Extreme Demon

Chapter 253 Dark Curtain 1

The marriage was ruined.

After Lu Sheng returned to Yuan Mo Sect, he received an apology notice from Shangyang Jiuli the next day.

The letter was delivered through the black flying bird, and it was about the details of the attitude towards Shang Yangruo. The originally planned matter was unilaterally canceled by Shang Yangruo. She didn't say anything about rescheduling or seeing you again at another time, it was just a pure and polite refusal.

Regarding this matter, Shangyang Jiuli wrote a long letter to Lu Sheng, explaining the reasons and compensation.

Yuan Mo Sect is also getting on the right track step by step. More and more people are joining the school. They practice secret techniques every day. The momentum is quite big, but most of them are rookies, and some are not even promoted. .


Lu Sheng buckled the leather buckle of his waist bag and walked out of the cave. Liu Shanzi has been staying at home recently, not knowing what he is doing. Except for meeting He Xiang every morning, he has been staying in his cave the rest of the time.

When Lu Sheng passed by, he couldn't help but take a second look. Then he quickened his pace, went down the stone steps, and rushed towards his practice place.

Every disciple who passed by said hello to him with respect, and Lu Sheng returned the greeting one by one.

Soon we crossed the dangerous suspension bridge and arrived in front of the library. There were many disciples in the library who were studying intently.

Lu Sheng made no noise and rushed towards the depths of Yuan Demon Sect.

Not long after, he returned to the small lake in the Poison Mist River. After moving the huge boulder he had purposely used to block the door, Lu Sheng slowly walked in and saw the small lake that had returned to its original state.

After discovering the clay-sculpted multi-armed monster here last time, he felt that there must be some big secret hidden here.

In addition, the concealment here was better than that of the cave, so he simply dug a hole in the wall of the cave beside the small lake, and went inside to practice hard.

Following the cave wall to the right, Lu Sheng quickly found the cave entrance where he had carved the marking symbol.

Move it away gently and get in at once.

The cave was empty, and the inner wall was smooth. He had just washed it with river water, and then burned it with the internal air burning flame, making it clean.

The body of the ghost demon is the peak state of the secret technique achieved after being possessed by the ghost demon. This time is a good time to try. In this state, if you try to contact the traces of the holy soldiers again, whether you can last longer.

Lu Sheng quickly sat down cross-legged, took out Liu Xi's jade box, and slowly opened it.

There is only a little bit of white ash left in the jade box. The radiation power at the root level is also many times weaker than at the beginning.

boom! !

Without saying a word, Lu Sheng first transformed into the anode state, then quickly shrank his body and turned into the third form, the yin and yang of the Destroyer. Black flames burned all over his body, and there was a faint whisper of evil and chaotic minds, as if someone was there. Whispering in the ear.

Come on. Try again.

Lu Sheng stretched out his hand, and delicate and complicated patterns appeared on the sharp claws.

The blue-black sharp claws slowly touched the white ash in the jade box.

call! !

A large black flame condensed crazily, and then turned into drops of thick black liquid, dripping on the white ash.

hiss! !

Lu Sheng transported at least 50% of the demonic energy, burned it into a high-temperature poisonous fire, turned into a seemingly liquid form, and dripped onto the white ash.

But the moment the poisonous fire and the destruction came into contact, a burst of white smoke suddenly exploded.

Through the white smoke, Lu Sheng watched helplessly as the poisonous fire was quickly offset by the white ash, like water droplets dried by fire. The poisonous fire quickly disappeared before it actually touched the white ash.

Is this the radiation from the holy weapons that has remained for so long? It is still so powerful! What kind of power is this!!? Lu Sheng was shocked.

Root level, root level ordinary energy and root level. He murmured and continued to increase his luck. A large amount of poisonous fire dripped down, but to no avail. The white ash seemed to have no consumption at all. Maybe there was consumption, but it was extremely subtle. Almost invisible.

It took a long time, until the poisonous fire in Lu Sheng's body was output to the limit, and Bai Hui was just the same, as much as it should be.

Thick white smoke almost enveloped the entire cave, making it impossible to see even one's fingers.

But Lu Sheng had no intention of going out for a breather. He just sat quietly by the jade box, looking at the little bit of white ash remaining inside, and thinking.

The root level. Maybe I should try the inner qi, the liquefied qi liquid. He suddenly thought of something else.

He did it as soon as he thought of it, Lu Sheng stretched out his index finger again, and the internal energy circulated rapidly, slowly forcing out a drop of Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong's energy, and squeezing it out from his finger along the meridians.


The substantial gas liquid was more like a pill condensed with countless red smoke. It was only the size of a fingernail and slowly seeped out from Lu Sheng's fingers.

As soon as the gas liquid appeared, the entire cave suddenly became hot, as if it were standing next to a stove. The high temperature even caused signs of melting on the walls of the cave that had been burned by Lu Sheng before.

The Holy Weapon is actually a larger collection of fragments of the Divine Weapon, but it can be used freely after coordination of power. So the nature of the power should be no different from the Divine Weapon Demon Blade. As long as I can fight against the Holy Weapon.

Lu Sheng gently brought the gas liquid closer to Bai Hui, and this time there was finally a slight change.

The white ash is rapidly decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, while the gas and liquid are reducing significantly faster than the white ash.

There's something going on! Lu Sheng was delighted.

He quickly prepared to force out new gas liquid. But a strange scene occurred.

The Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong, which had consumed a drop of qi liquid in his chest that originally stored qi liquid, has actually been completely restored.

Could it be replenished by the Baoping Qi? Lu Sheng went to check the Yin Yang Jade Crane Bao Ping Qi again. There was no change at all, and it was still in a perfect state of ten drops.

Suddenly he noticed that his demonic energy was missing.

Don't tell me? His eyes widened. This Yuanmo Sect's Tingyou Demon Body can actually be used to restore inner energy??

He didn't believe in evil, so he tried it again.

A new drop of Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong Qi liquid was forced out by him again, and then dripped towards Bai Hui.


The white ash disappeared faster, and soon only a little bit remained.

And Lu Sheng once again found that a new drop of qi liquid condensed out of thin air from the position where he had just forced out the qi liquid.

The demonic energy was also consumed again. But for the Listening Demon Body, this consumption is replenished almost in the blink of an eye.

This is amazing!! Lu Sheng was shocked. After a thousand years of cultivation and burning with all his strength, although his power was greatly increased, replenishing his inner energy was also a big project and it would take at least several days to fully recover.

But now, there is a replenishment of Yuan Demonic Qi. Calculate the amount of Yuan Demonic Qi that just disappeared based on the reserves of Tingyou Demon Body.

Lu Sheng calculated very accurately that he would have to explode at least twenty times in one breath to consume all the demonic energy in an instant. This is still based on the fact that the demon body does not automatically recover.

In fact, the recovery ability of this demonic body is off the charts. After twenty bursts of time, the demonic body has already recovered more than half of its energy.

This can loop almost infinitely. As long as the evil spirit stored in the demon is enough.

In fact, the Yuan Demon Qi stored in Ting You Mo's body mainly relies on the Yin Demon as an external reserve, and Lu Sheng's nine Yin Demons are unprecedented and have a reserve volume far exceeding that of others. It is natural to reach this level of perversion.

It seems that this Listening Demonic Body is far from being as simple as I thought. It has great uses. Lu Sheng did not try again. There are not many holy soldiers left. He also basically came up with the conversion of the results.

According to the units he defined himself, he divided the white ash into ten parts, each of which was ten units.

And one unit of white ash carries the root force that can offset twenty-five units of gas and liquid. And this is the radiation power of the holy soldiers that has weakened many queens.

It's not on the same level at all. Lu Sheng gave up.

This means that he has to compress his energy to at least twenty-five times its current strength in order to reach the weakened level of the remaining power of the holy weapon.

Strengthening the qi liquid requires a stronger physical body, and his current physical body has been strengthened to the limit imaginable.

For the weakened version of the residual root power, I need a body that is at least twenty-five times stronger. So what about the residual root power? Where is the real root power? For the first time, Lu Sheng felt a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart.

To reach that level, he didn't know how much spiritual power he would have to consume.

If only root power can fight against root power, then I need to find the root power that is most suitable for me, or to find out, what is root power? He sighed. And what is the biggest difference between root power and ordinary power?

Inside the cave, white smoke filled the air. Lu Sheng sat on the ground, deep in thought for a while.

The power of demons, which can resist the root power, should be at the same level as them, and perhaps also belongs to a different kind of root level. So why is the magic secret method that imitates the power of demons reduced to ordinary yuan power?

He suddenly remembered the existence sealed by the knife that he met in the Secret Art Palace.

Maybe it knows the answer.

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait to stand up, leave the cave, return to the cathode state, and rush towards the direction of the Secret Art Palace.

Without stopping all the way, we soon arrived in front of the Secret Art Palace.

Two new disciples were guarding outside the Secret Art Hall. When they saw Lu Sheng, they quickly said hello. Lu Sheng also smiled and said some comforting words.

Thank you for your hard work, two junior brothers.

This is what we should do, senior brother, you are serious. One person replied with a smile.

Lu Sheng nodded and strode into the gate of the Secret Art Palace. There were still spikes rising from the ground inside, and the chains on them were clean, as if they had been cleaned.

He walked to the palace door, pushed it gently, and the door slowly opened a gap, and then quickly stepped in.

Passing through the various areas of the Secret Art Palace one by one with ease, Lu Sheng soon returned to the strange small room from before.

The long knife in the room was still pierced into the big stone in the center, motionless.

Lu Sheng strode onto the stone and reached out to hold the knife. Then slowly pull it up.


As the blade slowly moved upward, a subtle tremor began to spread from under the big stone to the entire room.

I'm already asleep. Well, it's you again!! The deep and evil voice suddenly became angry. He clearly recognized Lu Sheng.

Are you planning to tease me again?!

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