Extreme Demon

Chapter 251 Shangyang Ruoyi

It's just that the Youmo Body doesn't improve its own strength too much. I invested so much divine power in it, and it's a bit outweighed by the gains. No wonder Yuan Mo Sect will continue to weaken. It is estimated that they mainly rely on the ability to tap and strengthen their own bloodline. Mainly, these other abilities are mostly used to assist

In other words, my current listening body is actually auxiliary? Lu Sheng frowned slightly.

He actually has bloodline himself, but it is very weak. The only ability he has is to burn. Now that the ghost demon body is completed, the bloodline ability can only light a piece of paper.

Instead of doing this, it is better to continue digging for treasures deep in the Yuan Mo Sect. Maybe we can get the magical items left by the previous ancestors.

Lu Sheng thought about it in his mind.

But we can't do it today. It's too late. Come back tomorrow.

He quickly regained his shape and walked out of the cave. The bell has already rung.

It was already night before I knew it. He has been staying in Yuan Mo Sect for so long and has never come out at night.

Normally, I would go back to the cave as soon as the bell rang. This time, I accidentally came out late because I was delayed by practicing my secret skills.

Lu Sheng speeded up and returned along the original road. The surroundings were covered with white fog. In the distance of the fog, there seemed to be many twisted figures appearing and disappearing.

A wandering ghost? Does it have a bit of demonic energy? Lu Sheng looked around and saw that the figures that were disappearing and appearing all had a strong aura of ghosts on their bodies, and most of them were mixed with demonic aura.

If it had been him in the past, he might have been unable to move even an inch and would have been pounced on by the ghosts around him, but now

Get away! Don't be an eyesore in front of me! He clapped forward with one hand.

boom! !

A large ball of demonic gas and poisonous fire exploded instantly, and screams suddenly came from the surrounding white mist, and a large number of lonely ghosts fled away.

Lu Sheng then strode forward.

When he was about to approach the cave wall where he lived, suddenly a heavy and rhythmic banging sound came from the front.

Lu Sheng speeded up and rushed forward. Only when he got closer to a certain distance did he see clearly what the sound was.

It was a huge humanoid monster two stories tall.

It has thick and bloated limbs, green skin all over its body, a single gray horn on its head, fangs protruding from its big mouth, and a handful of green hair on its head.

He looks exactly like the evil ghost in mythology.

The evil ghost also held a black stick more than ten meters long and several meters thick in his hand, and he was hitting the stone pillar in front of him.

The stone pillar he smashed was the blood-red symbol stone pillar in front of the cave wall where Lu Sheng and others lived.

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

Lu Sheng understood this time, no wonder he made such a big noise there, and no one came to see it. It turned out that the noise was bigger here.

What is this? An evil ghost? He walked carefully around the monster, and ran back to the cave wall from an inconspicuous corner.

Unexpectedly, there was a black-haired woman holding an umbrella standing at the entrance stairs of the cave wall.

This woman's face was covered by black hair, with only a pale chin exposed. There was mist lingering around her, and she could be vaguely seen wearing dark clothes.

Can you talk? Lu Sheng walked over and asked in a low voice.

There was no response from the other party.

Lu Sheng didn't want to take action. At this position, he was already very close to the teacher and the others. Once he took action, he would probably be discovered. He just wanted to sneak back into his cave.

Seeing that the other person didn't respond, he carefully walked around the person towards the stairs.

Unexpectedly, he just walked to the other side.


A pale, swollen hand with a foul odor suddenly grabbed Lu Sheng's arm.

Hee hee hee hee hee hee

The woman raised her head, revealing her face hidden by black hair. It was a face that was as pale as if it had been smeared with countless white powders. Some places were even rotten and infested with maggots, emitting a strong stench.

Lu Sheng looked at the other party and then at the hand on his arm.

Snapped! !

Suddenly something grabbed the woman's other arm.


A similar shrill laughter came faintly from the mist.

The woman's expression froze before she could react. With a pop, she was dragged into the mist not far away in the blink of an eye.

ah! !

Screams were heard, and a group of dark things surrounded the woman, feasting on it and gnawing it with joy.

The screams quickly dimmed and finally became silent.

Lu Sheng sighed.

He originally released the Yin Demon, intending to let it pull the woman away, but as soon as he released it, a group of Yin Demons swarmed out, grabbed the female ghost, and ate it like they had encountered some top-notch delicacy.

This is beyond his control. The Yin Demon acted independently after being released.

Now I kind of understand why the people of the Yuan Mo Sect built their headquarters here even though they knew they would encounter so many ghosts at night. This Yin Demon basically treats ghosts as food. This place is basically a natural granary.

He raised his feet and walked up the stairs, and a cloud of black smoke flew behind him and disappeared into his body. Those were the Yin Demons such as the Eagle of Disgust that he had just released. He was only planning to release one, but five of them rushed out at once.

Fortunately, there wasn't much movement. It was covered by the sound of the evil spirit outside smashing stone pillars. He climbed up step by step along the original path.

This trip quickly returned to the entrance of his cave smoothly. It was obvious that there were some ghosts hidden in the mist around them, but they didn't dare to step forward because of the aura of the evil spirit before.

Lu Sheng looked around and found that there was indeed no other movement, then he unlocked the door and pushed in.

The Yuan Mo Sect at night is basically a world of ghosts.

If we were talking about the previous heyday of Yuan Mo Sect, this might have been okay. These ghosts were at best food for the disciples, but it was different now. The school, which was so weak that it almost broke off its inheritance, was completely unable to resist these ghosts.

Now instead, it is dominated by anti-customers, and at night it becomes a world of ghosts.

Nothing happened all night.

Early the next morning, as soon as Lu Sheng got up, he heard shouts and shouts coming from outside.

He got up and walked to the window to look down. He saw some disciples who had just joined the school standing in the square below, posing and practicing a kind of martial arts-like, but extremely light and relaxed movements. There were also many postures like sacrifices mixed in. .

Lu Sheng pushed the door open and saw his teacher Liu Shanzi standing in front of the fence on one side, watching the disciples' practice from a high place.

And it was He Xiangzi who led everyone to practice.

Oh, Xiao Sheng, are you up? Liu Shanzi turned around, Come and see, what do you think of this set of Yuan Xi Hunting moves?

Yuan Xishou? Lu Sheng was stunned, What is this? Teacher.

Liu Shanzi said with a smile: The school was shaken before, and the demonic energy was temporarily greatly reduced. I was thinking about how to allow the disciples to continue to practice secret techniques while the demonic energy was reduced, so I dug out the This. Have you felt the faint trace of demonic energy surrounding them? It is generated by themselves, not absorbed by the outside world.

Produced by itself? Lu Sheng was surprised again. Doesn't the demonic energy have to be absorbed by the Wu-Causal Kung Fu? How come this Yuan Xishou can still generate the demonic energy on his own?

That's true, but Yuan Xishou makes the human body imitate the movement of the demon's internal energy, and it is normal to produce a trace of demonic energy. However, this trace of demonic energy is extremely thin, and is only used to make the body more adaptable to absorbing demonic energy. It's just Qi. It doesn't have any effect, and it will take a long time of hard practice to be effective. That's why I didn't teach it to you at the beginning. Liu Shanzi explained.

Okay. Lu Sheng nodded.

How far has your secret skill cultivation reached now? My teacher heard from He Xiang that you showed off your skills in the alliance and won several games in a row. What level has your cause-free skill reached? Liu Shanzi asked with a smile.

Lu Sheng thought for a while and decided to improve his cultivation a little, otherwise it would be too fake if it was too low.

The cause-free gong has been fully cultivated. He answered honestly.

It doesn't matter if you have fully cultivated the Wuqi Gong? Have you fully cultivated it??!! Liu Shanzi's eyes widened suddenly, his mouth slightly opened and he stared at Lu Sheng with a dumbfounded expression.

It was just completed a few days ago. Lu Sheng was a little stunned and quickly covered it up. He didn't expect the teacher's reaction to be so big.

Liu Shanzi looked dull and stared at Lu Sheng for a while without saying anything.

Teacher, can I start practicing Ghost Face Jue now? Lu Sheng asked quickly.

Practice the Ghost Face Art, practice the Ghost Face Art. Liu Shanzi repeated a few words unconsciously, and then he remembered that Lu Sheng was asking him.

Okay. Okay. He quickly replied. Although he knew that Lu Sheng had excellent qualifications and was very fast, he did not expect that he would become like this quickly.

No wonder during the alliance meeting. Liu Shanzi suddenly understood. Now that you have discovered it, you should continue to practice the classics and secrets that I taught you before in the order of Causeless Kung Fu, Ghost Face Jue, Netherworld Jue, and Demonic Heart Dao. If you need to ask anything, feel free to ask. You can ask me.

Okay! Lu Sheng nodded.

Okay, you go down. Liu Shanzi sighed, Let me be quiet. He stretched out his hand to support the wall, feeling a little discouraged.

I think back then, it took him three years to complete the cause-free gong. How long has it been since Lu Sheng joined Yuan Mo Sect?

Fortunately, he is his own student, otherwise he would be overtaken by many schools of thought if he were thrown outside.

Watching Lu Sheng retire, Liu Shanzi suddenly thought that Lu Sheng could be trained to become the next successor of Yuan Mo Sect.

He had memorized the secrets of a large number of school texts in his mind, and there were also many hidden texts. Maybe they can be passed on to Lu Sheng one after another.

The secret technique of Yuanmo Tingyou Gong has been passed on to Lu Sheng, and so far he has shown no abnormality.

After breakfast, Lu Sheng was about to go to the depths of Yuan Mo Sect to investigate, but a disciple sent a letter.

Chief, this is a letter I just sent here, asking you to sign it personally. The person who sent it is from the Shangyang family.

The disciple who delivered the letter carefully handed the letter to Lu Sheng with reverence.

Okay, thank you. Leave it here. Lu Sheng put down the soup basin in his hand. Recently, the school's food became better again after he sent him a portion of mineral veins. Eating and drinking have also improved greatly.

At least he can eat three buckets of rice, nine pounds of vegetables, ten chickens, and one pig a day.

Sitting in the dining hall, Lu Sheng waited for the disciple to leave before picking up the letter and opening it.

It was Shangyang Jiuli's own handwriting, asking him to go to Bailing City and meet at the restaurant last time.

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