Extreme Demon

Chapter 255 Dark Curtain 3

Autumn is crisp and the sun is shining brightly.

On the bank of the Qingsu River near Bailing City, pink flowers like lotus leaves are densely packed all over the river.

Lu Sheng was riding a tall horse, followed by Ning San, Xu Chui and others from the Red Whale Gang who were also riding horses. Behind them, there were another carts of ox carts carrying goods.

There were four vehicles in the convoy, driving towards Yuan Mo Sect at a steady speed, neither fast nor slow.

Lu Sheng turned sideways and looked towards the river, his eyes falling on the hikers who were enjoying the paintings.

How long has it been since you last seen Yunxi? It has been almost a year since he came to the Central Plains. This time he came out of Yuanmo Sect, firstly to prepare some training materials he needed, and secondly to deal with some external affairs. Among them, some people were sent to the north to pick up their family members.

Don't worry, leader. There are several old gang leaders and deputy gang leaders here in the north. Everything is going well, and the Chiri Sect is getting stronger day by day. It's just... Ning San hesitated.

Just what? Lu Sheng asked casually.

It's just that Mr. Lu doesn't seem to want to move here. He said that they are in the Northland and are used to staying there. They don't want to travel around and work anymore. Ning San replied in a low voice.

Lu Sheng was not surprised either.

That's fine. It's better for the Lu family to be local vigilantes in the North than to come to the Central Plains and become mediocre people.

My lord is wise, Master Lu said so too. Ning San said respectfully.

What about Yunxi? Lu Sheng asked again. Has she set off?

Uh Ning San said this and chuckled again. Mrs. Yunxi is willing to come over, but...

Stop hesitating and say what you have to say! Lu Sheng said impatiently.

Yes, Mrs. Yunxi's father is seriously ill and is now dying. She really can't leave. Ning San was also a little helpless. He had encountered such unexpected situations.

The boss asked him to go back to pick up his family, but he didn't receive anything and the trip was in vain.

So you just came back without picking up anyone? Xu Chui on the side couldn't help but feel helpless.

Of course not! At this point, Ning San quickly shook his head and said, The gang leader has an order, how could the subordinates not do it with all their strength. Although the old man and the old lady were not received, and Mrs. Yunxi was not received either, but the gang leader I still received one from my sister!”

???Sister? Do you mean Lu Yingying or Yiyi? Lu Sheng went through his cousins ​​in his mind. It was impossible for Lu Qingqing. The only possibility was these two.

Well, it's not Zhang Xiuxiu. Ning San lowered his head with a guilty conscience.

Zhang Xiuxiu is Lu Sheng's cousin, and she is also a distant cousin. It was said that she was not familiar with the younger generation of the family, Lu Tianyang, and others, but she actually had the courage to follow him this time.

Lu Sheng was a little surprised, but he felt relieved when he thought about the impression Zhang Xiuxiu left on him.

This person is basically an opportunist. Seeing who has great potential, she will take the initiative to find ways to get close to him. No one is willing to travel thousands of miles to the Central Plains this time, so she dares to abandon everything and follow him alone.

Although this person's private life is not very discreet, his courage is still commendable.

Where is Zhang Xiuxiu now? Lu Sheng asked casually.

She said she is waiting for you in Bailing City. She is staying at Baiyan Inn. You can go to her at any time. We will provide enough food and drink. Don't worry about this. Ning San was afraid that Lu Sheng would be dissatisfied and could abandon her after all. After all, following him all the way here alone, Zhang Xiuxiu must have a good relationship with Lu Sheng. Must be taken care of.

Now that she's here, let her stay alive and throw her into the academy to study. If she can't read well, don't come back. Don't embarrass my Lu family. Lu Sheng casually dealt with Zhang Xiuxiu.

As early as in the Northland, he knew what his distant cousin was thinking. He was just trying every possible means to find a financial backer to support her for the rest of her life. It's just that he didn't expect that this show was quite powerful.

Okay, I understand. Ning San nodded. He probably knew Lu Sheng's attitude towards this distant cousin.

There was no talking all the way, and soon the convoy crossed the Qingsu River, crossed a plain, and arrived at the cracks of the Grand Canyon filled with loess.

Walking diagonally down along the edge of the crack, there is a dangerous mountain road with cliffs on the side, which makes everyone feel frightened.

Soon they arrived at the gate of Yuan Mo Sect, and the two disciples guarding the gate immediately came to help.

Lu Sheng asked his two junior brothers to help unload the truck and carry it into the school's warehouse, promising that they could come to him for advice in the morning and that it would also save the two of them many detours. The two were overjoyed and immediately worked harder.

Lu Sheng himself took Ning San and Xu Chui into the Yuan Mo Sect.

After all, Yuan Mo Sect has too few manpower, and there are basically no people he can really use.

All newly recruited disciples need time to observe their character. Instead of doing this, it is better to let Xu Chui Ning and the others who have been loyal to him before make a breakthrough first. Improving their strength can also help them do more things.

Along the way, even if the disciples saw that the two people brought by Lu Sheng were just ordinary people with no dark aura, they did not dare to neglect them. Because they were brought by Lu Sheng himself, everyone took the initiative to say hello to the two of them.

Lu Sheng, on the other hand, took the two of them to the cave where he usually practiced martial arts and secret arts.

He stopped in a place where the evil spirit was not so rampant and dense.

There were changes in the Yinhe Net before, and now he was asked to upgrade the Yinhe Net in the two people's bodies, because now he can release the Yuan Demon Qi at full strength for three days and three nights without using it up, which is exactly what he needs to do to convert the Yuan Demon Qi into Baoping Qi, to enhance the strength of the two of them.

He quickly found a hidden place with thin demonic energy, which was far away from where people from Yuan Mo Sect often gathered.

Lu Sheng casually dug a hole in the wall, and then walked in with Ning San, Xu Chui and others.

The method to upgrade the Yinhe Net is also very simple, just pour the Baoping Qi into it.

The Baoping Qi tainted by demonic energy is colder and slightly toxic, but it also taps the body's potential to a greater extent.

After some efforts, Ning San's inner Qi reached the peak of understanding, while Xu Chui chose to completely let go of everything and let the treasure bottle Qi in his body transform without any willpower resistance.

The transformed Xu Chui also surprised Lu Sheng and Ning San.

I feel very comfortable now, sir. Xu Chui waved his thick left arm covered with dark red scales with a relaxed smile on his face. His palms turned into sharp claws like Lu Sheng, and there were many spikes on the back of his shoulders.

This kind of power, as long as I want it, I can maximize the strength of my arm anytime and anywhere.

Lu Sheng looked thoughtfully at his mutated left arm, wondering why Ning San didn't have such an exaggerated change, but Xu Chui did.

Why are the mutations of the two completely different? They are all passed down from his power, so the changes should be similar.

Hit my hand with all your strength. Let me see what level you have reached now. Lu Sheng said casually.


Xu Chui nodded respectfully.

Lower your head and draw your sword.

Clang! ! !

In an instant, a ray of silver light appeared like a thunderbolt, stabbing into the palm of Lu Sheng's right hand with incomparable precision.

There was no impact sound, because Lu Sheng casually held the tip of the sword. But a powerful force surged into Lu Sheng's body, and was quickly melted away by even stronger power.

Not bad. Lu Sheng was very satisfied with the changes that had taken place this time. Although Xu Chui's strength was still an ordinary person in his eyes, with the power he had always hidden, it was basically no problem to walk in the wild.

This kind of power cannot threaten the middle and high-level Jing levels, but when it explodes completely, those below Shuangwen may not necessarily be Xu Chui's opponent. Because he used Lu Sheng's power, the sword itself was not scary, but the treasure bottle energy of Lu Sheng carried on it was scary. The special effects of acupuncture are indestructible, coupled with the abnormal pollution properties. This makes Xu Chui, a master who specializes in one hit and kills in one blow, even more disgusting.

In comparison, Ning San was much weaker, but his internal strength was improved due to the influence of Lu Sheng's demonic energy, and he also had some poisonous qualities, so his power was slightly increased. That's all.

This is because the Yinhe Network has no checkpoints, and the internal energy can be continuously accumulated. Ning San's cultivation has reached the current bottleneck, and he should have broken through.

In other words, my transfer skills are far less useful to Ning San than to Xu Chuilai. Lu Sheng thought thoughtfully.


a long distance away.

Thousands of caves.

A desolate gray-white cave like a honeycomb stands quietly deep in the mountains near Sitong City.

There are a total of seventy-two underground caves, connected to the former headquarters of Wanku Cave and the location of the Seven Star Wall.

Quack, quack.

A group of white crows flew by from the side and stopped on the trees not far away. Their blood-red eyes stared at the front of the cave.

There stood a man in black quietly. A tall figure wrapped in a black cloak.

It's already so desolate. The man in black sighed, seeming to be sighing at the glory of this place.

Thousands of years ago, Wankudong was also the third-level top school in Baimai, and it was extremely prosperous. But now, the new sect leader of Wankudong even ordered all the disciples to move out of here, abandoning the ancient headquarters passed down from their ancestors.

The man in black stood for a moment and took a step forward.


His whole body suddenly turned into black smoke and shot into one of the caves like a flying line.

Black smoke flew into the cave, passed through a dark pool, and passed through a forest of mushrooms glowing with blue fluorescence. Finally, he rushed into a dilapidated stone hall covered with ancient writings.

Black smoke flew towards the largest stone wall of the stone palace. Soon he managed to get in through the large gaps in the patterns on the stone wall.

Behind the stone wall, there is another large hall. A triangular, messy hall with green spots everywhere.

You can't even see the entrance to this place. Except for those gaps, there is no other place to enter this hall.

In the main hall, there are white stone statues standing one after another. Each statue is the most powerful and famous ancestor in the history of Wankudong.

Their eyes were all shining with a bright white light, as if they were still performing some kind of function.

A large number of white stone statues are arranged in two rows, forming a path leading to the depths of the hall.

The black smoke quickly fell to the ground and condensed into the man in black from before.

He looked up at the end of the road, where a spear was stuck straight into the ground. An extremely ordinary but ancient black spear.

After all these years, it's still effective. The man in black paused, then slowly walked towards the spear.

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