, they were secretly promoted and inspired by him.

These were once the absolute main force in fighting against demonic disasters, but now they have been reduced to the lower third level.

And since the other party has notified him, it means that his place will soon be used as the front line.

Generally, according to the convention, the two demon spirits come first to establish the Gate of Flesh and Blood.

The arrival of two demonic spirits at the level of warrior masters was enough to massacre the entire Jiang Yu City and several nearby cities including Bailing City for blood sacrifices and the establishment of the Gate of Flesh and Blood.

Under the sudden attack, even the Shangyang family could not resist.

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