Extreme Demon

Chapter 246 Paragraph 2

Lu Sheng looked at a huge circular pit on the ground from a distance and remained silent.

Not because of anything else, but simply because this pit is too big.

More than twenty meters in diameter, the pit is as smooth as a mirror. The earth and rocks are melted by the high temperature, condensing into strange black and yellow crystals.

Wisps of black smoke slowly drifted out from the pit.

The people from the Bailian School were talking to an investigation team composed of several upper third levels, and they seemed to be defending something while standing by the pit.

A large crowd gathered around to examine the remaining traces of the pit. Lu Sheng scanned around and seemed to find a familiar face.

It was Yan Kai whom I met in Jiulian City. This guy was pulling a pretty little girl and saying something helplessly, but the little girl kept pushing her head deeper into the crowd with great interest, without caring about his feelings.

Seemingly noticing his gaze, Yan Kai looked around uncomfortably, and then unknowingly met Lu Sheng's gaze in the distance.

Pause for two seconds.

Yan Kai shuddered suddenly, turned around and ran away. Pulling the little girl along, she ran wildly and disappeared into the crowd in a few moments.


Lu Sheng's smile froze on his face. He originally planned to say hello to the other party, but now it seems...

He touched his face inexplicably. Is he so scary? I helped Brother Yan Kai at first, but now he ran away as if he had seen a ghost. What does this mean?

Ignoring Yan Kai, Lu Sheng glanced at the position of Teacher Liu Shanzi and others from a distance. They were also discussing and introducing something to the pothole.

Seeing that they didn't seem to pay attention to him, Lu Sheng slowly leaned into the pit, squatted down, and reached out to touch the edge gently.

Hard, hot, and extremely smooth, three different feelings were quickly transmitted from the fingertips.

Retracting his finger, Lu Sheng looked at his index finger. There was a faint grayish white color on it, as if it was stained with some kind of white ash.

The strange thing is that this white ash is still being absorbed by the skin. The skin that has absorbed the white ash quickly becomes wrinkled and loses its luster, just like the fingers of an old man in his seventies or eighties.

Is this the power of the time-controlling ax? Lu Sheng frowned. He wanted to know how big the gap was between the power of the holy soldiers and his own strength.

In terms of strength alone, he definitely can't match it. Just look at the large crater on the ground with a diameter of more than 20 meters. You can tell that it was created all at once, rather than being bombarded continuously.

And there are still traces of this gray powder inside. this trace

It's the same as the fragments in the holy weapon pool. My physical body has no resistance to it. Lu Sheng stretched out his ring finger again, the demonic energy and inner energy flowed to the finger at the same time, and then controlled the finger to transform into yin and yang in a very small range state of oneness.

The originally slender human fingers quickly turned into terrifying black-armored claws as sharp as bayonets.

When no one was paying attention, Lu Sheng quickly touched the inner wall of the pothole.

The white ash stuck on this time was similar to last time.

He wanted to see what would happen if he encountered the remnants of this holy weapon's power when he was at his strongest.

It's a pity that he was disappointed.

The yin and yang are integrated into one, and the fingers that move the demonic energy and inner energy at the same time can only hold on for a little longer than before.

After being covered with white ash before, it took five breaths for the fingers to become old. Now, it took six breaths.

Quickly restore the fingers, a large amount of treasure bottle energy flows in, and repair the aging index finger and ring finger. Because they are not injured but completely aged, it is equivalent to the rebirth of a severed limb. It requires a large amount of treasure bottle energy to be restored.

Lu Sheng spent all his strength before he repaired his finger again.

The difference is only one breath. The result made him look a little ugly, This means that my current full strength, facing the holy soldiers, is not much better than that of ordinary children from aristocratic families.

To put it simply, facing the holy soldiers, I am no different from other children from aristocratic families, we are all trash.

This made him a little disappointed.

The joyful feeling that he had mastered the Dao of Demon Heart and would soon master the secret technique of Yuan Demon quickly became urgent.

If the enemies who attacked that night can bring out the holy soldiers so easily, there will be a lot of trouble in the future. We have to prepare as soon as possible. Lu Sheng felt the threat. He stood up and saw that he was not far away. The three chiefs of the third level were talking to each other. All three of them frowned, obviously having a headache about this matter.

As the leader of this team, they would never have imagined that the Hundred Refining School, which could force the enemy to use a holy weapon strike, definitely hid many secrets.

It's just a question of how to face the Bailian School and dig out what you want to know.

This school of thought, which was able to survive a single blow from the holy soldiers with little loss, seemed to be hidden in a lot of fog.

Lu Sheng moved closer to the teacher and the others. I happened to hear them talking about the Bailian School.

In the second carriage, the curtains were always closed, and no one ever went out. If it hadn't been for the holy soldiers' surprise attack, the pale young man sitting in the carriage might not have come forward. He Xiangzi reported seriously. situation.

Those who can fight against the holy soldiers are at least holy soldiers. There are definitely big secrets in the two closed carriages of the Hundred Refining School. The people in the investigation team said they would investigate before, but later changed their words and said they would not investigate, and then dragged them to Now, let’s let it go,” Zhan Kongning added. After the Bailian School has shown such strength, I think it would be better to offend them by joining the Third Level School.

I heard that the Bailian School went to the Northland a while ago. I wonder if there was any opportunity from the Northland? The leader of the Yuxiang Sect also arrived. She was a delicate and slender woman in red, holding a red fist in her hand. A round fan with a green leaf embroidered on it. From time to time, he would cover his mouth with a ball fan and cough a few times, as if he was feeling well.

Qingye, haven't you recovered yet? There's no need to follow. There's a lot of radiation here, which is not conducive to your recovery. Liu Shanzi said with concern.

It doesn't matter. Qingye, the leader of the Yuxiang Sect, said with a smile. Behind her were Yue Shengya, Li Xiuying and other women.

Yue Shengya also saw Lu Sheng and winked at him mischievously.

Lu Sheng nodded slightly in return.

People from several schools of thought gathered together and began to study the radiation traces left by the giant crater. They tried touching the walls of the crater with their fingers one by one, and the results they got were the same as Lu Sheng's. There was no difference. These are all fingers that are aging and cannot be recovered.

The only option is to cut off the finger completely and let it grow back.

Speaking of which, Brother Lu, aren't you from the North? Have you ever heard about the Bailian School? Zhan Kongning asked Lu Sheng in a low voice.

Lu Sheng shook his head: At that time, I was mostly involved with mortal forces, and I didn't have much dealings with this level.

I have heard that the previous pothole was caused by people from the Bailian School using holy weapons to confront them head-on. Zhan Kongning seemed to not want others to know, and just narrated to Lu Sheng in a very low voice.

Is he also a holy soldier? Lu Sheng's heart froze. He vaguely thought of a possibility for the pale-faced young man in the North.

What was the level of Bailian School before? he asked.

Let's rank among the top three in the next three levels. Zhan Kongning answered honestly.

In other words, his strength suddenly increased after he went to the Northland and came back? Lu Sheng confirmed.

It should be Zhan Kongning pondered for a moment and nodded slightly.

Lu Sheng squinted his eyes, and suddenly thought of the Zhen family, who was said to have escaped far away.

Back then, the Zhen family hurriedly gave up the Red Whale Gang, gave up all their foundations in the North, and fled with the Red Dragon Tribulation. It was said that they went to a foreign country.

But he was very doubtful. You must know that there are only two ways to go to foreign countries from the north. One is to go to Jurong Kingdom, and the other is to take a boat to the sea and sail to the depths of the ice ocean.

He didn't receive any clues about these two choices. In the past, it was possible to use the reason that the family may have many mysterious methods, but now that I have more contact with them, I probably know that the secret techniques of the family are all derived from magic weapons and magic blades.

Lu Sheng then began to suspect that the Zhen family might not have gone abroad at all, but had hidden somewhere else.

But what does this have to do with me? Lu Sheng suddenly stopped thinking, Whether the Zhen family is hiding in the Bailian School or going somewhere else, it has nothing to do with me.

I still want to think about how to fight against the power of the holy soldiers more effectively.

Lu Sheng thought for a while, took out a prepared jade box from his body, scraped some powder from the edge of the pit, put it into the jade box, and closed it carefully.

Perhaps we can start to understand how powerful the root-level spell of the Divine Weapon and Demon Blade is from this weakened version of the Holy Weapon.

How big is the gap between Yuanli and the root level? This is what Lu Sheng wants to know most.

After checking the traces left by the holy soldiers, the Qingyuan School of Yuanmo Sect and Yuxiangmen came together and quickly separated from the team and dispersed.

Even their factions did not get together. Instead, they dispersed and left at full speed in all directions.

The result was indeed as they expected, a safe journey without any trouble.

It's just that Lu Sheng and others don't know that the reason why there is no trouble coming is not because the other party's target is not them, but because there is another reason.


Water splashed everywhere.

A wet human figure slowly climbed out of the river, holding a strange shimmering axe, with a triangular emblem shining on the axe.

This person was a man, with festering and black wounds all over his body. The most horrifying thing was that there was a green stinger left by some kind of insect on his scalp, which almost penetrated the entire brain.

The man climbed up to the shore, turned over with difficulty, lay on his back, and let out a long sigh of relief.

He was Lin Huandao who was heading to Huanshui Palace.

Chong Yuezi and the others are all gone. I never thought that in order to win, the young master could go to this extent. He looked up at the white clouds and blue sky, and suddenly sighed melancholy.

You are too conceited and don't know how to appreciate others. Who is your fault?

Behind him, two strange women, one black and one white, slowly appeared. They seemed to have been standing there from the beginning, but they just changed from invisible to visible.

Yes. I was too conceited. I thought that with the pride of the young master, he would not be able to achieve this level. Lin Huandao smiled bitterly, It seems that I overestimated him.

Do you have any last words? the black woman said calmly.

Last words? Lin Huandao shook his head, Nothing to say, Young Master Beikai can take care of himself. He thought everything would be fine if he killed me. He doesn't understand how powerful the family elder is. If he doesn't see it with his own eyes, he It will never be understood.”

You mean, you are not the only one with the young master? the white woman asked with a frown.

Lin Huandao smiled. Give me a break. Lin Huandao died in the secret attack on Huanshui Palace. It's not bad to write it down this way. You can also throw the blame on Huanshui Palace.

The black woman was silent for a moment.

As you wish. She walked slowly towards Lin Huan on the ground.

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