Extreme Demon

Chapter 250 Ten Methods and Nine Intentions 4

Compared to the previous seven-headed Yin Demon, the Eagle of Disgust is much more powerful and physically larger. When the wings are spread out, they are seven or eight meters long.

But the bigger this thing gets, the smellier it becomes.

It was so intense that Lu Sheng couldn't stand it. He put it away decisively and quickly. He also continued to use blood nets to ventilate the cave. It took him a while to catch his breath.

Even I can't stand the stench, and I guess others are even worse. If this thing is used well, it must be a big killer. Lu Sheng breathed out, and was hit by the stench twice in a row. Even he felt Some can't stand it. I feel like I almost vomited the food I ate yesterday.

But to put it another way, his current physical resistance can't stand it, and others will probably faint from the stink.

There is one last demonic heart. He thought, then looked at another black heart floating on one side.

Unlike other hearts, this heart has many densely packed holes on its surface. If you look closely, you will see that there are many black maggots crawling in and out of the holes.

It turns out that the maggots of despair have hatched long ago. Lu Sheng finally understood. It's just that these maggots are too small and their aura is hidden, so he didn't notice them several times.

Despair Maggot, its ability is to eat carrion. Eating corpses can greatly speed up the recovery of the body. Lu Sheng sensed the ability, and his face suddenly darkened.

I want this damn scavenging ability to be of no use! He slapped the heart of the desperate maggot in front of him. Let it turn into countless evil spirits and return to your body.

But fortunately, we have finally gathered the nine great demonic intentions. Now it is time to condense the final demonic heart. After the Tingyou Gong lineage has laid the foundation for the demonic heart path, as long as you practice the secret technique of Yuanmo Tingyou Gong, you can condense the Tingyou Gong. Demonic body.”

Tingyou Demonic Body, as one of the Ten Methods and Nine Intentions of Yuanmo Sect, ranks tenth among the nineteen kinds of demonic bodies. The most remarkable feature is that the physical demonic element is the most abundant among all demonic bodies.

This is also the reason why Tingyou's lineage can be passed down. Compared with other demonic bodies, its storage capacity and the speed of restoring the original demonic energy are several times that of other demonic bodies.

Moreover, this kind of demonic body has diversified abilities and is the fastest to adapt to changes in the battle situation. So it can be passed down continuously.

Lu Sheng thought to himself that his nine demonic hearts were condensed, and he had one more demonic heart than the highest demonic heart Taoist recorded in history. Perhaps even the founder of Tingyou Gong cannot imagine how far the ultimate demon heart condensed in this way can reach.

Let's get started he took a deep breath. This is his habitual action every time before starting an important move. This can relieve stress and calm your mental state.

Huh. Huh. Huh.

Streams of black energy flew out from his body and turned into miniature demons on the ground.

The snake of jealousy, the lion of wrath, the shadow of madness, the deer of anxiety, the dog of panic, the sheep of loneliness, the ox of pain, the eagle of disgust, the maggot of despair.

Nine different kinds of Yin Demons were flying slowly around him, each kind of Yin Demon emitting a faint blue shimmer.

Lu Sheng followed the records of Demonic Heart Dao and visualized the secret diagrams in the classics. Control all the demons to rotate around themselves according to different surrounding curves.

As the speed of rotation gradually increased, Lu Sheng's own demonic energy was gradually drawn out, forming a fluffy shape and spreading towards the nine evil demons.

Time passes little by little.

I don’t know how long it took.

boom! !

Suddenly, all the demonic hearts were wrapped in black demonic energy. They opened and shrank and were pulled towards Lu Sheng.

Plop! !

All the demonic energy condensed to form a huge illusory heart. This heart completely enveloped Lu Sheng, who was nearly six meters tall, and beat slowly.

It's done!

Lu Sheng slowly observed his surroundings. The illusory heart covering him seemed not to be an entity, but just some kind of shadow-like existence.

While being covered, he could feel the demonic energy in his body seemed to be endless, surging and boiling crazily. A lot of the Poisonous Mist River water that he ate remained in Lu Sheng's stomach. At this time, the madness was transformed into new demonic energy.

The original demonic energy continued to be squeezed, becoming increasingly viscous in Lu Sheng's body.

The conversion speed is also five or six times faster than before. The total amount of Yuan Demon Qi has not changed, but the activity of the unit Yuan Demon Qi has become greater. The more active it is, the more consumption will be consumed when using the Yuan Demon Qi secret technique. Less. It seems that this is the source of the true demonic essence of Tingyou Demon Body. Lu Sheng analyzed the reason.

This illusory huge heart is the demon heart that the demon heart path finally condenses into.

According to records in classics, Demonic Heart Tao provides several times more demonic energy than other similar secret techniques. After condensing the final demon heart, you can get two to five times the recovery speed before it was condensed.

And this is me Lu Sheng thought, and the angry lion suddenly appeared and stood in front of him.


He smashed the wrathful lion with one slap.

The highly toxic poisonous fire and tough fur on its body have no effect at all.

The moment Lu Sheng smashed the wrathful lion, the black lion roared and reappeared from the black smoke state.

Is this rebirth?! Lu Sheng was stunned. He had never heard of other Demonic Heart Dao practitioners recording this ability.

He originally planned to smash the wrathful lion, consume the demonic energy, and test the recovery speed of his own demonic energy.

But this moment surprised him.

Could it be that this is the benefit of me condensing the nine demonic hearts and achieving the final demonic heart?

try again.


Again he smashed the wrathful lion.

It feels a little harder than before. Can you become stronger after dying once? Lu Sheng was surprised.

This time the lion didn't reappear, obviously there was only one chance of that kind of rebirth. But the evil demon origin of the Wrathful Lion kept making angry roars in Lu Sheng's body.

It was transformed from Lu Sheng's distracting thoughts, and his actions were not controlled by it. At most, it is simply released and taken back. Or it will be affected only when there are phased changes in the Demonic Heart Dao Kung Fu.

Now that he was beaten to pieces for no apparent reason, he was naturally even more angry.

The nine evil demons all have their own will. Once released, they will not be under my control. They must be used with caution to avoid accidental injury. Lu Sheng concluded in his mind.

The Yin Demon was destroyed and it will take time to slowly repair. Generally according to the records of the Demon Heart Dao, it takes half a month before the final Demon Heart is condensed and seven days after it is condensed.

But at this time, Lu Sheng felt that with the continuous supply of demonic energy in his body, it would only take a day for the Wrathful Lion to be used again.

Awesome! He was secretly delighted. This was equivalent to being able to reuse the Yin Demon several times in a very short period of time.

He didn't attach much importance to Yin Demon's ability to fight independently. In fact, the entire Ting You lineage didn't attach much importance to it. What they mainly valued was the full state of Ting You Demon's body that was amplified after being possessed by Yin Demon.

All kinds of evil demons that originally only had ordinary weakened abilities, under the final demonic heart, all possessed the practitioners.

As a result, various abilities have undergone qualitative changes and their growth rates have been greatly improved. This is the true use of Yin Demon.

Now, it's time to give it a try. The power of the remaining traces of this holy weapon has reached the root level. How much difference there is between it and ordinary Yuan Power. Maybe you can see it now.

Lu Sheng finally turned his attention to the jade box placed on the ground.

His body slowly began to change, rapidly shrinking from a height of nearly six meters, and then stopped when it reached more than two meters.

The hands and feet quickly shrank and became slender, and the horns on the head also became longer and longer, faintly bending and extending back. The whole body's skin is covered with a layer of pitch-black mirror-like armor.

The originally thick giant tail also quickly shrank and condensed, becoming well-proportioned and slender, as light as a whip.

There are ferocious spikes everywhere on the elbows, knees, shoulders and backs, as if the whole body is covered with thorns, and ordinary people may be cut by just touching them.


Lu Sheng shook his hands. The skin on the palms of the hands collided, making a crisp metallic clashing sound.

That's it, yin and yang merge into one. This state is my strongest state now. Let's try the remaining traces of the holy weapon first.

The white ash left by this trace is the mark left by the root-level power. After such a long time, it has become more than twice as weak as when it was found in the alliance team before, and it continues to weaken at an accelerated rate.

Lu Sheng guessed that he should be able to withstand the white gray radiation now.

Walking to the jade box, he stretched out his hand, his fingertips as sharp as swords and guns, and gently opened the lid of the box.


The lid of the box hit the stone wall behind, making a crisp sound.

There was some fine white ash lying quietly inside the box. Looking carefully, it was much less than what Lu Sheng had scraped off.

This is it. This is it.

Lu Sheng carefully stretched out his fingers and touched Bai Hui.


As soon as he made contact, Lu Sheng felt a sharp pain in his fingers, and a large amount of carapace began to melt and soften in front of the white ash.

He made a prompt decision, and the gas and liquid inside him burned rapidly.


Lu Sheng's right palm suddenly ignited with invisible flames, which was a strange phenomenon caused by the rapid burning of the Chiji Jiu Sha Gong.

After the invisible flame was ignited, the corrosion of the white ash seemed to be slightly hindered, but this obstacle was almost negligible.

Lu Sheng squinted his eyes, looked at his index finger that was melting rapidly, and thought.

Suddenly, various phantoms of evil spirits flashed rapidly behind him.

Beginning with the snake of jealousy and ending with the maggot of despair, all nine evil demons flashed before turning into phantoms and throwing themselves into him.


The mirror-like carapace on Lu Sheng's body gradually began to appear with strange and complicated patterns as the Yin Demon poured into it.

The nine evil demons turned into different patterns and appeared on his body.

Hands, feet, face, neck, chest, back. The strange patterns add a bit of coldness and mystery to the entire armor.

Is this the Tingyou Demon Body? Lu Sheng felt that his body's five senses were greatly amplified, his limbs became lighter, and the nine different abilities seemed to have been mastered for many years and could be easily mobilized at any time.

In addition to the nine abilities, the strength has increased more than four times, and the movement speed and recovery ability have been strengthened, almost 80% of the normal state. The sense of smell has been improved. The body is more flexible.

In addition, the demonic energy seems to be endless. What is the principle of this?

Lu Sheng frowned.

Energy is conserved. Even if he comes to this world, all kinds of things he encounters will follow this law.

But now it sounds like the Youmo Body can't use up the demonic energy at all, and it will be full immediately after using it up.

Furthermore, this Hearing Demonic Body is also surrounded by wisps of strange whispers, as well as the looming black poisonous fire from time to time.

Lu Sheng thought for a while, then reached out and grabbed the stone wall in front of him.

boom! ! !

A large ball of black poisonous fire exploded, and a large hole was directly blown out of the stone wall.

The poisonous fire of the Wrathful Lion is even stronger than the power of the Chiji Nine Evils Art. Not bad. The overall strength has been improved a lot. This demon body is extremely suitable for group battles and can adapt to various environments. Very strong.

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