Extreme Demon

Chapter 252 Shangyang Ruo 2

It should be what Chen Quansong said last time. Lu Sheng guessed in his mind.

He packed up his things, changed his clothes, said hello to the teacher, and quickly left Yuan Mo Sect and rushed towards Bai Ling City.

The journey continued without stopping, and in about a stick of incense, we arrived at Bailing City.

Following the route he took last time, Lu Sheng quickly arrived at the restaurant he was at last time.

‘Baihan Restaurant’

This is the name of the restaurant. At this time, there were several girls in yellow shirts guarding the entrance of the building. They all looked like ordinary people, but if you look closely, you could see that there was something strange about them.

Some had extremely pale skin, some had whirlpools in their eyes, and some had many bandages wrapped around their arms.

Seeing him coming on the road, a woman stepped forward to greet him.

Lord Lu Sheng, the Lord is waiting for you on the second floor.

Well, thank you. Lu Sheng nodded and couldn't help but take a second look at the woman.

The other party has ghostly energy, the power of black film, and a trace of weird unknown aura.

We are the Moon Ghost Guards under Lord Jiu Li. There are five of us in total. You won't care if you see more of us. The woman introduced her gracefully, Also, I am the guard chief Bian Ning.

It turns out to be Miss Ning. Lu Sheng followed her upstairs. When they reached the second floor, the entire large floor was occupied by the Shangyang family.

On the empty floor, there was only a banquet table in the center. Shangyang Jiuli was sitting absentmindedly on the side of the banquet, playing with a white jade cup in his hand, wondering what he was thinking.

Lord Jiu Li. Lu Sheng stepped forward and greeted.

Lu Sheng, you're here. Long time no see. Shangyang Jiuli came back to his senses, stood up, and motioned for Lu Sheng to sit down and talk.

My subordinate has been busy studying recently. I wonder why you are recruiting this subordinate? Lu Sheng sat down slowly.

Shangyang Jiuli smiled, which was much gentler than in Beidi, but there was also a trace of tiredness in his expression.

Originally, I saw that you were developing well in Yuan Mo Sect, and I didn't want you to come back. But now, there is an opportunity, an opportunity to reach the sky in one step, before me, but the most suitable one for me is you. So I After thinking about it, I think it would be more appropriate to ask you to come.

Oh? Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes, A chance to reach the sky in one step?

That's right. Shangyang Jiuli smiled. Shang Yangruo, one of my cousins ​​is of marriageable age now. This girl's appearance and qualifications are all upper-class. My grandfather is also one of the elders of my Shangyang family, with a high position. I handed over your information. They selected you and found you to be the most suitable, and now they plan to let you two meet in person.

Lu Sheng hesitated for a moment. He never thought that Shangyang Jiuli called him over for this reason.

This...this he didn't know how to react at all. But to be honest, Shangyang Jiuli was pretty good to him, and he had been using the name of the Shangyang family to protect his subordinates in the North. But this kind of thing.

Don't be afraid, this is an opportunity. As long as you and Shang Yangruo can successfully get married, one of the three great elders will become your in-laws. Shang Yangruo is his most beloved granddaughter. His son and daughter are all dead, so there is only one granddaughter. Is the only close relative.

If you get married to Shangyang Ruo, you will definitely become the closest person to that old man. You can’t help but understand the benefits of this. Shangyang Jiuli explained.

I Lu Sheng actually didn't care about Su Lao at all, and I didn't like this kind of marriage for profit, so he deliberately refused. but

I have already arranged it for you. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that ordinary people cannot wait for. You must seize it. Shangyang Jiuli continued. I know you still have an ordinary wife in the North. Take it from me. Shang Yangruo is not an intolerant person. They know this situation.

Lu Sheng thought for a moment and realized that it would be bad to refuse in person. Yang Jiuli must have put a lot of effort into this matter. It would be best if he directly made the other party look down on him.

But if the other party really likes him, he can't refuse. Now he and the Lu family are inseparable from Shangyang Jiuli.

Okay, I'm just going to try. He said in a low voice.

Okay, the location is Fengchen Pavilion, a teahouse on North Street. Someone will guide you there in a moment. Shangyang Jiuli said quickly.

A while? Lu Sheng was stunned again.

Well, the afternoon is the time to meet. We have made an appointment at Fengchen Pavilion. After all, Shangyang Jiuli still had his original personality and could not be rejected.

All right.

Lu Sheng was helpless. The desire to be independent from the Shangyang family became stronger and stronger. But now that once he becomes independent, many things will fall apart, and neither the Red Whale Gang nor the Lu family in Northland will have any protection.

After all, the strength is still insufficient.

After the meal, Shangyang Jiuli also began to pour out his bitter water to Lu Shengda.

Recently, she was entrusted by Shang Yangfei to deal with Huang Shuling of the Huang family. This person is also the iconic genius of the Huang family. Although she is not as good as Lin Beikai and Shang Yangfei themselves, she should not be underestimated.

She and Huang Shuling fought several times, always losing more than they won. In addition, she was also responsible for the task of searching for the hidden person of the Mysterious Jade. Busy as hell.

Those people under me, all put together, haven't even touched the shadow of Xuanji Jade for two consecutive months. Shangyang Jiuli was quite angry.

After you get married, with the help of Shangyang Ruo, her grandfather has mastered the entire Shangyang family's intelligence network, which can completely make up for the vacancy in this area. Everything will be much better now, Shangyang Jiuli said. As he said that, he started talking about this again.

Lu Sheng chatted with her for a while, and after dinner, he took a car to Fengchen Pavilion on North Street.

North Street is bustling with people.

Between the rows of antique shops, there is a small bronze shop with three big characters written on the plaque: Fengchen Pavilion.

The door of the shop was deserted, with few people coming in or out. A tea list with various discounts stood slanted in front of the door.

Lu Sheng was sitting in a corner of the pavilion. The number on the table was marked: B 32. This is the appointed seat. It happens to be the innermost corner of the entire Fengchen Pavilion.

After Shangyang Jiuli sent him over, he hurriedly left because he still had something to do. He was alone here waiting for the other party to arrive.

There were not many people in Fengchen Pavilion, and the other party had no intention of booking the venue. It seemed that he wanted to break into the public and have an ordinary meeting like a mortal.


The water clock on the indoor rockery not far away rang again.

This water clock uses stream water with a fixed flow rate and a bamboo tube to create a seesaw-like device to keep time.

The flow rate in this store is half an hour per knock.

Lu Sheng looked at the sky outside. An hour has passed since the agreed time, and the other party has not come yet.

His face remained calm, he picked up the tea cup unhurriedly and took a sip.

Sir, would you like more tea? the girl in the shop next to her asked softly with sweat on her forehead.

This guest has finished three large tea jars, each of which is more than one meter high and two meters in diameter.

The owner of the store was begging grandpa and grandma from behind and wanted him to leave quickly, but this man remained unmoved and sat there for more than an hour.

Lu Sheng let out a breath and looked at the sky. It was already late. If he went back later, it would be dark again.

Then he stood up.

No, let's pay.

The total is ten cents! The girl was overjoyed and stammered in reply.

Here. Lu Sheng took out ten cents from his pocket and gave it to the other party.

Because you can buy a pot of tea in Fengchen Pavilion and you can keep refilling it. Of course, it is only limited to one person. So no matter how much you drink, it’s not expensive.

This is also the main reason why the store owner was about to cry backstage.

Welcome next time. Before the girl could finish her words, she was stunned speechless by the boss who rushed out from behind.

Don't worry, it won't happen again. Lu Sheng also realized that he might not have paid attention to drinking too much. Rub the little girl's head. He walked out of Fengchen Pavilion with a smile.

The sun was setting outside and it was almost dusk, and most of the streets were dyed dark red.

Today's sunset is very red, Lu Sheng sighed.

It looked like it was painted with blood.

He turned his head slightly, glanced at something vaguely, turned around and left quickly.

It was obvious that he had been let down.

Tianxin Pavilion.

Tianxin Pavilion, which is also the place where Bai Ling City drinks tea, is a very high-end teahouse opposite Fengchen Pavilion. Its price, service, and decoration are far superior to those across the street.

Shangyang Ruo was sitting by the window on the fifth floor of Tianxin Pavilion, quietly looking at the setting sun outside the window.

So, Lu Sheng waited there for more than an hour and saw that it was getting dark before he got up and left? She asked the maid casually.

Yes. Mr. Lu didn't get up and leave until the sunset. There was no sign of impatience from the beginning to the end. The maid replied in a low voice.

Shangyang Ruo's pretty face froze slightly.

Anyone will feel impatient after waiting for so long. He can remain calm and show no expression, which means that he still has some self-awareness in his heart.

I know that it is not that easy to enter the door of my Yangxi lineage. There was a trace of sarcasm in her eyes.

Have you ever asked my opinion about the marriage that my cousin and grandpa have decided on? Shang Yangruo's face was as cold as frost. Where is Mr. Kunyun now? As soon as the name was mentioned, her attitude quickly softened.

Master Kunyun, named Shangyang Kunyun, is a noble son from a separate family. He has an extremely gentle temperament and is very tolerant of her. Although he has no ambitions and his qualifications are not very good, he cannot stand that his father is the iron pen judge of the Shangyang family.

There are only eight iron pen judges among the judges, and one of them is his father. As the highest armed force organization of the Shangyang family, the combined power of the eight iron pen judges is almost comparable to that of the family head.

Miss, what happened to Mr. Lu? the maid asked cautiously.

Whoever decides the marriage will get married! Shangyang Ruo said impatiently. She didn't understand why her grandfather opposed her and Shangyang Kunyun's relationship.

Compared with his family background, Shangyang Kunyun's father was an iron pen judge, who was much more advanced than the chief of Yuan Mo Sect.

Compared with talents, Mr. Kunyun's appearance and talents are second to none. And this Lu Sheng, does he know the Nine Wine Songs? Do you know the rules of speech? Do you know how to play the shamisen?

He didn't know anything about the bloodline of a declining family that came from a small place.

Except potential.

Potential, potential, you know the potential all day long!! Shang Yangruo felt agitated. Both grandfather and cousin only value potential.

With natural divine power, six lines of strength, and at a young age, he is very likely to reach the snake level in the future. This is Lu Sheng's potential.

This is also what Grandpa and the others value.

Miss, Mr. Kunyun has sent fresh loquats over again. Suddenly, another maid came in from outside.

Shangyang Ruo's eyes were stunned for a moment, then he smiled happily.

He still remembers it? She quickly stood up and took the initiative to greet him.

Routine thanks to friends who gave 10,000 points last week~


Drunken person

dark dream


Radish Geng 01

One of them has rewarded 10,000 points for several weeks in a row... He is almost a leader... Thanks again for your support~ I will continue to work hard, thank you all for your support and encouragement~(?????)

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